
I would like to thank the following people and institutions for their support:

Gail Gehrig and Robert Yoder, colleagues and friends, for their meticulous comments and suggestions. Thanks for all your time and concern; I appreciate it greatly.

Mike Baker, Dane Warner, John Boynton, Shane Retzer, Sarah Byrd, Lynne Sluder, Glen Orsburn, Chris Harris, and Mike Brock for their willingness (and sometimes delight) in finding typos and errors.

My employer, FSCJ, for the time and facilities to work on this text.

Of course, Brenda, for consultation on all aspects of this project and being my wife. Thanks for listening!

And then all my friends and relatives (who really like to see their names in print): Aly, Brian, Carol, Caroline, Chris, Coke, David, Dyan, Ed, Helmut, Janson, Jim, Jimmy, Joyce, Kathy, Kevin, Marc, Marty, Matt, Morgan, Pat, Peggy, Pete, Ray, Rick, Ron, Sharon, Steph, Susan, Susie, Tammy, Vivian, and Whitey.

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