Asc 230 Statement of Cash Flows

  1. Perspective and Issues
    1. Subtopic
    2. Scope and Scope Exceptions
    3. Overview
  2. Definitions of Terms
  3. Concepts, Rules, and Examples
    1. Cash Focus
    2. Classification of Cash Receipts and Disbursements
      1. Other classification items
    3. Operating Activities Presentation
      1. Direct vs. indirect
    4. Other Requirements
      1. Gross vs. net basis
      2. Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations
      3. Cash flow per share
    5. Entities Exempt from Providing a Statement of Cash Flows
    6. Net Reporting by Financial Institutions
    7. Not-for-Profit Organizations
    8. Reporting Hedging Transactions
    9. Reporting Foreign Currency Cash Flows
    10. Preparation of the Statement
      1. Example of Preparing a Statement of Cash Flows
    11. Statement of Cash Flows for Consolidated Entities
    12. Disclosures
      1. Cash Equivalents Policy
      2. Interest and Income Taxes Paid
      3. Noncash Investing and Financing Activities
    13. Other Sources

Perspective and Issues


ASC 230, Statement of Cash Flows, contains one subtopic:

  • ASC 230-10 Overall, that establishes standards for cash flow reporting in general purpose financial statements.

Scope and Scope Exceptions

A statement of cash flows is a required part of a complete set of financial statements for business enterprises and not-for-profit organizations. The following are not required to present a statement of cash flows:

  • Defined pension plans that present financial information under Topic 960,
  • Other employee plans that present information similar to ASC 960,
  • Certain investment companies, and
  • “A common trust fund, variable annuity account, or similar fund maintained by a bank, insurance entity, or other entity in its capacity as a trustee, administrator, or guardian for the collective investment and reinvestment of moneys.”

(ASC 230-10-15-4)


The primary purpose of the statement of cash flows is to provide information about cash receipts and cash payments of an entity during a period. A secondary purpose is to provide information about the entity's investing and financing activities during the period.

Specifically, the statement of cash flows helps investors and creditors assess:

  1. Ability to generate future positive cash flows
  2. Ability to meet obligations and pay dividends
  3. Reasons for differences between net income and net cash receipts and payments
  4. The cash and noncash aspects of investing and financing transactions on an entity's financial position.

The ultimate objective of investment and credit decisions is the maximization of net cash inflows, so information for assessing the amounts, timing, and uncertainty of prospective cash flows is needed.

Cash flows involving trading securities must be classified based on the nature of, and purpose for which, the financial assets or liabilities are acquired or incurred.

Definitions of Terms

Definitions are from ASC 230-10-20 Glossary, except for “direct method” and “indirect method.” See also Appendix A, Definitions of Terms, for additional terms relevant to this topic: Cash, Cash equivalent, Fair value, Financial asset.

Direct Method. A method that derives the net cash provided by operating activities from the components of operating cash receipts and payments as opposed to adjusting net income for items not affecting cash.

Financing Activities. Financing activities include obtaining resources from owners and providing them with a return on, and a return of, their investment; receiving restricted resources that by donor stipulation must be used for long-term purposes; borrowing money and repaying amounts borrowed, or otherwise settling the obligation; and obtaining and paying for other resources obtained from creditors on long-term credit.

Indirect (Reconciliation) Method. A method that derives the net cash provided by operating activities by adjusting net income for revenue and expense items not resulting from cash transactions.

Investing Activities. Investing activities include making and collecting loans and acquiring and disposing of debt or equity instruments and property, plant, and equipment and other productive assets, that is, assets held for or used in the production of goods or services by the entity (other than materials that are part of the entity's inventory). Investing activities exclude acquiring and disposing of certain loans or other debt or equity instruments that are acquired specifically for resale, as discussed in paragraphs ASC 230-10-45-12 and 230-10-45-21.

Operating Activities. Operating activities include all transactions and other events that are not defined as investing or financing activities (see paragraphs 230-10-45-12 through 45-15). Operating activities generally involve producing and delivering goods and providing services. Cash flows from operating activities are generally the cash effects of transactions and other events that enter into the determination of net income.

Concepts, Rules, and Examples

Cash Focus

The statement of cash flows includes only inflows and outflows of cash and cash equivalents. Cash equivalents include any short-term highly liquid investments (see definition for criteria) used as a temporary investment of idle cash. The effects of investing and financing activities that do not result in receipts or payments of cash are to be reported in a separate schedule immediately following the statement or in the notes to the financial statements. The reasoning for not including noncash items in the statement of cash flows and placing them in a separate schedule is that it preserves the statement's primary focus on cash flows from operating, investing, and financing activities. Thus, if a transaction is part cash and part noncash, only the cash portion is reported in the body of the statement of cash flows.

Classification of Cash Receipts and Disbursements

ASC 230-10-45-10 through 17 discusses classification of cash receipts and disbursements. The statement of cash flows requires classification of cash receipts and cash disbursements into three categories:

  • Investing activities
  • Financing activities
  • Operating activities.

See the Definitions of Terms section above for more information on these categories. The following are examples of the classification of cash inflows and outflows within the statement of cash flows:

Operating Investing Financing
Cash Inflows
  • Receipts from sale of goods or services
  • Principal collections from loans and sales of other entities' debt instruments held in available-for-sale or held-to-maturity portfolios
  • Proceeds from issuing stock (or other ownership interests)
  • Sale of loans, debt, or equity instruments carried in a trading portfolio
  • Sale of equity instruments, held in available-for-sale or held-to-maturity portfolios, of other enterprises and from returns of investment in those instruments
  • Proceeds from issuing debt (short-term or long-term)
  • Returns on loans (interest)
  • Returns on equity securities (dividends)
  • Not-for-profits' cash receipts from nearly immediate sale of donated financial assets unless donor-restricted for long-term purposes
  • All other cash receipts that are not from investing or financing activities
  • Sale of property, plant, and equipment
  • Not-for-profits' cash proceeds from sales of donated financial assets that are not classified as operation or financing activities
  • Not-for-profits' donor-restricted cash gifts that are limited to long-term purposes
  • Not-for-profits' cash receipts from nearly immediate sale of donor-restricted for long-term purposes financial assets2
  • Income tax benefits received due to increases in the fair value of equity instruments issued in share-based payment arrangements
  • Proceeds received from derivative instruments that include financing elements at inception
Cash Outflows
  • Payments for inventory
  • All other cash payments that are not from investing or financing activities
  • Loans made and acquisitions of other entities' debt instruments held in available-for-sale or held-to-maturity portfolios
  • Payment of dividends or other distributions to owners, including repurchase of entity's stock
  • Distributions to counterparties of derivative instruments that include financing elements at inception
  • Payments for debt issue costs
  • Payments to employees and other suppliers for goods and services
  • Purchase of equity instruments, held in available-for-sale or held-to-maturity portfolios, of other enterprises
  • Payments of income taxes including cash that would have been paid for income taxes if the reporting entity had not received an income tax benefit due to increases in the fair value of equity instruments issued in share-based payment arrangements
  • Payments of interest
  • Purchase of loans, debt, or equity instruments carried in trading portfolio
  • Payments of asset retirement obligations
  • All other cash payments that are not from investing or financing activities
  • Purchase of property, plant, and equipment and other productive assets
  • Repayment of debt principal, including capital lease obligations

Other Classification Items

ASC 230-10-45-18 through 21A provides additional guidance on specific acquisitions and sales of certain securities and loans:

  • Topics 255 and 940 offer guidance on securities and other assets held in trading accounts carried by banks, brokers, and dealers in securities.
  • Cash receipts and payments from purchases and sales of securities and other assets classified as trading securities (Topic 320) are classified as cash flows based on the nature and purpose for which the securities were acquired.
  • When a cash receipt or payment has aspects of more than one cash flow category, it should be in the category that is likely to be the predominant source of cash flows.

Disclosure of the following noncash investing and financing activities may be appended to the statement or reported in the accompanying notes:

  • Acquiring an asset through a capital lease or by incurring long-term debt
  • Conversion of debt to equity
  • Exchange of noncash assets or liabilities for other noncash assets or liabilities
  • Issuance of ownership shares to acquire assets
  • Obtaining an investment asset or a building by receiving a contribution.

The following example reveals the classification of cash receipts and disbursements into the investing and financing activities of a statement of cash flows (though without detail of the required operating activities section):

Liquid Corporation Statement of Cash Flows For the Year Ended December 31, 20X1

Net cash flows from operating activities $ xxx
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchase of property, plant, and equipment $(xxx)
Sale of equipment xx
Collection of notes receivable xx
Net cash used in investing activities (xx)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Sale of common stock xxx
Repayment of long-term debt (xx)
Reduction of notes payable (xx)
Net cash provided by financing activities xx
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash xx
Net increase (decrease) in cash $ xxx
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year xxx
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year $ xxx
Schedule of noncash financing and investing activities:
Conversion of bonds into common stock $ xxx
Property acquired under capital leases xxx
$ xxx

Operating Activities Presentation

Direct vs. Indirect

The operating activities section of the statement of cash flows can be presented under the direct method or the indirect method. However, the FASB has long expressed a preference for the direct method of presenting net cash from operating activities. Conversely, the indirect method has always been vastly preferred by preparers.

The direct method shows the items that affected cash flow. Cash received and cash paid are presented, as opposed to converting accrual-basis income to cash flow information. At a minimum, entities using the direct method are required to report the following classes of operating cash receipts and payments:

  1. Cash collected from customers
  2. Interest and dividends received
  3. Other operating cash receipts
  4. Cash paid to employees and other suppliers
  5. Interest paid
  6. Income taxes paid including separate identification of the cash that would have been paid if the reporting entity had not received an income tax benefit resulting from increases in the fair value of its shares associated with share-based compensation arrangements.
  7. Other operating cash payments.

The direct method allows the user to clarify the relationship between the company's net income and its cash flows. For example, payments of expenses are shown as cash disbursements and are deducted from cash receipts. In this way, the user is able to recognize the cash receipts and cash payments for the period. The information needed to prepare the operating activities section using the direct method can often be obtained by converting information already appearing in the statement of financial position and income statement. Formulas for conversion of various income statement amounts for the direct method of presentation from the accrual basis to the cash basis are summarized next.

Accrual basis Additions Deductions Cash basis
Net sales + Beginning A/R Ending A/R
A/R written off
= Cash received from customers
Cost of goods sold + Ending inventory
Beginning A/P
Manufacturing depreciation and amortization
Beginning inventory
Ending A/P
= Cash paid to suppliers
Operating expenses + Ending prepaid expenses
Beginning accrued expenses
Sales and administrative depreciation and amortization
Beginning prepaid expenses
Ending accrued expenses payable
Bad debts expense
= Cash paid for operating expenses

When the direct method is used, a separate schedule reconciling net income to net cash flows from operating activities must also be provided. That schedule reports the same information as the operating activities section prepared using the indirect method. Therefore, a firm must prepare and present both the direct and indirect methods when using the direct method for reporting cash from operating activities.

The indirect method is the most widely used presentation of cash from operating activities, because it is easier to prepare. It focuses on the differences between net income and cash flows. The indirect format begins with net income, which is obtained directly from the income statement. Revenue and expense items not affecting cash are added or deducted to arrive at net cash provided by operating activities. For example, depreciation and amortization would be added back because they reduce net income without affecting cash.

The statement of cash flows prepared using the indirect method emphasizes changes in the components of most current asset and current liability accounts. Changes in inventory, accounts receivable, and other current accounts are used to determine the cash flow from operating activities. Calculate the change in accounts receivable using the balances net of the allowance account in order to ensure that write-offs of uncollectible accounts are treated properly. Other adjustments under the indirect method include changes in the account balances of deferred income taxes and the income (loss) from investments reported using the equity method. However, short-term borrowing used to purchase equipment is classified as a financing activity.

The following diagram shows the adjustments to net income necessary for converting accrual-based net income to cash-basis net income when using the indirect method. The diagram is simply an expanded statement of financial position equation.

Current assets* + Noncurrent assets = Current liabilities + Long-term liabilities + Income Accrual income adjustment to convert to cash flow
1. Increase = Increase Decrease
2. Decrease = Decrease Increase
3. = Increase Decrease Increase
4. = Decrease Increase Decrease
*Other than cash and cash equivalents.

For example, using Row 1, a credit sale would increase accounts receivable and accrual-basis income but would not affect cash. Therefore, its effect must be removed from the accrual income in order to convert to cash income. The last column indicates that the increase in a current asset balance must be deducted from income to obtain cash flow. Using Row 2, a decrease in a current asset, such as prepaid rent, indicates that net income was decreased by rent expense, without a cash outflow in the current period. Thus, the decrease in prepaid rent would be added back to convert to cash income.

Similarly, using Row 3, an increase in a current liability must be added to income to obtain cash flows (e.g., accrued wages are on the income statement as an expense, but they do not require cash; the increase in wages payable must be added back to remove this noncash expense from accrual-basis income). Using Row 4, a decrease in a current liability, such as accounts payable, indicates that cash was used but the expense was incurred in an earlier period. Thus, the decrease in accounts payable would be subtracted to include this disbursement in cash income.

If the indirect method is chosen, then the amount of interest and income tax paid must be included in the related disclosures.

The major drawback to the indirect method involves the user's difficulty in comprehending the information presented. This method does not show the sources or uses of cash. Only adjustments to accrual-basis net income are shown. In some cases, the adjustments can be confusing. For instance, the sale of equipment resulting in an accrual-basis loss would require that the loss be added to net income to arrive at net cash from operating activities. (The loss was deducted in the computation of net income, but because the sale will be shown as an investing activity, the loss must be added back to net income.)

The direct method portrays the amounts of cash both provided by and used in the reporting entity's operations, instead of presenting net income and reconciling items. The direct method reports only the items that affect cash flow (inflows/outflows of cash) and ignores items that do not affect cash flow (depreciation, gains, etc.). The general formats of both the direct method and the indirect method are shown below.

Direct method

Cash flows from operating activities:
Cash received from sale of goods $xxx
Cash interest received xxx
Cash dividends received xxx
Cash provided by operating activities $xxx
Cash paid to suppliers (xxx)
Cash paid for operating expenses (xxx)
Cash interest paid (xxx)
Cash paid for taxes (xxx)
Cash disbursed for operating activities (xxx)
Net cash flows from operating activities $xxx

Indirect method

Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income $ xx
Add/deduct items not affecting cash:
Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable (xx)
Depreciation expense xx
Increase (decrease) in accounts payable xx
Decrease (increase) in inventories xx
Loss on sale of equipment xx
Net cash flows from operating activities $xxx

Other Requirements

Gross vs. Net Basis

The emphasis in the statement of cash flows is on gross cash receipts and payments. For instance, reporting the net change in bonds payable would obscure the financing activities of the entity by not disclosing separately cash inflows from issuing bonds and cash outflows from retiring bonds. In a few circumstances, netting of cash flows is allowed. Items having quick turnovers, large amounts, and short maturities may be presented as net cash flows if the cash receipts and payments pertain to

  1. investments (other than cash equivalents),
  2. loans receivable, and
  3. debts (original maturity of three months or less).

Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations

(See chapters on ASC 205 and ASC 225 for important Technical Alerts on extraordinary items and discontinued operations.) ASC 230 permits, but does not require, separate disclosure of cash flows related to extraordinary items and to discontinued operations. If an entity chooses to disclose this information, disclosure must be consistent for all periods affected.

Cash Flow Per Share

This information may not be displayed in the financial statements of a reporting entity.

Entities Exempt from Providing a Statement of Cash Flows

Per ASC 962-205-45-9, a statement of cash flows is not required for a defined benefit pension plan that presents the financial information under the guidelines of ASC 960. Other employee benefit plans are exempted, provided that the financial information presented is similar to the requirements of ASC 960. Investment enterprises or a common trust fund held for the collective investment and reinvestment of moneys are not required to provide a statement of cash flows if the following conditions are met:

  1. Substantially all of the entity's investments are highly liquid.
  2. The entity's investments are carried at market value.
  3. The entity has little or no debt, based on average debt outstanding during the period, in relation to average total assets.
  4. The entity provides a statement of changes in net assets.

Net Reporting by Financial Institutions

Per ASC 230-10-45, banks, savings institutions, and credit unions are allowed to report net cash receipts and payments for the following:

  1. Deposits placed with other financial institutions
  2. Withdrawals of those deposits
  3. Time deposits accepted
  4. Repayments of time deposits
  5. Loans made to customers
  6. Principal collections of loans made to customers.

Not-for-Profit Organizations

ASC 958-230 requires not-for-profit organizations to include a statement of cash flows in a complete set of financial statements. The statement of cash flows is prepared as it is for business enterprises with the following differences:

  1. The indirect method of reporting cash flows from operations (or reconciliation of net income to net cash flows from operations required when the direct method is used) is prepared beginning with the change in net assets.
  2. Investing activities also include receiving contributions that are restricted by the donor to the purchase or improvement of long-lived assets or for long-term investment such as permanent or term endowment.
  3. Noncash activities include gifts of long-lived assets and gifts of securities held for long-term investment.

Reporting Hedging Transactions

Per ASC 230-10-45, the cash flows resulting from derivative instruments that are accounted for as fair value hedges or cash flow hedges may be classified as the same type of cash flows as the hedged items provided that the accounting policy is disclosed. However, if the derivative instrument used to hedge includes at inception an other-than-insignificant financing element, all cash inflows and outflows associated with the derivative instrument are reported by the borrower as cash flows from financing activities. (ASC 230-10-45-27) A derivative that at inception includes off-market terms, or requires up-front cash payment, or both, often contains a financing element. A derivative instrument is viewed as including a financing element if its contractual terms have been structured to ensure that net payments will be made by one party in the earlier periods of the derivative's term and subsequently returned by the counterparty in the later periods (other than elements that are inherent in at-the-money derivative instruments with no prepayments). If for any reason hedge accounting is discontinued, then any cash flows subsequent to the date of discontinuance are classified consistent with the nature of the instrument.

Reporting Foreign Currency Cash Flows

If an entity has foreign currency transactions or foreign operations, it should look to ASC 830 for guidance.

Preparation of the Statement

Under a cash and cash equivalents basis, the changes in the cash account and any cash equivalent account is the “bottom line” figure of the statement of cash flows. Using the 20X1 and 20X2 statements of financial position shown below, an increase of $25,000 can be computed. This is the difference between the totals for cash and treasury bills between 20X1 and 20X2 ($41,000 – $16,000).

When preparing the statement of cash flows using the direct method, gross cash inflows from revenues and gross cash outflows to suppliers and for expenses are presented in the operating activities section.

In preparing the reconciliation of net income to net cash flow from operating activities (indirect method), changes in all accounts (other than cash and cash equivalents) that are related to operations are additions to or deductions from net income to arrive at net cash provided by operating activities.

A T-account analysis may be helpful when preparing the statement of cash flows. A T-account is set up for each account, and beginning (20X1) and ending (20X2) balances are taken from the appropriate statement of financial position. Additionally, a T-account for cash and cash equivalents from operating activities and a master or summary T-account of cash and cash equivalents should be used.

Statement of Cash Flows for Consolidated Entities

A consolidated statement of cash flows must be presented when a complete set of consolidated financial statements is issued. The consolidated statement of cash flows would be the last statement to be prepared, as the information to prepare it will come from the other consolidated statements (consolidated statement of financial position, income statement, and statement of retained earnings). The preparation of a consolidated statement of cash flows involves the same analysis and procedures as the statement for an individual entity with a few additional items. When the indirect method is used, the additional noncash transactions relating to the business combination, such as the differential amortization, must also be reversed, and all transfers to affiliates must be eliminated, as they do not represent cash inflows or outflows of the consolidated entity.

All unrealized intercompany profits should have been eliminated in preparation of the other statements. Any income or loss allocated to noncontrolling parties would need to be added back, as it would have been eliminated in computing consolidated net income but does not represent a true cash outflow or inflow. Finally, only dividend payments that are not intercompany should be recorded as cash outflows in the financing activities section.

In preparing the operating activities section of the statement by the indirect method following a purchase business combination, the changes in assets and liabilities related to operations since acquisition should be derived by comparing the consolidated statement of financial position as of the date of acquisition with the year-end consolidated statement of financial position. These changes will be combined with those for the acquiring company up to the date of acquisition as adjustments to net income. The effects due to the acquisition of these assets and liabilities are reported under investing activities.


Cash Equivalents Policy

The policy for determining which items are treated as cash equivalents must be disclosed. Any change to that policy is considered a change in accounting principle requiring restating financial statements for earlier years presented in comparative statements.

Interest and Income Taxes Paid

Entities using the indirect method must disclose the amounts of interest paid (net of amounts capitalized) and income taxes paid during the period.

Noncash Investing and Financing Activities

If an entity engages in investing and financing activities during a period that affect recognized assets or liabilities but that do not result in cash receipts or cash payments in the period, information about those activities must be disclosed. Those disclosures may be either narrative or summarized in a schedule, and they must clearly relate the cash and noncash aspects of transactions involving similar items.

Some transactions are part cash and part noncash; only the cash portion is reported in the statement of cash flows. If there are only a few such noncash transactions, it may be convenient to include them on the same page as the statement of cash flows. Otherwise, the transactions may be reported elsewhere in the financial statements, clearly referenced to the statement of cash flows.

Other Sources (ASC 230-10-60)

See ASC Location – Wiley GAAP Chapter For information on…
ASC 320 Classification and reporting in the statement of cash flows of cash flows from available-for-sale, held-to-maturity, and trading securities.
ASC 325-30-45 Classification in the statement of cash flows of cash receipts and cash payments related to life settlement contracts.
ASC 830 Reporting and implementation guidance for presenting a statement of cash flows of an entity with foreign currency transactions or foreign currency operations.

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