Stay hungry, stay foolish, yet be responsible as well

Don't get it wrong: whenever you want to use a newer version of Visual Studio, update your Typescript compiler or upgrade any third-party library; you are free and also very encouraged to do that. This is nothing less than the main scope of this book--making the readers fully aware of what they're doing and capable of going on their path, way beyond the given code samples.

However, if you feel you're ready to do that, you will also have to adapt the code accordingly; most of the time, we're talking about trivial stuff, especially these days when you can Google out the issue and/or get the solution on StackOverflow. They changed the typings? Then you need to load the new typings; they moved the class somewhere else? Then you need to find the new namespace and change it accordingly; and so on.

That's about it, nothing more, nothing less. The code reflects the passage of time; the developer just needs to keep up with the flow, performing minimum changes to it when required. You can't possibly get lost and blame someone other than you if you update your environment and fail to acknowledge that you have to change a bunch of code lines to make it work again.

Am I implying that the author is not responsible for the source code of the book? It's the exact opposite, the author is always responsible. They're supposed to do their best to fix all the reported compatibility issues while keeping the GitHub repository updated. However, the reader should also take his very own level of responsibility; more specifically, he should understand how things work for any development book and the inevitable impact of the passage of time on any given source code. No matter how hard the author can work to maintain it, the patches will never be fast or comprehensive enough to make these lines of code always work on any given scenario. That's why the most important thing the reader needs to understand--even before the book topics--is the most valuable concept in modern software development: being able to efficiently deal with the inevitable changes that will always occur.

Whoever refuses to understand that is doomed; there's no way around it.

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