GAME #42: Lottery Fever


Game Image   Opener Image   Team-building
Categories: Image   Energizer Image   Review
  Image   Communication Image   Topical

Image Purpose: To introduce a spirit of chance into review games.

Image Time Required: 20 minutes.

Image Size of Group: Unlimited.

Image Materials Required: Lottery tickets (index cards), prepared in advance by the trainer.

Image The Exercise in Action: Kaye Sanders, training coordinator with the Jacksonville Electric Authority, Jacksonville, FL, includes one of her selfdesigned lottery tickets in each packet of course materials, or simply tapes a ticket to every desk or chair. A corresponding number to each of the tickets is included in Sanders’ large “lottery box.”

At review time, Sanders asks each participant to write three or four review questions. She then selects a lottery number from the box and asks the person holding that ticket to answer a question relating to the course material. If he or she needs help, Sanders encourages the group to provide assistance.

Once the question is answered correctly, the person initially selected picks a number from the box and poses a question from his or her list. The lottery continues until everyone in the group has a chance to ask and answer a question. Sanders says participants should also prepare a list of questions in case someone says, “All the questions on my list have been asked.”

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