

About the Author

About the Technical Reviewer


images Chapter 1: Java Basics

 The Java Language


 Java Statements

 The main Method

 Objects and Instantiation



  Tutorial: Starting Rational Application Developer

  Tutorial: Perspectives

  Tutorial: Creating and Deleting a Project

  Tutorial: Creating a Package

  Tutorial: Creating a Java Class

  Tutorial: Entering and Editing Java Statements

  Tutorial: Running an Application in RAD

  Tutorial: Breaking the Code

  Results of the Tutorial

 Review Questions

 Review Exercise



  Check that the Exercise Was Done Correctly

images Chapter 2: Java on a PC

 Java Applications

  Tutorial: Passing Parameters and Formatting Source Code

  Tutorial: Defining a Java Application

  Tutorial: Breaking the Code, Public vs. Private Access

  Tutorial: Breaking the Code, Parameters, and Signatures

 The Big Cruel Java World

 Java on a PC

  Tutorial: Exploring the JRE with RAD

  Tutorial: RAD Icons

  Tutorial: Exploring the JRE through Online Documentation

  Tutorial: Changing RAD Perspectives

  Results of the Tutorial

 Review Questions

 Review Exercise

  Check that the Exercise Was Done Correctly

images Chapter 3: Graphical User Interfaces

 Introduction to GUI, AWT, Swing, and SWT


 Visual Components

  Tutorial: Creating a GUI with RAD

  Tutorial: Running a New Application


  Why Use Specialization?

  Tutorial: Creating a Frame Subclass

  Tutorial: Defining and Adding a Label

  Tutorial: Defining a Functional Frame

  Tutorial: Using a Frame

  Tutorial: Creating UML Diagrams with RAD

  Tutorial: Modifying UML Diagrams with RAD

  Tutorial: Generating Getters and Setters

  Tutorial: Adding More Labels

  Tutorial: Displaying the Employee Information

  Tutorial: Breaking the Frame Code

  Tutorial: Breaking the Getter/Setter Code

  Results of the Tutorials

 Review Questions

 Review Exercise

  Results of the Review Exercise

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images Chapter 4: More GUI and the Visual Editor


  Window Listeners

  Specialization vs. Composition

 Visual Editor

  Tutorial: Creating a Visual Class with VE

  Tutorial: Modifying Properties

  Tutorial: Adding Visual Components

  Tutorial: Adding to the Frame

  Tutorial: Finishing the Application

  Tutorial: Breaking the Code with VE

  Results of the Tutorial

 Review Questions

 Review Exercise

  Results of the Review Exercise

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Challenge Exercise

  Results of the Challenge Exercise

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images Chapter 5: Variables

 Reference versus Primitive Variables

  Tutorial: Displaying Reference Variable Values

  Tutorial: Working with Primitive Variables

 The toString Method

  Tutorial: Overriding the toString Method

 Manipulating Numeric Primitives

  Tutorial: Using Primitive Variables

  Using Primitive Variables Tutorial Answers and Explanation

 Converting Between Primitive Types

  Strings to Primitives and Vice Versa


  Tutorial: Inputting Data

  Tutorial: Testing EnterEmpInfo

  Tutorial: Converting and Calculating

  Tutorial: Adding a Result Label

  Results of the Tutorial

 Review Questions

 Review Exercise

  Results of the Review Exercise

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 Challenge Exercise

  Results of the Challenge Exercise

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images Chapter 6: Conditional Logic and Checkboxes

 Conditional Logic

  Tutorial: Comparisons

  Tutorial: Ifs

  Tutorial: Tax Calculation—Part I

 Compound Conditions versus Nested Ifs

  Tutorial: Tax Calculation—Part II


  Tutorial: Debugging

  Tutorial: Comparisons between Reference Variables

  Tutorial: Comparisons between String Variables


  Tutorial: Coding a Checkbox

  Tutorial: Coding a Checkbox Group

  Tutorial: Working with an ItemEvent and States

  Tutorial: VE and Checkboxes

  Tutorial: Tying the Frames Together

  Tutorial: Swing

  Tutorial: Swing versus AWT

  Tutorial: Using the New Calculation

  Tutorial Results

 Review Questions

 Review Exercise:

  Results of the Review Exercise

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 Challenge Exercise

images Chapter 7: Application Improvements


  Tutorial: Exceptions

  Identifying an Exception

  Tutorial: Catching an Exception

  Tutorial: Solving Program Errors

  The Choice Component


  Tutorial: Iteration

  Tutorial: More About Iteration

  Tutorial: Finishing the Choice


  Tutorial: Date and Time Formatting

  Tutorial: Formatting Currency

 Tidying Up Our Messy Method

  Tutorial: Method Overloading

  Tutorial: Tidying Up Our Messy Method

  Tutorial: Throwing Exceptions

  Results of the Tutorial

 Review Questions

 Review Exercise

  Results of the Review Exercise

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images Chapter 8: Servlets

 What is a Server?

 Internet 101

  Tutorial: Using HTML to Create a Web Page

  Tutorial: Using the RAD Server


  Tutorial: Creating a Simple Servlet

 Working with Response Objects

  Tutorial: Working with a Response Object

  Tutorial: Defining Form Components

  Tutorial: Defining a Form

  Tutorial: Retrieving Form Information

  Results of the Tutorial

 Review Questions

 Review Exercise

  Results of the Review Exercise

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images Chapter 9: Java Server Pages

 Tutorial: What is a JSP?

 More About JSPs

  Tutorial: JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)

  Tutorial: Enhancing the Web Application

  Tutorial: Creating a Servlet for

  Tutorial: Creating JSPs

  Tutorial: Adding Function to the Server-Based Application

  Tutorial: Enhancing the JSPs

 Application Architecture

 More JSP Tags

  Tutorial: More JSP Tags

 Java Beans

 JSP Bean Tags

  Tutorial: Using JSP Bean Tags

  Results of the Tutorial

 Review Questions

 Review Exercise

  Results of the Review Exercise

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images Chapter 10: Database Access

 Why Databases?

 Establishing a DB Connection

  Tutorial: Setting up the Project

  Tutorial: Accessing DB2 on an IBM Power System

  Tutorial: Accessing an Oracle Database

  Tutorial: Accessing a Microsoft Access Database

  Tutorial: Set-Up for Accessing All Databases

  Tutorial: Breaking the Code, Drivers, and Connections

  Tutorial: Using a Statement Object to Insert Data

 Result Sets

  Tutorial: Retrieving Data from a Database

 Class Design for Data Access

  Tutorial: Using a Database in an Application

  Tutorial: Finishing the Employee Application, Part 1

  Tutorial: Finishing the Employee Application, Part 2

  Data Access in a Complex Environment

  Results of the Tutorial:

 Review Questions

 Review Exercise

  Results of the Review Exercise

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 Challenge Exercise

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images Chapter 11: Custom Tag


 Creating a Custom Tag

  Tutorial: Creating a Custom Tag

  Tutorial: Defining the Tag Handler Class

 Defining a Tag

  Tutorial: Defining a Tag

 When to Create Custom Tags

  Tutorial: Defining a URI

 Tag Attributes

 How to Generate a Visual Component

  Tutorial: Generating a Visual Component

  Tutorial: Using an Array

  Tutorial: Defining and Using the Custom Tag

  Tutorial: Testing the Custom Tag

  Tutorial: Database Access with Tags

  Tutorial: Modifying the View

  Tutorial: Modifying the Tag Handler

  Tutorial: Deleting Records Using a Custom Tag

  Tutorial: Testing the Insert and Delete

  Results of the Tutorial

 Review Questions

 Review Exercise

  Results of the Review Exercise

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images Chapter 12: JavaServer Faces

 JSF Overview

  Tutorial: Creating a JSF Project

  Tutorial: Creating a Facelet with Page Designer

  Tutorial: Using SDO components

  Tutorial: Formatting a Facelet

 Facelets and RAD

  Tutorial: Linking Web Pages to a Facelet

  Tutorial: Inserting Data Using a Relational Record (RR)

 Updating Data Using SDO and JSF

  Tutorial: Defining a Scripting Variable

 Binding a Data Object to a Visual Component

  Tutorial: Binding

 Navigation rules

  Tutorial: Defining a Navigation Rule

  Tutorial: Updating and Deleting Using a Relational Record

  Tutorial: Testing the Update and Delete Functions

  Tutorial: Fixing the Application

  Results of the Tutorial

 Review Questions

 Review Exercise

  Results of the Review Exercise

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images Appendix A: Installing a Java Application on a PC

 Tutorial: Exporting an Application from RAD

 Tutorial: Downloading a JRE

 Tutorial: Installing a JRE

 Tutorial: Environment Variables

 Tutorial: Creating a Batch File

 Tutorial: Running a Java Application on the PC

 Tutorial: Breaking the Code

 Tutorial: Stopping a Runaway Application in Windows

 Importing into RAD

  Tutorial: Importing into RAD

  Results of the Tutorial

 Review Questions

 Review Exercise

  Results of the Review Exercise

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images Appendix B: SQL

 SQL and Relational Database Concepts


 Manipulating Data in a Table

 Data Manipulation

 Complex Conditions

images Appendix C: Installing a Java Application on WAS

 Application Servers

 Tutorial: Exporting

 Tutorial: Installing to a WAS

 Tutorial: Accessing a WAS Application

 Results of the Tutorial

 Review Exercise

  Results of the Review Exercise


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