
At the beginning of this chapter, we discussed the history of the WLAN standard and various wireless vulnerabilities. Next, we built off this information by next introducing a new piece of penetration testing equipment called the Pineapple. The second topic, explained how the Pineapple is used to find vulnerabilities and conduct network penetration testing. Next, we focused how the Pineapple was set up and configured to connect online. Then, we covered how to perform a network scan by using the recon functions found within the Pineapple. After the scan, we demonstrated how to log and report captured data from modules like PineAP. Screenshots of the module interfaces were used throughout this chapter, allowing the reader to gain applied knowledge. The screenshots also provided a chance to observe the many different capabilities and functions of the Pineapple. The Chapter 17, Offensive Security and Threat Hunting, will build off this knowledge by showing how the Pineapple and other tools can be used for offensive security.

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