Part I. Getting to Know Your iPhone

Getting to Know Your iPhone

You have to crawl before you walk, so consider this part basic training for crawling. The three chapters that make up Part I serve as a gentle introduction to your iPhone.

Getting to Know Your iPhone

We start out nice and easy in Chapter 1, with a big-picture overview, even letting you know what's in the box (if you haven't already peeked). Then we examine just some of the cool things your iPhone can do. We finish things off with a quick-and-dirty tour of the hardware and the software, so that you'll know where things are when you need them.

Next, after you're somewhat familiar with where things are and what they do, we move right along to a bunch of useful iPhone skills, such as turning the darn thing on and off (which is very important) and locking and unlocking your phone (which is also very important). Chapter 2 ends with useful tips and tricks to help you master iPhone's unique multitouch interface so that you can use it effectively and efficiently.

Then, in Chapter 3, we explore the process of synchronization and how to get data — contacts, appointments, movies, songs, podcasts, and such — from your computer into your iPhone, quickly and painlessly.

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