
20 Percent Time policy, Google, 172


About section,, 155–156

about-us framework, 123–143

context of use, 125

description, 124

design criteria, 139–143

elements, 126–139

client list, 130–131

company story, 126–129

contact section, 136–139

financial status, 129–130

jobs, 134–136

press releases/news, 133–134

team profile, 131–132

purpose of, 123–124, 139

task flow, 125–126

as trust builder, 124, 140–141

About Us section, travel-guide site, 189

account-management framework, 42, 47, 170, 188, 189

accounts, requiring users to create, 103

action, encouraging, 119–120

Adam movie site, 149

Adaptive Path, 75

Adobe Flash, 149, 176

Adobe Photoshop, 194

Adobe Systems

company video, 136

contact information, 137

job information, 135–136

press room, 133–134

advanced search, 89–92

Alexander, Christopher, 7, 15

A List Apart e-zine, 132, 117

Careers page, 123

company information, 123

customer reviews, 110, 161

exposing taxonomy for, 73–74

item identifiers, 55

keyword library, 99

Quick Search function, 91

search feature, 81–83

tagging products in, 73–74, 98–99

and word-of-mouth marketing, 161, 198–199

An Event Apart, 132

anti-patterns, 68


iPhone, 164

Jobs section, 134–135

Keynote, 194

applications, anatomy of successful, 9

Article Skimmer,, 72–73

Authority principle, 110

availability, item, 61

avatars, 162, 164, 170


Backpack, 192

Ballpark invoicing application, 35

banking sites, 56, 57, 185

Basecamp, 113–114, 119

Bed Bath & Beyond, 88

before-and-after images, 177

Berkun, Scott, 178

About Us information, 125

category pages, 49

checking prices at, 60

Connect section, 142

department pages, 51

gallery pages, 49

guided links, 64

MAP policy, 60

multiple category levels, 66

search department pages, 86

uniquely identified content, 82

blank slate, 112–114


benefits/features info-graphics, 107

investment breakdown, 109

user-account requirement, 103

value proposition, 105–106

blogging tools, 41, 110, 172

blogs, 142, 143, 162

Blue Flavor, 176

bookmarking content, 69

brainstorming sessions, 178, 187

brand trust, establishing, 140–141. See also trust builders

brochureware, 147, 150

building blocks, interface, 4, 13, 18, 195–196


calendars, pop-up, 8

call centers, 141, 198. See also customer service

call-to-action statements, 111–112, 81, 82, 83, 91

cast-and-crew information, movie site, 155–156

catalog framework, 44–74

context of use, 46

co-requisites, 47

description, 45

design criteria, 65–74

elements, 48–65

category page, 48–52

content page, 57–62

gallery page, 52–57

guided links, 62–65

task flow, 47

catalog sites

and account-management framework, 47

category pages for, 48–52

content pages for, 57–62

design criteria for, 65–74

exposing taxonomy for, 73–74

gallery pages for, 52–57

hiding prices in, 59

preventing incorrect clicks in, 67

and search framework, 47, 67

selecting items in, 45, 52, 66–67

supporting exploration of, 67–73

category pages, 48–52

cell-phone wallpaper, 164

checkout process, commerce site, 171

Children of Invention movie site, 156–157

Citibank, 56

client lists, 130–131

client testimonials. See testimonials

Clinton-Macomb Public Library, 68

Cluetrain Manifesto, The, 141

code, reusable, 8

Code section, component, 27

collaboration tool, 101

college sites, 179

coloring pages, 164

commerce sites

activities supported by, 46

catalog model used by, 45

frameworks for, 170–171

image galleries for, 60

typical subsystems for, 183

Communicating Design, 15

company news/press releases, 133–134

company stories, 126–129

Comparative Usability Evaluations (CUE), 2, 3

component documents, 24–27

component libraries, 27–28, 191

component names, 25

components, 24–28

defined, 24

describing, 20–21, 25

development of, 15

elements of, 25–27

purpose of, 8

resources, 201–202

and Reuse Trinity, 16, 25

standardization of, 15–16

supplying various versions of, 27

version numbers for, 25

vs. frameworks, 11

vs. patterns, 24–25

configurator pattern, 61

consulting companies, 130

consumer electronics sites, 59

contact forms, 139

contact sections, 136–139

content, uniquely identified, 81–84

content pages

bookmarking, 69

catalog, 57–62

movie site, 163

content tags, 73–74


breaking into components, 186

importance of, 184

for mortgage application, 185–186

underlying elements of, 184–185

understanding gamut of possible, 187

context of use

for design patterns, 20

for frameworks, 31

for specific frameworks

about-us framework, 125

catalog framework, 46

movie-site framework, 150

search framework, 77–79

sign-up framework, 103–104

“Contingency Q&A” document, 178

conversations, markets as, 141


for catalog framework, 47

for design-pattern documents, 21

for framework documents, 32

for log-in element, 21

cost of frustration, 197–201

cost-reduction techniques, 177

Criteria section, framework document, 33–36

critics, movie, 159

Crumlish, Christian, 15

CUE-2, 2–3

CUE-4, 3

Curtis, Nathan, 15, 24, 27

customer reviews. See review feature

customer-satisfaction surveys, 106

customer service, 139, 141. See also call centers

customer testimonials. See testimonials

customizable home pages, 119–120

custom shapes, 194


Danzico, Liz, 36

decision-making tool, 101

Definition section, component, 25–26

department pages, 48, 51, 66

descriptions, pattern, 19

Description section, framework document, 31

design criteria

for about-us framework, 139–143

applying, 190–191

for catalog framework, 65–74

for movie-site framework, 158–165

for search framework, 97–100

for sign-up framework, 116–122

Design Criteria section, framework document, 33–36

design deliverables, 175, 178

“Designing for the Scent of Information” report, 84

Designing Interfaces pattern library, 23

Designing with Web Standards, 132

design-pattern documents, 18–21

design patterns, 17–24. See also patterns

benefits of, 17–18, 20

as building blocks of the web, 18

context of use for, 20

co-requisites for, 21

defined, 17

elements of, 18–21

inspiration for, 7

limitations of, 28–29

and Reuse Trinity, 16

search framework, 80–84

design-priority document, 176

design tools, 194

desktop wallpaper images, 164

details pages, catalog, 57–62

development costs, reducing, 177

Discovery Channel, 46

Discovery Store, 46–47

distributing workload, 179–180

Don’t Make Me Think!, 110

downloadable desktops, 164

Downloading Nancy movie site, 152

Driven to Kill movie site, 149, 120–121


e-commerce catalogs, 47. See also catalog sites

Eddie Bauer, 65

edge conditions, 177–178

EightShapes, 15, 24


about-us framework, 126–139

catalog framework, 48–65

component, 25–27

design pattern, 18–21

framework (See framework elements)

movie-site framework, 150–158

search framework, 80–97

sign-up framework, 104–116

Elements section, framework document, 33

elevator pitches, 11, 156–157

employment information, 134–136


and investment-breakdown element, 118

for search function, 88

and usability testing, 107


Facebook, 127, 146, 151, 161

facets, 92

filters, 92–95

financial-status information, 129–130

Flickr, 118

folksonomy, 74


contact, 139

designing, 116, 194

registration, 35, 114–116, 120–122

validating, 116

Fox, Chiara, 75, 148, 163

framework documents

elements of, 29–36

examples of, 10, 30

framework elements

about-us framework, 126–139

client list, 130–131

company story, 126–129

contact section, 136–139

financial status, 129–130

jobs, 134–136

press releases/news, 133–134

team profile, 131–132

catalog framework, 48–65

category page, 48–52

content page, 57–62

gallery page, 52–57

guided links, 62–65

movie-site framework, 150–158

cast and crew, 155–156

splash page, 151–153

synopsis, 156–158

teaser/trailer, 153–155

search framework, 80–97

Advanced Search, 89–95

pagination, 95–97

Quick Search, 80–84

search results page, 85–89

sign-up framework, 104–116

blank slate, 112–114

call to action, 111–112

investment breakdown, 106–110

registration form, 114–116

testimonials, 110–111

value proposition, 104–106

framework libraries, 39–41, 179–180, 191, 192, 202

framework project, 181–191

frameworks. See also interaction design frameworks

about us (See about-us framework)

building with, 183–191

catalog (See catalog framework)

for commerce sites, 170–171

crafting, 169–180

documenting, 11, 169–170, 175–179

as guidelines for system design, 13

identifying problem to be solved by, 170–171

and innovation, 39

learning to use, 195

making them practical, 191–194

as method of reverse-engineering, 34, 196

for movie sites (See movie-site framework)

as next logical evolution of design patterns, 29

niche-specific, 130, 145, 174

purpose of, 6

qualities of, 36–39

related, 32

resources, 201–202

and Reuse Trinity, 16

search (See search framework)

seminars, 202

as set of design patterns, 9

sign-up (See sign-up framework)

as standard design tool, 169

as substitute for interaction designers, 41

travel-guide project, 182–191

validating, 171–172

vs. components, 11

writing, 175–179

framework toolkit, 168–180

distributing workload, 179–180

documenting framework, 175–179

identifying problem, 170–171

observing your own industry, 174–175

touring sites for sources, 171–175

Freshbooks, 103

friction, 197

frustration, cost of, 197–201

fulfillment details, 61


gallery pages, 49, 52–57

category pages, 65

content pages, 58

gallery pages, 52

Quick Look option, 71

search gallery, 85

store locator, 138–139

uniquely identified content, 82

generic patterns, 23, 34–35

Get Satisfaction, 143

“girls under trees” phenomenon, 179–180


20 Percent Time policy, 172

filtering options, 94–95

as most trusted search tool, 75

pagination pattern, 95–96

search framework, 42, 75

graphics tools, 194

GreenCine, 103

grocery shopping, 44–45

guided links, 62–65


Halloween 2 movie site, 161–162

Happy Cog Studios, 131–132

higher-education sites, 179, 90

Hoekman, Robert

frameworks seminars, 202

interaction design frameworks workshop, 158, 162

introductory article on frameworks, 201

personal framework library, 192

personal website, 202

home pages

as category pages, 48

customizable, 119–120

Hotel Penn, 3

Hotmail, 2, 3

H&R Block, 103

Hsieh, Tony, 141–142, 117, 119

Hurt Locker movie site, 154–155


ideas, generating and organizing, 101

identifiers, item, 82

iGoogle, 119

iHotelier, 3

image galleries, 60

images, gallery page, 55

immediate engagement, 112–114, 119, 120

infinite-scroll design pattern, 5–6, 96

information architecture, 31, 38, 46, 97, 188


and frameworks, 39

questions about, 179

vs. standards, 5

vs. usability, 5

interaction design frameworks, 28–42. See also frameworks

as building blocks of usable design, 13, 195–196

elements of, 29–36

introductory article on, 201

and reuse strategies, 6, 9

workshop, 158

interactive prototypes, 176

interface building blocks, 4, 13, 18, 195–196

investment breakdown, sign-up framework, 106–110, 118

Investor Relations section,, 129

Investors section,, 129

invoicing application, 35

iPhone wallpaper, 164

item availability, 61

item descriptions, 55, 60

item identifiers, 55, 82

item images, gallery page, 55

item order, gallery page, 57

J, 64

JetBlue Airways, 141

Jobs section, 134–136

Join Now button, 114

K, 92–93

Keynote, 194

Krug, Steve, 110


Lands’ End, 65, 66

lazy registration, 112

Learn More page, 103, 104, 109


component (See component libraries)

documenting, 41

framework (See framework libraries)

pattern (See pattern libraries)

and reuse strategies, 6

tools for creating, 41

types of, 6

updating, 12

library catalog systems, 68, 173–174

library sites, 46, 64, 68–70, 173–174

Liking principle, 110, 5–6

log-in element

context for, 20

co-requisites for, 21

describing, 19

lost-password option, 170, 189


machine-readable cataloging format, 173

Macy’s, 66, 125

MAP policy, 59, 60

MARC format, 173

marketing, word-of-mouth, 140, 161–162

Merrill Lynch, 125

metadata, 98

Meyer, Eric, 132


PowerPoint, 194

Visio, 194

mind-mapping application, 101–102

Minimum Available Pricing policy, 59, 60, 61

Modular Web Design, 15

Molich, Rolf, 2, 3, 4, 195

mortgage quotes, 185–186

Motorola gallery pages, 54, 55

movie critics, 159

movie merchandise, 164

movie-site framework, 145–165

context of use, 150

description, 147–150

design criteria, 158–165

elements, 150–158

cast and crew, 155–156

splash page, 151–153

synopsis, 156–158

teaser/trailer, 153–155

movie sites. See also movie-site framework

as brochureware, 147

design criteria for, 158–165

engaging users of, 163–164

predictability of, 150

purpose of, 147, 150, 159

similarity of, 145, 158

stand-alone vs. network, 148–150

supporting lifestyle integration via, 164–165

and Twitter/Facebook, 161

and word-of-mouth marketing, 161–162

movie trailers, 145–147, 150, 153–155, 160, 162

My Account link, 125

My Sister’s Keeper movie site, 164

MySpace, 162

Myths of Innovation, The, 178–179

My Yahoo, 119


negative press, 133

Neil, Theresa, 15

Netflix, 103

network movie sites, 148–149

news, company, 133–134

news sites, 46, 48

Next/Previous buttons, 95–96

niche-specific frameworks, 130, 145, 174

Nine Inch Nails, 162

Article Skimmer, 72–73

category pages, 50

content pages, 58–59

item identifiers, 55


Office Max, 135

Old Navy, 65, 66

OmniGraffle, 192, 194

Once movie site, 149

online reservations, 198–199

online retailers, 38, 49, 141, 174. See also commerce sites, 94

order management, 171

organizing ideas, 101


page views, 4

pagination patterns, 17, 95–97, 71–72

password features, 170, 189

Patent and Trademark Office, 82

pattern co-requisites, 21

pattern descriptions, 19

pattern documents, 18–21

Pattern Language: Towns, Building, Construction, A, 7

pattern libraries, 21–24

defined, 21

distributing workload for, 179

major difficulty in developing, 24, 193

personal, 192

purpose of, 6, 191

URLs for public, 23

pattern names, 19

patterns. See also design patterns

advocates of, 15

describing, 19

evolution of, 15

generic, 23

inspiration for, 7

leveraging, 23

making them practical, 191–194

naming, 19

purpose of, 7

resources, 201–202

and Reuse Trinity, 16

turning into stencils, 194

vs. components, 24–25

Peachpit Press, 132

PearBudget, 115

Perfetti, Christine, 2

phone support, 139. See also call centers

Photoshop, 194

Photoshop Express, 114

Plymouth State University, 64

pogo-sticking, 55–56

Polaris system, 68–69, 173–174

pop-up calendars, 8

portfolio sites, 46

postcards, 164

posters, 164

PowerPoint, 194

press quotes, 159–160

press releases, 133–134

Previous/Next buttons, 95–96

prices, hiding, 59

print campaigns, viral, 162

problem/solution pairs, 172–173

problem-solving tool, 101

product reviews. See review feature


team, 131–132

user, 116, 121, 170–171

project-management site, 113

project requirements, 196

prototyping tools, 176, 177

public framework library, 39–41, 202


Qualified Quick Search, 90–92

Quick Look pattern, 54, 71

Quick Search design pattern, 80–84, 89–92

quotes, 159–160. See also testimonials


rating feature, 61–62, 141

recommendations, 61–62, 110, 141

referral feature, 61–62, 141

Register Now button, 41–42

registration, site, 103, 111, 112, 199. See also sign-up framework

registration forms, 35, 114–116, 120–122, 190

related frameworks, 32

Related section, framework document, 32

reservations, online, 198–199

resources, 201–202

reusable code, 8

reuse strategies, 6–11, 196

Reuse Trinity, 13, 15–16

review feature, 61–62, 110, 141, 161

ringtones, 164

Robinson, Keith, 176


Sample section, component, 27

satisfaction surveys, 106

Scott, Bill, 15

screencasts, 113–114

Scriblio, 64–65

scrolling, infinite, 5–6, 96

search department pages, 51, 86

search framework, 75–100

context of use, 77–79

description, 76–77

design criteria, 35, 97–100

elements, 80–97

Advanced Search, 89–95

pagination, 95–97

Quick Search, 80–84

search results page, 85–89

Google, 42, 75

task flow, 79–80

search function

advanced vs. quick, 89–92, 81–83

challenges of, 76

conditions to be met by, 84

filters, 92–95

how to improve, 97

and non-uniquely identified content, 82–84

pagination patterns, 95–97

possible outcomes for, 87

providing hints/tips for, 88–89

and trigger words, 84

and uniquely identified content, 81–83

user expectations for, 88

vs. guided links, 63

vs. supporting exploration, 67–68

search galleries, 85–86

search logs, 84

search outcomes, 87

search results pages, 75–76, 85–89

seminars, frameworks, 202, 118

service companies, 130

setting expectations, 118

shopping carts, 171

shopping lists, 61

Shutter Island movie site, 147

functionality, 5, 189

Sign In/Out option, 125

sign-up framework, 101–122

context of use, 103–104

description, 103

design criteria, 33, 116–122

design patterns, 11

document for, 30

elements, 104–116

blank slate, 112–114

call to action, 111–112

investment breakdown, 106–110

registration form, 114–116

testimonials, 110–111

value proposition, 104–106

purpose of, 103

task flow, 104

for travel-guide site, 190–191

single-task sites, 188, 189

site registration, 103, 111, 112, 199. See also registration forms

social influence patterns, 61–62

social networking sites, 133, 141–142, 143, 151, 161–162

social proof, 119

Sony Ericsson, 53

call-to-action statement, 112

mind-mapping application, 101–102

registration form, 116

sign-up framework, 102

and user expectations, 118

value-proposition statement, 106

splash pages, 151–153

Spool, Jared

company website, 202

“Designing for the Scent of Information” report, 84

“Spoolcast: Interaction Design Frameworks Seminar Q&A Follow-up,” 202, 110

stand-alone movie sites, 148, 149–150


designing web, 132

vs. innovation, 5

About section, 155–156

cast and crew information, 155–156

engaging users of, 163–164

as example of stand-alone movie site, 148

similarity to other movie sites, 158

splash page, 151

Star Trek trailer, 145–147, 153

stencils, 192–194

store locators, 138–139

Sun Microsystems

component document, 25–27

public component library, 27–28

surveys, satisfaction, 106

synopsis, movie, 156–158


tagging content, 73–74

About Target section, 128–129

company story, 128–129

information architecture, 38

Investors section, 129

and site registration, 104

store locator, 138

target content, 62–63

task flow

about-us framework, 125–126

catalog framework, 47

lost-password, 170

search framework, 79–80

sign-up framework, 104

Task Flow section, framework, 32

taxonomy, exposing, 73–74

tax-preparation sites, 103, 108–109, 108–109

team profiles, 131–132

Test Drive button, 114

testimonials, 110–111, 130

The Hurt Locker movie site, 154–155

Tidwell, Jennifer, 15, 23

time-spent-per-page metrics, 4, 129

toll-free numbers, 198

touring sites, 171–175

trademarks, 82

trailers. See movie trailers

travel-booking sites, 92–94

travel-guide site, 182–191

creating wireframes for, 181–182, 191

goals for, 182

possible contexts for, 187–188

search system for, 189

sign-up framework for, 190–191

storing user information for, 191

subsystems needed for, 183

trigger words, 84, 98

TripIt, 111–112, 121

trip-itinerary-sharing application, 111–112

trust builders, 124, 130, 140–141

trustworthiness, 119, 123

T-shirts, 164

TurboTax, 103


communicating with customers via, 141–142

and movie sites, 161

value proposition, 105



cost-of-frustration figures, 201

design-deliverables study, 175

and design-pattern libraries, 179

e-commerce study, 48, 52, 65–66

guided-links study, 62–63

introductory article on frameworks, 201

MAP policies study, 60

meaning of acronym, 2

online-reservations study, 198–199

and search features, 81, 88

site-touring recommendation, 172

team profiles, 132

Web App Summit, 158

website, 202

uniquely identified content, 81–84

United States Patent and Trademark Office, 82, 62–63

usability testing

alternatives to, 3, 178

best practices, 2

unscientific nature of, 2

and user expectations, 107

usability vs. innovation, 5

Usage section, component, 26

user expectations

and investment-breakdown element, 118

for search function, 88

and usability testing, 107

User Interface Engineering, 2. See also UIE

user profiles, 116, 121, 170–171


validation, form, 116

value proposition, 35, 104–106, 117–118

values list, 178

Victoria’s Secret, 65

viral print campaigns, 162

Virtual Seminar, 202

Visio, 194


Watch Now button, 119

Web Anatomy

public framework library, 39–41, 202

resources, 201–202

sign-up framework, 30

“Web Anatomy: Effective Interaction Design with Frameworks,” 202

“Web Anatomy: Introducing Interaction Design Frameworks,” 201

Web App Summit, 41, 158

Web Form Design: Filling in the Blanks, 116

web forms, 116, 139. See also forms


anatomy of successful, 9

organizing content on, 48

studying other, 171

touring, 171–175

typical problems with, 4–6

web standards, 132, 23

Welie, Martijn van, 17

Wells Fargo, 57

Where Used section, design pattern, 20

Wikipedia, 123

wireframes, 181–182, 191, 194

wish lists, 61

word-of-mouth marketing, 140, 161–162

WordPress, 41, 64

workload, distributing, 179–180

write-ups, framework, 175–179

Wroblewski, Luke, 15, 116


Yahoo, My, 119

Yahoo Design Pattern Library

pagination interfaces, 17

pattern document, 8

popularity of, 22

stencils, 193

URL for, 23

YouTube, 118, 142

Z, 133, 141–142

Zeldman, Jeffrey, 132

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