What you need for this book

Most likely, for this book, you will need nothing that you are not already using! You will need a computer, a browser, and a text editor. Each chapter will cover different concepts and languages, so there may be differences between each chapter.

Here is a summary of the various things you will need throughout the chapters:

  • For Chapters 1-5, you will only need a text editor and a browser.
  • For Chapters 6-11, you will need the same text editor and browser, but with JavaScript being a programming language, I would recommend an integrated development environment (IDE). JetBrains makes a great IDE called WebStorm for web development. However, this is not necessarily needed for these chapters.
  • For Chapters 12-14, you will again need a text editor and browser. An IDE would also be very helpful for this section. Anytime you are dealing with complex frameworks, an IDE will make your life easier.

Although you can just use a notepad and a browser to do any sort of development, an IDE is always preferred and suggested for development in any specific language. I would suggest using Adobe Dreamweaver for beginners. The intellisense of IDE makes it a lot easier to code as it auto-suggests various methods, names, and variables, so you don't have to remember everything. As we will be dealing with the elements and document nodes in the JQuery section, you should have extensions enabled in your browser. ECMA Script 6 is very recent and not fully supported by all browsers. In some examples, you might have to load ES6 compilers to enable that feature in your browser. However, I would highly recommend that you use the latest version of Google Chrome as a client, as it covers most of the sections in ES6.

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