About the Reviewers

Dong-Joo Kim is an architectural designer, LEED AP currently living and practicing in New York City.

She completed her Bachelor of Architecture degree from Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, in 2009 and has worked as a designer and 3D visualization instructor in several countries around the world, including Singapore and Germany. She also received her McNeel Rhinoceros Level I authorized trainer certification in 2011 from Malaysia.

Having her academic background and professional experience in the United States, Europe, and Asia, she has a broad, yet keen perspective in design, planning, and ideas. Her multidisciplinary training and exposure to cultural diversities aid her continually evolve into an adaptive thinker as well as a fearless explorer.

She enjoys venturing and experimenting with new technologies as a means to develop her designs and communicate with the world. Her most recent obsession is playing with MakerBot, day and night, and she believes it is a valuable tool that brings a whole new level of clarity and precision in the design process.

To view her academic and professional design work, please visit www.dongjookim.com.

Andrew Plumb is, by day, an Electrical Engineer specializing in Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software and design flows for integrated circuit (IC) design. By night and on weekends, expanding the frontiers of open source 3D printing hardware and software keep him occupied.

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