omniscience, of Google, 91–97
123people, 180
online anonymity, see anonymity
online attacks, see attacks on reputation
online communities, 64, 134–136
online culture, offline culture vs.,
online identity
claiming your, 189–196, 221
and uncommon names, 205
online justice squad, 138
online lynch mob, 138
online profile, total, 27–28
online reputation
attacks on, see attacks on reputation
of business, 234–247
checking up on your, 165–176, see also
online reputation audit(s)
content and, 21
forces driving, 44–58
and Internet as Brave New World, 45
as means of quick decision-making,
proactive protection of, 188–189
as reality, 16–28
and real-world interactions, 16–18
restoring your, see restoring your
online reputation audit(s), 173–186
hiring professionals for, 185–186
personal data finders for, 180–181
search engines for, 176–179
of social networking sites, 183–185
of user-created content sites, 182–185
online résumé, 25–27
optical character recognition (OCR),
Othello (Shakespeare), 102
outing, 130
packets, 66–67, 69
Palin, Sarah, 78, 143
passwords, stolen, 246
Paul the Apostle, 101
PeekYou, 179
people-specific search engines, 95,
Pericles, 101
permanence of online information,
personal data finders, 180–181
personal image, as part of professional
image, 243–244
personal reputation, 151–152
phishing, 246
photographs, 57–58, 108–109,
127–129, 241–242
, 127
photo tags, 57, 96–97
Picasa, 96
Pipl, 95, 179
poker, online, 36, 37
political contributions, 50, 145–146, 155
politics, 111–113, 128
popularity, search results and, 8–9,
pornography, 130
portable storage devices, 245
positive and neutral content
bolstering, 204–205
claiming/protecting online identity
with, 196–199
creating, 200–203
for “Google insurance, 199–206
importance of, 198–199
professionally-created, 205–206
in reputation recovery plan, 217
pre-Internet era, 23, 61–62
breach of, 129–130
harms to, 154
and IP addresses, 70
through obscurity, 205
private information, online availability of,
proactive, being, 188–189, see also claim-
ing your online identity
professional directories, 203
professional reputation, protecting your,
Index 26 1
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