Looking around

Now that our project has been created, it's time to take a quick look around and try to understand some of the hard work that the .NET Core SPA Template has done to make it work. Hey, wait a minute! Shouldn't we skip all these setup technicalities and just jump into coding? As a matter of fact, yes, we'll definitely be doing that in a little while. However, before doing that, it can be wise to highlight a couple of aspects of the code that has been put in place already so that we'll know how to properly move within our project in advance: where to find the server-side and client-side code, where to put some new content, how to change our initialization parameters, and so on. It will also be a good chance to review our base knowledge about the Visual Studio environment and the required packages we will need.

IMPORTANT! The sample code we're reviewing here is the one that's being shipped with the Angular SPA Visual Studio Template at the time of writing--MVC ASP.NET Core with Angular. In the (likely) event that this sample code will get updated in future releases, ensure to get the former source code from the web using this book's official NuGet repository and use it to replace the contents of your /TestMakerFreeWebApp/ folder. If we avoid doing that, our sample code might differ from the one featured in this book.

The first thing that meets the eye is that, as we already mentioned, the layout of a standard ASP.NET Core solution is quite different from what it used to be in ASP.NET 4 and earlier versions. The main difference is the brand new /wwwroot/ folder, which will contain the compiled, ready-to-publish contents of our application: HTML, JS, and CSS files, along with fonts, images, and everything else we want our users to have access to in terms of static files.

Other things worth noting are as listed:

  • The good old /Controllers/ and /Views/, which come shipped with any MVC-based ASP.NET application since the former release of the MVC framework
  • The /ClientApp/ folder, which already hosts a bunch of Angular source code files; we can see that they all have a .ts extension, which means we'll be using the TypeScript programming language (we'll say more about this in a bit)
  • The Dependencies virtual folder, which is basically the replacement of the old Resources folder and contains all the internal, external, and third-party references required to build and run our project
  • A bunch of root-level .cs, .json, and .js files that will determine our web application's configuration, the available client-side and server-side modules and also their setup, compilation, and publishing rules; we'll address them in a while

Just by observing these folders, provided that we already got a glimpse of ASP.NET MVC experience, we are already able to figure out how things will be handled:

  • Each request will be received by the MvcApplication, which will handle them at the server-side level and route those related to the GUI through the appropriate Controller
  • The Controller will do the required server-side tasks and then, depending on the given request, either serve raw JSON data or return the response content using a View
  • The View will serve the required client-side content (HTML, JS, and CSS), including the required JS modules that will be served in a highly-optimized fashion using a dedicated dynamic loader (Webpack)

Let's quickly review the whole process, starting with the root configuration files.

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