Part 3. From working code to the store

Once your app builds and runs, there’s still a ways to go to get a production-quality app on the iOS and Android stores. In this part of the book, you’ll take one of the example apps from the previous chapters and work through the steps to get it running on real devices, test the UI, add analytics to ensure it works once deployed, and then roll it out to the stores.

Chapter 13 looks at how to run apps on real devices (which is harder than you might think), including setting up Android devices for developers, configuring iOS devices, and generating iOS provisioning profiles.

Chapter 14 covers UI testing—the ability to write and run automated tests that interact with your app the way a real person would.

Chapter 15 introduces Visual Studio App Center and shows how it can be used to build your apps, run the UI tests from chapter 14 against devices in the cloud, and set up your apps to track usage information and crashes.

Finally, chapter 16 covers the final stage in your app’s journey: delivery to users. It looks at using App Center to provide beta-test builds to select users, and then it shows how to finally publish apps to the Google Play store and Apple App Store.

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