The webpack configuration files

Last but not least we must spend some words on the webpack.config.js and webpack.config.vendor.js files, which play the most important role for the client-side components of our project because of the insane amount of tasks they take care of. Let's start with the usual question: what is Webpack to begin with? Those who know can move forward; as for the others, keep reading.

In short, Webpack is the most used--and arguably the most powerful nowadays--module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. Its main job is to recursively build a dependency graph of all the NPM modules needed by the client-side application before starting it, package them all into a small number of bundles--often only one--and then feed them (or it) to the browser.

The benefits brought to the developer by this revolutionary approach are simply too many and too great to be summarized in a short paragraph like this, as they will require too much space to be properly explained. We'll just scratch the surface by mentioning the most important ones:

  • Dramatically reduces the HTTP requests to load the client-side assets in normal scenarios, that is, when no package managers, task runners, or concatenation strategies are being used
  • Dramatically reduces the chance of variable conflicts when using standard concatenation strategies such as the .concat().uglify().writeTo() chains featured by Gulp, Grunt, and the likes
  • Dramatically increases the control over static files, as it can be configured to skip all the "dead" JS/CSS and even image (!) assets, reduce/optimize the size of CSS files even before minifying them, easily switch between CDNs URLs and locally hosted files, and so on

All these good things are real, as long as the tool is properly configured, which brings us to the only real bad thing about Webpack; it's not easy to set it up properly, especially for a newcomer, for a number of good reasons--the documentation has been greatly improved within the past 2 years, yet it's still not as good as other projects; the configuration file is quite hard to read and the syntax might be quite confusing at times.

Luckily enough, despite the steep learning curve, there's a gigantic amount of established examples, boilerplate projects, and code snippets available through the web that can be easily adapted to be used within most projects. The Angular SPA Template we've chosen is no exception, as it comes with two great configuration files - webpack.config.js and webpack.config.vendor.js - that already do all we need: the former one will be used to construct the bundle containing the application code, while the latter will bundle all the required vendor dependencies.

If we open them, we can see how they're both set up to build three main configuration objects:

  • The sharedConfig object for the assets that will be used within either the client-side and server-side bundles
  • The clientBundleConfig object used to bundle together the client-side assets for running-in browsers
  • The serverBundleConfig object used to bundle together the server-side (prerendering) assets

The former section acts as a prerequisite bundle that gets merged with the other two before they are deployed within the /wwwroot/ folder.

If you want to know more about Webpack, we strongly suggest you to take a look at the official documentation, available at .

Also, it's worth noting that Webpack v2.x introduced a built-in validator for the config files that will greatly help the developer to track most coding errors; this new feature is extremely handy for those who want to update/improve the existing configuration files.

For specific instruction on how to properly set up Webpack for Angular, it's also advisable to read the article from the official Angular documentation.

Do you remember the UseWebpackDevMiddleware() method we found in the Startup.cs file a short while ago? Now that we shed some light on Webpack, we can bring back the topic and easily explain what it was.

That middleware, only available when the web application is running in development mode, will intercept any request that will match files built by Webpack, dynamically build those files on demand and serve them to the browser without writing them to disk. Basically, it will act as an in-memory webhook.

Needless to say, such behavior will bring some benefits during development, such as these:

  • No need to run Webpack manually or set up file watchers: If you've been using task runners, you know how difficult it can be to have these always up in terms of resources
  • The browser will always receive up-to-date built output: No more outdated code due to caching issues or watchers not being up
  • Overall speed increase (at least arguably): The built artifacts should be served extremely quickly since the active Webpack instance should keep their partial compilation states already cached in memory
For further information regarding the Webpack Dev Middleware, we suggest you to read the official documentation on the Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices GitHub repository, available at
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