ASC 853 Service Concession Arrangements

  1. Perspective and Issues
    1. Subtopic
    2. Scope
      1. Scope Exception
    3. Overview
  2. Definitions of Terms
  3. Concepts, Rules, and Examples
    1. Accounting for Service Concession Arrangements
      1. Service Concession Arrangements
      2. Economic Substance

Perspective and Issues


ASC 853, Service Concession Arrangements, contains one Subtopic:

  • ASC 853-10, Overall, which addresses the accounting for service concession arrangements between a public sector entity grantor and an operating entity where the operating entity operates the grantor's infrastructure.


ASC 853 applies to:

  • The accounting by operating entities
  • of a service concession arrangement
  • under which a public-sector entity grantor enters into a contract with an operating entity
  • to operate the grantor's infrastructure.

    [Emphasis added.]

The operating entity also may provide the construction, upgrading, or maintenance services of the grantor's infrastructure.

(ASC 853-10-15-2)

It is important to note that a service concession arrangement within the scope of ASC 853 must meet both of the following conditions:

  1. The grantor controls or has the ability to modify or approve the services that the operating entity must provide with the infrastructure, to whom it must provide them, and at what price.
  2. The grantor controls, through ownership, beneficial entitlement, or otherwise, any residual interest in the infrastructure at the end of the term of the arrangement.

    (ASC 853-10-15-3)

Scope Exception

A service concession arrangement meeting the scope criteria in Topic 980 on regulated operations should apply the guidance in Topic 980.


ASC 853 was established through ASU 2014-05, Service Concession Arrangements, issued in January 2014.

The guidance is effective for a public business entity for annual periods and interim periods within those annual periods beginning after December 16, 2014. For all other entities, the guidance is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2014, and interim periods within those annual periods beginning after December 15, 2015. However, early adoption is permitted. The provisions should be applied on a modified retrospective basis to service concessions that exist at the beginning of the fiscal year of adoption. This approach means that the cumulative effect of applying the guidance to arrangements that exist at the beginning of the period should be recognized as an adjustment to opening retained earnings.

The ASU is a consensus of the Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) and addresses a narrow issue. However, the existing guidance was confusing, and practice was diverse. Depending on the terms, some preparers may have concluded that a service arrangement is a lease. To bring consistency in practice, the EITF decided that the arrangements described in the ASU should not be accounted for as leases. The EITF limited the scope of the guidance to arrangements in which the grantor is a public-sector entity.

Definitions of Terms

See the Appendix A, Definitions of Terms, for terms relevant to this topic: Not-for-Profit Entity, Public Business Entity

Concepts, Rules, and Examples

Accounting for Service Concession Arrangements

The Topic has two main provisions:

  • Service concession arrangements that meet the guidelines are not to be accounted for as leases. For guidance, preparers should look to other Topics, for example, ASC 605 to recognize revenue on construction, upgrade, or operation services.
  • The infrastructure involved in the arrangements should not be recognized as the operating entity's property, plant, and equipment.

Service Concession Arrangements

The infrastructure that the entity operates may be airports, roads, bridges, hospitals, prisons, etc. The operating entity may also provide construction or maintenance services to the grantor's infrastructure. A key feature of a service concession arrangement is that it is generally for the public good. The operator usually receives payment for the services performed over a specified time. The operator may have the right to charge users of the infrastructure. The arrangement may include unconditional guarantees for guaranteed minimum payments.

Economic Substance

The grantor controls or has the ability to modify or approve the services provided and the price charged for the service. The grantor controls any residual interest in the infrastructure at the end of the term. This control is important in deciding the economic substance of the transaction and the reason why it is not appropriate for the operating entity to recognize a lease or property, plant, and equipment. (ASC 853-10-05-01 and 05-02)

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