About the editor

Diane Rasmussen Neal is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies at The University of Western Ontario, and she holds the permanent title of Visiting Scholar at The University of Sydney in Sydney, Australia. She earned her information science degrees (MS 2001, Ph.D. 2006) from the University of North Texas. Additionally, she has been a systems librarian and a corporate information technology professional. Diane serves as an elected Director-at-Large (2012–14) of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T). Since 2007, she has taught professional workshops and university courses on the use of social media in libraries and other non-profit settings. Her research areas include analysing users’ tagging of photographs and music as well as developing engaging, effective online mental health information resources for emerging adults. She has published in many peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of the Medical Library Association, Library & Information Science Research, the Journal of Information Science, Knowledge Organization, and the Journal of Library Metadata. Her other new edited volume, Indexing and Retrieval of Non-text Information, will be published by DeGruyter Saur in 2012. A lifelong gamer and a haphazard blogger since 2005, she is currently the co-editor of the blog ‘tl-dr.ca: where games and information collide’.

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