
Aaronovitch, David 293–4

Abstracts 353

Accounts, keeping 14–15

Active Life 169

Advertisers’Annual 251

Advertising 244

copywriting 245–7

buzz words 247

ideas 246–7

slogans 245–6

typography and layout 247

Against the Grain: Writings of a Sceptical Optimist 290

Agarwal, Manish 320

Alternative medicine 88, 351

Amis, Martin 286

Andrews, Nigel 329–30

Anecdote 183

Appendages 192

Arena 216

Argument 171–3, 219–22

in columns 300–4

in publicity writing 254

Arts reviews 307–8, 309, 321–3

See also Reviewing

As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning 206

Attribution 365–6

Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) 75

Authorship books 73–4

Authorship magazines 73

Babaian, Natasha 236–9

Backing up work 11

Bagnall, Nicholas 209

Baird, Eric 63

Barber, Lynn 283–4

Barber, Richard 81

Barker, Paul 85

Beckenham and Penge Advertiser 64

Best of Beachcomber, The 302

Best of Myles, The 303

Big Brother 334

Billen, Andrew 312

Bird, Linda 351

Blackburn, Virginia 331

Blogging 153, 390

Blyth, Myrna 298

Book reviewing 315–19

fiction 317–19

non-fiction 315–17


as spin-offs 38

authorship 73–4

ideas development 50–1

Bottin, Alain de 222

Bowron, Steven 118–19

Brainstorming, computerized 56

Bray, Roger 349

Brian, Denis 255

Briffa, Dr John 350

Brighton Argus 257

British Airways 70–1

British Humanities Index (BHI) 28, 76

British Institute of Mental Handicap 70

British Journalism Review 222, 255, 294, 351

British Medical Journal 89

British Rate and Data BRAD) Advertiser and Agency List 251

Broadband 143

See also Internet

Broadcasts 48

Brown, Craig 301–2, 303

Buchwald, Art 362

Building Today 343, 344, 347

Burchill, Julie 300–1

Burnie, Joan 119

Business, specialist features 349

Business-to-business magazines 50

Buzz words 207, 208–9

in advertising 247

Caldwell, Christopher 222

Camera equipment 228–31

Campaign 339, 340–1

Capital of Nasty 156

Captions 233–4

Carey, Dr Adam 350–1

Cassandra at his Finest and Funniest 290, 364

Cassandra (Sir William Connor) 296

Castleman, Michael 351

Celebrity Bulletin, The 260

Celebrity culture 81–3

Celebrity peg 186

Chambers Dictionary of Dates 50

Chatrooms 150

Children, writing about 83–4

Choice 187–8

Christansen, Rupert 321

Christianson, Arthur 247

Christopher, James 329–30

Clarke, Jeremy 297

Clichés 206–8

use in advertising 247

Clover Index 76

Coleman, Dr Vernon 349

Collins, Barry 349

Collins, Nancy 267

Columnists 288–90, 292

getting a slot 290–1

working methods 304–5

Columns 288

argument and provocation 300–4

humour, parody and fantasy 301–4

lifestyle 297–300

local papers 291–2

personal 295–6

political 294–5

specialist 352–3

world at large 292–4

Commissioning 98–9


obtaining 22–5

by email 102–3

by fax or letter 103

by telephone 101–2

interviews 258–9

multiple proposals 106–7

preparation 99–101

publicity work 251–3

sending specs 110–11

organization 108–10

Complementary medicine 351

Complete Plain Words, The 198

Computer equipment 10–11

backing up 11

Computers, specialist features 349–50

Connolly, Cyril 197

Connor, Sir William (Cassandra) 296, 364

Contacts 119–20, 385–90

establishing bonds with 137–8

in press releases 251

Copyright 363–4, 380–3

First British Serial Rights (FBSR) 14

Cosmopolitan 73

Country Life 189

Cowan, Anne 63

Cox, David 286

Crave 327

Crime 84–6

Critics 307

See also Reviewing

Croce, Maria 64

Crone, Tom 363, 364

Croydon and Purley Advertiser 64

Cuttings 48–9, 116

D-Day Dispatches 334–5

Daily Echo 291

Daily Express 302, 326, 331, 334, 350–1

Daily Mail 221, 352

Daily Mirror 296, 332–3

Daily Telegraph, The 222, 301–2, 321, 350

Davenport, Walter 97

Davies, Hunter 264

Davies, Stan Gebler 186

Davis, Victor 255

Deevoy, Adrian 281

Defreitas, Michael 183

Dejevsky, Mary 221

Description 167–9, 215–16

in intros 183–4

in publicity writing 253

Dictionary of Jargon 205

Digital photography 229–31


organizations 395–6

publications 396

Directory of British Associations (DBA) 28

Doherty, Dawn 175–6

Donovan, Paul 139

Dorner, Jane 145–6

Dover Express 63–4

Economist Style Guide, The 26, 35

Edge, Simon 334

Edinburgh Evening News 63


dealing with 111–13

requirements of 98–9


issues 86–7

specialist features 350


enquiries 102–3

file submission 10–11

interviews 136, 265

programs 144

Emotionally weighted language 220–1

Empire 330

Endings 187–90

Equipment 10–11

Essential Law for Journalists 363

Ethical concerns 366

Euphemisms 209–10

Evans, Harold 118

Evans, Paul 168–9

Evening Standard 85, 199, 325, 328, 334–5

Events 47–8

Excavation 322

Expert sources, searching for 149, 389

Exposition 166–9, 217–19

in intros 184

in publicity writing 253–4

Ezines 156, 390

Facts, checking 30

specialist features 353

Fairman, Richard 321

False Servant, The 325–7

Feature file 109–10

Features 16–20, 60

content 17–18, 342–4

new emphasis on 61

specialist features 62, 342–9

structure 18–20

Fees, negotiating 14

FHM 217, 279

Fiction reviewing 317–19

Film reviews 328–30

Financial Times, The 51, 222, 321, 322, 329–30, 348, 349

Financial Times Magazine 177–81, 222, 234

First British Serial Rights (FBSR) 14

Fisk, Robert 18

Flower of Evil, The 330

Foreignisms 203–4

Formulas, idea development 53–4

Foster, Jill 332–3

Free magazines 70–1

Freebies 92, 93–4

Freelance Market News 36, 37

Freelance Photographer 226

Freesheets 65

Fuzz 209

General Medical Council’s Register 89

Geographical 168–9, 183

Geological Magazine 94, 111

Gibson, Fiona 299

Girl about Town 70

Glamour 73

Goodman, Geoffrey 294

Gower, Sir Ernest 198

GQ 281, 348–9

Gramophone 320

Graphics 232

Green, Jonathan 204–5

Grylls, David 317–19

Guardian, The 20, 83, 182, 203, 222, 285, 286, 293, 294, 319–20, 331, 333–4, 338, 352

Guardian Bedside Books, The 290

Harrington, Michael 191

Hartley, Aidan 216

Hastings, Max 222

Haydon, Caroline 350


issues 87–9

specialist features 350–1, 353–4

Heat 81

Hello! 83

Hell’s Kitchen 333

Hennessy, Val 165, 282

Herald, The (Glasgow) 63

Here! 82

Here’s Health 88

Highlife 70–1

Hoffmann, Ann 28

Holder, Deborah 88

Hollingsbee, Bob 64

Hollis Press and Public Relations Annual 28

Hoo-Hahs and Passing Frenzies 290, 293

Hook, Antony 63–4

House style 34–5

How to Lie With Statistics 140

How-to features 166

Howells, Lisa 88

Huff, Darrell 140

Human Rights Act (2000) 364

Hunt, Tristam 352

IdeaFisher 56

Ideas 20–2

development of 52–6

computerized brainstorming 56

for publicity writing 246–7

formulas and word associations 53–4

imagination 52–3

lateral thinking 55–6

linear-logical thinking 54–5

freelance writers 44–52

broadcasts 48

computerized sources 51–2

conversations noted 47

events observed 47–8

personal experience 46

printed sources 48–51

specialist writers 338

staff writers 41–4

from inside 43

from letters page 43–4

from news 42

from press releases 43


captions 233–4

getting permissions 228

graphics 232

market 226

negotiating 234–5

photographic equipment 228–31

processing 235

recording 235

relevance versus art 226–7

sources 232, 387

storing 235–6

subjects 227–8

submitting 236

Imagination 52–3

Independent, The 18, 221, 350

Independent Magazine, The 185–6

Independent Review, The 333

Indexes 401

Information gathering, See Research

Instant messaging 144

Internet 142–5, 357

connecting 143

guides 401–2

instant messaging 144

market guides 74

newsgroups 145

online market 155–6

research 116, 145–50, 387–90

evaluation of online sources 147–8

finding experts 149, 389

premium content 148–9

search engines 146–7

trusted sources 148–9, 388–9

virtual communities 149–50

web directories 147

RSS 145

web browsers 144

wireless access 143–4

See also Email; Writing online

Internet Magazine 350

Interviews 28–9, 122–38, 255–7

approaches 122–4

by letter 136, 265

choice of interviewee 257–8

editing the transcript 276–8

summarizing 277–8

elicitation of good quotes 134–5

email 136, 265

face to face 137, 263–5

tape recording 264–5

follow up 287

getting commissioned 258–9

logging and ordering 126–8

persuasion techniques 131–4

question preparation 28, 128–31, 266–70

quoting and paraphrasing 125–6

setting up 259–62

getting past minders 260–2

persistence 262

techniques 270–6

avoiding hidden agendas 274–5

difficult interviewees 273–4

encouraging revelations 275–6

keeping in control 271–2

preparing to follow up 276

tough questions 272–3

telephone 136, 266

writing up formats 278–86

hatchet job 283–4

narrative interview 282–3

profile 284–6

Q-and-A format 279–81

unusual formats 286

Intros 182–7

Isherwood: A Life 315–16

Jackhammer 156

Jackson, Ian 62

Jargon 204, 347

specialist features 347

Jenkins, Simon 290, 294–5

Johnson, Boris 303–4

Johnson, George 352

Johnson, Paul 296

Johnson, Rachel 87, 222

Jongh, Nicholas de 199

Journalism Online 157

Journalist, The 15, 363

Journals, professional 50

Judd, Alan 220

Kaletsky, Anatole 222

Kampfner, John 160–2

Keers, Paul 84

Keesing’s Record of World Events 29

Kellner, Peter 316

Kentish Times 257, 291

Kindersley, Tania 182, 188

Kirby, Judy 88

Krakovsky, Marina 352

Lambert, Angela 177–81

Lancet, The 89, 339

Landesman, Cosmo 81

Lane, Harriet 267

Lantin, Barbara 350

Lateral thinking 55–6

Law and the Media 363

Lawson, Mark 331

Le Fanu, Dr James 348

Leask, Anne 64

Lee, Laurie 206, 215

Legwork 27, 116–19

Lerner, Max 292

Leslie, Ann 274

Letters page 6–7, 43–4, 49

Levin, Bernard 290, 313

Lewis-Smith, Victor 334–5

Libel 364

avoidance of 365

Lifestyle columns 297–300

Lind, Michael 222

Linear-logical thinking 54–5

Literary allusion 185–6

Little Lady Fauntleroy 332–3

Lives and Works: profiles of leading novelists, poets and playwrights 286

Living 188

Lloyd, Rose 329

Loaded 205

Local papers 62–5

columns 291–2

local and national interaction 67–8

Lost Boys, The 329

Lott, Tim 8

McAfee, Annalena 286

McCormack, Steve 350

McCormick, Neil 267, 282

MacDonald, Margo 185

Magazine Editing 82

Magazine, The (Sainsbury’s) 88

Magazines 67–70

authorship 73

business-to-business 50

free 70–1

ideas development 48–50

online versions 148

sources 402

subjects 68–9

writers’ magazines 358–9

Mail on Sunday, The 119, 165, 301

You magazine 186, 282

Making of a Muckraker, The 275

Male, David 257

Margolis, Jonathan 84

Marie Claire 88, 351

Market guidance 72–4

contributors’ guidelines 72

from authorship books 73–4

from authorship magazines 73

from publications directly 72

from the internet 74

overseas markets 358–9

promotional literature 72

Marks Spencer Ma gazine 299

Mars-Jones, Adam 315–16

Media, specialist features 351

Medical Directory, The 89, 353

Medicine 87–9

specialist features 351

Mental Handicap Research 38, 70

Metasearch engines 146, 388

Meyer, Karl E. 289

Mind map 163–4

Mirror, The 186

Mitford, Nancy 275–6

Mojo 320

Monster 329–30

Moral rights 384

More Home Life 290

Morley, Sheridan 326, 327

Morrish, John 82, 150–1, 225

Morton, J. B. 302–3

Mountford, Fiona 325

Ms London 70

Muhibah 71

Multi-purposing 36, 106–7

Multiple submissions 35

Murphy’s Law 331

Music reviewing 319–21

Narration 167–71, 216–17

in publicity writing 253

Narrative interviews 282–3

National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) 391

National papers 65–7

local and national interaction 67

National Readership Survey (NRS) 75

National Union of Journalists (NUJ) 15

Freelance Guide 14, 235

Professional Code of Conduct 371–2

Networking 107–8

New Internationalist 217–18, 350, 359

New Statesman 86, 160, 203, 204, 234, 285, 286, 316

New York Times 118, 360

New Yorker 360

News agency websites 149, 389

Newsgroups, online 145, 149

Newspaper Language 209

Newspapers 61

cuttings 48–9

local papers 62–5, 67

national papers 65–7

online versions 148, 388–9

Nightingale, Benedict 326

Nightingale, Liz 351

No Angels 331

Noble, Kate 351

Nolan, Brian 302

Norton Book of Interviews, The 255–6

Note-taking 29–30

Notes, ordering of 162–3

Observer, The 204–5, 212, 285, 293, 315

Observer Food Magazine 349

Observer Magazine 181, 182, 267, 297, 299–300, 350

OK! 81

Old age 89–90

Oldie, The 352–3

O’Neill, Helen 169–71

Online Freelance Directory 15

Op Ed pages 221–2, 293

Opera reviewing 320–1

O’Reilly, Sally 323

Outlining 31–2

specialist features 345–6

Overseas markets 36, 37, 357

choice of countries 360

culture study 360

market guides 358–9

opportunities 361

syndication 361–2

Oxford Reverse Dictionary 200

Oxford Writers’ Dictionary 203

Packer, William 322

Paraphrasing 30, 125–6

Paris Review 279–80

Parkin, Diane 73

Parnell, Kerry 73

Parris, Matthew 209, 274, 312

Parsons, Tony 216

Patmore, Angela 221

Penguin Book of Columnists, The 289

Penguin Book of Interviews, The 255–6, 260

Penguin Book of Journalism, The 71

People, The 44, 349

Periodicals Training Council 392

Personal columns 295–6

Personal experience 27, 46, 116–17

Personal profile 285

Persuasion techniques 131–4

in publicity writing 254

Peter, John 324–5

Peters, Patrick 330

Peterson, Laurie 157

Philosophy Now 222, 280

Photographers, working with 231–2

Photographic equipment 228–31

Photographs, See Illustrations

Pictures, See Illustrations

Pile, Stephen 91

Pirie, Madsen 350

Pitching, See Queries

Plagiarism 363

Playboy 279–80

Political columns 294–5

Political correctness (PC) 210–11

Popbitch 82

Postal interviews 136, 265

Press Complaints Commission: Code of Practice 378

Press cuttings agencies 116, 117

Press Gazette 7, 49, 66, 73, 120, 139, 232, 233, 262, 351, 363

Press releases 43, 248–51

adapting to different markets 249–50

contacts 251

Private Eye 208, 295, 303–4

Professional journals 50

Professional organizations 15

Profiles 284–6

Promotional literature 72

Proofreading 112

Proposals, See Queries

Prospect 222

Provincial Press and the Community, The 62

Psychology Today 351, 352

Public relations (PR) 244

Publicity writing 243–4

advertising copywriting 245–7

obtaining work 251–3

portfolio building 252

specialist services 252–3

press releases 248–51

research 245

techniques 253–4

Publishers’Freelance Directory 231, 232

Pundits, Poets and Wits: An Omnibus of American Newspaper Columns 289

Purvis, Andrew 349

Qualifications 4


by email 102–3

by fax or letter 103–6

by telephone 101–2

sending specs 110–11

specialist publications 339–42

Questioning, in interviews 28, 128–31, 266–70

asking specific questions 269–70

getting on subject’s wavelength 268–9

order of questions 270

tough question techniques 272–3

See also Interviews

Quotes, elicitation of 134–5

Quoting 125–6

Radio Times 234

Randall, David 366

Reader’s Digest 81–2, 169–71, 183, 185, 188, 220, 267

Readers’ interest 164–7

Readership analysis 74–5

Reality TV 82–3

Reckoning, The 328–9

Records, keeping 12, 14–15

Reeves, Ian 262

Reference libraries 389, 393–5

Rejections 112–13

responding to 113

Reporting experience 65

Research 25–30

background study 116

computerized sources 51–2

legwork 27, 116–19

note-taking 29–30

online 116, 145–50

printed sources 27–8, 48–51

publicity writing 245

specialist features 353–4

See also Sources

Research for Writers 28

Research in British Universities 353

Retirement 89–90

Reviewing 307–8

art 321–3

becoming a reviewer 308–9

books 315–19

films 328–30

music 319–21

tasks of 310–12

television 330–5

theatre 323–7

writing-up process 312–15

Rewriting 33–4

for overseas markets 357

Roberts, Dan 8

Roberts, Kevin 217

Royal Brunei Airlines 71

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) 145

Ruhrmund, Frank 64

Russell, Jenni 86–7

Ryall, Melody 7

Saga 88, 266

Salon 156

Sample, Ian 352

Sarler, Carol 71

Schools 86–7

Science, specialist features 352

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 153

Search engines 146–7, 388

Sedge, Michael 359

Self, Will 328–9

Sewell, Brian 322

She 84, 279, 351

Shorthand 29

Sierz, Aleks 309, 326–7

Silvester, Christopher 255–6, 260, 289

Simonart, Serge 266

Slang 204–5

Slate 156

Slogans 245–6

Smart, James 319–20

Smith, Will 65

Sources 115–22

acknowledgement of 137

assessment of 120–2

online sources 147–8

contacts 119–20, 385–90

experts, searching for 149, 389

legwork 116–19

pictures 232

South London Press 65, 329

Specialism 56–7

Specialist columns 352–3

Specialist features 62, 342–9

research 353–4

Specialists 62, 336–7

marketing strategy 339–42

opportunities for 337–8

Specs 110–11

Spectator, The 87, 182, 203, 204, 216, 222, 296–7

Spin Sisters 298

Spin-offs 35–8

Spotlight 29, 260

Star, The 202

Statesman’s Yearbook, The 29

Stevenson, Neil 82

Stevenson, R. L. 213


house 34–5

individual 222–3

reviews 312–14

Submission of work 10–11, 34–5

Summing up 187–8

Sun, The 71

Sunday Express 338

Sunday Express Magazine 284

Sunday Herald Magazine 167

Sunday Independent (Ireland) 298

Sunday Post, The (Dundee) 118–19

Sunday Post, The (Glasgow) 166

Sunday Telegraph, The 191

Sunday Times, The 60, 118, 203, 230, 285, 349

Sunday Times Magazine 91, 234, 324–5

Sutcliffe, Thomas 333

Syndication 36, 106–7, 361–2

RSS 145

Taki 297

Tatler 84

Taylor, A. J. P. 338

Technology, specialist features 352

Teeline shorthand 29

Telegraph Magazine, The 267, 282


enquiries 101–2

interviews 136, 266

Television reviews 330–5

documentaries 332–5

series 331

Templeton, Tom 299–300

The Moronic Inferno and Other Visits to America 286

Theatre reviews 323–7

Thekaekara, Mari Marcel 217–18

Thicknesse, Robert 321

Think pieces 221–2

Thomas-Ellis, Alice 290

Thunder God 317–19

Time Magazine 351, 352, 360

Time Out 323

Timeliness 76

Times, The 209, 222, 294–5, 321, 326, 329–30, 338

Times Stylebook, The 35

Timing 76–7

Titles 181–2

Tolstoy, Count Nikolas 364

Trade releases 250

Training courses 4, 391–2

Travel writing 90–5, 361

UCAS 392

Universal Journalist, The 366

Using a Library 28

Vanity Fair 233, 260–1

Verification skills 138–40

Virtual communities 149–50

Walmsley, Heather 350

Ward, Mike 157

Warwick, Hugh 350

Waterhouse, Keith 222, 288

Web browsers 144

Web directories 147, 388

Website creation 151–4, 389

promotion 153–4

Webster, Aroha 63

Week, The 320–1, 338

Western Morning News 31, 64

What’s On 326, 327

Wheen, Francis 212, 290, 293

White, Dan 205

Whittaker, Kenneth 28

Who’s Who 28, 266

Wi-Fi hotspots 143

Wikipedia 149

Wilkes, Angela 88

Willing’s Press Guide 29, 226

Wintle, Angela 257

Wireless Internet access 143–4

Withers, Jane 182

Wolff, Jennifer 351

Wollaston, Sam 333–4

Wolmar, Christian 352

Woman 175–6, 184, 278

Woman’s Own 285

Word association 53–4

Words, choice of 198–200

Work experience 5–8

getting printed 6

staff versus freelance 7–8

writing for the letters page 6–7

Wray, Graham 205

Writers’ and Artists’Yearbook 22, 23, 72, 231

Writer’s Digest 73–4

Writers’ Digest 358

Writers’Forum 358–9

Writers’ Handbook 22, 24, 72

Writers’Market 22, 228

Writers’ Monthly 358 74

Writing for Reader’s Digest 73–4, 163, 346

Writing Magazine 73

Writing online 154–8

techniques 157–8

understanding the market 155–6

Writing up 32–3

reviews 312–15

rewriting 33–4

Wyatt, Petronella 297

Yes Minister 65–6

Young, Hugo 294, 312

Zec, Donald 285

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