Chapter 7. GUI Alerts: Menus, Dialogs, Toasts, Snackbars, and Notifications

User interface toolkits as diverse as Java Swing, the Apple Macintosh toolbox, Microsoft Windows, and browser JavaScript all feature the ubiquitous “pop-up menu,” usually in the window-frame version and the context (in-window) form. Android follows this convention, with some variations to be expected due to the smaller screens used on many devices (e.g., pop-up or context menus cover a large portion of the screen).

Those other window systems also feature the ubiquitous “dialog,” a window smaller than the main screen that pops up to notify you of some condition or occurrence and asks you to confirm your acceptance, or asks you to make one of several choices, provide some information, and so on.

Android provides a fairly standard dialog mechanism, as well as a smaller, lighter “pop-up” called a toast. This only appears on the screen for a few seconds, and fades away on its own. Intended for passive notification of low-importance events, it is often used for error notification, although I advise against this usage. There is also a Snackbar, which looks like an action bar at the bottom of the screen, but behaves like a toast—it pops up, and then disappears after a few seconds.

And it doesn’t stop there. Android also provides a notification mechanism, which allows you to put text and/or an icon in the notifications bar (top left of the screen). A notification can optionally be accompanied by any combination of LED flashing, audio sounds, and device vibration.

Each of these interactive mechanisms is discussed in this chapter. The chapter proceeds in the same order as this introduction, from menus, to dialogs and toasts, to notifications.

7.1 Alerting the User with Toast and Snackbar

Ian Darwin


You want to notify the user of some occurrence, using a short-lived, onscreen notification mechanism.


Use a toast for a short notification that appears in front of your application, or a Snackbar for a short notification that occupies the bottom part of your application’s screen.


The toast mechanism is so basic that it is used everywhere. So named because its “pop up” action reminded an early developer of how an electric toaster pops up the bread when it’s toasted, the toast was designed to be easy to use:

Toast.makeText(context, message, length).show();

The Context argument can be an Activity or a Service. The message argument is a String (or a CharSequence), or the of a String resource. The length argument is an integer, with one of the values Toast.LENGTH_SHORT or Toast.LENGTH_LONG.

In older code you will often see the use of the nonfluent style:

Toast myTemporaryToastVariable = Toast.makeText(context, message, length);;

When I see code like this, I tend to ask: “But why create a temporary variable that’s only ever used once? Do you get paid by the keystroke?” If you like this style, use it, but most developers will use the shorter style.

For a slightly neater effect, you may want to use a Snackbar. While the normal action bar appears at the top of an Activity, the Snackbar appears at the bottom. Like a toast, a Snackbar is normally used to indicate something that you want the user to see, but that’s not critical for them to they see—if it’s critical, and you want confirmation that they’ve seen it, you need them to make a choice, etc., then use a dialog instead (Recipe 7.6).

The Snackbar is used in a similar fashion to the toast, but the first argument is a View:

Snackbar.make(view, message, length).show();

It is common to set an Action with the Snackbar. This is not done using the normal setOnClickListener() but instead using setAction(), whose second argument is the familiar OnClickListener (here implemented as a lambda; see Recipe 1.18):

Snackbar.make(view, pickRandomMessage(), Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
    .setAction("Tap Me!", e->Log.d(TAG, "We should do something here"))

The message argument, a String or CharSequence, is displayed at the end of the Snackbar, and if the user taps on it, the OnClickListener will be invoked. If the user does nothing, the entire Snackbar will disappear in a few seconds (based on the length argument).

Figure 7-1 shows our example Snackbar in action.

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Figure 7-1. Snackbar in action

7.2 Customizing the Appearance of a Toast

Rachee Singh


You want to customize the look of toast notifications.


Define an XML layout for the toast and then inflate the view in Java.


First, we will define the layout of the custom toast in an XML file, toast_layout.xml. It contains an ImageView and a TextView, as shown in Example 7-1.

Example 7-1. Toast layout in XML
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    <ImageView android:id="@+id/image"
    <TextView android:id="@+id/text"

Then, in the Java code, we inflate this view using LayoutInflater. We set the gravity and duration of the toast. The setGravity() method modifies the position at which the toast will be displayed. On the click of the customToast button, we show the toast (see Example 7-2).

Example 7-2. Inflating the view
customToast = (Button)findViewById(;

LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();
View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.toast_layout,
    (ViewGroup) findViewById(;

ImageView image = (ImageView) layout.findViewById(;
TextView text = (TextView) layout.findViewById(;
text.setText("Hello! This is a custom toast!");

final Toast toast = new Toast(getApplicationContext());
toast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL, 0, 0);
customToast.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {;

Source Download URL

The source code for this example is in the Android Cookbook repository, in the subdirectory CustomToast (see “Getting and Using the Code Examples”).

7.3 Creating and Displaying a Menu

Rachee Singh


You want to show a menu when the user presses the Menu button on an Android device. On ancient versions of Android such as Gingerbread, most devices had a physical Menu button, whereas modern applications generally use an ActionBar (see Recipe 6.5), which exposes a “soft” Menu button consisting of three dots in a vertical stack.


Implement a menu by setting it up in the XML and attaching it to your Activity by overriding onCreateOptionsMenu().


First, create a directory named menu in the res directory of the project. In the menu directory, create a Menu.xml file. Example 7-3 shows the code for Menu.xml.

Example 7-3. The menu definition
<menu xmlns:android="">
    <item android:id="@+id/icon1"
        android:icon="@drawable/first" />
    <item android:id="@+id/icon2"
        android:icon="@drawable/second" />
    <item android:id="@+id/icon3"
        android:icon="@drawable/three" />
    <item android:id="@+id/icon4"
        android:icon="@drawable/four" />

In this XML code, we add a menu and to it we add as many items as our application requires. We can also provide an image for each menu item (in this example, default images have been used).

Now, in the Java code for the Activity, override the onCreateOptionsMenu():

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
    inflater.inflate(, menu);
    return true;

Figure 7-2 shows how the menu should look.

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Figure 7-2. The custom menu

7.4 Handling Choice Selection in a Menu

Rachee Singh


After creating a menu, you want to react when the user chooses a menu item.


Override the onOptionsItemSelected() method.


In the Java Activity, we need to override onOptionsItemSelected(). This method takes in a MenuItem and checks for its ID. Based on the ID of the item that is clicked, a switch-case can be used. Depending on the case selected, an appropriate action can be taken. The custom menu might look something like Figure 7-2 from the previous recipe.

For this example, the code just displays one of several toasts indicating which menu item was selected. Here’s the source code:

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
  switch (item.getItemId()) {
          Toast.makeText(this, "Icon 1 Beep Bop!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
          Toast.makeText(this, "Icon 2 Beep Bop!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
          Toast.makeText(this, "Icon 3 Beep Bop!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
      case :
          Toast.makeText(this, "Icon 4 Beep Bop!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
  return true;

Figure 7-3 shows the result.

Source Download URL

The source code for this project is in the Android Cookbook repository, in the subdirectory MenuAction (see “Getting and Using the Code Examples”).

ack2 0703
Figure 7-3. Menu choice confirmed

7.5 Creating a Submenu

Rachee Singh


You want to display additional options to the user from within an existing menu, a sort of “nested menu.”


Use a submenu implementation to provide additional options to the user.


A submenu is a part of a menu that displays options in a hierarchical manner. On desktop operating systems, submenus appear to “cascade” down and to the side (usually to the right side). Android devices may not have room for that, so submenus appear like dialogs in that they float over the main screen of the application, rather like a spinner (see Recipe 6.14). You can create the menu hierarchy in the following ways:

  • By inflating an XML layout

  • By creating the menu items in the Java code

While the first approach is by far the most common, in this recipe we will follow the second approach to show that it’s possible, creating the menu/submenu items in the onCreateOptionsMenu() method.

First we add the submenu to the menu using the addSubMenu() method. In order to prevent conflicts with other items in the menu, we explicitly provide the group ID and item ID to the submenu we are creating (specifying constants for the item ID and group ID). Then we set an icon for the header of the submenu with the seHeadertIcon() method and an icon for the submenu with setIcon() (see Example 7-4).

To add items to the submenu, we use the add() method. As arguments to the method, the group ID, item ID, position of the item in the submenu, and text associated with each item are specified:

private static final int OPTION_1 = 0;
private static final int OPTION_2 = 1;
private int GROUP_ID = 4;
private int ITEM_ID =3;
Example 7-4. The menu creation and listener methods
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    MenuItem mi = menu.add("Main Menu, Option 1");
    SubMenu sub1 = menu.addSubMenu(GROUP_ID, ITEM_ID, Menu.NONE, R.string.submenu);
    sub1.add(GROUP_ID, OPTION_1, 0, "Submenu Option 1");
    sub1.add(GROUP_ID, OPTION_2, 1, "Submenu Option 2");
    return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    switch (item.getItemId()) {
        case OPTION_1:
            Toast.makeText(this, "Submenu 1, Option 1", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        case OPTION_2:
            Toast.makeText(this, "Submenu 1, Option 2", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    return true;

The onOptionItemSelected() method is called when an item on the menu/submenu is selected. In this method, using a switch-case we check for the item that is clicked and an appropriate message is displayed.

Figure 7-4 shows the application before and after you press the Menu button, then the message that appears when you click a submenu item (#2 in this screen capture).

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Figure 7-4. Custom submenu: Main menu active, submenu active, submenu item chosen

Source Download URL

The source code for this example is in the Android Cookbook repository, in the subdirectory CustomSubMenu (see “Getting and Using the Code Examples”).

7.6 Creating a Pop-up/Alert Dialog

Rachee Singh


You would like a way to prompt the user about things such as unsaved changes in the application through an alerting mechanism.


Use AlertDialog, a class that enables you to provide suitable options to the user. In the case of an “unsaved changes” scenario, for example, the options would be:

  • Save

  • Discard changes

  • Cancel


Through the AlertDialog class, you can provide the user with up to three options that can be used in any scenario:

  • Positive reaction

  • Neutral reaction

  • Negative reaction

If the user has entered some data in an EditText and is then attempting to cancel that Activity, the application should prompt the user to either save his changes, discard them, or cancel the alert dialog, which should also cancel the cancellation of the Activity.

Here is the code that would implement this kind of AlertDialog, along with appropriate click listeners on each button on the dialog:

alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
  .setPositiveButton(R.string.save_changes, new AlertDialog.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
  .setNeutralButton(R.string.discard_changes, new AlertDialog.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
    new AlertDialog.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

7.7 Using a Timepicker Widget

Pratik Rupwal


You need to ask the user to enter the time for processing some element in the application. Accepting times in text boxes is not graceful, and requires validation.


You can use the standard Timepicker widget to accept a time from the user. It makes the app appear graceful and reduces the requirement of validation. The Datepicker widget works in a similar fashion for choosing dates.


The code in Example 7-5 shows how to reveal the current time on the screen and shows a button that, when clicked, produces the Timepicker widget through which the user can accept the time.

Example 7-5. The main Activity
public class Main extends Activity {

    private TextView mTimeDisplay;
    private Button mPickTime;

    private int mHour;
    private int mMinute;

    static final int TIME_DIALOG_ID = 0;

    /** Called when the Activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Capture our View elements
        mTimeDisplay = (TextView) findViewById(;
        mPickTime = (Button) findViewById(;

        // Add a click listener to the button
        mPickTime.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {

        // Get the current time
        final Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        mHour = c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        mMinute = c.get(Calendar.MINUTE);

        // Display the current date

    // The overridden method shown below gets invoked when
    // showDialog() is called inside the onClick() method defined
    // for handling the click event of the "Change the time" button

    protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) {
        switch (id) {
        case TIME_DIALOG_ID:
            return new TimePickerDialog(this,
                    mTimeSetListener, mHour, mMinute, false);
        return null;

   // Update the time we display in the TextView
    private void updateDisplay() {
            new StringBuilder()

   // The callback received when the user "sets" the time in the dialog
    private TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener mTimeSetListener =
            new TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener() {
        public void onTimeSet(TimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute) {
                mHour = hourOfDay;
                mMinute = minute;

    private static String pad(int c) {
        if (c >= 10)
            return String.valueOf(c);
            return "0" + String.valueOf(c);

Figure 7-5 shows the timepicker that appears onscreen after the user clicks the “Change the time” button.

ack2 0705
Figure 7-5. Setting the time

7.8 Creating an iPhone-like WheelPicker for Selection

Wagied Davids


You want a selection UI component similar to the iPhone’s picker wheel.


Create a scroll-wheel picker with the third-party widget Android-Wheel, the iPhone-like picker wheel widget for Android.


You can download Android-Wheel from the Google Code Archive. Unfortunately, installation requires more than just installing a JAR file in your libs directory, because resources needed for drawing must be in the res directory. You can extract the file and copy the wheel/src and wheel/res folders into your project. Alternatively, create a new Android project from the wheel subdirectory (Android will automatically make it an Android library project) and make your main project depend on that (see Recipe 1.19). Then you can add one or more WheelView objects to your Layout, using the full class name. This class and its friends are found in the kankan.wheel.widget package; the adapters subpackage provides the WheelViewAdapter interface and some implementations. The widget package provides two interfaces that follow the standard setListener pattern on the WheelView component:

  • wheel.addChangingListener(OnWheelChangedListener)

  • wheel.addScrollingListener(OnWheelScrollListener)

The code in Example 7-6, which comes from a medical app, lets you choose a body part and location (R or L for Right or Left, respectively). The choices are hardcoded here; in a real-world app, they would come from an XML file to allow for internationalization. The app should appear as shown in Figure 7-6. This code uses the “kankan” wheel components, whose Java top-level package is kankan.wheel.widget and whose Maven/Gradle coordinates are

ack2 0706
Figure 7-6. Picker wheel in action
Example 7-6. The ScrollWheel example code
public class WheelDemoActivity extends Activity {

    private final static String TAG = "WheelDemo";

    private final static String[] wheelMenu1 = {
            "Right Arm", "Left Arm",
            "R-Abdomen", "L-Abdomen",
            "Right Thigh", "Left Thigh"
    private final static String[] wheelMenu2 = {
            "Upper", "Middle", "Lower"
    private final static String[] wheelMenu3 = {"R", "L"};

    // Wheel scrolled flag
    private boolean wheelScrolled = false;
    private TextView resultText;
    private EditText text1;
    private EditText text2;
    private EditText text3;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        initWheel(, wheelMenu1);
        initWheel(, wheelMenu2);
        initWheel(, wheelMenu3);
        text1 = (EditText) this.findViewById(;
        text2 = (EditText) this.findViewById(;
        text3 = (EditText) this.findViewById(;
        resultText = (TextView) this.findViewById(;

     * Wheel scrolled listener
    OnWheelScrollListener scrolledListener = new OnWheelScrollListener() {
        public void onScrollingStarted(WheelView wheel) {
            wheelScrolled = true;
        public void onScrollingFinished(WheelView wheel) {
            wheelScrolled = false;

     * Wheel changed listener
    private final OnWheelChangedListener changedListener =
            new OnWheelChangedListener() {
        public void onChanged(WheelView wheel, int oldValue, int newValue) {
            Log.d(TAG, "onChanged, wheelScrolled = " + wheelScrolled);
            if (!wheelScrolled) {

     * Updates entered status
    private void updateStatus() {
     text1.setText(wheelMenu1[((WheelView) findViewById(]);
     text2.setText(wheelMenu2[((WheelView) findViewById(]);
     text3.setText(wheelMenu3[((WheelView) findViewById(]);
         wheelMenu1[((WheelView) findViewById(] + " - " +
         wheelMenu2[((WheelView) findViewById(] + " - " +
         wheelMenu3[((WheelView) findViewById(]);

     * Initializes one wheel
     * @param id
     * the wheel widget ID
    private void initWheel(int id, String[] wheelMenu1) {
        WheelView wheel = (WheelView) findViewById(id);
        wheel.setViewAdapter(new ArrayWheelAdapter<String>(this, wheelMenu1));

Source Download URL

The source code for this example is in the Android Cookbook repository, in the subdirectory WheelPickerDemo (see “Getting and Using the Code Examples”).

7.9 Creating a Tabbed Dialog

Rachee Singh


You want to categorize the display of information in a custom dialog.


Use a tabbed layout within a custom dialog.


The CustomDialog class extends the Dialog class:

public class CustomDialog extends Dialog

The constructor of the class has to be initialized:

public CustomDialog(final Context context) {

       setTitle("My First Custom Tabbed Dialog");

To create two tabs, insert the Example 7-7 code within the constructor: place tab_image1 and tab_image2 in /res/drawable. These images are placed on the tabs of the tabbed custom dialog.

Example 7-7. Constructor code to create and add the tabs
// Get our tabHost from the xml
TabHost tabHost = (TabHost)findViewById(;

// Create tab 1
TabHost.TabSpec spec1 = tabHost.newTabSpec("tab1");
// Create tab2
TabHost.TabSpec spec2 = tabHost.newTabSpec("tab2");

This is a simple tabbed dialog. It requires the addition of just a few lines to the constructor’s code. To implement something like a list view, a list view adapter would be required. A variety of tabs can be inserted based on the application’s requirements.

As shown in Example 7-8, the XML code for a tabbed dialog requires TabHost tags enclosing the entire layout. Within these tags you place the locations of various parts of the tabbed dialog. You must use a frame layout to place the content of the different tabs. In this case, we are creating two tabs, both with a scroll view containing text (stored in strings.xml and named lorem_ipsum).

Example 7-8. The custom_dialog_layout.xml file




               <ScrollView android:id="@+id/ScrollView01"



                  <ScrollView android:id="@+id/ScrollView02"



Source Download URL

The source code for this example is in the Android Cookbook repository, in the subdirectory TabHostDemo (see “Getting and Using the Code Examples”).

7.10 Creating a ProgressDialog

Rachee Singh


You want to be able to alert the user of background processing occurring in the application.


Show a ProgressDialog while the processing is being carried out.


In this recipe we will provide a button that shows a ProgressDialog when clicked. In the ProgressDialog we set the title as “Please Wait” and the content as “Processing Information.” After this we create a new thread and start the thread’s execution. In the run() method (which gets executed once the thread gets started) we call the sleep() method for four seconds. After these four seconds expire the ProgressDialog is dismissed and the text in the TextView gets changed:

complete = (TextView) this.findViewById(;
complete.setText("Press the Button to start Processing");
processing = (Button)findViewById(;
processing.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

    public void onClick(View v) {
        progressDialog =,
            "Please Wait", "Processing Information...", true,false);
        Thread thread = new Thread(ProgressDialogExp.this);

We use a Handler to update the UI once thread execution finishes. We send an empty message to the Handler after thread execution completes, and then in the Handler we dismiss the ProgressDialog and update the text of the TextView:

public void run() {
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

private Handler handler = new Handler() {
    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
        complete.setText("Processing Finished");

Source Download URL

The source code for this project is in the Android Cookbook repository, in the subdirectory ProgressDialogDemo (see “Getting and Using the Code Examples”).

7.11 Creating a Custom Dialog with Buttons, Images, and Text

Rachee Singh


Your application requires a dialog-like structure in place of a full-fledged Activity to show some information. Text, images, and a button are required on this custom dialog.


Create a custom dialog with tabs. Since everything can be squeezed into a dialog in place of an entire Activity, the application will seem more compact.


The CustomDialog class can directly extend Dialog:

public class CustomDialog extends Dialog

The following lines of code in the CustomDialog class’s onCreate() method add a title and get handles for the buttons in the dialog:

        setTitle("Dialog Title");
        // OnClickListeners for the buttons present in the Dialog
        Button button1 = (Button) findViewById(;
        Button button2 = (Button) findViewById(;

For the two buttons that are added, OnClickListeners are defined in the next lines of code. On being clicked, button1 dismisses the dialog and button2 starts a new Activity:

        button1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {
                dismiss(); // To dismiss the Dialog

        button2.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {
                // Fire an Intent on click of this button
                Intent showQuickInfo =
                New Intent("");

Here is the XML layout of the dialog, present in /res/layout custom_dialog_layout.xml. The entire code is enclosed in a LinearLayout. Within the LinearLayout, a RelativeLayout is used to position two buttons. Then, below the RelativeLayout is another RelativeLayout containing a scroll view. android_button and thumbsup are the names of the images in /res/drawable:





               <ScrollView android:id="@+id/ScrollView01"



7.12 Creating a Reusable “About Box” Class

Daniel Fowler


About boxes are common in applications; it is useful not to have to recode them for each new app.


Write an AboutBox class that can be installed into any new app.


Whatever the operating system, whatever the program, chances are it has an About option. This is useful for support:

  • Customer: “Hello, there is a problem with my application.”
  • Help Desk: “Hi, can you press ‘About’ and tell me the version number?”

Since it is likely to be required again and again, it is worth having a ready-made AboutBox class that you can easily add to any new app that you develop. At a minimum, the About option should display a dialog with a title (such as About My App), the version name from the manifest, some descriptive text (loaded from a string resource), and an OK button.

The version name can be read from the PackageInfo class. (PackageInfo is obtained from PackageManager, which itself is available from the app’s Context). Here is a method to read an app’s version name string:

static String VersionName(Context context) {
        try {
            return context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(
        catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
            return "Unknown";

PageInfo can throw a NameNotFoundException (for when the class is used to find information on other packages). The exception is unlikely to occur; here it is just consumed by returning an error string. (To return the version code, the app’s internal version number, swap versionName for versionCode and return an integer.)

With an AlertDialog.Builder and the setTitle(), setMessage(), and show() methods, you will soon have an About option up and running; but you can improve the About option by using the Android Linkify class and a custom layout. In the About text, any web addresses (such as app help pages on the web) and email addresses (useful for a support email link) can be made clickable. The layout shown in Example 7-9 is the contents of the file aboutbox.xml.

Example 7-9. The aboutbox.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ScrollView xmlns:android=""
    <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/aboutLayout"
    <TextView android:id="@+id/aboutText"

A ScrollView is required for when the About text is long and the screens are small (e.g., QVGA; see Table 5-2).

The AboutBox class uses a Spannable to hold the text; the TextView containing the spanned text is be passed to android.text.util.Linkify. The layout is inflated, the About text is set, and then AlertBuilder.Builder is used to create the dialog. Example 7-10 shows the full code for the AboutBox class.


You could also load the text from a static HTML file shipped with the application (see Recipe 10.3).

Example 7-10. The AboutBox class
public class AboutBox {
    static String VersionName(Context context) {
        try {
            return context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(
        catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
            return "Unknown";

    public static void show(Activity callingActivity) {
        // Use a Spannable to allow for link highlighting
        SpannableString aboutText = new SpannableString("Version " +
            VersionName(callingActivity)+ "

" +
        // Generate views to pass to AlertDialog.Builder and to set the text
        View about;
        TextView tvAbout;
        try {
            // Inflate the custom view
            LayoutInflater inflater = callingActivity.getLayoutInflater();
            about = inflater.inflate(R.layout.aboutbox,
                (ViewGroup) callingActivity.findViewById(;
            tvAbout = (TextView) about.findViewById(;
        catch(InflateException e) {
            // Unchecked exception - unlikely, but default to TextView if it occurs
            about = tvAbout = new TextView(callingActivity);
        // Set the about text
        // Now Linkify the text
        Linkify.addLinks(tvAbout, Linkify.ALL);
        // Build and show the dialog
        new AlertDialog.Builder(callingActivity)
            .setTitle("About " + callingActivity.getString(R.string.app_name))
            .setPositiveButton("OK", null)
            .show();    // Builder method returns allow for method chaining

The app’s icon can be shown in the About box title using setIcon(R.drawable.icon).

String resources for the About text can be placed in a separate file for easier maintenance, such as res/values/about_strings.xml. The name of this file is irrelevant, as string resources are identified by their ID:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="about">This is our App, please see Email support at [email protected].</string>

Showing the About box requires only one line of code, shown here on a button click:

public class Main extends Activity {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        findViewById( OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {

The result should look something like Figure 7-7.

ack2 0707
Figure 7-7. The About box in action

To reuse this About box, just copy the aboutbox.xml file into a project’s res/layout folder, copy about_strings.xml to res/values (adjusting its text as needed), and copy the file into the source folder (adjusting the package name as needed). Then call from a button or menu listener. Web addresses and email addresses highlighted in the text can be clicked and invoke the browser or email client, which makes it easier for the user to contact you using those means.

See Also

The developer documentation for Linkify and dialogs.

Source Download URL

The source code for this project is in the Android Cookbook repository, in the subdirectory AboutBoxDemo (see “Getting and Using the Code Examples”).

7.13 Creating a Notification in the Status Bar

Ian Darwin


You want to place a notification icon in the status bar to call the user’s attention to an event that occurred, or to remind her of a Service that is running in the background.


Create a Notification object, and provide it with a PendingIntent that wraps a real Intent for what to do when the user selects the notification. At the same time you pass in the PendingIntent you also pass a title and text to be displayed in the notification area. You should set the AUTO_CANCEL flag unless you want to remove the notification from the status bar manually. Finally, find and ask the NotificationManager to display (notify) your notification, associating with it an ID so that you can refer to it later (e.g., to remove it).


Notifications are normally used from a running Service class to notify (hence the name) the user of some fact, either because an event has occurred (receipt of a message, loss of contact with a server, or whatever) or just to remind the user that a long-running Service is still running. The notification is commonly used to start an Activity and is, in fact, the only recommended way for a background Service to start an Activity (Services should never start Activities directly!).

Create a Notification object; the constructor takes an Icon ID, the text to display briefly in the status bar, and the time at which the event occurred (a timestamp in milliseconds). Before you can show the notification, you have to provide it with a PendingIntent for what to do when the user selects the notification, and ask the NotificationManager to display your notification. Example 7-11 shows the notification code.


The following code shows doing the right thing in the (usually) wrong place. Notifications are frequently shown from Services; this recipe just focuses on the Notification API.

Example 7-11. The notification code
public class Main extends Activity {

        private static final int NOTIFICATION_ID = 1;

        /** Called when the Activity is first created. */
        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

                int icon = R.drawable.icon;  // Preferably a distinct icon

                // Create the notification itself
                String noticeMeText = getString(R.string.noticeMe);
                Notification n =
                        new Notification(
                        icon, noticeMeText, System.currentTimeMillis());

                // And the Intent of what to do when user selects notification
                Context applicationContext = getApplicationContext();
                Intent notifyIntent = new Intent(this, NotificationTarget.class);
                PendingIntent wrappedIntent =
                        PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0,
                        notifyIntent, Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);

                // Condition the notification
                String title = getString(R.string.title);
                String message = getString(R.string.message);
                n.setLatestEventInfo(applicationContext, title,
                        message, wrappedIntent);
                n.flags |= Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL;

                // Now invoke the Notification service
                String notifService = Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE;
                NotificationManager mgr =
                        (NotificationManager) getSystemService(notifService);
                mgr.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, n);

The following is the file strings.xml:

    <string name="app_name">NotificationDemo</string>
    <string name="hello">Hello World, Main!</string>
    <string name="noticeMe">Lookie Here!!</string>
    <string name="title">My Notification</string>
    <string name="message">This is my message</string>
    <string name="target_name">Notification Target</string>
    <string name="thanks">Thank you for selecting the notification.</string>

The noticeMe string may appear briefly (only for a few seconds) in the status bar. Notification text and icons appear in the very upper left of the screen, as shown in Figure 7-8. The tiny Android logo is this application’s icon.

When the user drags the status bar down, it expands to show the details, which include the icons and the title and message strings (see Figure 7-9). You can also use a custom view here; refer to the official Android documentation.

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Figure 7-8. Notification demo
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Figure 7-9. Notification “pulled down”

If you have auto-clear set, the notification will no longer appear in the status bar. If the user selects the notification box, the PendingIntent becomes current. Ours simply shows a basic “Thank you” notification (Figure 7-10). If the user clicks the Clear button, however, the Intent does not get run (even with auto-clear, which can leave you in a bit of a lurch).

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Figure 7-10. Response to choosing a notification

Sounds and other irritants

If the user’s attention is needed right away, you can specify a sound to be played when the notification is first displayed. Or you can make the device vibrate, where supported.

The user’s default notification sound can be played as follows:

notification.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND;

Alternatively, you can provide a Uri to a sound file, either on the SD card or in your application:

notification.sound = Uri.parse("file:///sdcard/mydata/annoy_the_user.mp3");

Note that if you both set DEFAULT_SOUND and provide a “sound” URI, only the default will be used.

To really annoy the user, you can make the sound play repeatedly; just add the flag FLAG_INSISTENT to the flags field:

notification.defaults |= Notification.FLAG_INSISTENT;

Invoking device vibration when your notification is displayed is as simple as:

notification.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE;

Lighting the LED

As a final flourish, on devices with a signaling LED (on most phones it’s near the bottom of the physical screen or otherwise in the controls area), you can make the LED flash in various colors and patterns. At a bare minimum, you need:

notification.ledARGB = color;
notification.defaults |= Notification.FLAGS_SHOW_LIGHTS;

The +color+ is a four-byte integer containing, as the name suggests, alpha (transparency), red, green, and blue values. This is similar to traditional web color syntax, but for the transparency part; thus, 0xff0000ff is bright blue (full opacity/no transparency; no red or green).

You can also specify a flashing pattern using notification.ledOnMS and notification.ledOffMS, which are the times in milliseconds for the LED to be on and off as it flashes. Again, if you set any of these values but don’t specify FLAGS_SHOW_LIGHTS, nothing will happen.

See Also

The developer documentation on notifications.

Source Download URL

The source code for this example is in the Android Cookbook repository, in the subdirectory NotificationDemo (see “Getting and Using the Code Examples”).

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