Chapter 18. Using the Controller Chip Hardware

18.0. Introduction

The Arduino platform simplifies programming by providing easy-to-use function calls to hide complex, low-level hardware functions. But some applications need to bypass the friendly access functions to get directly at hardware, either because that’s the only way to get the needed functionality or because higher performance is required. This chapter shows how to access and use hardware functions that are not fully exposed through the documented Arduino language.


Changing register values can change the behavior of some Arduino functions (e.g., millis). The low-level capabilities described in this chapter require care, attention, and testing if you want your code to function correctly.


Registers are variables that refer to hardware memory locations. They are used by the chip to configure hardware functions or for storing the results of hardware operations. The contents of registers can be read and written by your sketch. Changing register values will change the way the hardware operates, or the state of something (such as the output of a pin). Some registers represent a numerical value (the number a timer will count to). Registers can control or report on hardware status; for example, the state of a pin or if an interrupt has occurred. Registers are referenced in code using their names—these are documented in the data sheet for the microcontrollers. Setting a register to a wrong value usually results in a sketch functioning incorrectly, so carefully check the documentation to ensure that you are using registers correctly.


Interrupts are signals that enable the controller chip to stop the normal flow of a sketch and handle a task that requires immediate attention before continuing with what it was doing. Arduino core software uses interrupts to handle incoming data from the serial port, to maintain the time for the delay and millis functions, and to trigger the attachInterrupt function. Libraries, such as Wire and Servo, use interrupts when an event occurs, so the code doesn’t have to constantly check to see if the event has happened. This constant checking, called polling, can complicate the logic of your sketch. Interrupts can be a reliable way to detect signals of very short duration. Recipe 18.2 explains how to use interrupts to determine if a digital pin has changed state.

Two or more interrupts may occur before the handling of the first interrupt is completed; for example, if two switches are pressed at the same time and each generates a different interrupt. The interrupt handler for the first switch must be completed before the second interrupt can get started. Interrupts should be brief, because an interrupt routine that takes too much time can cause other interrupt handlers to be delayed or to miss events.


Arduino services one interrupt at a time. It suspends pending interrupts while it deals with an interrupt that has happened. Code to handle interrupts (called the interrupt handler, or interrupt service routine) should be brief to prevent undue delays to pending interrupts. An interrupt routine that takes too much time can cause other interrupt handlers to miss events. Activities that take a relatively long time, such as blinking an LED or even serial printing, should be avoided in an interrupt handler.


A standard Arduino board has three hardware timers for managing time-based tasks (the Mega has six). The timers are used in a number of Arduino functions:


Used for millis and delay; also analogWrite on pins 5 and 6


analogWrite functions on pins 9 and 10; also driving servos using the Servo library


analogWrite functions on pins 3 and 11


The Servo library uses the same timer as analogWrite on pins 9 and 10, so you can’t use analogWrite with these pins when using the Servo library.

The Mega has three additional 16-bit timers and uses different pin numbers with analogWrite:


analogWrite functions on pins 4 and 13


analogWrite functions on pins 11 and 12


analogWrite functions on pins 9 and 10


analogWrite functions on pins 2, 3, and 5


analogWrite functions on pins 6, 7, and 8


analogWrite functions on pins 45 and 46

Timers are counters that count pulses from a time source, called a timebase. The timer hardware consists of 8-bit or 16-bit digital counters that can be programmed to determine the mode the timer uses to count. The most common mode is to count pulses from the timebase on the Arduino board, usually 16 MHz derived from a crystal; 16 MHz pulses repeat every 62.5 nanoseconds, and this is too fast for many timing applications, so the timebase rate is reduced by a divider called a prescaler. Dividing the timebase by 8, for example, increases the duration of each count to half a microsecond. For applications in which this is still too fast, other prescale values can be used (see Table 18-1).

Timer operation is controlled by values held in registers that can be read and written by Arduino code. The values in these registers set the timer frequency (the number of system timebase pulses between each count) and the method of counting (up, down, up and down, or using an external signal).

Here is an overview of the timer registers (n is the timer number):

Timer Counter Control Register A (TCCRnA)

Determines the operating mode

Timer Counter Control Register B (TCCRnB)

Determines the prescale value

Timer Counter Register (TCNTn)

Contains the timer count

Output Compare Register A (OCRnA)

Interrupt can be triggered on this count

Output Compare Register B (OCRnB)

Interrupt can be triggered on this count

Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register (TIMSKn)

Sets the conditions for triggering an interrupt

Timer/Counter 0 Interrupt Flag Register (TIFRn)

Indicates if the trigger condition has occurred

Table 18-1 is an overview of the bit values used to set the timer precision. Details of the functions of the registers are explained in the recipes where they are used.

Table 18-1. Timer prescale values (16 MHz clock)

Prescale factor

CSx2, CSx1, CSx0


Time to overflow


8-bit timer

16-bit timer



62.5 ns

16 µs

4.096 ms



500 ns

128 µs

32.768 ms



4 µs

1,024 µs

262.144 ms



16 µs

4,096 µs

1048.576 ms



64 µs

16,384 µs

4194.304 ms



External clock, falling edge



External clock, rising edge

All timers are initialized for a prescale of 64.

Precision in nanoseconds is equal to the CPU period (time for one CPU cycle) multiplied by the prescale.

Analog and Digital Pins

Chapter 5 described the standard Arduino functions to read and write (to/from) digital and analog pins. This chapter explains how you can control pins faster than using the Arduino read and write functions and make changes to analog methods to improve performance.

Some of the code in this chapter is more difficult to understand than the other recipes in this book, as it is moving beyond Arduino syntax and closer to the underlying hardware. These recipes work directly with the tersely named registers in the chip and use bit shifting and masking to manipulate bits in them. The benefit from this complexity is enhanced performance and functionality.

See Also

Overview of hardware resources:

Timer1 (and Timer3) library:

Tutorial on timers and PWM:

The Atmel ATmega 168/328 data sheets:

Atmel application note on how to set up and use timers:

A thorough summary of information covering 8-bit timers:

Diagrams showing register settings for timer modes:

Wikipedia article on interrupts:

18.1. Storing Data in Permanent EEPROM Memory


You want to store values that will be retained even when power is switched off.


Use the EEPROM library to read and write values in EEPROM memory. This sketch blinks an LED using values read from EEPROM and allows the values to be changed using the Serial Monitor:

  based on Blink without Delay
  uses EEPROM to store blink values

#include <EEPROM.h>

// these values are saved in EEPROM
const byte EEPROM_ID = 0x99;   // used to identify if valid data in EEPROM
byte ledPin =  13;             // the number of the LED pin
int interval = 1000;           // interval at which to blink (milliseconds)

// variables that do not need to be saved
int ledState = LOW;             // ledState used to set the LED
long previousMillis = 0;        // will store last time LED was updated

//constants used to identify EEPROM addresses
const int ID_ADDR = 0;       // the EEPROM address used to store the ID
const int PIN_ADDR = 1;      // the EEPROM address used to store the pin
const int INTERVAL_ADDR = 2; // the EEPROM address used to store the interval

void setup()
  byte id =; // read the first byte from the EEPROM
  if( id == EEPROM_ID)
    // here if the id value read matches the value saved when writing eeprom
    Serial.println("Using data from EEPROM");
    ledPin =;
    byte hiByte =;
    byte lowByte =;
    interval =  word(hiByte, lowByte); // see word function in Recipe 3.15
    // here if the ID is not found, so write the default data
    Serial.println("Writing default data to EEPROM");
    EEPROM.write(ID_ADDR,EEPROM_ID); // write the ID to indicate valid data
    EEPROM.write(PIN_ADDR, ledPin); // save the pin in eeprom
    byte hiByte = highByte(interval);
    byte loByte = lowByte(interval);
    EEPROM.write(INTERVAL_ADDR, hiByte);
    EEPROM.write(INTERVAL_ADDR+1, loByte);

  Serial.print("Setting pin to ");
  Serial.print("Setting interval to ");

  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  // this is the same code as the BlinkWithoutDelay example sketch
  if (millis() - previousMillis > interval)
    previousMillis = millis();     // save the last time you blinked the LED
    // if the LED is off turn it on and vice versa:
    if (ledState == LOW)
      ledState = HIGH;
      ledState = LOW;
    digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);   // set LED using value of ledState

// function to get duration or pin values from Serial Monitor
// value followed by  i is interval, p is pin number
int value = 0;

void processSerial()
   if( Serial.available())
    char ch =;
    if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') // is this an ascii digit between 0 and 9?
       value = (value * 10) + (ch - '0'), // yes, accumulate the value
    else if (ch == 'i')  // is this the interval
       interval = value;
       Serial.print("Setting interval to ");
       byte hiByte = highByte(interval);
       byte loByte = lowByte(interval);
       EEPROM.write(INTERVAL_ADDR, hiByte);
       EEPROM.write(INTERVAL_ADDR+1, loByte);
       value = 0; // reset to 0 ready for the next sequence of digits
    else if (ch == 'p')  // is this the pin number
       ledPin = value;
       Serial.print("Setting pin to ");
       pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
       EEPROM.write(PIN_ADDR, ledPin); // save the pin in eeprom
       value = 0; // reset to 0 ready for the next sequence of digits

Open the Serial Monitor. As the sketch starts, it tells you whether it is using values previously saved to EEPROM or defaults, if this is the first time the sketch is started.

You can change values by typing a number followed by a letter to indicate the action. A number followed by the letter i changes the blink interval; a number followed by a p changes the pin number for the LED.


Arduino contains EEPROM memory that will store values even when power is switched off. There are 512 bytes of EEPROM in a standard Arduino board, 4K bytes in a Mega.

The sketch uses the EEPROM library to read and write values in EEPROM memory.

Once the library is included in the sketch, an EEPROM object is available that accesses the memory. The library provides methods to read, write, and clear. EEPROM.clear() is not used in this sketch because it erases all the EEPROM memory.

The EEPROM library requires you to specify the address in memory that you want to read or write. This means you need to keep track of where each value is written so that when you access the value it is from the correct address.

To write a value, you use EEPROM.write(address, value). The address is from 0 to 511 (on a standard Arduino board), and the value is a single byte.

To read, you use The byte content of that memory address is returned.

The sketch stores three values in EEPROM. The first value stored is an ID value that is used only in setup to identify if the EEPROM has been previously written with valid data. If the value stored matches the expected value, the other variables are read from EEPROM and used in the sketch. If it doesn’t match, this sketch has not been run on this board (otherwise, the ID would have been written), so the default values are written, including the ID value.

The sketch monitors the serial port, and new values received are written to EEPROM.

The sketch stores the ID value in EEPROM address 0, the pin number in address 1, and the two bytes for the interval start in address 2. The following line writes the pin number to EEPROM. The variable ledPin is a byte, so it fits into a single EEPROM address:

EEPROM.write(PIN_ADDR, ledPin); // save the pin in eeprom

Because interval is an int, it requires two bytes of memory to store the value:

byte hiByte = highByte(interval);
byte loByte = lowByte(interval);
EEPROM.write(INTERVAL_ADDR+1, loByte);

The preceding code splits the value into two bytes that are stored in two consecutive addresses. Any additional variables to be added to EEPROM would need to be placed in addresses that follow these two bytes.

Here is the code used to rebuild the int variable from EEPROM:

ledPin =;
byte hiByte =;
byte lowByte =;
interval =  word(hiByte, lowByte);

See Chapter 3 for more on using the word expression to create an integer from two bytes.

For more complicated use of EEPROM, it is advisable to draw out a map of what is being saved where, to ensure that no address is used by more than one value, and that multibyte values don’t overwrite other information.

See Also

Recipe 3.14 provides more information on converting 16- and 32-bit values into bytes.

18.2. Using Hardware Interrupts


You want to perform some action when a digital pin changes value and you don’t want to have to constantly check the pin state.


This sketch monitors pulses on pin 2 and stores the duration in an array. When the array has been filled (64 pulses have been received), the duration of each pulse is displayed on the Serial Monitor:

  Interrupts sketch
  see Recipe 10.1 for connection diagram

const int irReceiverPin = 2;         // pin the receiver is connected to
const int numberOfEntries = 64;      // set this number to any convenient value        

volatile unsigned long microseconds;
volatile byte index = 0;
volatile unsigned long results[numberOfEntries];

void setup()
  pinMode(irReceiverPin, INPUT);
  attachInterrupt(0, analyze, CHANGE);  // encoder pin on interrupt 0 (pin 2);

void loop()
  if(index >= numberOfEntries)
    Serial.println("Durations in Microseconds are:") ;
    for( byte i=0; i < numberOfEntries; i++)
    index = 0; // start analyzing again

void analyze()
  if(index < numberOfEntries  )
    if(index > 0)
      results[index] = micros() - microseconds;
    index = index + 1;
  microseconds = micros();

If you have an infrared receiver module, you can use the wiring in Recipe 10.1 to measure the pulse width from an infrared remote control. You could also use the wiring in Recipe 6.12 to measure pulses from a rotary encoder or connect a switch to pin 2 (see Recipe 5.1) to test with a push button.


In setup, the attachInterrupt(0, analyze, CHANGE); call enables the sketch to handle interrupts. The first number in the call specifies which interrupt to initialize. On a standard Arduino board, two interrupts are available: number 0, which uses pin 2, and number 1 on pin 3. The Mega has four more: number 2, which uses pin 21, number 3 on pin 20, number 4 on pin 19, and number 5 on pin 18.

The next parameter specifies what function to call (sometimes called an interrupt handler) when the interrupt event happens; analyze in this sketch.

The final parameter specifies what should trigger the interrupt. CHANGE means whenever the pin level changes (goes from low to high, or high to low). The other options are:


When the pin is low


When the pin goes from low to high


When the pin goes from high to low

When reading code that uses interrupts, bear in mind that it may not be obvious when values in the sketch change because the sketch does not directly call the interrupt handler; it’s called when the interrupt conditions occur.

In this sketch, the main loop checks the index variable to see if all the entries have been set by the interrupt handler. Nothing in loop changes the value of index. index is changed inside the analyze function when the interrupt condition occurs (pin 2 changing state). The index value is used to store the time since the last state change into the next slot in the results array. The time is calculated by subtracting the last time the state changed from the current time in microseconds. The current time is then saved as the last time a change happened. (Chapter 12 describes this method for obtaining elapsed time using the millis function; here micros is used to get elapsed microseconds instead of milliseconds.)

The variables that are changed in an interrupt function are declared as volatile; this lets the compiler know that the values could change at any time (by an interrupt handler). Without using the volatile keyword, the compiler would may store the values in registers that can be accidentally overwritten by an interrupt handler. To prevent this, the volatile keyword tells the compiler to store the values in RAM rather than registers.

Each time an interrupt is triggered, index is incremented and the current time is saved. The time difference is calculated and saved in the array (except for the first time the interrupt is triggered, when index is 0). When the maximum number of entries has occurred, the inner block in loop runs, and it prints out all the values to the serial port. The code stays in the while loop at the end of the inner block, so you need to reset the board when you want to do another run.

See Also

Recipe 6.12 has an example of external interrupts used to detect movement in a rotary encoder.

18.3. Setting Timer Duration


You want to do something at periodic intervals, and you don’t want to have your code constantly checking if the interval has elapsed. You would like to have a simple interface for setting the period.


The easiest way to use a timer is through a library. The following sketch uses the MsTimer2 library ( to generate a pulse with a period that can be set using the Serial Monitor. This sketch flashes pin 13 at a rate that can be set using the Serial Monitor:

  pulse a pin at a rate set from serial input

#include <MsTimer2.h>

const int pulsePin = 13;
const int NEWLINE = 10; // ASCII value for newline

int period = 100; // 10 milliseconds
boolean output = HIGH; // the state of the pulse pin

void setup()
  pinMode(pulsePin, OUTPUT);

  MsTimer2::set(period/2, flash);

  period= 0; // reset to zero, ready for serial input

void loop()
   if( Serial.available())
    char ch =;
    if( isDigit(ch) ) // is this an ascii digit between 0 and 9?
       period = (period * 10) + (ch - '0'), // yes, accumulate the value
    else if (ch == NEWLINE)  // is the character the newline character
       MsTimer2::set(period/2, flash);
       period = 0; // reset to 0, ready for the next sequence of digits

void flash()
  digitalWrite(pulsePin, output);
  output = !output;  // invert the output

Run this with the Serial Monitor drop-down for appending a newline character at the end of every send (see Discussion).


Enter digits for the desired period in milliseconds using the Serial Monitor. The sketch accumulates the digits and divides the received value by 2 to calculate the duration of the on and off states (the period is the sum of the on time and off time, so the smallest value you can use is 2). Bear in mind that an LED flashing very quickly may not appear to be flashing to the human eye.


This library uses Timer2, so it will prevent operation of analogWrite on pins 3 and 11.

This library enables you to use Timer2 by providing the timing interval and the name of the function to call when the interval has elapsed:

MsTimer2::set(period/2, flash);

This sets up the timer. The first parameter is the time for the timer to run in milliseconds. The second parameter is the function to call when the timer gets to the end of that time (the function is named flash in this recipe):


As the name implies, start starts the timer running. Another method, named stop, stops the timer.

As in Recipe 18.2, the sketch code does not directly call the function to perform the action. The LED is turned on and off in the flash function that is called by MsTimer2 each time it gets to the end of its time setting. The code in loop deals with any serial messages and changes the timer settings based on it.

Using a library to control timers is much easier than accessing the registers directly. Here is an overview of the inner workings of this library: Timers work by constantly counting to a value, signaling that they have reached the value, then starting again. Each timer has a prescaler that determines the counting frequency. The prescaler divides the system timebase by a factor such as 1, 8, 64, 256, or 1,024. The lower the prescale factor, the higher the counting frequency and the quicker the timebase reaches its maximum count. The combination of how fast to count, and what value to count to, gives the time for the timer. Timer2 is an 8-bit timer; this means it can count up to 255 before starting again from 0. (Timer1 and Timers 3, 4, and 5 on the Mega use 16 bits and can count up to 65,535.)

The MsTimer2 library uses a prescale factor of 64. On a 16 MHz Arduino board, each CPU cycle is 62.5 nanoseconds long, and when this is divided by the prescale factor of 64, each count of the timer will be 4,000 nanoseconds (62.5 * 64 = 4,000, which is four microseconds).


Remember that when you directly use a timer in your sketch, built-in functions that use that timer, such as analogWrite, may no longer work correctly.

See Also

An easy-to-use library for interfacing with Timer2:

A collection of routines for interfacing with Timer1 (also Timer3 on the Mega):

18.4. Setting Timer Pulse Width and Duration


You want Arduino to generate pulses with a duration and width that you specify.


This sketch generates pulses within the frequency range of 1 MHz to 1 Hz using Timer1 PWM on pin 9:

#include <TimerOne.h>

#define pwmRegister OCR1A    // the logical pin, can be set to OCR1B
const int   outPin =  9;     // the physical pin

long period = 10000;      // the period in microseconds
long pulseWidth = 1000;   // width of a pulse in microseconds

int prescale[] = {0,1,8,64,256,1024}; // the range of prescale values

void setup()
  pinMode(outPin, OUTPUT);
  Timer1.initialize(period);        // initialize timer1, 1000 microseconds

void loop()

bool setPulseWidth(long microseconds)
  bool ret = false;

  int prescaleValue = prescale[Timer1.clockSelectBits];
  // calculate time per counter tick in nanoseconds
  long  precision = (F_CPU / 128000)  * prescaleValue  ;   
  period = precision * ICR1 / 1000; // period in microseconds
  if( microseconds < period)
    int duty = map(microseconds, 0,period, 0,1024);
    if( duty < 1)
      duty = 1;
    if(microseconds > 0 && duty < RESOLUTION)
       Timer1.pwm(outPin, duty);
       ret = true;
  return ret;


You set the pulse period to a value from 1 to 1 million microseconds by setting the value of the period at the top of the sketch. You can set the pulse width to any value in microseconds that is less than the period by setting the value of pulseWidth.

The sketch uses the Timer1 library from

Timer1 is a 16-bit timer (it counts from 0 to 65,535). It’s the same timer used by analogWrite to control pins 9 and 10 (so you can’t use this library and analogWrite on those pins at the same time). The sketch generates a pulse on pin 9 with a period and pulse width given by the values of the variables named period and pulseWidth. If you want to use pin 10 instead of pin 9, you can make the following change:

#define pwmRegister OCR1B    // the logical pin
const int   outPin =  10;    // the physical pin - OCRIB is pin 10

OCR1A and OCR1B are constants that are defined in the code included by the Arduino core software (OCR stands for Output Compare Register). Many different hardware registers in the Arduino hardware are not usually needed by a sketch (the friendly Arduino commands hide the actual register names). But when you need to access the hardware directly to get at functionality not provided by Arduino commands, these registers need to be accessed. Full details on the registers are in the Atmel data sheet for the chip.

The sketch in this recipe’s Solution uses the following registers:

ICR1 (Input Compare Register for Timer1) determines the period of the pulse. This register contains a 16-bit value that is used as the maximum count for the timer. When the timer count reaches this value it will be reset and start counting again from 0. In the sketch in this recipe’s Solution, if each count takes 1 microsecond and the ICR1 value is set to 1000, the duration of each count cycle is 1,000 microseconds.

OCR1A (or OCR1B depending on which pin you want to use) is the Output Compare Register for Timer1. When the timer count reaches this value (and the timer is in PWM mode as it is here), the output pin will be set low—this determines the pulse width. For example, if each count takes one microsecond and the ICR1 value is set to 1000 and OCR1A is set to 100, the output pin will be HIGH for 100 microseconds and LOW for 900 microseconds (the total period is 1,000 microseconds).

The duration of each count is determined by the Arduino controller timebase frequency (typically 16 MHz) and the prescale value. The prescale is the value that the timebase is divided by. For example, with a prescale of 64, the timebase will be four microseconds.

The Timer1 library has many useful capabilities—see the Playground article for details—but it does not provide for the setting of a specific pulse width. This functionality is added by the function named setPulseWidth.

This function uses a value of ICR1 to determine the period:

  int prescaleValue = prescale[Timer1.clockSelectBits];

The prescale value is set by a variable in the library named clockSelectBits. This variable contains a value between 1 and 7—this is used as an index into the prescale array to get the current prescale factor.

The duration for each count (precision) is calculated by multiplying the prescale value by the duration of a timebase cycle:

// time per counter tick in ns
long  precision = (F_CPU / 128000)  * prescaleValue  ; 

The period is the precision times the value of the ICR1 register; it’s divided by 1,000 to give the duration in microseconds:

  period = precision * ICR1 / 1000; // period in microseconds

The Timer1 library has a function named pwm that expects the duty cycle to be entered as a ratio expressed by a value from 1 to 1,023 (where 1 is the shortest pulse and 1,023 is the longest). This value is calculated using the Arduino map function to scale the microseconds given for the period into a proportional value of the period that ranges from 1 to 1,023:

int duty = map(microseconds, 0,period, 1,1023);

See Also

See See Also for links to data sheets and other references for timers.

18.5. Creating a Pulse Generator


You want to generate pulses from Arduino and control the characteristics from the Serial Monitor.


This is an enhanced version of Recipe 18.4 that enables the frequency, period, pulse width, and duty cycle to be set from the serial port:

#include <TimerOne.h>

const char SET_PERIOD_HEADER      = 'p';
const char SET_FREQUENCY_HEADER   = 'f';
const char SET_PULSE_WIDTH_HEADER = 'w';
const char SET_DUTY_CYCLE_HEADER  = 'c';

#define pwmRegister OCR1A    // the logical pin, can be set to OCR1B
const int   outPin =  9;     // the physical pin

long period = 1000;     // the period in microseconds
int duty = 512;         // duty as a range from 0 to 1024, 512 is 50% duty cycle

int prescale[] = {0,1,8,64,256,1024}; // the range of prescale values

void setup()
  pinMode(outPin, OUTPUT);
  Timer1.initialize(period);        // initialize timer1, 1000 microseconds
  Timer1.pwm(9, duty);              // setup pwm on pin 9, 50% duty cycle

void loop()

void processSerial()
 static long val = 0;

  if ( Serial.available())
    char ch =;

    if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')              // is ch a number?
       val = val * 10 + ch - '0';           // yes, accumulate the value
    else if(ch == SET_PERIOD_HEADER)
      period = val;
      Serial.print("Setting period to ");
      Timer1.setPwmDuty(outPin, duty);  // don't change the duty cycle
      val = 0;
    else if(ch == SET_FREQUENCY_HEADER)
      if(val > 0)
        Serial.print("Setting frequency to ");
        period = 1000000 / val;
        Timer1.setPwmDuty(outPin, duty);  // don't change the duty cycle
      val = 0;
    else if(ch ==  SET_PULSE_WIDTH_HEADER)
      if( setPulseWidth(val) ) {
         Serial.print("Setting Pulse width to ");
         Serial.println("Pulse width too long for current period");
      val = 0;
    else if(ch == SET_DUTY_CYCLE_HEADER)
     if( val >0 && val < 100)
        Serial.print("Setting Duty Cycle to ");
        duty = map(val,1,99, 1, ICR1);
        pwmRegister = duty;
     val = 0;

bool setPulseWidth(long microseconds)
  bool ret = false;

  int prescaleValue = prescale[Timer1.clockSelectBits];
  // calculate time per tick in ns
  long  precision = (F_CPU / 128000)  * prescaleValue  ;   
  period = precision * ICR1 / 1000; // period in microseconds
  if( microseconds < period)
    duty = map(microseconds, 0,period, 0,1024);
    if( duty < 1)
      duty = 1;
    if(microseconds > 0 && duty < RESOLUTION)
       Timer1.pwm(outPin, duty);
       ret = true;
  return ret;

void show()
   Serial.print("The period is ");
   Serial.print("Duty cycle is ");
   // pwmRegister is ICR1A or ICR1B
   Serial.print( map( pwmRegister, 0,ICR1, 1,99));      


This sketch is based on Recipe 18.4, with the addition of serial code to interpret commands to receive and set the frequency, period, pulse width, and duty cycle percent. Chapter 4 explains the technique used to accumulate the variable val that is then used for the desired parameter, based on the command letter.

You can add this function if you want to print instructions to the serial port:

void instructions()
   Serial.println("Send values followed by one of the following tags:");
   Serial.println(" p - sets period in microseconds");
   Serial.println(" f - sets frequency in Hz");
   Serial.println(" w - sets pulse width in microseconds");
   Serial.println(" c - sets duty cycle in %");
(duty cycle can have one decimal place)

See Also

Recipe 18.4

See See Also for links to data sheets and other references for timers.

18.6. Changing a Timer’s PWM Frequency


You need to increase or decrease the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) frequency used with analogWrite (see Chapter 7). For example, you are using analogWrite to control a motor speed and there is an audible hum because the PWM frequency is too high, or you are multiplexing LEDs and the light is uneven because PWM frequency is too low.


You can adjust the PWM frequency by changing a register value. The register values and associated frequencies are shown in Table 18-2.

Table 18-2. Adjustment values for PWM

Timer0 (pins 5 and 6)

TCCR0B value

Prescale factor (divisor)


32 (1)



33 (2)












Timer1 (pins 9 and 10)

TCCR1B prescale value

Prescale factor (divisor)

















Timer2 (pins 11 and 3)

TCCR2B value

Prescale factor (divisor)

















All frequencies are in hertz and assume a 16 MHz system timebase. The default prescale factor of 64 is shown in bold.

This sketch enables you to select a timer frequency from the Serial Monitor. Enter a digit from 1 to 7 using the value in the lefthand column of Table 18-2 and follow this with character a for Timer0, b for Timer1, and c for Timer2:

const byte mask = B11111000; // mask bits that are not prescale values
int prescale = 0;

void setup()

void loop()
  if ( Serial.available())
    char ch =;
    if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')              // is ch a number?
      prescale = ch - '0';
    else if(ch == 'a')  // timer 0;
      TCCR0B = (TCCR0B & mask)  | prescale;
    else if(ch == 'b')  // timer 1;
      TCCR1B = (TCCR1B & mask)  | prescale;
    }    else if(ch == 'c')  // timer 2;
      TCCR2B = (TCCR2B & mask)  | prescale;


Avoid changing the frequency of Timer0 (used for analogWrite pins 5 and 6) because it will result in incorrect timing using delay and millis.


If you just have LEDs connected to the analog pins in this sketch, you will not see any noticeable change to the brightness as you change the PWM speed. You are changing the speed as they are turning on and off, not the ratio of the on/off time. If this is unclear, see the introduction to Chapter 7 for more on PWM.

You change the PWM frequency of a timer by setting the TCCRnB register, where n is the register number. On a Mega board you also have TCCR3B, TCCR4B, and TCCR5B for timers 3 through 5.


All analog output (PWM) pins on a timer use the same frequency, so changing timer frequency will affect all output pins for that timer.

See Also

See See Also for links to data sheets and other references for timers.

18.7. Counting Pulses


You want to count the number of pulses occurring on a pin. You want this count to be done completely in hardware without any software processing time being consumed.


Use the pulse counter built into the Timer1 hardware:

 * HardwareCounting sketch
 * uses pin 5 on 168/328

const int hardwareCounterPin = 5;   // input pin fixed to internal Timer
const int ledPin             = 13; 

const int samplePeriod = 1000;   // the sample period in milliseconds
unsigned int count;

void setup()
  // hardware counter setup (see ATmega data sheet for details)
  TCCR1A=0;        // reset timer/counter control register A

void loop()
  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);  
  // start the counting
  bitSet(TCCR1B ,CS12);  // Counter Clock source is external pin
  bitSet(TCCR1B ,CS11);  // Clock on rising edge  
  // stop the counting 
  TCCR1B = 0;           
  count = TCNT1;
  TCNT1 = 0;  // reset the hardware counter
  if(count > 0)


You can test this sketch by connecting the serial receive pin (pin 0) to the input pin (pin 5 on a standard Arduino board). Each character sent should show an increase in the count—the specific increase depends on the number of pulses needed to represent the ASCII value of the characters (bear in mind that serial characters are sandwiched between start and stop pulses). Some interesting character patterns are:

'u' = 01010101
'3' = 00110011
'~' = 01111110
'@' = 01000000

If you have two Arduino boards, you can run one of the pulse generator sketches from previous recipes in this chapter and connect the pulse output (pin 9) to the input. The pulse generator also uses Timer1 (the only 16 bit timer on a standard Arduino board), so you can combine the functionality using a single board.


Hardware pulse counting uses a pin that is internally wired within the hardware and cannot be changed. Use pin 5 on a standard Arduino board. The Mega uses Timer5 that is on pin 47; change TCCR1A to TCCR5A and TCCR1B to TCCR5B,

The Timer’s TCCR1B register controls the counting behavior, setting it so 0 stops counting. The values used in the loop code enable count in the rising edge of pulses on the input pin. TCNT1 is the Timer1 register declared in the Arduino core code that accumulates the count value.

In loop, the current count is printed once per second. If no pulses are detected on pin 5, the values will be 0.

See Also

The FrequencyCounter library using the method discussed in this recipe:

See See Also for links to data sheets and other references for timers.

18.8. Measuring Pulses More Accurately


You want to measure the period between pulses or the duration of the on or off time of a pulse. You need this as accurate as possible, so you don’t want any delay due to calling an interrupt handler (as in Recipe 18.2), as this will affect the measurements.


Use the hardware pulse measuring capability built in to the Timer1 hardware:

 * InputCapture
 * uses timer hardware to measure pulses on pin 8 on 168/328

/* some interesting ASCII bit patterns:
 u 01010101
 3 00110011
 ~ 01111110
 @ 01000000

const int inputCapturePin = 8;     // input pin fixed to internal Timer
const int ledPin          = 13;   

const int prescale = 8;            // prescale factor (each tick 0.5 us @16MHz)
const byte prescaleBits = B010;    // see Table 18-1 or Datasheet
// calculate time per counter tick in ns
const long  precision = (1000000/(F_CPU/1000.0)) * prescale  ;   

const int numberOfEntries  = 64;    // the max number of pulses to measure
const int gateSamplePeriod = 1000;   // the sample period in milliseconds

volatile byte index = 0; // index to the stored readings
volatile byte gate  = 0; // 0 disables capture, 1 enables
volatile unsigned int results[numberOfEntries]; // note this is 16 bit value

/* ICR interrupt vector */
  TCNT1 = 0;                            // reset the counter
    if( index != 0 || bitRead(TCCR1B ,ICES1) == true)   // wait for rising edge
    {                                     // falling edge was detected
      if(index < numberOfEntries)
        results[index] = ICR1;              // save the input capture value
  TCCR1B ^= _BV(ICES1);            // toggle bit to trigger on the other edge

void setup() {
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(inputCapturePin, INPUT); // ICP pin (digital pin 8 on Arduino) as input

  TCCR1A = 0 ;                    // Normal counting mode
  TCCR1B = prescaleBits ;         // set prescale bits
  TCCR1C = 0;
  bitSet(TCCR1B,ICES1);           // init input capture 
  bitSet(TIFR1,ICF1);             // clear pending 
  bitSet(TIMSK1,ICIE1);           // enable  
  Serial.println("pulses are sampled while LED is lit");
  Serial.print( precision);     // report duration of each tick in microseconds
  Serial.println(" microseconds per tick");

// this loop prints the duration of pulses detected in the last second
void loop() 
  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);  
  index = 0;
  gate = 1; // enable sampling
  gate = 0;  // disable sampling
  if(index > 0)
    Serial.println("Durations in Microseconds are:") ;
    for( byte i=0; i < index; i++)
      long duration;
      duration = results[i] * precision; // pulse duration in nanoseconds
      if(duration > 0) {
        Serial.println(duration / 1000);   // duration in microseconds
        results[i] = 0; // clear value for next reading
    index = 0;


This sketch uses a timer facility called Input Capture to measure the duration of a pulse. Only 16-bit timers support this capability and this only works with pin 8 on a standard Arduino board.


Input Capture uses a pin that is internally wired within the hardware and cannot be changed. Use pin 8 on a standard Arduino board and pin 48 on a Mega (using Timer5 instead of Timer1).

Because Input Capture is implemented entirely in the controller chip hardware, no time is wasted in interrupt handling, so this technique is more accurate for very short pulses (less than tens of microseconds).

The sketch uses a gate variable that enables measurements (when nonzero) every other second. The LED is illuminated to indicate that measurement is active. The input capture interrupt handler stores the pulse durations for up to 64 pulse transitions.

The edge that triggers the timer measurement is determined by the ICES1 bit of the TCCR1B timer register. The line:

  TCCR1B ^= _BV(ICES1);

toggles the edge that triggers the handler so that the duration of both high and low pulses is measured.

If the count goes higher than the maximum value for the timer, you can monitor overflow to increment a variable to extend the counting range. The following code increments a variable named overflow each time the counter overflows:

volatile int overflows = 0;

/* Overflow interrupt vector */
ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect)                 // here if no input pulse detected
  overflows++;                       // increment overflow count

Change the code in setup as follows:

  TIMSK1 =  _BV(ICIE1);           // enable input capture interrupt for timer 1
  TIMSK1 |= _BV(TOIE1);           // Add this line to enable overflow interrupt

See Also

See See Also for links to data sheets and other references for timers.

18.9. Measuring Analog Values Quickly


You want to read an analog value as quickly as possible without decreasing the accuracy.


You can increase the analogRead sampling rate by changing register values that determine the sampling frequency:

const int sensorPin = 0;             // pin the receiver is connected to
const int numberOfEntries = 100;

unsigned long microseconds;
unsigned long duration;

int results[numberOfEntries];

void setup()

  // standard analogRead performance (prescale =  128)
  microseconds = micros();
  for(int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++)
      results[i] = analogRead(sensorPin);
  duration = micros() - microseconds;
  Serial.print(" readings took ");

 // running with high speed clock (set prescale to 16)
  bitClear(ADCSRA,ADPS0) ;
  bitClear(ADCSRA,ADPS1) ;
  bitSet(ADCSRA,ADPS2) ;
  microseconds = micros();
  for(int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++)
      results[i] = analogRead(sensorPin);
  duration = micros() - microseconds;
  Serial.print(" readings took ");

void loop()

Running the sketch on a 16 MHz Arduino will produce output similar to the following:

100 readings took 11308
100 readings took 1704


analogRead takes around 110 microseconds to complete a reading. This may not be fast enough for rapidly changing values, such as capturing the higher range of audio frequencies. The sketch measures the time in microseconds for the standard analogRead and then adjusts the timebase used by the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to perform the conversion faster. With a 16 MHz board, the timebase rate is increased from 125 kHz to 1 MHz. The actual performance improvement is slightly less than eight times because there is some overhead in the Arduino analogRead function that is not improved by the timebase change. The reduction of time from 113 microseconds to 17 microseconds is a significant improvement.

The ADCSRA register is used to configure the ADC, and the bits set in the sketch (ADPS0, ADPS1, and ADPS2) set the ADC clock divisor to 16.

See Also

Atmel has an application note that provides a detailed explanation of performance aspects of the ADC:

18.10. Reducing Battery Drain


You want to reduce the power used by your application by shutting down Arduino until a period of time has elapsed or until an external event takes place.


This Solution uses a library by Arduino guru Peter Knight. You can download the library from

#include <Narcoleptic.h>

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int a;

  // Merlin the cat is snoozing... Connect digital pin 2 to ground to wake him up.
  Narcoleptic.delay(500); // During this time power consumption is minimized

  while (digitalRead(2) == LOW) {
    // Wake up CPU. Unfortunately, Merlin does not like waking up.

    // Swipe claws left

    // Swipe claws right

  // Merlin the cat goes to sleep...


A standard Arduino board would run down a 9-volt alkaline battery in a few weeks (the Duemilanove typically draws more than 25 milliamperes [mA], excluding any external devices that may be connected). You can reduce this consumption by half if you use a board that does not have a built-in USB interface chip, such as the Arduino Mini, LilyPad, Fio, or one of the Modern Device Bare Bones Boards that require the use of an external USB interface for uploading sketches. Significantly greater power savings can be achieved if your application can suspend operation for a period of time—Arduino hardware can be put to sleep for a preset period of time or until a pin changes state, and this reduces the power consumption of the chip to less than one one-hundredth of 1 percent (from around 15 mA to around 0.001 mA) during sleep.

The library used in this recipe provides easy access to the hardware sleep function. The sleep time can range from 16 to 8,000 milliseconds (eight seconds). To sleep for longer periods, you can repeat the delay intervals until you get the period you want:

void longDelay(long milliseconds)
   while(milliseconds > 0)
      if(milliseconds > 8000)
         milliseconds -= 8000;


Sleep mode can reduce the power consumption of the controller chip, but if you are looking to run for as long as possible on a battery, you should minimize current drain through external components such as inefficient voltage regulators, pull-up or pull-down resistors, LEDs, and other components that draw current when the chip is in sleep mode.

See Also

See the Arduino hardware page for links to information on the LilyPad and Fio boards:

For an example of very low power operation, see

18.11. Setting Digital Pins Quickly


You need to set or clear digital pins much faster than enabled by the Arduino digitalWrite command.


Arduino digitalWrite provides a safe and easy-to-use method of setting and clearing pins, but it is more than 30 times slower than directly accessing the controller hardware. You can set and clear pins by directly setting bits on the hardware registers that are controlling digital pins.

This sketch uses direct hardware I/O to send Morse code (the word arduino) to an AM radio tuned to approximately 1 MHz. The technique used here is 30 times faster than Arduino digitalWrite:

 * Morse sketch
 * Direct port I/O used to send AM radio carrier at 1MHz

const int sendPin = 2;

const byte WPM = 12;                    // sending speed in words per minute
const long repeatCount = 1200000 / WPM; // count determines dot/dash duration
const byte dot = 1;
const byte dash = 3;
const byte gap = 3;
const byte wordGap = 7;byte letter = 0; // the letter to send

char *arduino = ".- .-. -.. ..- .. -. ---";

void setup()
  pinMode(sendPin, OUTPUT);

void loop()

void sendMorse(char * string)
  letter = 0 ;
  while(string[letter]!= 0)
    if(string[letter] == '.')
    else if(string[letter] == '-')
    else if(string[letter] == ' ')
    else if(string[letter] == 0)
    letter = letter+1;

void  sendDot()
  transmitCarrier( dot *  repeatCount);

void  sendDash()
  transmitCarrier( dash *  repeatCount);

void  sendGap()
  transmitNoCarrier( gap *  repeatCount);

void  sendWordGap()
  transmitNoCarrier( wordGap *  repeatCount);

void transmitCarrier(long count)
    bitSet(PORTD, sendPin);
    bitSet(PORTD, sendPin);
    bitSet(PORTD, sendPin);
    bitSet(PORTD, sendPin);
    bitClear(PORTD, sendPin);

void transmitNoCarrier(long count)
    bitClear(PORTD, sendPin);
    bitClear(PORTD, sendPin);
    bitClear(PORTD, sendPin);
    bitClear(PORTD, sendPin);
    bitClear(PORTD, sendPin);

Connect one end of a piece of wire to pin 2 and place the other end near the antenna of a medium wave AM radio tuned to 1 MHz (1,000 kHz).


The sketch generates a 1 MHz signal to produce dot and dash sounds that can be received by an AM radio tuned to this frequency. The frequency is determined by the duration of the bitSet and bitClear commands that set the pin HIGH and LOW to generate the radio signal. bitSet and bitClear are not functions, they are macros. Macros substitute an expression for executable code—in this case, code that changes a single bit in register PORTD given by the value of sendPin.

Digital pins 0 through 7 are controlled by the register named PORTD. Each bit in PORTD corresponds to a digital pin. Pins 8 through 13 are on register PORTB, and pins 14 through 19 are on PORTA. The sketch uses the bitSet and bitClear commands to set and clear bits on the port (see Recipe 3.12). Each register supports up to eight bits (although not all bits correspond to Arduino pins). If you want to use Arduino pin 13 instead of pin 2, you need to set and clear PORTB as follows:

const int sendPin = 13;

bitSet(PORTB, sendPin - 8);
bitClear(PORTB, sendPin - 8);

You subtract 8 from the value of the pin because bit 0 of the PORTB register is pin 8, bit 1 is pin 9, and so on, to bit 5 controlling pin 13.

Setting and clearing bits using bitSet is done in a single instruction of the Arduino controller. On a 16 MHz Arduino, that is 62.5 nanoseconds. This is around 30 times faster than using digitalWrite.

The transmit functions in the sketch actually need more time updating and checking the count variable than it takes to set and clear the register bits, which is why the transmitCarrier function has four bitSet commands and only one bitClear command—the additional bitClear commands are not needed because of the time it takes to update and check the count variable.

18.12. Uploading Sketches Using a Programmer


You want to upload sketches using a programmer instead of the bootloader. Perhaps you want the shortest upload time, or you don’t have a serial connection to your computer suitable for bootloading, or you want to use the space normally reserved for the bootloader to increase the program memory available to your sketch.


Connect an external in-system programmer (ISP) to the Arduino programming ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) connector. Programmers intended for use with Arduino have a 6-pin cable that attaches to the 6-pin ICSP connector as shown in Figure 18-1.

Ensure that pin 1 from the programmer (usually marked with different color than the other wires) is connected to pin 1 on the ICSP connector. The programmer may have a switch or jumper to enable it to power the Arduino board; read the instructions for your programmer to ensure that the Arduino is powered correctly.

Connecting a programmer to Arduino
Figure 18-1. Connecting a programmer to Arduino

Select your programmer from the Tools menu. (AVRISP, AVRISPII, USBtinyISP, Parallel programmer, or Arduino as ISP) and double check that you have the correct Arduino board selected. From the File menu, select Upload Using Programmer to perform the upload.


There are a number of different programmers available, from expensive devices aimed at professional developers that offer various debugging options, to low-cost self-build kits, or programming an additional Arduino to perform this function. The programmer may be a native USB device, or appear as a serial port. Check the documentation for your device to see what kind it is, and whether you need to install drivers for it.


The serial Rx and Tx LEDs on the Arduino will not flicker during upload because the programmer is not using the hardware serial port.

Uploading using a programmer removes the bootloader code from the chip. This frees up the space the bootloader occupies and gives a little more room for your sketch code.

See Also

Code to convert an Arduino into an ISP programmer can be found in the sketch example named ArduinoISP. The comments in the sketch describe the connections to use.

See Recipe 18.13.

Suitable hardware programmers include:

18.13. Replacing the Arduino Bootloader


You want to replace the bootloader. Perhaps you can’t get the board to upload programs and suspect the bootloader is not working. Or you want to replace an old bootloader with one with higher performance or different features.


Connect a programmer and select it as discussed in Recipe 18.12. Double check you have the correct board selected and click “Burn Bootloader” from the Tools menu.

A message will appear in the IDE saying “Burning bootloader to I/O board (this may take a minute)…” Programmers with status lights should indicate that the bootloader is being written to the board. You should see the LED connected to pin 13 flash as the board is programmed (pin 13 happens to be connected to one of the ICSP signal pins). If all goes well, you should get a message saying “Done Loading Bootloader.”

Disconnect the programmer and try uploading code through the IDE to verify it is working.


The bootloader is a small program that runs on the chip and briefly checks each time the chip powers up to see if the IDE is trying upload code to the board. If so, the bootloader takes over and replaces the code on the chip with new code being uploaded through the serial port. If the bootloader does not detect a request to upload, it relinquishes control to the sketch code already on the board.

If you have used a serial programmer, you will need to switch the serial port back to the correct one for your Arduino board as described in Recipe 1.4.

See Also

Optiloader, maintained by Bill Westfield, is another way to update or install the bootloader. It uses an Arduino connected as an ISP programmer, but all the bootloaders are included in the Arduino sketch code. This means an Arduino with Optiloader can program another chip automatically when power is applied—no external computer needed. The code identifies the chip and loads the correct bootloader onto it.

18.14. Reprogram the Uno to Emulate a Native USB device


You want your Arduino Uno to appear like a native USB device instead of as a serial port, for example as a MIDI USB device to communicate directly with music programs on your computer.


Replace the code running on the Uno USB controller (ATmega8U2) chip so that it communicates with the computer as a native USB device rather than a serial port.


If the reprogramming is not done carefully, or a different firmware is used that does not include the DFU firmware, you can get the board into a state where you will need an external programmer to fix it using a command-line utility named avrdude. If you are not familiar with running command-line tools, you should think carefully before trying out this recipe.

Start by programing the Uno board with the sketch that will be talking to the 8U2, as once you have reprogrammed the 8U2 it will be more difficult to change the sketch. Darran Hunt has written suitable code for this that you can download from: (at the time of writing, this sketch used the old .pde extension but it is compatible with Arduino 1.0). Upload this to the Uno from the IDE in the usual way. This sketch will send commands to the 8U2 that will tell it what MIDI messages to send back to the computer.

Download the code to reprogram the 8U2 chip from

You will also need programming software that can talk to the 8U2 chip:

On Windows

Install the Atmel Flip program:


Install the command line tool dfu-programmer. A handy install script for installing is here:


From terminal, type: sudo apt-get install dfu-programme or sudo aptitude install dfu-programmer depending on your distribution.

Set the 8U2 into its reprogram mode: if your Uno has the 6-pin connector by the 8U2 chip populated with pins, then you just need to short the lefthand pair of pins (closest to the USB connector) together to put the chip in DFU mode.


The first Uno boards (revision 1) did not have a resistor needed to reset the 8U2. If you are unable to reset your board, follow the instructions at Halfway down the page it describes what to do if your board needs to have an external resistor added to enable resetting the 8U2 chip.

On Windows

When the board is put into DFU mode for the first time, the Found New Hardware Wizard will appear. If the board installs without error then carry on. If the hardware installation fails (in the same way the Uno installation does) then you need to go into Device Manager and highlight the entry for Arduino DFU (it will have a yellow warning triangle next to it), right-click, and select update drivers. Navigate to the Flip 3.4.3 folder in Program Files/Atmel and select the USB folder. The drivers should now successfully install.

Launch the Flip program.

Select the device type AT90USB82 from the drop-down menu (it is the only active option when you first run the program). Click on the icon of a lead and select USB. If you get the error message AtLibUsbDfu.dll not found, the drivers have not installed. Follow the instructions above.

Click on the Select EEPROM button at the bottom of the window and open Arduino-usbmidi-0.2.hex. Select Run to the left of this button, and the program should go through the cycle listed above the button: Erase, Program, Verify. Unplug the board and plug it back in and it will show up as a MIDI device on your computer.

Mac and Linux

In terminal, cd into the folder with the hex file.

Clear the chip by typing sudo dfu-programmer at90usb82 erase.

When this has finished, type sudo dfu-ptogrammer at90usb82 flash Arduino-usbmidi-0.2.hex.

Unplug the board and plug it back in to get the new firmware to run in the 8U2.

The operating system should now recognize the device as a MIDI device. Hook it up to a music program and you should hear a string of notes.


Once the 8U2 is reprogrammed, the messages that are sent to the computer are still controlled by the sketch running on the main chip, but your computer sees the Arduino board as a MIDI device instead of a serial port. The sketch running on the main chip determines what gets sent to your computer, allowing Arduino to respond to switches and sensors to control what is played.

The IDE will not see the standard bootloader when the 8U2 has been reprogrammed as described in this Recipe, so to change the sketch you use an external programmer (see Recipe 18.12).

If you want to return your 8U2 to its original state, you can obtain the required .HEX file at Put this on the 8U2 using the procedure described above, but use this hex file instead of the MIDI one.

If you have used other firmware that does not include the DFU loader (not all firmware found on the internet include it), or something has gone wrong and the board will not go into DFU mode, then you need to use an external programmer to replace the firmware.

This needs to be done from the command line using the upload utility named AVRdude (it cannot be done using the Arduino IDE).


In order for the following command to work, you need to supply the full path to avrdude, not just the name. avrdude is located inside your Arduino program folder: on a Mac; hardware/tools/avr/bin inside the Arduino folder on Windows. (Or you can add this location to your PATH environment; Google “set path environment” for your operating system for details.)

At the command line from the folder where the hex file is located, execute the following command:

For the Uno

avrdude -p at90usb82 -F -P usb -c avrispmkii -U flash:w:UNO-dfu_and_usbserial_combined.hex -U lfuse:w:0xFF:m -U hfuse:w:0xD9:m -U efuse:w:0xF4:m -U lock:w:0x0F:m

For the Mega 2560

avrdude -p at90usb82 -F -P usb -c avrispmkii -U flash:w:MEGA-dfu_and_usbserial_combined.hex -U lfuse:w:0xFF:m -U hfuse:w:0xD9:m -U efuse:w:0xF4:m -U lock:w:0x0F:m

If your programming device is a serial device rather than USB you will need to change -P usb to specify which serial port (e.g., -P \.COM19 on Windows; -P /dev/tty.usbserial-XXXXXX on Mac (check the Arduino serial port menu for the name it appears as, and what values XXXXXX are). Set the -c avrispmkii based on the type of programmer you have. For more details on this, see Recipe 18.12.

See Also

See Recipe 18.12.

Darran Hunt’s ATmega8U2 blog:

Updating the Atmega8U2 on an Uno or Mega2560 using DFU:

The Teensy and Teensy++ boards can emulate USB HID devices:

The Arduino Leonardo board supports emulation of USB HID devices. Leonardo had not been released when this book was printed; check the Arduino hardware page to see if it is available: http://www.arduinocc/en/Main/hardware.

See Recipe 9.6 for the conventional way to control MIDI from Arduino.

A tutorial covering the low-level avrdude programming tool:

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