
At Adobe, we strive to make our products the best in class. Adobe Photoshop is the standard for image editing, Adobe Illustrator is our world-class illustration program, and Adobe InDesign is surging ahead as a strong leader in the page layout sector. For each of our specialized applications, we spend much of our time making sure that we meet the needs of customers using those products.

However, over time, we realized there needed to be more.

When we released the first version of the Adobe Creative Suite, we not only wanted to make sure we gave our users the feature-rich upgrades they had come to expect from Adobe, but also to enhance the way they work. After meeting with many of our customers, we saw how, in their daily workflows, they often move between Photoshop and Illustrator, between Illustrator, InDesign and Acrobat, or between Photoshop and GoLive. Sometimes these moves were fluid, and other times they were extremely disjointed.

What became clear is that users needed assurance from us that moving from one application to another would be seamless and that their experience of content creation would be efficient. Customers started asking us how to combine all of the Adobe creative products into one workflow: “I want to be able to create a CD cover label using Photoshop and Illustrator—how should I go about it?”

The integration features that make the Creative Suite a total solution are the key to answering questions like this. We live in a changing world of extraordinarily rapid technological advancement. Today, creative professionals who are looking to create compelling content need to be nimble and ready to publish to any type of media. As methods for information and content delivery are changing, Adobe has also made changes to our products to improve cross-product integration and make the creation of that information and content more efficient.

Adobe Creative Suite 2 How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques will help you to get up to speed quickly with all of the new integration and component features of Adobe Creative Suite 2. Learn about the tight integration of the new Adobe Bridge and Version Cue CS2 versioning utility and how they can help speed up common workflow processes. Learn how you can share common settings for color and PDF across multiple components of the Creative Suite. Understand better how Photoshop CS2 and InDesignCS2 work together, and how working in native file formats can save you time and frustration. Discover helpful shortcuts and nuances that you never knew about Adobe products.

And be nimble and ready to publish any information, at any time, to any type of media.

Ginna Baldassarre
Senior Product Manager, Creative Suite
Adobe Systems Inc.

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