
Book Description

Proven techniques for resolving workplace conflicts

After years of seeing clients struggling and their businesses suffering with destructive conflicts, Diane Katz developed The Working Circle, a step-by-step process that helps everyone in business resolve conflict in a non-confrontational, creative, collaborative way.

Win at Work! provides you with a no-nonsense guide based on real-life examples of people at pivotal points in their careers. Filled with practical wisdom, it reveals how you can move around the roadblocks that, if left unattanded, can stop you in your tracks. Win at Work! also helps those of us who are uncomfortable with conflict, giving them tools for solving problems in a nonconfrontational manner. This essential guide

  • Offers a proven step-by-step process for conflict resolution

  • Deals with complex business questions about independence, moral values, face-saving, goal-setting, and leadership

  • Provides easy language for talking through problems and reaching a relatively painless outcome

Putting aside simple band-aid solutions, Win at Work! is your proven resource for the kind of long-term team-building that ultimately makes the difference in business and organizational success.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Introduction: Understanding Conflict at Work
    1. Conflict: Constructive and Destructive
    2. The Cyclical Nature of Conflict: No Beginning, No Ending
    3. Decision Making: The Traditional Masculine Model
    4. Who's the Victor?
    1. 1. The Power of the Circle in Conflict Resolution
      1. 1.1. Why People Have Problems Resolving Conflicts
        1. 1.1.1. Conflict and Culture
          1. What Unspoken Rules Exist in Your Workplace?
          2. Which One Is Your Organization?
      2. 1.2. Where Does Destructive Conflict Come From?
      3. 1.3. Coworkers Who Instigate Conflict
        1. 1.3.1. The Pot-Stirrer
        2. 1.3.2. The Loner
        3. 1.3.3. The Pleaser
        4. 1.3.4. The Know-it-all
        5. 1.3.5. The Chosen One
        6. 1.3.6. The Wet Blanket
        7. 1.3.7. The "My Porridge Is Too Hot" Client
        8. 1.3.8. "I've Got an Excuse for Everything" Worker
        9. 1.3.9. The Whiner
      4. 1.4. Bosses Who Cause or Exacerbate Conflict
        1. 1.4.1. The Well-Meaning Gossip
        2. 1.4.2. The "My Way or the Highway" Boss
        3. 1.4.3. The Moody Manager
        4. 1.4.4. The Boss Who Can't Delegate
      5. 1.5. Summary
    2. 2. The Working Circle's Eight Key Questions
      1. 2.1. The Working Circle
        1. 2.1.1. Question 1: What's the Situation?
        2. 2.1.2. Question 2: What's Negotiable?
        3. 2.1.3. Question 3: What's Nonnegotiable?
        4. 2.1.4. Question 4: What Have I Learned from Previous Experiences?
        5. 2.1.5. Question 5: How Do I Feel about the Situation?
        6. 2.1.6. Question 6: What's My Game Plan?
        7. 2.1.7. Question 7: What Transformations Will the Game Plan Bring?
        8. 2.1.8. Question 8: Will These Changes Ultimately Be Positive?
    1. 3. What's Your Conflict Resolution Style?
      1. 3.1. Conflict Management Style Questionnaire
        1. 3.1.1. Directions
        2. 3.1.2. Scoring the Conflict Style Questionnaire
          1. Directions
        3. 3.1.3. Conflict Management Styles
          1. Attacking
          2. Confronting
          3. Problem Solving
          4. Compromising
          5. Withdrawing
        4. 3.1.4. Consequences of Conflict Management Styles
          1. Attacking
          2. Confronting
          3. Problem Solving
          4. Compromising
          5. Withdrawing
        5. 3.1.5. Variables Regarding Conflict Management Styles
          1. Attacking
          2. Confronting
          3. Problem Solving
          4. Compromising
          5. Withdrawing
        6. 3.1.6. Styles Summary
      2. 3.2. Applying Conflict Resolution Style to The Working Circle
    1. 4. Challenge 1 Ask Your Manager for the Raise You Deserve or "Be Happy You Have a Job"?
      1. 4.1. Enter The Working Circle
        1. 4.1.1. Question 1: What's the Situation?
        2. 4.1.2. Question 2: What's Negotiable?
        3. 4.1.3. Question 3: What's Nonnegotiable?
        4. 4.1.4. Question 4: What Have I Learned from Previous Experiences?
        5. 4.1.5. Question 5: How Do I Feel about the Situation?
        6. 4.1.6. Question 6: What's My Game Plan?
          1. The Problem-Solving Approach
        7. 4.1.7. Question 7: What Transformations Will the Game Plan Bring?
        8. 4.1.8. Question 8: Will These Changes Ultimately Be Positive?
    2. 5. Challenge 2 Deal with Your Partner or Allow Him/Her to Continue Causing Chaos?
      1. 5.1. Meet Les and Adam
      2. 5.2. Enter The Working Circle
        1. 5.2.1.
          1. Blaming
          2. Raised Voices
        2. 5.2.2. Question 1: What's the Situation?
        3. 5.2.3. Question 2: What's Negotiable?
        4. 5.2.4. Question 3: What's Nonnegotiable?
        5. 5.2.5. Question 4: What Have I (They) Learned from Previous Experiences?
        6. 5.2.6. Question 5: How Do I (We) Feel about the Situation?
        7. 5.2.7. Question 6: What's My (Our) Game Plan?
        8. 5.2.8. Question 7: What Transformations Will the Game Plane Bring?
        9. 5.2.9. Question 8: Will These Changes Ultimately Be Positive?
    3. 6. Challenge 3 Speak Up about What's Happening or Remain Silent?
      1. 6.1. Meet Aimee
      2. 6.2. Enter The Working Circle
        1. 6.2.1. Question 1: What's the Situation?
        2. 6.2.2. Question 2: What's Negotiable?
        3. 6.2.3. Question 3: What's Nonnegotiable?
        4. 6.2.4. Question 4: What Have I Learned from Previous Experiences?
        5. 6.2.5. Question 5: How Do I Feel about the Situation?
        6. 6.2.6. Question 6: What's My Game Plan?
        7. 6.2.7. Question 7: What Transformations Will the Game Plan Bring?
        8. 6.2.8. Question 8: Will These Changes Ultimately Be Positive?
    4. 7. Challenge 4 Mediate or Take a Side?
      1. 7.1. Meet Brian
      2. 7.2. Enter The Working Circle
        1. 7.2.1. Question 1: What's the Situation?
        2. 7.2.2. Question 2: What's Negotiable?
        3. 7.2.3. Question 3: What's Nonnegotiable?
        4. 7.2.4. Question 4: What Have I Learned from Previous Experiences?
          1. Back to Brian
        5. 7.2.5. Question 5: How Do I Feel about the Situation?
        6. 7.2.6. Question 6: What's My Game Plan?
        7. 7.2.7. Question 7: What Transformations Will the Game Plan Bring?
        8. 7.2.8. Question 8: Will These Changes Ultimately Be Positive?
          1. The Mediation
        9. 7.2.9. Question 1. What's the Situation?
        10. 7.2.10. Question 2. What's Negotiable?
        11. 7.2.11. Question 3. What's Nonnegotiable?
        12. 7.2.12. Question 4. What Did I (we) Learn from Previous Experiences?
        13. 7.2.13. Question 5. How Do I (we) Feel about the Situation?
        14. 7.2.14. Question 6. What's My (our) Game Plan?
        15. 7.2.15. Question 7: What Transformations Will the Game Plan Bring?
        16. 7.2.16. Question 8. Will These Changes Ultimately be Positive?
    5. 8. Challenge 5 Deal with a Client's Anger or Allow Him/Her to Continue Shouting?
      1. 8.1. Meet Alberto
      2. 8.2. Enter The Working Circle
        1. 8.2.1. Question 1: What's the Situation?
        2. 8.2.2. Question 2: What's Negotiable?
        3. 8.2.3. Question 3: What's Nonnegotiable?
        4. 8.2.4. Question 4: What Have I Learned from Previous Experiences?
        5. 8.2.5. Question 5: How Do I Feel about the Situation?
        6. 8.2.6. Question 6: What's My Game Plan?
        7. 8.2.7. Question 7: What Transformations Will the Game Plan Bring?
        8. 8.2.8. Question 8: Will These Changes Ultimately Be Positive?
    6. 9. Challenge 6 Get Your Boss Off Your Back or Continue to Be Micromanaged?
      1. 9.1. Meet Jocelyn
      2. 9.2. Enter The Working Circle
        1. 9.2.1. Question 1: What's the Situation?
        2. 9.2.2. Question 2: What's Negotiable?
        3. 9.2.3. Question 3: What's Nonnegotiable?
        4. 9.2.4. Question 2 Redux: What's Negotiable?
        5. 9.2.5. Question 4: What Have I Learned from Previous Experiences?
        6. 9.2.6. Question 5: How Do I Feel about the Situation?
        7. 9.2.7. Question 6: What's My Game Plan?
        8. 9.2.8. Question 7: What Transformations Will the Game Plan Bring?
        9. 9.2.9. Question 8: Will These Changes Ultimately Be Positive?
    7. 10. Challenge 7 Stand Up to the Bully or Don't Make Waves?
      1. 10.1. Meet Raymond
      2. 10.2. Enter The Working Circle
        1. 10.2.1. Question 1: What's the Situation?
        2. 10.2.2. Question 2: What's Negotiable?
        3. 10.2.3. Question 3: What's Nonnegotiable?
        4. 10.2.4. Question 4: What Have I Learned from Previous Experiences?
        5. 10.2.5. Question 5: How Do I Feel about the Situation?
        6. 10.2.6. Question 6: What's My Game Plan?
        7. 10.2.7. Question 7: What Transformations Will the Game Plan Bring?
        8. 10.2.8. Question 8: Will These Changes Ultimately Be Positive?
    8. 11. Challenge 8 Manage That Troublemaker or Let Him/Her Continue to Stir Up Trouble?
      1. 11.1. Meet Jeremy
      2. 11.2. Enter The Working Circle
        1. 11.2.1. Question 1: What's the Situation?
        2. 11.2.2. Question 2: What's Negotiable?
        3. 11.2.3. Question 3: What's Nonnegotiable?
        4. 11.2.4. Question 4: What Have I Learned from Previous Experiences?
        5. 11.2.5. Question 5: How Do I Feel about the Situation?
        6. 11.2.6. Question 6: What's My Game Plan?
        7. 11.2.7. Question 7: What Transformations Will the Game Plan Bring?
        8. 11.2.8. Question 8: Will These Changes Ultimately Be Positive?
      3. 11.3. The Eight Challenges: Summary
    9. 12. Teaching Others Without Being a Teacher Introducing The Working Circle at Work
      1. 12.1. What if Your Work Environment Rewards Win-Lose Behavior?
      2. 12.2. What Should You Realistically Expect if You Work for a Problem Maker?
    10. Epilogue "Working the Circle" as You Advance Your Career
      1. In Conclusion
    11. Sources
      1. Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice
        1. Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice
        2. Social Psychology
        3. Adult Learning Theory
        4. The Native American Medicine Wheel
        5. Buddhism
        6. Kabbalah
    12. Acknowledgments