
Autodesk AutoCAD 2014 Certification

Autodesk® certifications are industry-recognized credentials that can help you succeed in your design career, providing benefits to both you and your employer. Getting certified is a reliable validation of skills and knowledge, and it can lead to accelerated professional development, improved productivity, and enhanced credibility.

This Autodesk Official Training Guide can be an effective component of your exam preparation. Autodesk highly recommends (and we agree!) that you schedule regular time to prepare, review the most current exam preparation roadmap available at, use Autodesk Official Training Guides, take a class at an Authorized Training Center (find ATCs near you here:, and use a variety of resources to prepare for your certification—including plenty of actual hands-on experience.

To help you focus your studies on the skills you’ll need for these exams, the following tables show objectives that could potentially appear on an exam, and in what chapter you can find information on that topic—and when you go to that chapter, you’ll find certification icons like the one in the margin here.


Table A-1 is for the Autodesk Certified Associate Exam and lists the section, exam objectives, and chapter where the information is found. Table A-2 is for the Autodesk Certified Professional Exam. The sections and exam objectives listed in the table are from the Autodesk Certification Exam Guide.

These Autodesk exam objectives were accurate at press time. Please refer to for the most current exam roadmap and objectives.

Good luck preparing for your certification!

Table A-1: Certified Associate Exam sections and objectives

TopicLearning ObjectiveChapter
User Interface: UI Navigation/InteractionAccess various tools on the Application menu to create, open, and publish a file.1
Identify and state the purpose of the main interface elements: ribbon > panels > tabs, context (right-click) menus, menus.1
Demonstrate the use of the tools on the Quick Access toolbar.1
Define and set the workspace.1
Describe the functions of InfoCenter.1
Use the application menu or Quick Access toolbar to open an existing file.1
Describe the two primary spaces in AutoCAD.1
Use the Zoom and Pan commands to view different areas of the drawing.2
Creating Drawings: Coordinate EntryDescribe the two coordinate systems.2
Use dynamic input, direct distance, and shortcut menus.2
Creating Drawings: Draw Tools and SettingsUse the Line, Circle, Arc, Erase, Rectangle, and Polygon commands to create and erase geometry in the drawing.2
Use object snaps to accurately place and create objects in the drawing.3
Activate and use the Polar Tracking and PolarSnap modes to more accurately create geometry at different angles in the drawing.3
Explain, enable, and use object snap tracking to position geometry in the drawing.3
Describe the process of setting Length and Angle units.1
Describe the Snap and Grid, Polar Tracking, and Object Snap settings.3
Manipulating Objects: GripsUse Grip modes to stretch, move, scale, rotate, or mirror an object.4
Manipulating Objects: Object SelectionUse single clicks to add and remove objects from a selection set.4
Use a window to select only objects that are entirely enclosed by the rectangular area. 4
Use a window to select objects that the rectangular window encloses or crosses.4
Move ObjectsUse coordinates, grid snap, object snaps, and other tools to move objects with precision.3
Drawing Organization and Inquiry Commands: LayersUse layers and the Layer Properties Manager to organize objects in your drawing.6
Drawing Organization and Inquiry Commands: Object PropertiesUse the Quick Properties palette to display and change the most commonly used properties.7
Use the Properties palette to display and change the properties of the selected object or set of objects.14
Use the Match Properties command to apply the properties from a source object to destination objects.6
Drawing Organization and Inquiry Commands: LinetypesUse linetypes to distinguish objects in the drawing.6
Drawing Organization and Inquiry Commands: InquiryUse the Inquiry commands (Distance, Radius, Angle, Area, List, and ID) to obtain geometric information.11
Altering Objects: Modify ToolsChange the length of objects using the Trim and Extend commands.4
Create parallel and offset geometry in your drawing by using the Offset command.4
Use the Join command to combine multiple objects into a single object.5
Break objects into two or more independent objects.5
Apply a radius corner to two objects in the drawing.7
Apply an angled corner to two objects in the drawing.2
Use the Stretch command to alter the shape of objects in the drawing.7
Working with Layouts: Layouts and ViewportsIdentify the environments in which you can plot data and create a new layout.13
Create and manipulate viewports.13
Annotating the DrawingUse the Mtext command to create multiline text.10
Create single line text.10
Use different methods to edit text.10
Create text styles to manage text.10
DimensioningCreate dimensions using different options: Linear, Angular, Aligned, Radius, Diameter, and Center Mark.11
Use dimension styles to manage dimensions.11
Create and edit multileader styles and multileaders.11
Use different commands and methods to edit dimensions.11
Hatching ObjectsAdd a hatch pattern to a defined boundary.8
Hatching Objects: Fills and GradientsAdd a fill pattern or gradient to a defined boundary.8
Hatching Objects: Edit Hatch Patterns and FillsModify an existing hatch or fill.8
Working with Reusable Content: BlocksDefine and name a block.7
Specify the name and position of a block or drawing to insert in a drawing.9
Working with Reusable Content: DesignCenterUse DesignCenter to reuse the data in a drawing.9
Working with Reusable Content: Tool PalettesAccess tool palettes and use their tools.9
Creating Additional Drawing Objects: ShapesCreate and edit polylines with the Polyline command.5
Create smooth curves with the Spline command.5
Create ellipses and elliptical arcs with the Ellipse command.5
Plotting Your Drawing: OutputCreate and activate page setups.13
Plot design geometry from modelspace or from a layout.14

Table A-2: Certified Professional Exam sections and objectives

TopicLearning ObjectiveChapter
Altering ObjectsStretch objects7
Offset objects4
Create a radius between objects7
Trim and extend objects4
Break and join objects5
AnnotationsWork with Text: text styles, text justification, and multiline text10
Set the Annotative property for objects13
Create and use multileaders11
Create Template ContentHide and isolate objects6
Creating Additional Drawing ObjectsCreate polylines5
Edit polylines5
Creating Basic DrawingsUse Draw commands to create geometry2
Use object snap tracking3
Use polar snap tracking3
DimensioningCreate dimensions11
Edit Dimensions11
Work with dimension styles11
Drawing Organization and Inquiry Commands Calculate the area of objects11
Change object properties7
Use layers6
Hatching ObjectsUse hatching8
Insert and Manage External ReferencesApply external references9
Isolate or Hide Displayed ObjectsIsolate and hide objects6
Use grips4
Manipulating ObjectsCopy, Move, Mirror, and Rotate objects2
Use selection set methods4
Describe and use arrays4
Use rotation reference angles4
Layouts and VisibilityCreate and use viewports13
Create and use layouts13
Create and manage layers6
Printing and PlottingUse page setup for plotting13
Reusable ContentCreate, insert, and edit blocks7
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