Counting: The Art of Enumeration

2.3.1 Introduction

Although counting is one of the first things we learn at a tender age, be assured there are counting problems that test the mental agility of the brightest minds among us. In this section, we will learn to count, although we refer to it as combinatorics. We will answer such counting questions as

how many ways can 10 people choose sides and play a game 5 against 5?

Counting problems often require almost no technical background and are often characterized by being easy to understand and hard to solve. Finding the number of ways to cover an 8 x 8 checkerboard with dominoes is a good example. The problem is easy to understand, but the number of coverings was not determined until 1961 by a M. E. Fischer, who found the number to be 24 × (901)2 = 12 988 816.

To assist you in perfecting counting skills, we introduce one of the basic tools of the trade, the multiplication principle.

2.3.2 Multiplication Principle

One of the basic principles of counting is the multiplication principle, although the principle is simple, it has far‐reaching consequences. For example, how many dots are there in Figure 2.11?

Diagram of counting exercise displaying three rows of ten solid circles.

Figure 2.11 Counting exercise.

We suspect you said 30 after about three seconds, and you did not even bother to count all the dots. You simply counted the number of columns in the first row and then multiplied by 3. If so, you used the multiplication principle.

As a small step up the counting ladder, count the number of paths in Figure 2.12 going from A to C. No doubt this problem did not stump you either, getting 4 ⋅ 5 = 20 paths. Again, you used the multiplication principle.

Diagram displaying four curve lines connecting solid circles labeled A and B and five curve lines connecting solid circles labeled B and C.

Figure 2.12 How many paths from A to C?

This leads us to the formal statement of the multiplication principle.

We now let you test your counting skills using the multiplication rule with something a little harder.

2.3.3 Permutations

One of the important uses of the multiplication principle is counting permutations. A permutation is simply an arrangement of things. For example, there are six permutations of the three letters abc, which are


The number of permutations increases dramatically as the size of the set increases. The number of permutations of the letters of the alphabet is


To determine the number of permutations of these letters, we begin by selecting one member of the alphabet as the left‐most member in the permutation (or arrangement), which can be done in 26 ways. Once this is done, there are 25 remaining letters for the second member, the third member 24 ways, and so on, down to the last member. Using the principle of multiplication, the number of permutations of 26 objects is 26!.

2.3.4 Permutations of Racers

Suppose four individuals a, b, c, d are in a foot race, and we wish to find the number of ways four runners can finish first and second. Since each of the four runners can finish first, and for each winner, there are three possible second‐place finishers, there are 4 ⋅ 3 = 12 possible ways the runners can go 1–2. The tree diagram in Figure 2.14 illustrates these finishes.

Diagram of permutations of two elements from a set of four elements labeled a, b, c, and d (solid circles) with dotdash line indicating levels from first place to second place leading to permutation.

Figure 2.14 Permutations of two elements from a set of four elements.

This leads to the general definition of permutations of different sizes.

Using the multiplication principle, we can find the number of permutations of r elements taken from a set of n elements.

2.3.5 Distinguishable Permutations

The number of permutations of elements in a set of the three letters is 3! = 6, however, for the three letters in the word “too” we cannot distinguish one “o” from the other, hence, we only have three distinguishable permutations that we can distinguish with our eyes, which are too, oto, oot.

2.3.6 Combinations

Now that we have mastered permutations, we turn to combinations. A combination of things is simply a subset of things selected from larger collection of things. For the set {a, b, c} of three elements, a typical combination of two elements is {a, c}. We write combinations in set notation {  } since the order of the members in the combination does not matter. The combination {a, c} is the same as the combination {c, a}. Just remember, order counts in permutations but not in combinations.

We denote combinations by either notation


The second notation is possibly familiar to the reader since it is often the notation for the coefficients in binomial expansion formulas:


It helps in thinking about combinations to read C(n, r) as “n choose r” since it represents the number of ways one can choose r things from a set of n things. For example C(4, 2) = 6 is read 4 choose 2” meaning there are six ways you can choose two things from four things. Can you visualize in your mind the six subsets of size two from the set {a, b, c, d}?

2.3.7 The Pigeonhole Principle

The pigeonhole principle (or Dirichlet Principle) illustrated in Figure 2.16 is based on the observation that if n items are placed in m containers, where n > m, then at least one container will contain more than one item. Although the principle seems almost too trivial to yield useful ideas, nothing is further from the truth. Its applications are far‐reaching and deep and widely used in many fields, including computer science, mathematical analysis, probability, number theory, geometry, and statistics.

Diagram of pigeonhole principle displaying a rectangle enclosing a pigeon with a call-out symbol (left) and nine pigeons inside individual square (right).

Figure 2.16 Pigeonhole principle.

Should the pigeonhole principle be taken as an axiom or should it be proven from more fundamental principles? The word “obvious” is a loaded word in mathematics, since many famous “obvious” claims of the past have turned out not only nonobvious but nontrue.5 Although the pigeonhole principle seems obvious, it can be proven from more “basic principles” of set theory, although one wonders what could be more basic than the pigeonhole principle. Interested readers can find references on the Internet.


  1. Compute the following
    1. P(5, 3)
    2. P(30, 2)
    3. C(4, 1)
    4. C(10, 8)
    5. images
    6. images
    7. (a + b)6
  2. Distinguishable Permutations

    Find the number of distinguishable permutations in the following words.

    1. SNOOT
    2. DALLAS
  3. Going to the Movies

    Find the numbers of ways in which four boys and four girls can be seated in a row of eight seats if they sit alternately as boy and girl.

  4. Movies Again

    Three couples go to the movies and sit together in six seats. How many ways can they be arranged so that each couple sits together?

  5. Counting Softball Teams

    A college softball team is taking 25 players on a road trip. The traveling squad consists of three catchers, six pitchers, eight infielders, and eight outfielders. Assuming each player can only play her own position, how many different teams can the coach put on the field?

  6. Counting Functions

    How many functions are there from A = {a, b, c} to B = {0, 1, 2}?

  7. Interesting Problem

    How many three‐digit numbers d1d2d3 are there whose digits add up to eight? That is, d1 + d2 + d3 = 8, Note: 063 is not a three‐digit number, it is the two‐digit number 63.

  8. World Series Time

    Two teams compete in a best‐of‐five game series. In other words, the team that wins three games wins the series. How many possible ways are there to play a five-game series when we do not distinguish between the two teams?

  9. Bell Numbers

    A partition of a set A is defined as a collection of nonempty subsets of A that are pairwise disjoint and whose union is A. The number of such partitions of a set A of size n is called the Bell number Bn of the set. For example when n = 3, the Bell number B3 = 5 since there are five partitions of a set of size three. For example, if A = {a, b, c}, then the five partitions are


    Enumerate the partitions of the set {a, b, c, d} to find the Bell number B4.

  10. Two Committees

    What is the total number of ways the Snail Darter Society, which consists of 25 members, can elect an executive committee of 2 members and an entertainment committee of 4 members, if no member can serve on both committees?

  11. Serving on More than One Committee

    How many different ways can the Snail Darter Society, which has 25 members, elect an executive committee of 2 members, an entertainment committee of 3 members, and a welcoming committee of 2 members, if members can serve on more than one committee?

  12. Single‐Elimination Tournaments

    In a 64‐team single elimination tournament, what is the total number of possible outcomes of the tournament?

  13. Counting Handshakes

    There are 20 people in a room and each person shakes hands with everyone else. How many handshakes are there?

  14. Not Serving on More than One Committee

    How many ways can the Snail Darter Society, who has 25 members, elect an executive committee of 2 members, an entertainment committee of 3 members, and a welcoming committee of 2 members if members can not serve on more than one committee?

  15. Counting Softball Teams

    A college softball team is taking 25 players on a road trip. The traveling squad consists of three catchers, six pitchers, eight infielders, and eight outfielders. Assuming each player can only play her own position, how many different teams can the coach put on the field?

  16. Catalan Numbers

    The Catalan numbers Cn, n = 1, 2, 3, … are the number of ways a convex polygon with n + 2 sides can be subdivided into triangles. The following Figure 2.18 illustrates the Catalan numbers C1, C2, and C3. Can you find the Catalan number C4 which is the number of ways to triangulate a convex hexagon which has six sides?

    Diagram of first three Catalan numbers displaying solid triangle for C1=1, two squares divided into two triangles for C2=2, and five pentagons divided into three triangles for C3=5.

    Figure 2.18 First three Catalan numbers.

  17. Famous Apple Problem

    We wish to distribute eight identical apples to four children. How many ways is this possible if each child gets at least one apple?

  18. Basic Pizza Cutting

    You are given a circular pizza and ask to cut it into as many pieces as possible, where a cut means any line that passes all the way through the pizza although not necessarily through the center.

    1. How many different pieces can you obtain with three slices?
    2. How many different pieces can you obtain with four slices?
  19. Pizza Cutter's Formula

    A pizza cutter wants to cut a pizza in such a way that it has the maximum number of pieces, not necessarily the same size or shape. The only restriction on how the pizza is cut is that each cut much pass all the way through the pizza, not necessary through the center. See Figure 2.19.

    1. If P(n) is the maximum number of pieces from n cuts, then
    2. Show the pizza cutter's formula is given by
    Diagram illustrating a pizza after three cuts with seven pieces.

    Figure 2.19 Typical pizza after three cuts with seven pieces.

  20. Round Robin Tournaments

    In a round robin tournament, every team plays every other team exactly once. Normally, an even number n teams compete and the tournament goes n − 1 rounds, where each team competes on each round. Find the total number of games played in a round robin tournament of n teams, assuming n is an even number.

  21. Lottery Problem

    A lottery works as follows. A container is filled with 36 marbles numbered 1, 2, …, 36 whereupon six marbles are selected at random by the lottery organizers. You buy a ticket and fill in six blanks with numbers between 1 and 36. You win if you choose the same six numbers selected by the organizers, regardless of order. How many different choices of six numbers can you select and since only one choice is a winner, the probability you win is 1 over that number. How many ways can you pick your six numbers and what are your chances of winning?

  22. Relatively Prime Light

    How many positive integers ≤32 are relatively prime to 32? Two numbers are relatively prime if their greatest common divisor is 1. For example, the positive integers relatively prime to 10 are 1, 3, 7, and 9.

  23. Relatively Prime Medium

    How many positive integers ≤35 are relatively prime to 35? Two numbers are relatively prime if their greatest common divisor is 1. For example the positive integers relatively prime to 10 are 1, 3, 7, and 9.

  24. Relatively Prime Hard

    How many positive integers ≤70 are relatively prime to 70? Two numbers are relatively prime if their greatest common divisor is 1. For example the positive integers relatively prime to 10 are 1, 3, 7, and 9.

  25. Internet Research

    There is a wealth of information related to topics introduced in this section just waiting for curious minds. Try aiming your favorite search engine toward problems in combinatorics, applications of combinatorics, and pigeonhole principle.


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