Eight Challenges, Eight Decisions

Part III comprises eight chapters in which I describe, in turn, eight situations that many people find themselves in at various times in their careers. The first one, about money, is generic, as we all have to face challenges and conflicts involving money. The subsequent seven are actual situations I have come across in my travels. The characters are real people, as are their stories—although the names and details have, of course, been changed to protect the privacy of the organizations and individuals involved.

As I described previously, The Working Circle incorporates both the masculine and feminine approaches to conflict, so for each of the eight challenges, I will highlight the spectrum of stereotypical masculine and feminine responses, on what I call the Masculine-Feminine Continuum. As you read, I will explain how The Working Circle can provide you with a process for reaching a balanced approach for each situation, and how it can serve as a tool enabling you to determine which is the most balanced and comfortable approach for you, regardless of your conflict resolution style.


I describe the typical responses as masculine and feminine. This in no way limits masculine responses to men, or feminine responses to women. I know lots of men who initiate conflict resolution with a feminine response, and women who characteristically take a more masculine approach to conflict resolution. The Working Circle is about balancing your style, no matter what your gender.

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