
Book Description

The creators of a state- of-the-art stress management center combine their decades' of clinical psychology experience to present a complete and concise volume on stress management in the workplace. Their approach incorporates a reader-friendly style with proven exercises and techniques designed to teach readers how to maximize effectiveness and deal with workplace stress. KEY TOPICS: The text includes an introduction to stress, the three phases of the authors' master strategy, as well as a focus on workplace stress mastery and psychotechnologies. MARKET: For students, workers and the general public interested in stress management techniques.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Preface
  3. Understanding Stress
    1. Introduction
      1. What You Will Learn in this Chapter
      2. A Changing Marketplace
      3. Stress Mastery versus Stress Management
      4. A Three-Week Commitment
      5. The Mechanics of Reading this Book
      6. Remember, Don't Just Read the Book—Taste It
      7. Chapter Summary
    2. All About Stress
      1. What You Will Learn in this Chapter
      2. Stress Defined
      3. Stress and Illness
      4. Holmes-Rahe Life Readjustment Scale
      5. Negative Effects of Stress
      6. The Physiology of Stress: The Fight-or-Flight Response
      7. What Is Possible?
      8. The Power of Belief
      9. The Mind-Body Connection
      10. Chapter Summary
      11. Chapter Questions
  4. The Master Strategy: Stage 1
    1. Breathing
      1. What You Will Learn in this Chapter
      2. Diaphragmatic Breathing
      3. Breathing Variations
      4. Breathing and Ultradian Rhythms
      5. Chapter Summary
      6. Chapter Questions
    2. Cultivating Awareness
      1. What You Will Learn in this Chapter
      2. The Value of Self-Awareness
      3. Stress Hardiness Attitudes
      4. Hardiness and Stress Resistance
      5. Chapter Summary
      6. Chapter Questions
    3. Reviewing the Master Strategy: Stage 1
  5. The Master Strategy: Stage 2
    1. Acquiring Body Wisdom
      1. What You Will Learn in this Chapter
      2. Cultivating Body Wisdom
      3. Progressive Muscle Relaxation
      4. The Importance of Stretching Your Muscles
      5. Chapter Summary
      6. Chapter Questions
    2. Looking at the World Differently
      1. What You Will Learn in this Chapter
      2. Reframing
      3. Giving Up Being Right
      4. Dealing with Irrational Beliefs
      5. The Map Is Not the Territory
      6. Optimism
      7. Optimism Questionnaire
      8. Reframing Exercises
      9. Chapter Summary
      10. Chapter Questions
    3. Pathways Through Anger
      1. What You Will Learn in this Chapter
      2. The Nature of Anger
      3. Coping with Anger
      4. Chapter Summary
      5. Chapter Questions
    4. Reviewing the Master Strategy: Stage 2
  6. Further Applications of the Master Strategy
    1. Nutrition
      1. What You Will Learn in this Chapter
      2. The Seven Steps to Good Nutrition
      3. Weight Control and Your Setpoint
      4. Use Behavior Modification Strategies to Change Your Eating Habits
      5. Chapter Summary
      6. Chapter Questions
    2. Exercise
      1. What You Will Learn in this Chapter
      2. The Benefits of Exercise
      3. Types of Exercise
      4. How Much Exercise Do You Need?
      5. Getting Yourself Motivated
      6. Achieving a Restful Night of Sleep
      7. Chapter Summary
      8. Chapter Questions
    3. Psychotechnologies
      1. What You Will Learn in this Chapter
      2. Biofeedback
      3. Double Induction Hypnotic Tapes
      4. Flotation Tanks
      5. Light and Sound Technology
      6. Chapter Summary
      7. Chapter Questions
  7. Workplace Stress
    1. Stress Mastery on the Job
      1. What You Will Learn in this Chapter
      2. Factors Leading to Increased Workplace Stress
      3. Ten Faulty Assumptions and Effective Antidotes
      4. Chapter Summary
      5. Chapter Questions
    2. Time Management
      1. What You Will Learn in this Chapter
      2. Procrastination
      3. Time Management
      4. Chapter Summary
      5. Chapter Questions
    3. Assertiveness
      1. What You Will Learn in this Chapter
      2. Assertiveness Defined
      3. The Assertive Bill of Rights
      4. A Useful Framework for Assertive Behavior
      5. Nonverbal Aspects of Assertiveness
      6. Asserting Yourself with Aggressive People
      7. Dealing with the Impossible Boss
      8. Assertiveness and Persuasion
      9. Chapter Summary
      10. Chapter Questions
  8. Conclusion
    1. The Big Picture
      1. What You Will Learn in this Chapter
      2. The Larger Conceptual Framework
      3. Chapter Summary
    2. The Master Strategy Revisited
    3. Appendix
      1. Brainwave Synchronizers
      2. The Core Relaxation Program Tape Series
      3. Double-Induction Hypnotic Tapes
    4. References