Data type

A computer works on a set of given instructions; it cannot differentiate between a number and a character. For example, if you write some numbers, such as 12345, and some character, abcsd, it cannot tell integers from characters. So, data types are used for this. The datatype tells which type of data is being used or referenced in a statement.

In all programming languages (C, C++, Java, JavaScript), data types are used. Every data type has a specific function of storing data. Many classical computer programming languages require you to specify the data type when you declare a data object. JavaScript does not have this requirement. Similarly, some databases require declaration of the data types for storing data.

JavaScript is a dynamic language. This means that if you declare an object, then its data type can be changed dynamically, for example:

var a=16;

In the first statement, the data type is an integer; in the second statement, the data type is a character; and in third statement, the data type is a Boolean. So, in JavaScript, the data type dynamically changes while the program is being processed.

There are six major data types defined in ECMAScript standard.

  • Null
  • Undefined
  • Boolean
  • String
  • Symbol
  • Number


JavaScript considers integer values and floating point values to be the same. It doesn't distinguish between the two. All numbers in JavaScript are represented as floating point type values.

Here, Null and undefined are trivial data types in JavaScript because each of these defines single values. JavaScript also supports a composite data type, which is known as the object. Objects in JavaScript are treated as an associative array.

Functions in JavaScript are also treated as objects. So, functions can also be stored as a variable.

The typeof operator

Operators are used to find the type of a JavaScript variable. For example, you have two numbers variables, as follows:


Here, 5 and 1 are operands and + is an operator.

The syntax of this operator is as follows:



The Typeof operator is a unary operator; it returns a string that indicates the typeof expressions. The typeof operator returns information as a string. There are six possible values that can be returned as a string. They are string, number, object, function, Boolean, and undefined.

Here are some examples of the typeof operator:

  • typeof("5"+"1"): This will return a string
  • typeof(5+1): This will return a number
  • typeof(5+"1"): This will return a string
  • typeof(5*"1"): This will return a number


The typeof operator is not a function. Operands are written in round brackets, so it looks like a function, but these are not functions. When you use the typeofnull operator, it returns an object.

The undefined type

In JavaScript, an empty variable or a variable without values has an undefined value. And, typeof is also undefined. If you want to empty a variable, you can assign it an undefined value; for example:

var employee = undefined;


In JavaScript, undefined is a property of the global object. This means that the value is undefined and we declare it in the global scope of the browser.

There are basically three property attributes of undefined:

  • Writeable
  • Enumerable
  • Configurable

These three property attributes show that, for modern browsers, these properties are not writeable, enumerable, and configurable. And, we should avoid overriding these properties. The undefined type is a primitive type in JavaScript.


The Undefined type shows that a variable has not been assigned a value. All browsers, such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari, support the undefined property according to ECMAScript.

Undefined is a built-in type in the JavaScript library. Every type of function for which the value is not defined is consider as an undefined type. For example, if you have a function without the return statement, the result of that function will be considered as undefined.

Being a property of a global object, its value is initially undefined. We can access it as a global variable, although it's a global property. A simple idea of an undefined type is when a variable is not defined in your script, but it does exist and you are considering it as a global variable.

Whenever a function executes in a script, and it finishes executing without returning a value, then it returns the undefined type, for example:

var abc,
f2=function() {
  var hello;
  return hello;
typeof(abc) ; // undefined
typeof(f1); // function
typeof(f2); // function

Here, in this example, the variable abc is defined but no value has been assigned to it. Notice that undefined type is a primitive property of a object declared in a global scope. Here, defining it as a global object does not mean that it cannot be redefined. It can be redefined according to ECMAScript. So, undefined is not a reserved word; it can be used as a variable name in other scopes outside of its global scope.

When you use comparison operators, you can also declare the undefined type there to know whether a variable has a value or not.

The null type

In JavaScript, null shows an empty value.

Here is the syntax:

varabc; // Here abc does not exist and it has been not initialized

varabc=null; // Here abc exist but it does not has a value or a type


The data type of null is an object in JavaScript. Null shows that value does not exist in the script. When you want to empty a value, you declare it as a null. Null can be expected in places where we are expecting some values, but we find nothing.


There is a big difference between the null and undefined type. The data type of null is an object and the data type of undefined is undefined. In the identity operator, null cannot be undefined, but in the equality operator, null can be undefined. This is because the equality operator will cast the value on the left to the same type before making a comparison.

Undefined means a variable is declared but values is not assigned. For instance, var abc:

console.log(abc); //undefined
console.log(typeof abc); //undefinednull  is an empty value. It can be assigned to a variable which means variable is defined and an empty value has been assigned to it. For instance,var abc = null;
console.log(abc); //null
console.log(typeof abc); //returns object

Consider the following example:

//It's a false because identity operator always verify data type //equality

Null==undefined; //It's true because of equality operator

"You may wonder why the typeof operator returns object for a value that is null. This was actually an error in the original JavaScript implementation that was then copied in ECMAScript. Today, it is rationalized that null is considered a placeholder for an object, even though, technically, it is a primitive value."

- Professional JS For Web Developers, Wrox Press

The number type

There is only one type of number in JavaScript. Numbers can be written with or without decimals. Much larger or smaller numbers can be written with scientific notation.


Unlike other programming languages where we have several numeric data types like integer, float, double, and so on. JavaScript has a Number data type for all numeric values. JavaScript has three symbolic values for this type: infinity, and NaN (not a valid number). NaN defined in the number type in JavaScript shows that it is a reserved word, and its value is not a number in reality.


There is no difference between an integer and a floating point value in JavaScript.

Integer values can be positive numbers, 0, or negative numbers. They can be of any base number like base 10, 16, or 8. But mostly, in JavaScript, numbers are written to base 10. To check the largest or smallest number representable or available in JavaScript, you can use constants of maximum and minimum values:



In Firefox or Chrome, it is Number.MAX_VALUE.

In the number type, you only check a number that has two representations, for example, if you have the number 0, then it has two representations—one is -0 and the other is +0. JavaScript numbers can be written with or without a decimal point; for example:

A non- decimal number
var a=10
A number with decimal
var b=10.0123

If the number is too large or too short, then we use a scientific notation's exponent for it. Consider the following example:

If we have a number 100000000
var a=1000e5
And 0.00111
var b=111e-5

The limit is 1e+21 (the console displays a scientific notation from the power of 10).


In other programming languages, we can define numbers as float, integer, long, and short. But, in JavaScript, there is only one data type for numbers, that is, numbers. These numbers follow the IEEE standard and also these numbers are double-point precision.

The Boolean type

In programming languages, the Boolean type works on the Boolean logic in which variables return results as true or false. These true and false are basically literals. The Boolean logic is used usually in comparison operators, for example, lesser or greater than, and so on.

Any variable can be assigned a Boolean value written as true or false in lower case.


In JavaScript, when you declare a Boolean data type to a variable, then the variable should not have any quote. Here is how you should use boolean assignment: var abc = "true"; //string assignment and var abc = true; //boolean assignment. The Boolean variables are also used in the if, if then else, and while loop.

Here is an example showing how Boolean variables are used:

var x=true;
if(x==true) {
  document.write("this true");

The Boolean operators are also used when there is a lack of or presence of a value. For example, if we have a checkbox in our script, then its value is present or not depending on whether it is checked or not.

In other data types, there is an unlimited number of values a variable can take, but for the Boolean data types, there are only two—true and false. This data type is usually used when we have a controlled structure such as a comparison, the if else loop, and the while loop. These are controlled structures. The If and else statement performs one action if the value is true; otherwise, it will perform another action, that is, false.

You can also use the Boolean data type as a comparative expression. A comparative expression is an expression that evaluates 0, null, and undefined as false and other values as true. Consider the following example:


In this example, the result of A+B is stored in C first and then this expression is evaluated. If you want to check that the C value is equal to A+B, then you must use the comparison operator for this, as follows:


The string type

In JavaScript, anything that is written between quotes is treated as a string. Double or single quotes can be used.

Strings literals can be defined in two ways. One way is to write a string in double quotes and the other way is to write a string in single quotes.


There is no special type of representation of a single character in JavaScript. If you want to represent a single character in JavaScript, then you must define a single character string, for example, the character a. An empty string is a zero length string, for example "".


In JavaScript, the text data is represented in the form of the string data type. In programming languages, string is a combination of characters and numbers. A JavaScript string is an ordered sequence of zero or more characters.

The restriction for writing these strings is that you must use the same quotation mark at the beginning and end. This means that a string that starts with a single quote must end with a single quote, and the same rule applies for double quotation marks. Consider the following example:

var x="xyz" //double quotes
var y='xyz' //single quotes
var z="" //empty string

If there is a problem in a string and it cannot show some characters. For a representation of these characters, there is a technique in JavaScript—we define the escape sequence for this. This means that the character which we cannot write directly is written using an escape sequence. For example, if we want to insert a quotation mark within a string, we can do it by preceding quotation mark with a backslash. It is known as escaping the quotation mark. Similarly, string literals are unable to represent nonprinting characters such as tab, new line, and so on.

An escape sequence is a combination of characters starting with a backslash. Some escape sequences are as follows:

  • : BackspaceDeletes the previous character and moves cursor one space backwards.
  • : New lineEnds the current line and moves the cursor to a new line. If used in the middle of a string it will move the text after to new line.
  • f: Form feedIt is a page-break ASCII control character. It tells printer to continue printing on new page.
  • v: Vertical tabIt was used to control the vertical movement on page. It is rarely used now.
  • : Horizontal tab control the insertion of text horizontally on page. It is inserted usually using the Tab key on the keyboard.
  • " : Double QuotesA double quotes is preceded with a backslash to insert it within a string.
  • ' : Single QuotesA single quotes is preceded with a backslash to insert it within a string.
  • \: Backslash to insert a backslash within a string we escape it with another backslash.

Here is an example of this:

var abc = "hello 

Its output will be as follows:


The object type

Object is a sequence of primitive and, sometimes, reference data types stored as name-value pairs.

The syntax is as follows:

varsomeObj= {property:value};


In JavaScript, objects are written into curly brackets. Each item of an object is called a property. Property values can be defined as any valid data type as well as functions or methods. Consider the following example:

varobj= {book_name:"xyz", Author:"abc"};

We can say that the object is a list of items, and each item in the list has some method and function stored as its name-value pair:

In JavaScript, everything is like an object, for example:

  • Regular expressions are objects
  • Numbers are objects
  • Strings are objects
  • Mathematical notations are objects
  • Arrays and functions are objects
  • Objects are objects

The property name of any item can be a string or number. When a property is a number, then the way of writing this property is different; we will write it as follows:

var age = {"30": "abc"};

In JavaScript, objects are used to store data and for writing your own custom methods and functions. Primitive values are, for example, null, undefined, true, and false else.

Object properties are basically variables that are used in methods and function internally. They can also be global variables for the whole page. There is a difference between a method and a function. A function is a standalone unit of an object, but a method is attached to an object and it is used with this keyword:

Document.write ("hello world");
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