Codification Taxonomy

Topic # and title Subtopic # and title
I. General Principles and Objectives
105 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 105-10 Overall
II. Overall Financial Reporting, Presentation, and Display Matters
A. Overall Presentation of Financial Statements
205 Presentation of Financial Statements 205-10 Overall
205-20 Discontinued Operations
205-30 Liquidation Basis of Accounting
205-40 Going Concern
210 Balance Sheet 210-10 Overall
210-20 Offsetting
215 Statement of Shareholders' Equity 215-10 Overall
220 Comprehensive Income 220-10 Overall
225 Income Statement 225-10 Overall
225-20 Extraordinary and Unusual Items
225-30 Business Interruption Insurance
230 Statement of Cash Flows 230-10 Overall
235 Notes to Financial Statements 235-10 Overall
B. Various Financial Reporting, Presentation, and Display Matters
250 Accounting Changes and Error Corrections 250-10 Overall
255 Changing Prices 255-10 Overall
260 Earnings Per Share 260-10 Overall
270 Interim Reporting 270-10 Overall
270-40 Income Taxes
272 Limited Liability Entities 272-10 Overall
274 Personal Financial Statements 274-10 Overall
275 Risks and Uncertainties 275-10 Overall
280 Segment Reporting 280-10 Overall
III. Transaction-Related Topics
A. Financial Statement Accounts
305 Cash and Cash Equivalents 305-10 Overall
310 Receivables 310-10 Overall
310-20 Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs
310-30 Loans and Debt Securities Acquired with Deteriorated Credit Quality
310-40 Troubled Debt Restructurings by Creditors
320 Investments—Debt and Equity Securities 320-10 Overall
323 Investments—Equity Method and Joint Ventures 323-10 Overall
323-30 Partnerships, Joint Ventures, and Limited Liability Entities
325 Investments—Other 325-10 Overall
325-20 Cost Method Investments
325-30 Investments in Insurance Contracts
325-40 Beneficial Interests in Securitized Financial Assets
330 Inventory 330-10 Overall
340 Other Assets and Deferred Costs 340-10 Overall
340-20 Capitalized Advertising Costs
340-30 Insurance Contracts that Do Not Transfer Insurance Risk
340-40 Contracts with Customers
350 Intangibles—Goodwill and Other 350-10 Overall
350-20 Goodwill
350-30 General Intangibles Other Than Goodwill
350-40 Internal-Use Software
350-50 Web Site Development Costs
360 Property, Plant, and Equipment 360-10 Overall
360-20 Real Estate Sales
405 Liabilities 405-10 Overall
405-20 Extinguishment of Liabilities
405-30 Insurance-Related Assessments
405-40 Obligations Resulting from Joint and Several Liabilities
410 Asset Retirement and Environmental Obligations 410-10 Overall
410-20 Asset Retirement Obligations
410-30 Environmental Obligations
420 Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations 420-10 Overall
430 Deferred Revenue 430-10 Overall
440 Commitments 440-10 Overall
450 Contingencies 450-10 Overall
450-20 Loss Contingencies
450-30 Gain Contingencies
460 Guarantees 460-10 Overall
470 Debt 470-10 Overall
470-20 Debt with Conversion and Other Options
470-30 Participating Mortgage Loans
470-40 Product Financing Arrangements
470-50 Modifications and Extinguishments
470-60 Troubled Debt Restructurings by Debtors
480 Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity 480-10 Overall
505 Equity 505-10 Overall
505-20 Stock Dividends and Stock Splits
505-30 Treasury Stock
505-50 Equity-Based Payments to Non-Employees
505-60 Spin-offs and Reverse Spin-offs
605 Revenue Recognition 605-10 Overall
605-15 Products
605-20 Services
605-25 Multiple-Element Arrangements
605-28 Milestone Method
605-30 Rights to Use
605-35 Construction-Type and Production-Type Contracts
605-40 Gains and Losses
605-45 Principal–Agent Considerations
605-50 Customer Payments and Incentives
606 Revenue from Contracts with Customers 606-10 Overall1
610 Other Income 610-10 Overall1
610-20 Gains and Losses from the Derecognition of Nonfinancial Assets
610-30 Gains and Losses on Involuntary Conversions
705 Cost of Sales and Services 705-10 Overall
705-20 Accounting for Consideration Received from a Vendor1
710 Compensation—General 710-10 Overall
712 Compensation—Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits 712-10 Overall
715 Compensation—Retirement Benefits 715-10 Overall
715-20 Defined Benefit Plans—General
715-30 Defined Benefit Plans—Pensions
715-60 Defined Benefit Plans—Other Postretirement
715-70 Defined Contribution Plans
715-80 Multiemployer Plans
718 Compensation—Stock Compensation 718-10 Overall
718-20 Awards Classified as Equity
718-30 Awards Classified as Liabilities
718-40 Employee Stock Ownership Plans
718-50 Employee Share Purchase Plans
718-740 Income Taxes
720 Other Expenses 720-10 Overall
720-15 Start-Up Costs
720-20 Insurance Costs
720-25 Contributions Made
720-30 Real and Personal Property Taxes
720-35 Advertising Costs
720-40 Electronic Equipment Waste Obligations
720-45 Business and Technology Reengineering
720-50 Fees Paid to the Federal Government by Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Health Insurers
730 Research and Development 730-10 Overall
730-20 Research and Development Arrangements
740 Income Taxes 740-10 Overall
740-20 Intraperiod Tax Allocation
740-30 Other Considerations or Special Areas
B. Broad Transactional Categories
805 Business Combinations 805-10 Overall
805-20 Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
805-30 Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
805-40 Reverse Acquisitions
805-50 Related Issues
805-740 Income Taxes
808 Collaborative Arrangements 808-10 Overall
810 Consolidation 810-10 Overall
810-20 Control of Partnerships and Similar Entities
810-30 Research and Development Arrangements
815 Derivatives and Hedging 815-10 Overall
815-15 Embedded Derivatives
815-20 Hedging—General
815-25 Fair Value Hedges
815-30 Cash Flow Hedges
815-35 Net Investment Hedges
815-40 Contracts in Entity's Own Equity
815-45 Weather Derivatives
820 Fair Value Measurements 820-10 Overall
825 Financial Instruments 825-10 Overall
825-20 Registration Payment Arrangements
830 Foreign Currency Matters 830-10 Overall
830-20 Foreign Currency Transactions
830-30 Translation of Financial Statements
830-230 Statement of Cash Flows
830-740 Income Taxes
835 Interest 835-10 Overall
835-20 Capitalization of Interest
835-30 Imputation of Interest
840 Leases 840-10 Overall
840-20 Operating Leases
840-30 Capital Leases
840-40 Sale-Leaseback Transactions
845 Nonmonetary Transactions 845-10 Overall
850 Related-Party Disclosures 850-10 Overall
852 Reorganizations 852-10 Overall
852-20 Quasi-Reorganizations
852-740 Income Taxes
853 Service Concession Arrangements 853-10 Overall
855 Subsequent Events 855-10 Overall
860 Transfers and Servicing 860-10 Overall
860-20 Sales of Financial Assets
860-30 Secured Borrowings and Collateral
860-40 Transfers to Qualifying Special-Purpose Entities
860-50 Servicing Assets and Liabilities
IV. Industry/Unique Topics
905 Agriculture 905-10 Overall
908 Airlines 908-10 Overall
910 Contractors—Construction 910-10 Overall
910-20 Contract Costs
912 Contractors—Federal Government 912-10 Overall
912-20 Contract Costs
915 Development Stage Entities 915-10 Overall
920 Entertainment—Broadcasters 920-10 Overall
922 Entertainment—Cable Television 922-10 Overall
924 Entertainment—Casinos 924-10 Overall
926 Entertainment—Films 926-10 Overall
926-20 Other Assets—Film Costs
928 Entertainment—Music 928-10 Overall
930 Extractive Activities—Mining 930-10 Overall
932 Extractive Activities—Oil and Gas 932-10 Overall
940 Financial Services—Brokers and Dealers 940-10 Overall
940-20 Broker Dealer Activities
942 Financial Services—Depository and Lending 942-10 Overall
944 Financial Services—Insurance 944-10 Overall
944-20 Insurance Activities
944-30 Acquisition Costs
944-40 Claim Costs and Liabilities for Future Policy Benefits
944-50 Policyholder Dividends
944-60 Premium Deficiency and Loss Recognition
944-80 Separate Accounts
946 Financial Services—Investment Companies 946-10 Overall
946-20 Investment Company Activities
948 Financial Services—Mortgage Banking 948-10 Overall
950 Financial Services—Title Plant
952 Franchisors 952-10 Overall
954 Health Care Entities 954-10 Overall
958 Not-for-Profit Entities 958-10 Overall
958-20 Financially Interrelated Entities
958-30 Split-Interest Arrangements
960 Plan Accounting—Defined Benefit Pension Plans 960-10 Overall
960-20 Accumulated Plan Benefits
960-30 Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
960-40 Terminating Plans
962 Plan Accounting—Defined Contribution Pension Plans 962-10 Overall
962-40 Terminating Plans
965 Plan Accounting—Health and Welfare Benefit Plans 965-10 Overall
965-20 Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits
965-30 Plan Benefits Obligations
965-40 Terminating Plans
970 Real Estate—General 970-10 Overall
972 Real Estate—Common Interest Realty Associations 972-10 Overall
974 Real Estate—Real Estate Investment Trusts 974-10 Overall
976 Real Estate—Retail Land 976-10 Overall
978 Real Estate—Time-Sharing Activities 978-10 Overall
980 Regulated Operations 980-10 Overall
980-20 Discontinuation of Rate-Regulated Accounting
985 Software 985-10 Overall
985-20 Costs of Software to Be Sold, Leased, or Marketed
995 U.S. Steamship Entities
V. Glossary


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