List of figures and tables


I.1. Facebook status xxv

2.1. interface 25

2.2. Google + circles, a feature that allows users to manually organize their contacts into groups 27

2.3. ResearchGate: recommendation page of researchers with similar research 29

2.4. ResearchGate: topic page on Open Source Scientific Software (OSSS) 30

2.5. profile page 31

2.6. visitors’ statistics dashboard 32

2.7. rDmap for discovering collaborators and potential supervisors 34

3.1. Digital scholarship: be online or be irrelevant 40

3.2. Using hangouts for collaborative writing 44

3.3. Google Docs as a means for team writing, editing and commenting 46

4.1. Timeline of the release of online academic search engines 61

4.2. Web of Science citation report for the paper, As we may think, by Vannevar Bush 63

4.3. Web of Science interactive hyperbolic visualization of the forward and backward citation of a paper by Henry G. Small 64

4.4. Scopus search interface showing searchable metadata fields 66

4.5. Example of a citation analysis in the Google Scholar gadget 69

4.6. Example of a Google Scholar public profile 70

4.7. Display of results of an author search in Academic Search 71

4.8. Academic Search’s co-citation, co-author path and citation graph for Henry G. Small 72

4.9. Rich searchable metadata options in Scirus 74

4.10. Scopus bibliometric visualizations: 1) h-index graph of 7 documents with self-citations removed, and 2) the SNIP (contextual citation impact) analysis of four journals 76

4.11. Web of Science options for filtering search results 78

4.12. Results of Web of Science query passed through to Scientific WebPlus 79

5.1. Zotero tag cloud 92

5.2. Zotero’s main page 94

5.3. Mendeley’s dashboard 96

5.4. CiteULike’s portal page 99

5.5. Connotea’s library view 100

7.1. Scanning pattern of one-dimensional vs. two-dimensional barcodes 130

7.2. RedLaser QR code scanner in use 134

8.1. Edmodo, a ‘social’ LMS 149

8.2. Mentoring service for first-year undergraduate students 150

8.3. A new information resource – Wiki: ECM in the cloud 153

8.4. Online presentation and peer evaluation 154

8.5. Elements of a student digital poster in a virtual conference 157

9.1. Search result list for ‘Diane Rasmussen Neal’ on 169

9.2. Google Scholar results for ‘Diane Rasmussen Neal’ 170

10.1. Top ten social networking sites by market share, August 2011 185

10.2. Instant personalization 186


3.1. A comparison of web-based collaborative writing tools 45

8.1. List of elements and tools incorporated into a digital poster presentation at a virtual conference 156

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