Sorting the scene

The distance of each element within the scene is determined by a single value, known as the z depth. The z depth value is calculated using the average position of each vertex that makes up an element along the camera's local coordinate Z-axis. An easy way to visualize the camera's local space is to imagine that the camera is sitting at the origin, and is looking directly towards the positive end of the Z-axis. This is illustrated in the following image:

Sorting the scene

The coordinates of the vertices that make up the triangle have been noted in the image. These coordinates are in the camera's local space. To calculate the z depth, we take the Z components of these coordinates (which are 110, 100, and 90), and average them to give a final value of 100.

This single value of 100 is then used as the z depth the 2D representation of the triangle, even though the depth of the individual vertices ranges from 90 to 110. Sorting the 3D object elements by their z depths can lead to inconsistencies when the single averaged z depth value does not accurately represent a drawing primitive's relative position within the scene.

To demonstrate a situation where the 3D object elements are not sorted correctly, let's create a new example called ZSorting. In the initScene() function we will create two triangles, angled so that one appears to overlap the other from the camera's viewpoint.

  import away3d.primitives.Triangle;
  public class ZSorting extends Away3DTemplate
    public function ZSorting()
    protected override function initScene():void
         camera.z = 0;
      var triangleA:Triangle = new Triangle(
          x: -30,
          y: 0,
          z: 500,
          rotationY: -5,
          yUp: false,
          bothsides: true
      var triangleB:Triangle = new Triangle(
          x: 30,
          y: 0,
          z: 499,
          rotationY: 60,
          yUp: false,	
          bothsides: true


The following image is a top-down view of the scene. Triangle B has a slightly smaller z depth than Triangle A, and the triangles do not intersect.

Sorting the scene

The following image shows how the two triangles are drawn when the application is run:

Sorting the scene

From the top-down view of the scene, it is clear that the triangle on the right (Triangle B) should appear behind the one on the left (Triangle A). But because Triangle B has a smaller z depth than Triangle A, Triangle B is considered to be in front of Triangle A. This results in Triangle B being drawn last, over the top of Triangle A. Here is a perfect example of where a single average z depth does not accurately reflect the actual depth of the 3D objects in the scene.

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