GAME #69: Bump


Game Image   Opener Image   Team-building
Categories: Image   Energizer Image   Review
  Image   Communication Image   Topical

Image Purpose: To energize participants and summarize key points at the end of a training session.

Image Time Required: 5 minutes.

Image Size of Group: Unlimited, but participants should work in small groups of four or five.

Image Materials Required: Flipchart paper for each group; enough markers for everyone.

Image The Exercise in Action: Mariana Luce, a trainer with Arbitron Co., in Beltsville, MD, uses a fast-moving game she calls “Bump.” Here’s how it works:

•  Break people into teams of four or five.

•  Give each team a one-minute timer (or a facilitator can keep time with a watch), flipchart paper, and five markers.

•  The object is to list single words that summarize key training points (Example: A point about giving good feedback might be “timely”).

•  To win, a team needs to list the most words in one minute.

•  Everyone gets a marker so that they can write words on their team’s sheet as quickly as possible.

•  After one minute, all writing stops.

•  Teams then “bump” or cross out from their lists any words that appear on any other team’s sheet.

•  The team with the longest list of unduplicated key words wins.

Says Luce: “Everyone usually leaves the session laughing and energized, even if winning is the only prize.”

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