40 Signs of Rain (novel), 279, 280

2001: A Space Odyssey (movie), 71, 99, 130

2010: Odyssey 2 (novel), 219, 294

absolute zero, 17, 18, 22, 32

accelerating universe, theory of, 342, 348

acceleration: centrifugal, definition of, 94; centripetal, definition of, 76; relativistic, 184

acceleration of gravity, 51; and ballistic missile trajectories, 69

Adler’s Mantra, 218, 219, 238

albedo: definition of, 226; and zone of life, 227, 232

Alderson, Dan, and Ringworld instability, 320321

Alderson drive, 192193

alien civilization: detection and contact by radio waves, 244, 265, 267; and interstellar warfare, 261

alien intelligence, differing views on, 255259

allometric scaling, 41

Alpha Centauri: star system of as setting for science fiction story, 39; travel to, 159, 178, 183, 265

Anderson, Poul: on Dyson sphere, 325; on planet building, 217

angular momentum, conservation of, 136, 210

angular size, of star or moon, 225

“Anna Karenina” principle, 237, 238, 266

ansible, 189, 210

anthropocene era, 332

antimatter, 107, 161, 165173, 263, 265, 310, 318, 357

Anvil of Stars (novel), 262

aphelion, 135137

Apollo (program), 74, 106, 131, 155

Armageddon (movie), 337

Arrhenius, Svante: and life on Mars or Venus, 228, 243; and predictions of global climate change, 280

Asimov, Isaac: and absence of aliens in Foundation series, 258; and “galactic empires,” 326; as “Golden Age” writer, 8n; and the long-term fate of the universe, 341

Asten (proposed space station), 109, 112114

asteroid(s): mining of 88, 153; and planetary impacts, 234, 236, 240, 261262, 337338

astronaut, and concept of free fall, 9091, 93

atmosphere: composition of Earth’s, 110, 111, 233, 250, 278, 280282, 313, 332; and life, 218, 226; of Mars; and planetary temperature, 60, 142, 229230, 237, 241n1, 243, 295300, 302; of space station, 110111, 114n4; of Venus, 220, 228230. See greenhouse gas; greenhouse effect

atmospheric loss, 235236

Avatar (movie), 39, 59, 219, 256, 260, 262, 265

Avatar, The (novel), 199

Babylon 5 (TV show), 93, 9596, 99, 108, 143, 190, 256

“baloneyum,” 34

Bear, Greg, 231, 262, 310, 331

Bernal, J. D., as SF precursor, 88

Big Bang, 206, 244, 341342, 357

biosphere, 304, 325, 330

black hole, 19, 177, 187ff, 195197, 318, 344348

Bladerunner (movie), 334

Blood Music (novel), and Type I civilization, 331

Bond, James (Bond), 67

Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), 18

Bowl of Heaven (novel), and discussion of Dyson sphere, 323

Bremsstrahlung, 164, 175n

Building Harlequin’s Moon (novel), and antimatter generation, 172

Burj Khalifa tower, compared to space elevator, 125

Bussard ramjet, 153, 159, 161162, 164, 177

Butcher, Jim: and realism in fantasy 25; and second law of thermodynamics, 21

canals, Martian, 228, 243

candles, magic, 36

car, flying, 60, 6770

carbon nanotube(s), 118, 122123, 126, 201, 308

Casimir effect, and faster-than-light travel, 202

causality, 193, 205, 208, 213n5

centrifugal force. See force, centrifugal

centripetal force. See force, centripetal

CERN, and antimatter production, 166

Challenger and Columbia space shuttle disasters, 81

chaos, chaotic (mathematics sense of): and orbits, 138, 141; and planetary axial tilt, 239, 291; in weather and ecology, 332

chronology protection hypothesis, 199, 204

Clarke, Arthur C.: on advanced technology and magic, 326; and black holes, 197; and manned space flight, 6162, 71; and space elevator, 118

comet impact. See impact, comet or asteroid

Commercial Orbit Transportation Services program, 83

communications satellite (vs. manned space stations), 86

Complete Venus Equilateral, The (book), 86, 93; and space station atmosphere, 110

consensus model (of cosmology), 341342, 348

conservation of angular momentum. See angular momentum, conservation of

conservation of energy. See energy, conservation of

conservation of momentum. See momentum, conservation of

Contact (novel), and wormholes, 190, 199

Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, 189, 210211

Copernican principle, 257258

Coriolis force. See force, Coriolis

cotangent orbit, 135, 138

critical mass, 150151

crystal growing, on space station, 87, 113

Cylons: as alien species, 258; civilization of powered by black hole, 345

dark energy and dark matter, 341342

Deep Impact (movie), 337

“delta-v”: definition of and formulas for, 136137; in powered slingshot maneuver, 141

Dennis Tito, as first space tourist, 74, 84

Destinies of the Stars, The (book), and life in the solar system, 228, 243

deuterium, use of in fusion reactions, 158, 164, 330

Diamond, Jared: and alien contact, 260; and Anna Karenina principle, 237

Dick, Philip K.: and alien contact, 267; and space travel, 7273

Dirac, Paul, 166

disapparition, 16, 19, 28

Doppler effect, 187n4, 247, 249

Doppler technique for finding exoplanets, 246247, 249250

drag force, 51, 64, 67, 163164, 357

dragon, flight of, 53

Drake, Frank, and SETI, 244

Drake equation, 239, 267269

Dresden files (novel series), 25, 27

Dyson, Freeman: and Dyson sphere/net/shell 303, 305; and long-term survival of humanity, 4, 339, 343, 348; and Project Orion, 85, 153

Dyson net, 305307, 309, 347; detection of, 310311

Dyson sphere, 153, 276, 303, 306, 311, 323

Earth, atmosphere of. See atmosphere: composition of Earth’s

Earthsea trilogy (novel series), and “rule of names,” 13

eccentricity, orbital, 132, 135, 220; and planetary life, 232233

ecology: of Chtorrans, 252; of space colony, 86, 106107; of Type I civilization, 330

economics: of manned space flight, space colonies, and space elevator, 60, 112; of terraforming, 293, 301

Edward, Bradley, 126

Ehrenfest’s paradox, 318319

ejection speed, 7879, 85n

elastic modulus, 42

electromagnetic wave. See wave, light

electron: as fundamental particle, 30, 166, 346, 356; as part of atom, 149150; reaction of with positron, 167168

elevator, space, 113114, 115, 118120, 123127, 129, 201, 307308, 317, 325n

energy, conservation of, 6, 14, 16, 85, 107, 124, 136, 204

energy, kinetic: of asteroid impact, 337; formulas for, 7, 77, 80; for Ringworld, 314

energy-mass equivalence (E = Mc2), 10, 166, 170, 318

engine efficiency, 6668

Enterprise, U. S. S. (Star Trek), 20, 165

entropy, 16, 2125

EPR paradox, 211

escape velocity: and atmospheric loss, 233236; formula for, 141, 195

Euler buckling, 4243

event horizon, 187n1, 196197

exhaust velocity, 78, 147, 151152, 154, 158, 160

exoplanet, 2, 219, 232233, 240, 242, 244246, 248249, 251, 268

exotic matter, 198, 200203

Farmer in the Sky (novel): and agriculture, 107; and economics of terraforming, 301; and space colonies, 143, 293

faster-than-light (FTL) travel, 177, 183, 188194, 199, 201, 292, 335; and quantum mechanics, 210, 213; and time travel, 206

Federation of Planets (Star Trek), as type II or III civilization, 333334

Fermi, Enrico, on “Great Silence,” 257

Feynman, Richard: on Challenger disaster, 81, 83; on conservation of mass-energy, 203; on uses of nuclear energy, 148149

Fiasco (novel), and alien contact, 267

fission, nuclear, 149153, 158

flukes, horizontal, on whales or mermaids, 4647

flukes, vertical, on fish, 4647

Footfall (novel): and alien invasion, 262; and Bussard ramjet, 153; and Orion drive, 153

force, centrifugal, 9496, 103105; and space elevator, 116, 128; and Ringworld, 307, 314, 316, 322324; and tidal forces, 306

force, centripetal, 76, 93

force, Coriolis, 9496

Forge of God, The (novel): and interstellar war, 262; and planetary destruction, 310

Forward, Robert L., 167168, 172

Foundation trilogy (novel series): and absence of aliens, 258; and Kardashev scale, 326

Fountains of Paradise, The (novel), and space elevator, 118

free fall, 90, 93, 355

frequency, of light, 31

fusion, nuclear, 149, 157162, 164, 330; in stars, 196, 221, 240, 343

Futurama (TV series), and “corpsicles,” 174n

galactic empire, and Kardashev scale, 326327, 333

galactic habitable zone, 240

Galileo: and free fall, 90; and “square-cube” law, 40

Game, playing the, 1, 37

gamma factor, 179180, 182183, 261

Ganymede, 107, 143, 293, 301

gas giant, 39, 219, 237, 256, 293

GDP (gross domestic product) of U.S. or world, vs. cost of large space projects, 112, 159, 301

general relativity. See relativity, general

geometrical scaling, 3943, 45, 5152

geosynchronous orbit, 20, 103, 112113, 116, 118119, 121124, 126127, 129

Gerrold, David: and alien ecology, 251; on baloneyum, 3; involvement with Star Trek of, 256; space elevator in works of, 119

giants, plausibility of, 39, 42

gleipnirsmalmi, 202, 317

global climate change. See global warming

global positioning system (GPS): and relativity, 181, 196; on the Ringworld, 318319

global warming, 278279, 281282, 290, 337

Goddard, Robert: on manned spaceflight, 6162; and rocket equation, 73

Godel, Kurt, and time travel, 198

grandfather paradox, 205, 208

grandfather paradox paradox, 213n4

gravitational slingshot, 138139, 339

gravitational time dilation, 181, 187n1, 195196

gravitational waves, 19, 345

“Great Silence,” 257

greenhouse effect, 220, 229, 233234, 252, 279282, 291

greenhouse gas, 229, 280281, 290, 296, 298, 313

habitable zone, 231232, 240, 250251, 269, 294

Harry Potter novels, science in, 3, 4, 14, 16, 21, 2528, 39, 43, 47, 5354, 55n2, 210

Hawking radiation, 197, 318, 344345

Heinlein, Robert: and alien life, 257; and energetics of spaceflight, 74; and faster-than-light travel, 199200; and flying cars, 68; and life on Mars and Venus, 228, 243; and manned spaceflight, 5960, 130, 152; and rules of magic, 13; and space colonies, 107, 111112, 143, 293; and tesseract, 213n2; and twin paradox, 176177, 182183, 192

Heisenberg uncertainty principle, 17, 347

High Frontier, The (book), 87, 112

His Master’s Voice (novel), and alien contact, 267

Hiten probe, chaotic orbit of, 141

Hohmann transfer orbit, 134135, 138, 145. See also cotangent orbit

hot Jupiter, 219, 233, 239240, 251

“How to Build a Planet” (essay), 3, 55n1, 217218

Hubbert, M. King, and resource depletion, 283284, 287

Hubbert(s) peak, 283, 290, 324

hyperspace, 188, 190, 192, 258, 327

illuminance, definition of, 34

illumination, of Hogwarts Great Hall, 3435

impact, comet or asteroid, 220221, 234, 236237, 261, 337339

inflation, cosmological, 341

infrared radiation: and illumination, 31, 34; and photosynthesis, 109, 252253; and planetary temperature, 229235, 245246

International Space Station, 81, 84, 89

interplanetary travel, 7273, 130, 155

interstellar travel: and advanced civilizations, 327, 343; faster-than-light (see faster-than-light [FTL] travel); and overpopulation, 305; and warfare 261262

Jeans escape mechanism, for planetary atmosphere, 233

Jones, Chuck, and swimming mammals, 46

Jumping off the Planet (novel), and space elevator, 119

Kardashev scale, 326, 328329

Kepler mission, 231, 249250

Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, 117, 131134, 138, 145, 225, 248, 294

Kerr black hole, for faster-than-light travel, 197

Kleiber’s law, 45, 4849

Known Space stories: and alien species, 256; and antimatter, 318; and Bussard ramjet, 161; and hyperspace, 190; and interstellar warfare, 261

Kuiper belt, 339

Lagrange point(s): as positions for space stations, 86, 103, 106; stability of, 105

Last and First Men (novel): and ethics of interplanetary warfare, 260; and the future of humanity, 275; and the Kardashev scale, 330; and space travel, 61

“Last Question, The” (story), 341

Left Hand of Darkness, The (novel), 210, 232

Le Guin, Ursula K.: and “ansible,” 189, 210; and orbital eccentricity of habitable planets, 232; and rules of magic, 13

Lem, Stanislaw: and alien contact, 259, 266267; and faster-than-light travel, 197; and Kardashev scale, 334

L’Engle, Madeleine, and misuse of “tesseract,” 190, 213n2

“Lensman” series, 189

lift force (aerodynamic), 50, 5253, 67; vs. spacecraft propulsion, 75

light, value of speed of, 7, 30

light bulb, luminosity of, 3435

Lowell, Percival, and life on Mars, 228, 243, 260

Lucifer’s Hammer (novel), and cometary impact, 337

lumen, definition of, 33

luminosity: of Dyson net, 311; of stars, 220224, 227, 231, 245246, 252, 254n1, 281, 291, 318, 338, 343

luminous efficacy: definition of, 33; of different light sources, 34

Magic, Incorporated (novella), and “laws” of magic, 13

Magic Goes Away, The (novel), and oil crisis, 289

main-sequence star: and habitable planets, 221225; lifetime of, 343

“Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex” (essay), 266

Mars: atmosphere of, 233237; life on, 60, 228, 231, 243, 260; manned exploration of, 142; temperature of, 229; terraforming of, 293302; travel to, 131138, 140, 144n2, 145147, 151152, 155; water on, 295296, 298

mass, conservation of, 1415, 204, 206

mass-energy equivalence. See energy-mass equivalence

Matter for Men, A (novel), and alien ecological invasion, 251

Maxwell, James Clerk, and stability of Saturn’s rings, 321

McAndrew chronicles (series), and miniature black holes, 345

mermaid: as fish, 47; as mammal, 4547

metabolic rate: and breathing rate, 4748; and flying, 48, 5254

microgravity. See free fall

momentum, conservation of, 14, 355; in disapparition, 1617, 20; in Doppler wobble technique, 247; in rocket equation, 136; in slingshot maneuver, 139

Monty Python and the Holy Grail (movie), and owl post, 49

Moon: and axial tilt of Earth, 291; formation of, 221; illuminance of, 36; manned spaceflight to, 61, 81, 88, 116, 131, 151, 153154; mining of, 60, 88, 106, 112113

Morrison, Phillip, and alien contact, 243244, 265

Mote in Gods Eye, The (novel): and alien contact, 257; as example of galactic empire, 327; and faster-than-light travel, 190, 192

nanotubes, carbon. See carbon nanotube(s)

NASA: and Asten study, 89, 114n3; and development of space transport systems, 84; and NERVA program, 151152; and Orion program, 153; and shuttle program, 62, 8081, 83; and studies of space colonies, 88

NERVA program, 72, 151152

neutrinos, 167, 346, 356; as tachyons, 189

neutron, 7, 30, 149150, 152, 346, 356

neutron star, 139, 221

“Neutron Star” (story), and tidal forces, 307

Newton’s laws of motion, 4, 6, 50, 64, 75, 77, 78, 95, 121, 246, 353355

Newton’s shell theorem, 306

Niven, Larry: and alien life, 256257; and antimatter production, 172; and black holes, 197198; and Bussard ramjet, 161; and conservation of momentum in teleportation, 17, 1920; and the energy crisis, 289; essays on science fiction ideas by, 3; and faster-than-light travel, 190, 192, 198; and habitable planets, 217; and interstellar war, 262; and the Kardashev scale, 326; and moving planets, 343; and Orion drive, 153; and other large structures, 323324; and “playing The Game,” 1; and “relations” with aliens, 266; and relativity, 177; and Ringworld, 306, 311312, 314315, 318, 320321, 333; and science in fantasy stories, 1516; and tidal forces, 307; and time travel, 210

“Not Long before the End” (story), and energy crisis, 289

nuclear pulse drive. See Orion drive

nuclear war, 276278

Oberth, Hermann, 6162, 73

Odd John (novel), 261

“On Being the Right Size” (essay), 39

Once and Future King, The (novel), and owl post, 54

O’Neill colony, 8788, 9596

On the Beach (novel), 276

“On Thud and Blunder” (essay), 3

Operation Chaos (novel), and conservation of mass, 15

orbit: geosynchronous, 20, 103, 113, 116117, 119, 124, 127; low Earth, 80, 103, 117, 119, 131, 293

orbital speed, 82, 117, 120, 121; of a planet, 236, 247, 339340; of a star, 247

Orion drive, propulsion system, 80, 151157

owl post, possibility of, 54

payload, rocket, 7778, 80, 137, 146, 151, 154155, 159160, 169, 265

perihelion, 135136, 232

photons, rocket propulsion by, 167, 173, 262263

photosynthesis: alien, 251253; efficiency of, 108109, 111; for terraforming, 299301

Picard, Captain Jean-Luc: tea made in stupidest way possible by, 333; and transporter malfunction, 20

Planck’s constant, 17, 19, 63

planetary temperature. See temperature, planetary

Poincaré, Henri, 349

positron, 166168

potential energy: chemical, 147148; forms of, 6; gravitational, 124, 144n4, 309

Pournelle, Jerry, 153, 192, 197, 257, 262, 326

power: of an antimatter rocket, 173; of blackbody emitter, 32; definition of, 8; extraction of from black holes, 344345; and Kardashev scale, 328330, 332334

powered slingshot maneuver, 140141

power requirements: to destroy a planet, 310; for flying, 5153, 6768; for generating antimatter, 172; for ideal computer, 64; to move a planet, 341; for space elevator climbers, 123, 126; for space station agriculture, 109

Prime Directive, 259

principle of mediocrity. See Copernican principle

Project Daedalus, 158159

proton, 7, 30, 150, 356; proton-antiproton reaction, 168; proton-proton cycle, 158, 164, 224

proton decay, 346

public key encryption, 212

pulsars, and alien contact, 244

Purcell, Edward, and interstellar travel, 173174

quantum mechanics: and antimatter, 166; and black hole evaporation, 346347; and faster-than-light travel, 189, 202, 210, 212; and teleportation, 17

radio telescope, for detecting alien intelligence, 244, 265

range equation, 68

Rayleigh resolution criterion, 245

reference frame: and faster-than-light travel, 189, 191193, 200, 202, 203, 206, 210211, 319; in relativity, 177; in rotating coordinate system, 96, 99; and teleportation, 20

relativity, 4, 7, 157, 174, 211212, 244; Ehrenfest’s paradox and (see Ehrenfest’s paradox); general theory of, 190196, 202, 206; of simultaneity, 192; special theory of, 160, 166, 176177, 179185, 187, 189

respiration cycle, 110, 236, 295296, 299

retinal cells, wavelength sensitivity of, 29

Ringworld, 311; Ehrenfest’s paradox and, 318320; instability of, 306, 320323; parameters of, 311317; structural strength of, 316; and Type II civilizations, 333

Road Runner, cartoon physics of, 91

Roadside Picnic (novel), and alien contact, 266

rocket equation, 73, 7879, 82, 85n1, 113, 119, 137, 144n2; relativistic, 160, 173, 265

Rocket Ship Galileo (novel), and NERVA program, 72, 152

“Rotating Cylinders and the Possibility of Global Causality Violation” (paper), 198; (short story), 198199

Rowling, J. K.: science and magic in Harry Potter novels of, 4, 14, 2526, 37, 54; and time travel paradoxes, 210

RSA algorithm, and time travel information paradox, 207

Sagan, Carl: and alien contact, 242, 244, 265; and Contact (novel), 190, 199; and Kardashev scale, 327; and terraforming Mars, 297

Sagan problem, definition of, 292

Saturn’s rings, stability of, 321322

scaling law(s), 40, 43, 45, 51

Schiaparelli, Giovanni, and life on Mars, 228

scrith, properties of, 314, 316, 317, 323

SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), 244, 257

shape-changing, and conservation of mass, 14

Shermer, Michael, and lifetime of alien civilizations, 269270

Shoemaker-Levy 9, 337

shuttle, space, 62; free fall on, 93; fuel-payload mass ratio of, 79, 80; mission costs of, 8084; orbit of, 7477, 117

singularity, 196, 198199

skyhook, geosynchronous. See elevator, space

Smith, E. E. “Doc,” and “inertialess drive,” 189

Smith, Cordwainer, and galactic civilizations, 326

Smith, George O., and space colonies, 86, 110

solar constant, value of: above Earth’s atmosphere, 108109, 264; on Mars, 296, 300

Solaris (novel), and alien contact, 267

Solar System: comet and asteroid impacts in, 338; Earth-like planets in, 269, 293; eccentricities of planets in, 232233; in high-temperature interstellar “bubble,” 164; life in, 4, 178, 244; planetary distances in, 177; planet mass in, 118, 308, 312; types of planets in, 218220

sound, speed of, in Ringworld structural material, 317

Space:1999 (TV show), and lack of attention to relativity, 189

Space Adventures, 74, 8182

Space Cadet (novel): artificial gravity in, 93; atmosphere generation in, 111; size and cost of space station in, 112

space elevator. See elevator, space

space tourism, 7374, 81, 87

space travel, 1, 4, 154, 335; costs of, 61, 71, 74, 80, 8283; energetics of, 6, 61; examples of in science fiction, 7273; manned, 60, 143; and space warfare, 260

SpaceX Dragon, 84

special relativity. See relativity: special theory of

specific impulse, 7980, 155

spectral class: correlations with mass of, 248; definition of, 222

speed of light. See light, value of speed of

spin: and artificial “gravity,” 93, 311; and Coriolis effect, 9499; quantum mechanical, 210212; and rotation of water in toilet, 114n

Stapledon, Olaf, 4, 61, 257; and advanced civilizations, 330; and alien life, 260, 275276; and Dyson sphere, 305; and long-term future history of the universe, 342

Star Maker (novel), 257, 275276, 330, 342; and Dyson sphere, 305

Starman Jones (novel): aliens in, 38; interstellar travel in, 199

Star Trek (TV show): and alien life, 256, 259; and artificial gravity, 89; and galactic civilizations, 327, 333; and lack of attention to relativity, 189; and manned spaceflight, 143; and transporter issues, 16, 20

“Star Wars” (Strategic Defense Initiative, or SDI), 60

Star Wars: Episode IV (movie), 61, 256, 327

Stefan-Boltzmann formula, 32, 223

Stirling, Bruce, 331

Stirling, S. M.: and life on Mars and Venus, 228; and nuclear pulse drive, 153

Stranger in a Strange Land (novel), 228

Strategic defense initiative (SDI). See “Star Wars”

stress: on Dyson sphere, 306; on large space structure’s 307308, 324; in Ringworld structure, 316317; in space elevator, 121123, 129

superconductivity, 1718

superfluidity, 17

supernova, 221, 343; and acceleration of the universe 342, 348; and galactic habitable zone, 240

surface temperature: of Mars, 228, 231, 296297; of stars, 220223; of Venus, 229

suspension bridge: compared to space elevator 120, 125; Ringworld as, 315

swallow, airspeed velocity of unladen, 49

tachyon, 189

Tau Zero (novel): and Big Bang theory, 342; and Bussard ramjet, 161, 165; and relativity, 177

Taylor, Ted, 153

teleportation, 3, 1617, 1920; quantum, 18

temperature, blackbody, 3234

temperature, planetary: atmospheric composition and, 230, 237, 280281; energy balance and, 226; for life, 218

terraforming, 161, 231, 292296, 298299, 331; economics of, 301302

terrestrial planet: definition of, 219; variety of conditions on, 220, 238

tesseract, 190, 213n2

thermodynamics: first law of, 65; second law of, 14, 2122, 66

Thorne, Kip, 190, 197, 199, 204, 292; and exotic matter, 200201; and time-travel paradoxes, 205

three-body problem, 103, 138

thrust, of rocket, 7880, 151152, 154155, 162163

tidal force, 196, 203, 307

Time for the Stars (novel), and relativity, 176, 182, 192, 204

time machine, 26, 198199, 204209, 213n5

time travel: and entropy, 25, 209; equivalence to faster-than-light travel of, 4, 190191; and Kerr black holes, 198; logical paradoxes of, 205209; and use by magicians, 26; and wormholes, 204

trajectory: ballistic, 6869; on rotating space station, 9799

transfer orbit. See Hohmann transfer orbit

tritium, for fusion reactions, 158159

Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin: and space elevator, 116, 121; and space exploration, 6162, 73, 88

twin paradox, 176, 191, 204

Ulam, Stanislaw: and gravity slingshot, 144n3; and Project Orion, 153

unobtainium, 265

urban fantasy, 4, 8n1, 27

vacuum fluctuations, 204

Venus, 218; distance from Earth of, 131; greenhouse effect and planetary temperature of, 220, 229231; life on, 226, 260; atmospheric composition of, 233; and terraforming, 293294

War of the Worlds (novel): and interplanetary war, 260; and Martian life, 228

wave, electromagnetic. See wave, light

wave, light, 2931

wavelength: blackbody spectrum peak, 33; definition and formula for, 31; Rayleigh criterion and, 245; of visible light, 3132

weightlessness. See free fall

Wells, H. G.: and life on Mars, 228, 243; and information paradox, 206; and interplanetary war, 260; and spaceflight, 72

“What Good Is a Glass Dagger?” (story), 15

Wiley Coyote, and cartoon physics, 91

Wiley Coyote trajectory, 99, 101

wormhole, 190, 198, 200204, 206, 208

World out of Time, A (novel), 161, 177

Wrinkle in Time, A (novel), and the tesseract, 190

Ythrians, 53

Zelazny, Roger, 1

zero-G. See free fall

zone of life, 225, 227, 238, 293

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