
Book Description

If you use Linux in your day-to-day work, this popular pocket guide is the perfect on-the-job reference. The second edition has expanded from Fedora-only coverage to distro-neutral, with practical information on a wider range of commands requested by readers. For novices who need to get up to speed on Linux use, and experienced users who want a concise and functional reference, this guide provides quick answers.

Table of Contents

  1. Linux Pocket Guide
  2. 1. Linux Pocket Guide
    1. What’s in This Book?
      1. What’s Linux?
      2. What’s a Distro?
      3. What’s a Command?
      4. Reading This Book
        1. Shell prompts
        2. Keystrokes
        3. Your friend, the echo command
    2. Getting Help
    3. Linux: A First View
      1. The Graphical Desktop
      2. Running a Shell
      3. Input and Output
      4. Users and Superusers
    4. The Filesystem
      1. Home Directories
      2. System Directories
        1. Directory path part 1: category
        2. Directory path part 2: scope
        3. Directory path part 3: application
      3. Operating System Directories
      4. File Protections
    5. The Shell
      1. The Shell Versus Programs
      2. Selected Features of the bash Shell
        1. Wildcards
        2. Brace expansion
        3. Shell variables
        4. Search path
        5. Aliases
        6. Input/output redirection
        7. Pipes
        8. Combining commands
        9. Quoting
        10. Escaping
        11. Command-line editing
        12. Command history
        13. Filename completion
      3. Shell Job Control
        1. jobs
        2. &
        3. ^Z
        4. suspend
        5. bg
        6. fg
      4. Killing a Command in Progress
      5. Terminating a Shell
      6. Tailoring Shell Behavior
    6. Basic File Operations
      1. ls
      2. cp
      3. mv
      4. rm
      5. ln
    7. Directory Operations
      1. cd
      2. pwd
      3. basename
      4. dirname
      5. mkdir
      6. rmdir
    8. File Viewing
      1. cat
      2. less
      3. head
      4. tail
      5. nl
      6. strings
      7. od
      8. xxd
      9. acroread
      10. gv
      11. xdvi
    9. File Creation and Editing
      1. Creating a File Quickly
      2. Your Default Editor
        1. emacs
        2. vim
        3. soffice
        4. abiword
        5. gnumeric
    10. File Properties
      1. stat
      2. wc
      3. du
      4. file
      5. touch
      6. chown
      7. chgrp
      8. chmod
      9. umask
      10. chattr
      11. lsattr
    11. File Location
      1. find
      2. xargs
      3. locate
      4. which
      5. type
      6. whereis
    12. File Text Manipulation
      1. grep
      2. egrep
      3. fgrep
      4. cut
      5. paste
      6. tr
      7. sort
      8. uniq
      9. tee
    13. File Compression and Packaging
      1. tar
      2. gzip
      3. bzip2
      4. compress
      5. zip
      6. metamail
    14. File Comparison
      1. diff
      2. comm
      3. cmp
      4. md5sum
    15. Printing
      1. lpr
      2. lpq
      3. lprm
    16. Spell Checking
      1. look
      2. aspell
      3. spell
    17. Disks and Filesystems
      1. df
      2. mount
      3. umount
      4. fsck
      5. sync
    18. Backups and Remote Storage
      1. dump
      2. restore
      3. cdrecord
      4. rsync
      5. mt
    19. Viewing Processes
      1. ps
      2. uptime
      3. w
      4. top
      5. gnome-system-monitor
      6. xload
      7. free
    20. Controlling Processes
      1. kill
      2. nice
      3. renice
    21. Scheduling Jobs
      1. sleep
      2. watch
      3. at
      4. crontab
    22. Logins, Logouts, and Shutdowns
      1. shutdown
    23. Users and Their Environment
      1. logname
      2. whoami
      3. id
      4. who
      5. users
      6. finger
      7. last
      8. printenv
    24. User Account Management
      1. useradd
      2. userdel
      3. usermod
      4. passwd
      5. chfn
      6. chsh
    25. Becoming the Superuser
    26. Group Management
      1. groups
      2. groupadd
      3. groupdel
      4. groupmod
    27. Host Information
      1. uname
      2. hostname
      3. ip
      4. ifconfig
    28. Host Location
      1. host
      2. whois
      3. ping
      4. traceroute
    29. Network Connections
      1. ssh
      2. telnet
      3. scp
      4. sftp
      5. ftp
    30. Email
      1. thunderbird
      2. evolution
      3. mutt
      4. mail
      5. mailq
    31. Web Browsing
      1. firefox
      2. lynx
      3. wget
    32. Usenet News
      1. slrn
    33. Instant Messaging
      1. pidgin
      2. talk
      3. write
      4. mesg
      5. tty
    34. Screen Output
      1. echo
      2. printf
      3. yes
      4. seq
      5. clear
    35. Math and Calculations
      1. xcalc
      2. expr
      3. dc
    36. Dates and Times
      1. xclock
      2. cal
      3. date
      4. ntpdate
    37. Graphics and Screensavers
      1. eog
      2. geeqie
      3. ksnapshot
      4. gimp
      5. dia
      6. gnuplot
      7. xscreensaver
    38. Audio
      1. amarok
      2. grip
      3. cdparanoia
      4. lame
      5. id3tag
      6. audacity
      7. k3b
    39. Video
      1. mplayer
      2. gxine
      3. kino
      4. HandBrake
    40. Installing Software
      1. yum
      2. rpm
      3. aptitude
    41. Programming with Shell Scripts
      1. Whitespace and Linebreaks
      2. Variables
      3. Input and Output
      4. Booleans and Return Codes
        1. test and “[”
        2. true and false
      5. Conditionals
      6. Loops
      7. Break and Continue
      8. Creating and Running Shell Scripts
      9. Command-Line Arguments
      10. Exiting with a Return Code
      11. Beyond Shell Scripting
    42. Final Words
      1. Acknowledgments
  3. Index
  4. About the Author
  5. Copyright