
Acceptance, 57-65

Alexander, Travis, 184, 189

Allen, Woody, 68

Amazing Face Reading, 117

Ames, Aldrich, 42

Andrews, Betsy, 146

Angel, Criss, 23-25

Anger, 138, 160-161, 209

Animals, eye contact and, 147-148

Animals, stress and, 67

Arias, Jodi, 74-75, 108-109, 167-168, 184-185, 189, 190

Arm crossing, 105

Armstrong, Lance, 146, 180

Asking good questions, 170, 196-203, 211-212

Assumptions, 205-206

Authority, 88

Autopsy with Michael Baden, 164-165

Avatar, 13, 14

Baden, Dr. Michael, 164-165

Balling up, 160-161, 210

Bandler, Richard, 150-151

Baseline, 25-26, 39

Baselining, 18, 53, 127-134, 136, 152, 153, 205, 208

Basketball steeple, 75, 76, 78, 206

Behavior, deviations in, 135-166, 209

Behavioral congruence, 14, 39, 129

Behavioral incongruence, 14, 23, 39-40, 135-166, 209

Belly breathing, 72-75, 206

Birkman Color test, 117

Blindness, inattentional, 113-115, 205

Blinking, 149-150, 209

Body Language Institute, 153

Body language, 17, 18-20, 21-22, 39, 46-47, 51, 55, 99-103, 105-106, 129, 205-212

Body language, the brain and, 32-33

Body shift, 164, 210

Brain, body language and the, 32-33

Breathing, 72-75, 206

Bridges, text, 188, 211

Briggs-Myers, Isabel, 118

Carney, Dana R., 72

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 42

Cephos Corporation, 50

Chin, Larry Wu-Tai, 42

Chin, lifting your, 83

Church steeple, 75-76

Clinton, Bill, 37, 38-39, 128, 149, 166, 187, 192

Closed palms, 155

Clusters of deceptive tells, 129, 132-133, 136, 153, 205

Cognitive thinking, 32

Common ground, 88-89, 94

Compound questions, 201-202, 212

Confidence body gestures, 68-86

Confidence pose, 22

Confidence, 36, 54, 57-65, 206

Congruence, behavioral, 14, 39, 129

Contempt, 142, 209

Context, 128, 133-134, 136

Control questions, 200, 211

Control, 74

Conveying, convincing vs., 33

Cook-Briggs, Katharine, 118

Cortisol, 32, 33, 36, 40, 66, 72

Credibility, 23

Dean, James, 68

Deceit, regions of, 50

Deception, 14, 17, 18, 86

Deception, leaking, 136-166

Deceptive tells, 14, 18, 19, 21-22, 33, 40, 43-44, 129, 132-133, 136, 168

Deceptive tells, clusters of, 129, 132-133, 136, 153, 205

Demonstrating respect, 103-104

Denial, non-contractual, 178-179, 211

Details, 36-37, 206

Deviations in behavior, 135-166, 209

Diaphragm breathing, 73

Disappointment, 65, 112-113

Disbelief, 116

Disgust, 138, 209

DiSK Personality Assessment Tool, 117

Distancing language, 32, 187, 211

Dominance, 74

Dopamine, 33

Double-talk, 37

Driver, Janine, 37, 153, 154, 187

Duping delight, 141

Ego, 170, 194-196, 211

Ego, suspending your, 106, 207

Ekman, Dr. Paul, 32, 136, 141

Elaborating, 197

Embellishment, 30-31, 206

Emotions, facial leakage and, 136-146

Emotions, managing, 112, 207

Empathy, 14

Establishing rapport, 53, 87-116

Everyday liars, 32-33

Exploders, 32, 33-36, 206

Extracting the truth, 53, 167-203, 211-212

Extraversion type, 121-122, 207

Eye accessing color chart, 151, 209

Eye blinking, 149-150, 209

Eye contact, 147-149, 209

Eye movement, 149, 153, 209

Eyes, lying and the, 146, 209

Face reading, 117

Facial leakage, 136-146, 207

Failure, 57-65

False statement, 30-31, 206

Fear, 66, 67-68, 138, 209

Feeling type, 124-125, 208

Feelings, 198

Fig leaf position, 161-162, 210

Fight-or-flight response, 66

Filler words, 181-182, 211

Flattery, 107, 207

Follow-up questions, 198-199, 211

Fuller, Mac, 117-118

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 50-51

Ganis, Giorgio, 51

Gardner, Dr. Mary, 67

Gestures, 47

Gestures, confidence, 68-86

Gorilla pose, 82-83, 206

Grinder, John, 150-151

Gut feeling, 19

Handgun steeple, 75, 78-79, 206

Hands, lying and the, 154-159, 210

Handshake, 96

Happiness, 141, 209

Head, lying and the, 146

Hedge, oath, 186, 211

Hedging statements, 182-185, 211

Hitler hands, 79, 80, 206

Homeostasis, 66

Honesty, 14

Hooking pose, 68-70

Hot spots, verbal, 170, 177-194, 211

Identity Thief, 83

Imploders, 32-33, 206

Inattentional blindness, 113-115, 205

Incongruence, behavioral, 14, 23, 39-40, 136-166, 209

Influencing, 115-116, 207

Introversion type, 121-122, 207

INtution type, 122-124, 208

Isopraxism, 99-103

James, William, 150

Jolie, Angelina, 70

José pose, 80, 82, 206

Judging type, 125-126, 208

Jung, Carl, 24, 118

Kindness, 92

King, Larry, 173-176, 182

Kirsey Color Test, 117

Knox, Amanda, 188

Language, distancing, 32, 187, 211

Language, softening, 187-188, 211

Lap of Love, 67

Leading questions, 201, 212

LeBon, Aber, 70

Liars, types of, 32-36, 206

Lie detector machine, 41-51

Lie to Me, 23, 136

Lie, reasons people, 29-40

Lies, types of, 206

Lindh, John walker, 178

Lips, lying and the, 154

Listening, 107-108

Low steeple, 75, 76, 206

Lying and the eyes, 146, 209

Lying and the hands, 154-159, 210

Lying and the head, 146

Lying and the lips, 154

Lying and the mouth, 154

Lying and the nose, 165

Lying by omission, 30-31, 206

Macro-expressions, 137

Maintaining rapport, 169-170, 176-177

Managing emotions, 112, 207

Matching, 99-103, 207

McClish, Mark, 168, 188

Micro-expressions, 136, 137, 142

Mind reading, 21

Mirroring, 99-103, 207, 111, 205

Montes, Anna Belen, 42

Morales, Dayna, 159-160

Mouth, lying and the, 154

Movement, rapport and, 108-109, 207

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 117, 118

Narrative questions, 196-197, 211

Neck dimple, 83-85, 105

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), 150-154, 209-210

Newberry, J.J., 32

No Lie MRI, 50

Non-contractual denial, 178-179, 211

Non-pertinent questions, 200-201, 211

Nonverbal communication, 23

Norepinephrine, 66-67

Nose, lying and the, 165

O’Clair, Kelly, 53

O’Sullivan, Dr. Maureen, 32

Oath hedge, 186, 211

Obama, Barack, 78

Omission, lying by, 30-31, 206

Open body language, 105-106

Outnumbered, 85

Palm push, 80

Palms, closed, 155

Perception type, 125-126, 208

Personality preferences, 117-126

Personality, 117-126

Physiognomy, 117

Pinocchio effect, 136, 165-166, 210

Planning, lying and, 37-39

Pokornik, Debbie, 75

Polygraph, 41-51

Posture, 47, 68, 130

Power pose, 22, 72-75, 206

Powerful liars, 32, 33-36

Powers, Hiram, 148

Praise, 107, 207

Preferences, personality, 117-126

Pride, 170, 194-196, 211

Principles of Psychology, 150

Prolonged blinking, 150

Pronouns, 177-178, 211

Psychological Types, 118

Question, repeating the, 181, 211

Questions, asking good, 170, 196-203, 211-212

Questions, compound, 201-202, 212

Questions, control, 200, 211

Questions, follow-up, 198-199, 211

Questions, leading, 201, 212

Questions, narrative, 196-197, 211

Questions, non-pertinent, 200-201, 211

Questions, vague, 202-203, 212

Quid pro quo, 97-99, 207

Ramsey, John, 173-176, 182

Ramsey, Jon-Benet, 173

Ramsey, Patsy, 173-176, 182

Rapport, 14, 17, 53, 87-116

Rapport, establishing, 53, 87-116

Rapport, maintaining, 169-170, 176-177

Reasons people lie, 29-40

REBLE program, 53-55, 57, 206

Regions of deceit, 50

Relaxing, 57-86

Repeating the question, 181, 211

Respect, 88

Respect, demonstrating, 103-104

Sadness, 141, 209

Safe zones, 97

Sales smile, 95

Self-confidence, 18

Self-preening, 162-164, 210

Sensing type, 122-124, 208

Severe convincer, 180

Shoulder shrug, 159-160, 210


Smiling, 95, 141, 207

Social science, 18

Softening language, 187-188, 211

Speech, 131

Squishy language, 187

Stalling, 211

Stance, 130

Standing in Your Power, 75

Statement analysis, 47, 168

Statements, hedging, 182-185, 211

Steepling, 75-79, 206

Stepping back, 164, 210

Stress, 32, 65-68

Stress, polygraph and, 41-51

Success, 58

Superiority, 142

Surprise, 138, 209

Suspending your ego, 106, 207

Swallowing, 154, 210

Synchronicity, 24

Tells, 21-22

Tells, deceptive, 14, 18, 19, 33, 40, 43-44, 129, 132-133, 136, 168

Testosterone, 72

Text bridges, 188, 211

Thinking type, 124-125, 208

Thumbs of power, 70-72

Tillotson, Jeffrey, 146

Timelining events, 170-177, 211

Touching, 96-97, 207

T-Rex arms, 162-163

Trump, Donald, 75

Trust, 104

Truth, extracting the, 53, 167-203, 211-212

Types of liars, 32-36, 206

Types of lies, 206

Uncertainty, signs of, 159-166, 210

Vague questions, 202-203, 212

Verb tense, 172-177, 178, 211

Verbal hot spots, 170, 177-194, 211

Voice, 130

Voice, confident, 85-86

Vulnerability, 160, 162

Wagner, Anthony, 51

Ways to lie, 30-31

Weiner, Anthony, 37-38, 154, 177, 178, 179

Why people lie, 29-40

Winfrey, Oprah, 24-25, 75

Work Personality Index, 117

Yap, Andy J., 72

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