
Book Description

Beginning Java with WebSphere provides a step-by-step guide for creating and installing both client- and server-based Java applications using Rapid Application Development v8, WebSphere Application Server 8.0, and Java.

Since more and more Java applications are moving to the server and using HTML for the user interface, there is a minimal amount of time spent exploring the Java GUI components. More specifically, this book covers graphical user interfaces using RAD's Visual Editor, variables, conditional logic, and application improvements/enhancements from the client side. And, from the server-side, this book covers servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSPs), database accessibility (JDBC), custom tags, and concludes with JavaServer Faces (JSFs).

This book concentrate on base topics that allow you to get to the server-side and database topics quickly.

What you'll learn

  • Design and build GUIs

  • Create GUIs using RAD's Visual Editor

  • Use variables, conditional logic, event handling and more

  • Improve your application

  • Move to the server, using Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSPs)

  • Access a database using WebSphere

  • Write custom server-side tags and build with JavaServer Faces (JSFs)

  • Who this book is for

    This book is for those new to the Java programming language.

    Table of Contents

    1. Title Page
    2. Contents at a Glance
    3. Contents
    4. Foreword
    5. About the Author
    6. About the Technical Reviewer
    7. Acknowledgments
    8. CHAPTER 1: Java Basics
      1. The Java Language
      2. Classes
      3. Java Statements
      4. The main Method
      5. Objects and Instantiation
      6. Constructors
      7. WebSphere
      8. Review Questions
      9. Review Exercise
    9. CHAPTER 2: Java on a PC
      1. Java Applications
      2. The Big Cruel Java World
      3. Java on a PC
      4. Review Questions
      5. Review Exercise
    10. CHAPTER 3: Graphical User Interfaces
      1. Introduction to GUI, AWT, Swing, and SWT
      2. Composition
      3. Visual Components
      4. Specialization
      5. Review Questions
      6. Review Exercise
    11. CHAPTER 4: More GUI and the Visual Editor
      1. Listeners
      2. Visual Editor
      3. Review Questions
      4. Review Exercise
      5. Challenge Exercise
    12. CHAPTER 5: Variables
      1. Reference versus Primitive Variables
      2. The toString Method
      3. Manipulating Numeric Primitives
      4. Converting Between Primitive Types
      5. Review Questions
      6. Review Exercise
      7. Challenge Exercise
    13. CHAPTER 6: Conditional Logic and Checkboxes
      1. Conditional Logic
      2. Compound Conditions versus Nested Ifs
      3. Debugging
      4. Checkboxes
      5. Review Questions
      6. Review Exercise:
      7. Challenge Exercise
    14. CHAPTER 7: Application Improvements
      1. Exceptions
      2. The Choice Component
      3. Iteration
      4. Formatting
      5. Tidying Up Our Messy Method
      6. Review Questions
      7. Review Exercise
    15. CHAPTER 8: Servlets
      1. What is a Server?
      2. Internet 101
      3. Servlets
      4. Working with Response Objects
      5. Review Questions
      6. Review Exercise
    16. CHAPTER 9: Java Server Pages
      1. Tutorial: What is a JSP?
      2. More About JSPs
      3. Application Architecture
      4. More JSP Tags
      5. Java Beans
      6. JSP Bean Tags
      7. Review Questions
      8. Review Exercise
    17. CHAPTER 10: Database Access
      1. Why Databases?
      2. Establishing a DB Connection
      3. Result Sets
      4. Class Design for Data Access
      5. Review Questions
      6. Review Exercise
      7. Challenge Exercise
    18. CHAPTER 11: Custom Tag
      1. Tags
      2. Creating a Custom Tag
      3. Defining a Tag
      4. When to Create Custom Tags
      5. Tag Attributes
      6. How to Generate a Visual Component
      7. Review Questions
      8. Review Exercise
    19. CHAPTER 12: JavaServer Faces
      1. JSF Overview
      2. Facelets and RAD
      3. Updating Data Using SDO and JSF
      4. Binding a Data Object to a Visual Component
      5. Navigation rules
      6. Review Questions
      7. Review Exercise
    20. APPENDIX A: Installing a Java Application on a PC
      1. Tutorial: Exporting an Application from RAD
      2. Tutorial: Downloading a JRE
      3. Tutorial: Installing a JRE
      4. Tutorial: Environment Variables
      5. Tutorial: Creating a Batch File
      6. Tutorial: Running a Java Application on the PC
      7. Tutorial: Breaking the Code
      8. Tutorial: Stopping a Runaway Application in Windows
      9. Importing into RAD
      10. Review Questions
      11. Review Exercise
      1. SQL and Relational Database Concepts
      2. Creating
      3. Manipulating Data in a Table
      4. Data Manipulation
      5. Complex Conditions
    22. APPENDIX C: Installing a Java Application on WAS
      1. Application Servers
      2. Tutorial: Exporting
      3. Tutorial: Installing to a WAS
      4. Tutorial: Accessing a WAS Application
      5. Results of the Tutorial
      6. Review Exercise
    23. Index