Shell Job Control


List your jobs.


Run a job in the background.


Suspend the current (foreground) job.


Suspend a shell.


Unsuspend a job: bring it into the foreground.


Make a suspended job run in the background.

All Linux shells have job control: the ability to run programs in the background (multitasking behind the scenes) and foreground (running as the active process at your shell prompt). A job is simply the shell’s unit of work. When you run a command interactively, your current shell tracks it as a job. When the command completes, the associated job disappears. Jobs are at a higher level than Linux processes; the Linux operating system knows nothing about them. They are merely constructs of the shell. Some important vocabulary about job control is:

Foreground job

Running in a shell, occupying the shell prompt so you cannot run another command

Background job

Running in a shell, but not occupying the shell prompt, so you can run another command in the same shell


To stop a foreground job temporarily


To cause a suspended job to start running again

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