Updating TokenController

From Solution Explorer, navigate to the /Controllers/ folder; then, open the TokenController.cs file and add the following action method:

public async Task<IActionResult> Facebook([FromBody]ExternalLoginRequestViewModel model)
var fbAPI_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.10/";
var fbAPI_queryString = String.Format(
string result = null;

// fetch the user info from Facebook Graph v2.10
using (var c = new HttpClient())
c.BaseAddress = new Uri(fbAPI_url);
var response = await c
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
else throw new Exception("Authentication error");

// load the resulting Json into a dictionary
var epInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string,
var info = new UserLoginInfo("facebook", epInfo["id"],

// Check if this user already registered himself with this
external provider before
var user = await UserManager.FindByLoginAsync(
info.LoginProvider, info.ProviderKey);
if (user == null)
// If we reach this point, it means that this user never
tried to logged in
// using this external provider. However, it could have
used other providers
// and /or have a local account.
// We can find out if that's the case by looking for his e-
mail address.

// Lookup if there's an username with this e-mail address
in the Db
user = await UserManager.FindByEmailAsync(epInfo["email"]);
if (user == null)
// No user has been found: register a new user using
the info
// retrieved from the provider
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
var username = String.Format("FB{0}{1}",
user = new ApplicationUser()
SecurityStamp = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
// ensure the user will have an unique username
UserName = username,
Email = epInfo["email"],
DisplayName = epInfo["name"],
CreatedDate = now,
LastModifiedDate = now

// Add the user to the Db with a random password
await UserManager.CreateAsync(user,

// Assign the user to the 'RegisteredUser' role.
await UserManager.AddToRoleAsync(user,

// Remove Lockout and E-Mail confirmation
user.EmailConfirmed = true;
user.LockoutEnabled = false;

// Persist everything into the Db
// Register this external provider to the user
var ir = await UserManager.AddLoginAsync(user, info);
if (ir.Succeeded)
// Persist everything into the Db
else throw new Exception("Authentication error");

// create the refresh token
var rt = CreateRefreshToken(model.client_id, user.Id);

// add the new refresh token to the DB

// create & return the access token
var t = CreateAccessToken(user.Id, rt.Value);
return Json(t);
catch (Exception ex)
// return a HTTP Status 400 (Bad Request) to the client
return BadRequest(new { Error = ex.Message });

Don't forget to add the following required reference at the start of the file:

using System.Net.Http;

The included comments should explain it all; however, it can't hurt to briefly summarize what we did:

  • We use the OAuth2 access token--which we plan to receive from our Angular app--to request the user ID, name, and email address from the Facebook API.
  • Once we retrieve the information, we use the user email address to check whether the user already exists in our identity data model or not. If it doesn't, we create a new user, register the external provider, and perform the login; otherwise, we just register the external provider and perform the login.

As we might note, when we create a new user, we're forced to create a "unique" username, as it's a required field; the method we used--the "FB" string prefix + the facebook unique ID + a random Guid without the dashes--will ensure its uniqueness among the database. Other than that, there are no surprises--the code lines that generate the access/refresh JWT tokens and return the TokenResponseViewModel are nothing new.

However, there's a single line--the highlighted one--that will raise an exception; there's no DataHelper.GenerateRandomPassword() method out there. As a matter of fact, there is no DataHelper class as well! That's definitely true; we still need to add it.

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