The cons

  • Template-Driven forms require a lot of HTML code, which can be rather difficult to maintain and is generally more error-prone than pure TypeScript.
  • For the same reason, these forms cannot be unit tested. We have no way to test their validators or to ensure that the logic we implemented will work, other than running an end-to-end test with our browser, which is hardly ideal for complex forms.
  • Their readability will quickly drop as we add more and more validators and input tags; keeping all their logic within the template might be fine for small forms, but it doesn't scale well when dealing with complex data items.

Ultimately, we can say that Template-Driven forms might be the way to go when we need to build small forms with simple data validation rules, where we can benefit more from their simplicity. On top of that, they are quite similar to the template code we already have in place; we can replace our container DIVs with <form> elements, decorate our input fields with aliases, throw in some validators handled by *ngIf statements, and we will be set in (almost) no time.

However, the lack of unit testing and the HTML code bloat that they will eventually produce will eventually lead us toward the alternative approach.

For additional information on Template-Driven forms, we highly recommend you to read the official Angular documentation at
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