
Book Description

This book provides an overview of social media technologies in the context of practical implementation for academics, guided by applied research findings, current best practices, and the author’s successful experiences with using social media in academic settings. It also provides academics with sensible and easy strategies for implementing a wide spectrum of social media and related technologies - such as blogs, wikis, Facebook, and various Google tools for professional, teaching, and research endeavours.

  • No other book exists that assists academics in learning how to use social media to benefit their teaching and research
  • The editor has an extensive background in social media teaching, consulting, research, and everyday use
  • All the contributors come to the book with a common goal, from various expertise areas and perspectives

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. List of figures and tables
  6. Acknowledgements
  7. About the editor
  8. About the contributors
  9. Introduction
  10. Part I: The nuts and bolts of social media for academics
    1. Chapter 1: Blogging your academic self: the what, the why and the how long?
      1. Abstract:
      2. Introduction
      3. Scholars in the blogosphere
      4. Motivations and benefits
      5. Blog publishing: getting started … or getting more
      6. Your blog today? Tomorrow?
      7. Conclusions
    2. Chapter 2: Non-academic and academic social networking sites for online scholarly communities
      1. Abstract:
      2. Introduction
      3. General public platforms for online scholarly communities
      4. Academic sites for online scholarly communities
      5. Conclusions
      6. Acknowledgements
    3. Chapter 3: Research and teaching in real time: 24/7 collaborative networks
      1. Abstract:
      2. Real-time technologies for academics
      3. The concept of real time
      4. Real-time technologies and research
      5. Real-time technologies and teaching
      6. Choosing a real-time technology
      7. Conclusions
      8. Acknowledgements
    4. Chapter 4: Locating scholarly papers of interest online
      1. Abstract:
      2. Introduction
      3. Overview of online scholarly search services
      4. Scholarly communication and social media
      5. Use and purpose of scholarly search services
      6. Impact of the Open Access movement
      7. Search engine functionality
      8. Social media and public scholarly search
      9. Conclusions
      10. Appendix: features of web-based public scholarly search services
    5. Chapter 5: Tracking references with social media tools: organizing what you’ve read or want to read
      1. Abstract:
      2. Introduction
      3. Why use online social bibliographic tools?
      4. A look at top social bibliographic tools: Zotero, Mendeley, CiteULike and Connotea
      5. How these tools can improve your research, writing and collaboration
      6. How to choose the right tool for your needs
      7. Conclusions
    6. Chapter 6: Pragmatics of Twitter use for academics: tweeting in and out of the classroom
      1. Abstract:
      2. What is Twitter? An introduction
      3. How can Twitter be used by academics?
      4. How to get started
      5. Research
      6. Teaching
      7. Professional branding
      8. ‘In the field’: academics using Twitter
      9. Using Twitter to encourage professional engagement, connection and collaboration
      10. Is tweeting for you?
    7. Chapter 7: The academy goes mobile: an overview of mobile applications in higher education
      1. Abstract:
      2. Introduction
      3. Leveraging the backchannel and immediate collaboration
      4. QR codes: creating linkages to online content in physical space
      5. Treading lightly in uncharted territory
  11. Part II: Putting social media into practice
    1. Chapter 8: Incorporating web-based engagement and participatory interaction into your courses
      1. Abstract:
      2. Online engagement and interaction: what does it mean?
      3. Choose the right tools for the job
      4. Social networking services in the classroom: a case study
      5. Wikis in the classroom
      6. Tools for virtual conferences: a case study
      7. Conclusions
    2. Chapter 9: When good research goes viral! Getting your work noticed online
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Social networking: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and so on
      4. Google, you and ‘the filter bubble’
      5. Official university pages: viral is not always better
      6. Conclusions
    3. Chapter 10: Who is the ‘virtual’ you and do you know who’s watching you?
      1. Abstract
      2. Awareness of data privacy, digital footprints, maintaining separate work and personal online identities, and other types of identity concerns
      3. What is an online identity?
      4. What is privacy?
      5. Data privacy and the ‘virtual’ you
      6. Tracking your digital footprints
      7. Keeping your work ‘you’ and your personal ‘you’ apart
      8. What should you know in order to adequately protect all of your ‘you’s?
    4. Chapter 11: Social media for academic libraries
      1. Abstract:
      2. Introduction
      3. Overview of social media types and sites
      4. Creating a Facebook page
      5. Promoting and managing the library’s Facebook page
      6. Social media policies and procedures
      7. Community acceptable behaviour policies
      8. Monitoring and interacting with your users
      9. Users must have persistent identifiers
      10. Identifying and stopping bad behaviour
      11. Conclusions
    5. Chapter 12: Learning social media: student and instructor perspectives
      1. Abstract:
      2. Introduction
      3. Designing and delivering a class in social media
      4. The instructor’s expectations
      5. Students’ views about the course
      6. Students’ take-aways from the course
      7. Conclusions from the student
      8. Conclusions from the instructor
  12. Index