Seeding the data

Regardless of the option we chose to update the database, we now have to repopulate it. Run the project in debug mode and let the DbSeeder work its magic; as soon as you're able to see the Home view full of quizzes, go to the SQL Server Object Explorer in Visual Studio, navigate to the TestMakerFree database, and check for the presence of the following:

  • Six new DB tables: AspNetRoleClaims, AspNetRoles, AspNetUserClaims, AspNetUserLogins, AspNetUserRoles, and AspNetUserTokens
  • Four rows within the Users table: Solice, Vodan, Ryan, and of course, Admin
  • A whole lot of new columns in the Users table: from AccessFailedCount to TwoFactorEnabled:

Bingo! Our ASP.NET Core Identity service is up, running, and fully integrated with our data model; now we just need to implement it within our controllers and hook it up with our Angular client app.

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