Routing (ngRoute)

The ngRoute module is a module that will allow you to configure routing in your application. Routing is listening for changes to the location and then automatically responding to those changes with a new controller and template. It uses ngView, $routeProvider, and $route.


Your module will need to depend on ngRoute to use these directives and services. We will also need to include the Angular route JavaScript in our HTML.


This works with the $route service as a spot for content:

<ng-view [onload=''] [autoscroll='']/>
<element ng-view [onload=''] [autoscroll='']/>


  • onload(Angular expression): This evaluates on load.
  • autoscroll(Angular expression): Whether or not $anchorScroll is used with this ngView. By default, it is disabled. Otherwise, it will evaluate whether the expression is true or not.

Return value

This is a directive.


When routing, you will need to mark a part of your application where dynamic content can be loaded. This is what ngView does. When a route is matched, it will load the new content where ngView is. An example will be provided for all of ngRoute at the end of the section.


This is a provider that lets you configure routes:

$routeProvider.when(path, route)


  • path(string): This is what the location will be matched against. It can contain named groups by using a colon (:group), can include a star to match multiple parts (:group*), and can be optional (:group?).
  • route(object): This object tells Angular what to do when the route matches. The object can have these properties (not an inclusive list):
    • controller
    • template
    • templateUrl
    • resolve

Return value

This returns $routeProvider, so it is chainable.


This is the provider that can be used to configure all of the routes. It can be injected into module.config.


This is the actual service that provides which route definition has been matched. This is an object that can be injected directly into a controller.


  • current(object): This object has the current variables based on the route that was matched. This will include $route, loadedTemplateUrl, locals, params, and scope.
  • routes(object): This has all the routes configured.


These events can be listened for the $route object:

  • $routeChangeStart: This event is fired before the actual route change
  • $routeChangeSuccess: This event is fired after a route has been resolved
  • $routeChangeError: This event is fired if any of the route promises are rejected


This is a service that can be injected into each controller. The controller can then look at the properties to get information about the route that was matched. The routing matching will happen without your intervention and then you can update your controller's scope when the route is loaded.


This is a service that will return the parameters of the loaded route. This will only give you parameters after a route has resolved, so you may need to use $route.current.params. This can be injected into a controller.

Here is an example using all of the directives and services in ngRoute. First, we have an HTML body tag. This will also include an inline template named main.html. This template will echo out the $route and $routeParams objects:

<body ng-app="firstModule">
  <div ng-view></div>
  <a href="#/main/1">Main</a>

  <script type="text/ng-template" id="main.html">
    <pre>$routeParams = {{$routeParams}}</pre>
    <pre>$route = {{$route}}</pre>


Here is the script that will execute this. First is the creation of the module, then the configuration of $routeProvider and, finally, the definition of a controller for the provider to use:

var firstModule = angular.module('firstModule', ['ngRoute']);

firstModule.config(function ($routeProvider) {
  $routeProvider.when('/main/:id', {
    controller: 'MainController',
    templateUrl: 'main.html'

firstModule.controller('MainController', function ($scope, $route, $routeParams) {
  $scope.$route = $route;
  $scope.$routeParams = $routeParams;
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