© Luciano Manelli and Giulio Zambon 2020
L. Manelli, G. ZambonBeginning Jakarta EE Web Developmenthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5866-8_2

2. JSP Elements

Luciano Manelli1  and Giulio Zambon2
Taranto, Italy
Harrison, ACT, Australia

A JSP page is made out of a page template, which consists of HTML code and JSP elements such as scripting elements, directive elements, and action elements. In the previous chapter, after explaining how to install Java, Tomcat, and Eclipse, I introduced you to JSP and explained JSP’s role within web applications. In this chapter, I’ll describe in detail the first two types of JSP elements. For the action elements, refer to the next chapters.


Scripting elements consist of code delimited by particular sequences of characters. The scriptlets, which you encountered in the examples in Chapter 1 and delimited by the pair <% and %>, are one of the three possible types of scripting elements. The other two are declarations and expressions.

All scripting elements are Java fragments capable of manipulating Java objects, invoking their methods, and catching Java exceptions. They can send data to the output, and they execute when the page is requested. Tomcat defines several implicit objects: application, config, exception, out, pageContext, request, response, and session.

Directive elements are messages to the JSP container (i.e., Tomcat). Their purpose is to provide information on the page itself necessary for its translation. As they have no association with each individual request, directive elements do not output any text to the HTML response.

The first line of the hello.jsp example was a directive:
<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>

Besides page, the other directives available in JSP pages are include and taglib.

Action elements specify activities that, like the scripting elements, need to be performed when the page is requested, because their purpose is precisely to encapsulate activities that Tomcat performs when handling an HTTP request from a client. Action elements can use, modify, and/or create objects, and they may affect the way data is sent to the output. There are more than a dozen standard actions: attribute, body, element, fallback, forward, getProperty, include, param, params, plugin, setProperty, text, and useBean. For example, the following action element includes in a JSP page the output of another page:
<jsp:include page="another.jsp"/>

In addition to the standard action elements, JSP also provides a mechanism that lets you define custom actions, in which a prefix of your choice replaces the prefix jsp of the standard actions. The tag extension mechanism lets you create libraries of custom actions, which you can then use in all your applications. Several custom actions became so popular within the programming community that Sun Microsystems (now Oracle) decided to standardize them. The result is JSTL, the JSP Standard Tag Library.

The Expression Language (EL) is an additional JSP component that provides easy access to external objects (i.e., Java beans). EL was introduced in JSP 2.0 as an alternative to the scripting elements, but you can also use EL and scripting elements together.

In the next sections, I will first go through the scripting elements, because they are easier to understand and you can use them to glue together the rest. Then, I will describe the implicit objects and the directives. To help you find the correct examples in the software package for this chapter, I divided them in folders named according to the section title and the functionality tested (e.g., request object - body).

Scripting Elements and Java

Scripting elements let you embed Java code in an HTML page. Every Java executable—whether it’s a free-standing program running directly within a runtime environment or a servlet executing in a container such as Tomcat—boils down to instantiating classes into objects and executing their methods. This might not be so apparent with JSP, since Tomcat wraps every JSP page into a class of type Servlet behind the scenes, but it still applies.

A Java method consists of a sequence of operations—executed when the method is called—with the scope to instantiate objects, allocate memory for variables, calculate expressions, perform assignments, or execute other specific instructions.

In this section, I’ll summarize the syntax of Java while keeping JSP in mind.


A scriptlet is a block of Java code enclosed between <% and %>. For example, this code includes two scriptlets that let you switch an HTML element on or off depending on a condition:
<% if (condition) { %>
<p>This is only shown if the condition is satisfied</p>
<%   } %>


An expression scripting element inserts into the page the result of a Java expression enclosed in the pair <%= and %>. For example, in the following snippet of code, the expression scripting element inserts the current date into the generated HTML page:
<%@page import="java.util.Date"%>
Server date and time: <%=new Date()%>

You can use within an expression scripting element any Java expression, provided it results in a value. In practice, it means that every Java expression will do, except the execution of a method of type void. For example, <%=(condition) ? "yes" : "no"%> is valid, because it calculates to a string. You would obtain the same output with the scriptlet <%if (condition) out.print("yes") else out.print("no");%>.

Note that an expression is not a Java statement. Accordingly, it has no semicolon at the end.


A declaration scripting element is a Java variable declaration enclosed between <%! and %>. It results in an instance variable shared by all requests for the same page.

Data Types and Variables

Java makes available primitive data types similar to the basic types of C/C++ (see Table 2-1).
Table 2-1

Java Data types






1-byte signed integer (–128 to +127)



2-byte signed integer (–32,768 to +32,767)



4-byte signed integer (–2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647)



8-byte signed integer (approximately –1019 to +1019)



32-bit signed floating point (8-bit exponent, 23-bit precision)



64-bit signed floating point (11-bit exponent, 52-bit precision)



16-bit unsigned Unicode



Either true or false

The second column of Table 2-1 gives you the names of the so-called wrapper classes that Java makes available for each primitive type. These classes provide some useful static methods to manipulate numbers. For example, Integer.parseInt(String s, int radix) interprets a string as a number in the base set by the second argument and returns it as an int value (e.g., Integer.parseInt("12", 16) and Integer.parseInt("10010", 2) both return 18).

Programs in Java can be platform-independent because all platform dependencies are “hidden” inside libraries. The wrapper classes I just mentioned are in the java.lang library, together with dozens of other general classes such as String and Math. You can find the full documentation of the Java 13 platform at https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/13/docs/api/index.html.

Here are some examples of how you can declare variables and initialize them:
String aString = "abcdxyz";
int k = aString.length();  // k is then set to 7
char c = aString.charAt(4);  // c is set to 'x'
static final String NAME = "John Doe";

The final keyword in the last example of declarations makes the variable unchangeable. This is how you define constants in Java. The static keyword indicates that a variable is to be shared by all objects within the same application that are instantiated from the class.

The use of static variables in JSP requires some further comment. In JSP, you can declare variables in three ways:
<% int k = 0; %>
<%! int k = 0; %>
<%! static int k = 0; %>

The first declaration means that a new variable is created for each incoming HTTP client request; the second one means that a new variable is created for each new instance of the servlet; and the third one means that the variable is shared among all instances of the servlet.

Tomcat converts each JSP page into a subclass of the HTTP Servlet class (javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet). Normally, Tomcat instantiates each one of these classes only once and then creates a Java thread for each incoming request. It then executes the same servlet object within each thread. If the application runs on a distributed environment or for high numbers of requests, Tomcat can instantiate the same servlet more than once. Therefore, only the third declaration guarantees that the variable will be shared among all requests.

Tomcat keeps the servlet code buried deep in the folder named work. For example, the servlet generated from webappsROOT esta.jsp is in workCatalinalocalhost\_orgapachejsp est and is named a_jsp.java.

You’re free to name your variables as you like, though your case-sensitive string of characters must begin with a letter, a dollar, or an underscore and not contain a space. That said, be aware that the following keywords are reserved and will cause a compilation error: abstract, assert, boolean, break, byte, case, catch, char, class, const, continue, default, do, double, else, enum, extends, final, finally, float, for, goto, if, implements, import, instanceof, int, interface, long, native, new, package, private, protected, public, return, short, static, strictfp, super, switch, synchronized, this, throw, throws, transient, try, void, volatile, and while. Whenever possible, use capital letters for constants. It is not necessary, but it makes the code more readable and is a well-established coding practice.

To use special characters within a string, you need to escape them with a backslash, as shown in Table 2-2. With u followed by up to four hexadecimal digits, you can specify any Unicode character. For example, you can enter the Greek capital letter delta as u0394.
Table 2-2

Escaped Special Characters






carriage return

double quote


form feed


line feed

single quote



Objects and Arrays

To create an object of a certain type (i.e., to instantiate a class) and allocate memory, use the keyword new. In the following example, a new Java object of type String is created:

String newString= new String();

This creates an object of type Integer with value 55.

You can have arrays of any object type or primitive data type, as in the following examples of array declarations:
int[] intArray1;
int[] intArray2 = {10, 100, 1000};
String[] stringArray = {"a", "bb"};
intArray1 is null; intArray2 is an array of length three containing 10, 100, and 1000; and stringArray is an array of length two containing the strings "a" and "bb". Although arrays look special, they’re actually just objects and treated like that. Therefore, you can initialize them with new. For example, the following line of code declares an integer array with ten elements, each initialized to zero:
int[] array = new int[10];
A two-dimensional table is an array in which each element object is itself an array. This is not like in C, where a single block of memory contains all elements of multidimensional tables. For example, this line of code represents a table of two rows, but the first row has three elements, while the second one has only two:
int[][] table1 = {{11, 12, 13}, {21, 22}};
If you define something like this:
int[][] table = new int[2][3];

you have a table with two rows and three columns, with all elements initialized to zero.

Operators, Assignments, and Comparisons

There are no surprises with the binary operators—that is, the operators that require two operands. They include the expected addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus (i.e., the remainder of an integer division) operators. When applied to string, the addition operator concatenates them.

Besides the normal assignment operator represented by the equal sign, there is also an assignment operator for each binary operator. For example, the following line of code means that you take the current value of the variable a, add to it b, and store it back into a:
a += b;  // same as a = a + b;
The most commonly used unary operators (i.e., operators that require a single operand) include the minus sign, which changes the sign of what follows, and the increment and decrement operators:
a = -b;
a++;  // same as a += 1;
a--;  // same as a -= 1;

You can assign the value of an expression of one type to a variable of another type, but with some restrictions. With numeric types, you can only assign values to variables that are of the same type or “larger.” For example, you can assign an int value to a variable of type long, but to assign a long value to an int variable, you’d have to typecast (i.e., downcast) the value, as in int iVar = (int)1234567L;. Be careful with that, because you might lose precision when downcasting floating-point numbers!

You can assign objects to variables of other types, but only if the type of the variable is a superclass of the class from which you instantiated the object. Similarly to the downcasting of numeric types, you can typecast a value of a superclass into a variable of a subclass type.

Comparison operators are straightforward when applied to primitive data types. You have == to check for equality, != to check for inequality, > to check for “greater than,” >= to check for “greater than or equal to,” < to check for “less than,” and <= to check for “less than or equal to.” Nothing surprising there. However, you have to be careful when you make comparisons between objects, as the following example illustrates:
String s1 = "abc";
String s2 = "abc";
String s3 = "abcd".substring(0,3);
boolean b1 = (s1 == "abc");  // parentheses not needed but nice!
boolean b2 = (s1 == s2);
boolean b3 = (s1 == s3);

As perhaps you expected, b1 and b2 turn out to be true, but b3 is false, although s3 was set to "abc"! The problem is that comparison operators don’t look inside the objects. They only check whether the objects are the same instance of a class, not whether they hold the same value. Therefore, as long as you shift around the "abc" string, the compiler keeps referring to the same instance of a literal string, and everything behaves as expected. However, when you create a different instance of "abc", the check for equality fails. The lesson to be learned is that if you want to compare the content of objects, you have to use the equals method. In this example, s1.equals(s3) would have returned true.

For objects, you also have the comparison operator instanceof, which isn’t available for primitive data types like int. For example, ("abc" instanceof String) calculates to true. Be aware that an object isn’t only an instance of the class it was instantiated from, but it’s also an instance of all its superclasses up to and including Object, which is the superclass of all classes. It makes sense: a String is also an Object, even if the reverse often is not true.

With && for logical and, || for logical or, and ! for logical not, you can concatenate comparisons to form more complex conditions. For example, ((a1 == a2) && !(b1 || b2)) calculates to true only if a1 equals a2 and both boolean variables b1 and b2 are false.


The following statement assigns to the string variable s a different string depending on a condition:
if (a == 1) {
  s = "yes";
else {
  s = "no";

You can omit the else part.

You could have achieved an identical result with a conditional expression and a single assignment:
String s = (a== 1) ? "yes" : "no";
You could also achieve the same result with the following code:
switch(a) {
  case 1:
    s = "yes";
    s = "no";
Obviously, the switch statement is only useful when there are more than just two alternatives. For example, instead of having a chain of if/else statements, as in the following example:
if (expression == 3) {...}
else if (expression == 10) {...}
else {...}
you would gain both in clarity and in conciseness with
switch (expression) {
  case (3): ... break;
  case (10): ... break;
  default: ... break;

At the very least, you’ll calculate the expression only once. Note that if you omit a break, execution continues to the following case.

The switch variable can be of type String . Therefore, you can write switches like the following one:
String yn;
switch (yn) {
  case ("y"): /* handle the yes case */ break;
  case ("n"): /* handle the no case */ break;
  default: /* is something fishy going on? */ break;


This statement repeatedly executes the statements with increasing values of k, beginning from init-value:
for (int k = init-value; k < limit; k++) { statements; }
The general format is
for (initial-assignment; end-condition; iteration-expression) { statements; }

The initial-assignment is executed only once, before entering the loop. The statements are then repeatedly executed as long as the end-condition is satisfied. As the end-condition is checked before executing the statements, they are not executed at all if the end-condition is false from the beginning. The iteration-expression is executed at the end of each iteration, before the end-condition is checked to see whether the loop should be reentered for a new iteration.

You can omit either the initial-assignment or the iteration-expression. If you omit both, you should replace the for loop with a while loop. The following two lines are equivalent:
while (end-condition) { statements; }
for (;end-condition;) { statements; }
The do-while statement is an alternative to the while loop:
do { statements; } while (end-condition);

The do-while statement checks the end-condition at the end of an iteration instead of at the beginning, like the for and while loops do. As a result, the statements inside a do-while loop are always executed at least once, even when the end-condition is false from the beginning.

The iteration statements described so far are identical to those of C, but Java also supports a variant of the for loop tailored to make the handling of collections easier. Suppose you need a method that produces a concatenation of a set of strings. It might look like this:
String concatenate(Set<String> ss) {
  String conc = "";
  Iterator<String> iter = ss.iterator();
  while (iter.hasNext()) {
    conc += iter.next();
  return conc;
With the Java for-each variant of the for loop , you can drop the definition of the iterator and write clearer code:
String concatenate(Set<String> ss) {
  String conc = "";
  for (String s : ss) {
    conc += s;
  return conc;

Implicit Objects

The most commonly used implicit objects defined by Tomcat are out and request, followed by application and session. But I will go through them in alphabetical order, for ease of reference.

Whether you create objects within JSP pages or Tomcat implicitly creates them for you, you cannot use them properly unless you know in which scope they are available. There are four possible scopes. In order of increasing generality, they are page, request, session, and application. You will learn more about them in the following sections.

In general, if you are not sure what class a particular object instantiates, you can always display its name with the following expression:

The application Object

The application object is an instance of the class org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContextFacade, which Tomcat defines to implement the interface javax.servlet.ServletContext. It provides access to the resources shared within the web application. For example, by adding an attribute (which can be an object of any type) to application, you can ensure that all JSP files that make up your web application have access to it.

Example: Using an Attribute to Enable and Disable Conditional Code

One of the advantages of using JSP is that the web server doesn’t need to reinterpret the source file of a page every time a client requests that page. The JSP container translates each JSP page into a Java file and compiles it into a class, but this only happens when you update the JSP source. You might like to be able to switch on or off some particular functionality for debugging or other purposes, without having to edit one or more files and force Tomcat to recompile them when you flip the switch. To achieve this result, you only need to wrap the functionality in question inside a conditional statement, as the following one:
if (application.getAttribute("do_it") != null) {
  /* ...place your "switchable" functionality here... */
You also need to include two small JSP pages in your application: the first one to set the attribute do_it (see Listing 2-1) and the second one to remove it (see Listing 2-2).
<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
<html><head><title>Conditional code ON</title></head>
<body>Conditional code
  application.setAttribute("do_it", "");
  if (application.getAttribute("do_it") == null) out.print("not");
Listing 2-1


<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
<html><head><title>Conditional code OFF</title></head>
<body>Conditional code
  if (application.getAttribute("do_it") == null) out.print("not");
Listing 2-2


Create new jsps in the same test Project folder created in Chapter 1 and copy the code or place them in the WebContent folder. At last, start Tomcat in Eclipse and type in your browser the URL when you want to enable the conditional code:


Until you disable it by typing the URL


or by restarting Tomcat, the conditional code will remain enabled in all pages of your application. Notice that in the example do_it.jsp only sets the attribute do_it to an empty string, but you can also define different values to have a finer selection of code to be activated.

Note that you can use the same mechanism to switch on and off HTML code.

The config Object

The config object is an instance of the org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperFacade class, which Tomcat defines to implement the interface javax.servlet.ServletConfig. Tomcat uses this object to pass information to the servlets.

The following config method is the only one you might ever use; its use is trivial:

The exception Object

The exception object is an instance of a subclass of Throwable (e.g., java.lang.NullPointerException) and is only available in error pages.

Listing 2-3 shows you two methods to send the stack trace to the output. The first one, using getStackTrace, gives you access to each trace element as an object of type java.lang.StackTraceElement, which you can then analyze with methods such as getClassName, getFileName, getLineNumber, and getMethodName.
<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page import="java.util.*, java.io.*"%>
<%@page isErrorPage="true"%>
<html><head><title>Print stack trace</title></head><body>
From exception.getStackTrace():<br/>
  StackTraceElement[] trace = exception.getStackTrace();
  for (int k = 0; k < trace.length; k++) {
Printed with exception.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(out)):
  exception.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(out));
Listing 2-3


Notice the directive <%@page isErrorPage="true"%>, without which the implicit object exception is not defined.

If you execute this page as if it were a normal page, you will get a NullPointerException. Listing 2-4 shows a simple example of how you can use an error page.
<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page errorPage="stack_trace.jsp"%>
<html><head><title>Cause null pointer exception</title></head><body>
  String a = request.getParameter("notThere");
  int len = a.length(); // causes a null pointer exception
Listing 2-4


Notice the <%@page errorPage="stack_trace.jsp"%> directive, which links the error page of Listing 2-4 to the occurrence of exceptions. To cause a NullPointerException, the page requests a parameter that doesn’t exist and then accesses it. If you use try/catch to trap the exception, obviously the error page is not executed.

To see the two pages in action, create new jsps in the same test Project folder created in Chapter 1 and copy the code or place them in the WebContent folder. At last, start Tomcat in Eclipse and type in a browser the URL


The out Object

You use the out object in JSP as you use the System.out object in Java: to write to the standard output. The standard output for a JSP page is the body of the HTML response sent back to the client. Therefore, the scriptlet <%out.print(expression);%> causes the result of the expression to be displayed in the client’s browser. You can achieve the same result by simply typing <%=expression%>.

Keep in mind that whatever you write in a JSP page outside scriptlets and other JSP elements is sent to the output anyway. Therefore, the following three lines have exactly the same effect on the response:
<% out.print("abc"); %>

Clearly, it makes no sense to use the first two formats when you need to write literal values. To decide whether to use a scriptlet delimited by <%..%> or an expression delimited by <%=..%>, you should look at the surrounding code and decide what makes it as easy to read as possible.

The most useful methods of the object out are print and println. The only difference between the two is that println appends a newline character to the output. As an argument, both methods accept a string or any other primitive type variable. In the following example, the int value stored in intVar is automatically converted to a string:
out.print("a string" + intVar + obj.methodReturningString() + ".");
Incidentally, you could use either of the following two methods to do the conversion manually:
String s = Integer.toString(intVar);
String s = "" + intVar;

Be aware that if you try to print an object or an array by sticking its name into a print statement, you won’t necessarily see its content in the output. If the object doesn’t support a toString() method , you’ll see a mysterious string representing the reference to the object.

Most manuals state that out is an instance of the javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter class, which you can use to write into the response. This is not entirely correct, because JspWriter is an abstract class, and as such, it cannot be instantiated. In reality, out is an instance of the nonabstract class org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspWriterImpl, which extends JspWriter. Tomcat defines JspWriterImpl precisely to implement the JspWriter methods. For all practical purposes, this is inconsequential to you, but some of you sharp-eyed readers might have thought that I was talking about instantiating an abstract class. It usually pays to be precise.

The JspWriter class includes the definition of a handful of fields. You won’t need them, but mentioning them gives me the opportunity to give you some useful information.

The autoFlush field tells you whether the JspWriter is flushed automatically when its buffer fills up or whether an IOException is thrown upon overflow. The default for out is true, which means that Tomcat will send a partial response to the client if the buffer fills up. You can set it to false with the directive <%@page autoFlush="false"%>, and you should do so if you expect the client to be an application. Sending the response in “chunks” is perfectly OK when the client is a browser, but an application will probably expect the response in a single block. If you expect the client to be an application and set autoFlush to false, you should also use <%@page buffer="size-in-kb"%>, to ensure that the output buffer is large enough to store your largest response. The field autoFlush is protected, but you can obtain its value with the isAutoFlush method.

The bufferSize field is the size in bytes of the output buffer. The default for out is 8192 bytes. It’s a protected field, but you can obtain its value with the getBufferSize method.

There are also three constant integer fields (DEFAULT_BUFFER, NO_BUFFER, and UNBOUNDED_BUFFER of type public static final int), but you can safely ignore them. Just for the record, they’re respectively used to test whether the JspWriter is buffered (and uses the default buffer size), isn’t buffered, or is buffered with an unbounded buffer. Besides the fact that you have no variable or attribute to check against these values, you’re in any case well served by the getBufferSize method (which returns 0 if the output is not buffered).

You’ve already seen in several examples that you can use print and println to write to the output buffer. As an argument, you can use any of the eight primitive data types of Java (boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float, and double), an array of characters (char[]), an object (java.lang.Object), or a string (java.lang.String). In practice, you’ll usually use a String argument, as in the following example:
out.print("fun(" + arg + ") = " + fun(arg));

Here, fun(arg) is executed, and both arg and the value returned by fun(arg) are automatically converted to strings to be concatenated with the rest.

The write method, inherited from java.io.Writer, sends a portion of an array of characters or of a string to the output. For example, if cbuf is a variable of type char[], out.write(cbuf, offs, len) will write a portion of cbuf, with offs being the offset of the first character and len being the number of characters to be copied. You could achieve the same result by extracting a part of the array with the following code and then printing it with print:
char[] portion = java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(cbuf, offs, offs+len-1)

However, it would be less efficient, because first you would be copying a portion of the original array—an operation you don’t need when using write.

You’re not likely to use any of the other methods, and you should definitely avoid using close, which closes the output stream. Tomcat closes the stream when it is safe to do so, and you don’t want to fiddle with it.

The pageContext Object

Most manuals state that pageContext is an instance of the javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext class to access all objects and attributes of a JSP page. Similar to what I said concerning JspWriter, this is only partly true, because this class, like JspWriter, is also abstract. In reality, pageContext is an instance of the nonabstract class org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl, which extends PageContext.

The PageContext class defines several fields, including PAGE_SCOPE, REQUEST_SCOPE, SESSION_SCOPE, and APPLICATION_SCOPE, which identify the four possible scopes. It also supports more than 40 methods, about half of which are inherited from the javax.servlet.jsp.JspContext class.

You have to pay particular attention when using the removeAttribute method , which accepts either one or two arguments.

For example, pageContext.removeAttribute("attrName") removes the attribute from all scopes, while the following code only removes it from the page scope:

pageContext.removeAttribute("attrName", PAGE_SCOPE)

The request Object

The request variable gives you access within your JSP page to the HTTP request sent to it by the client. It’s an instance of the org.apache.catalina.connector.RequestFacade class, which Tomcat defines to implement the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest and javax.servlet.ServletRequest interfaces.

More on Request Parameters and Client Info

In Chapter 1, you have already seen how to list all the parameters of a request. When accessing individual parameters by name, you should use some caution. Typically, you do it with the following line of code:
String myPar = request.getParameter("par-name");
And then, you do something with the parameter only if it exists—that is, if getParameter returns a non-null value:
if (par != null) { ...

Note that in the request generated by a URL like this:


the parameters aaa and bbb exist but are set to the empty string. Therefore, getParameter does not return null for them.

As you already saw in Chapter 1, the request can include more than one value associated with the same parameter. For example, the following URL generates a request with three values for the parameter aaa:


If you execute getParameter, you only get the first value, which is the empty string in the example. If you want to get them all, you have to use a different method:
String[] ppar = request.getParameterValues("par-name");
and this returns an array of strings. To check that the parameter has actually been set only once and to something other than the empty string, you might then perform the following test:
if (ppar != null  &&  ppar.length == 1  &&  ppar[0].length() > 0) { ...
In Chapter 1, you also saw how to determine the type of browser that sent the request. Another useful piece of information you can get about the client is its preferred locale. For example, the following line of code could set the variable clientLocale to the string "en_US":
String clientLocale = request.getLocale().toString();

But if the viewer were in a country where a language other than English is spoken, you might get other locales (e.g., "de_DE" for German). If you had a multilingual site, the locale would tell you the working language of your user. You could check whether you support it and, if you do, set it as a default for the response.

The getRemoteHost method , which returns the client’s hostname (or that of its proxy server), could be useful in a similar way, because you could look at the string after the last dot to identify foreign domain names (e.g., it for Italy). Unfortunately, in many cases, the remote address cannot be resolved to a name, and you end up getting only the client’s IP address, exactly as if you had called the getRemoteAddress method . Services available on the Internet let you resolve an IP address to the country where the system resides, but you might have to pay for a reliable service.


You cannot mix methods that handle parameters with methods that handle the request content or methods that access the request content in different ways. For example, if you execute any two of the methods request.getParameter, getReader, and getInputStream when handling a request, the second one you execute will fail.

Example: Listing the Headers

Create new jsp in the same test Project folder created in Chapter 1 and copy the following code or place it in the WebContent folder. Listing 2-5 shows code that displays the request headers.
<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page import="java.util.*"%>
<html><head><title>Request Headers</title></head><body>
  Enumeration headers = request.getHeaderNames();
  int kh = 0;
  while (headers.hasMoreElements()) {
    String hName = (String)headers.nextElement();
    out.println("------- " + hName);
    Enumeration hValues = request.getHeaders(hName);
    while (hValues.hasMoreElements()) {
      out.println("<br/>& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;" + hValues.nextElement());
Listing 2-5


At last, start Tomcat in Eclipse and type in a browser the URL


Figures 2-1 and 2-2 show the request headers generated, respectively, by Chrome and Firefox. Interesting, aren’t they?
Figure 2-1

Request headers generated by Google Chrome

Figure 2-2

Request headers generated by Mozilla Firefox

Example: Reading the Request Body

You can read the request content with either getInputStream or getReader (but not both for the same request). Listing 2-6 shows you an example with getInputStream.
<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page import="java.util.*, java.io.*"%>
  int    len = request.getContentLength();
  byte[] buf = null;
  int    n = 0;
  if (len > 0) {
    buf = new byte[len];
    n = request.getInputStream().read(buf);
<html><head><title>Test request.getInputStream</title></head><body>
  <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="hidden" name="oneTwoThree" value="123"/>
    <input type="file" name="fil"/>
    <input type="submit"/>
  <table border="1">
    out.print("<tr><td>getInputStream(): " + n + "</td><td><pre>");
    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) out.print((char)buf[k]);
Listing 2-6


Listing 2-7 shows you an example with getReader. There are several methods to read the content, but the important thing to keep in mind is that getInputStream returns data in binary form and unbuffered, while getReader returns buffered characters.
<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page import="java.util.*, java.io.*"%>
  int    len = request.getContentLength();
  String s = "";
  if (len > 0) {
    char[] cbuf = new char[len];
    int    n = request.getReader().read(cbuf, 0, len);
    s = new String(cbuf);
<html><head><title>Test request.getReader</title></head><body>
  <form action="" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="oneTwoThree" value="123"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="fourFiveSix" value="456"/>
    <input type="submit"/>
  <table border="1">
    <tr><td>getReader(): <%=s.length()%></td><td><pre><%=s%></pre></td></tr>
Listing 2-7


Now, create new jsps in the same test Project folder created in Chapter 1 and copy the code or place them in the WebContent folder. At last, start Tomcat in Eclipse and type in a browser the URL


Figure 2-3 shows the output of req_getInputStream.jsp.
Figure 2-3

Output of req_getInputStream.jsp

I’ve uploaded the file named text.txt, which only contains the text This is inside the test file text.txt. In the real world, the file would perhaps contain a formatted document, an image, or a video clip. With this example, you can also get an idea of the multipart format. As you can see, the content type actually contains a definition of the boundary, which is then used inside the request body to separate its parts. Each part consists of a header, followed by an empty line and its content. Figure 2-4 shows the output of req_getReader.jsp.
Figure 2-4

Output of req_getReader.jsp

The response Object

The response variable gives you access within your JSP page to the HTTP response to be sent back to the client. It is an instance of the org.apache.catalina.connector.ResponseFacade class, which Tomcat defines to implement the interfaces javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse and javax.servlet.ServletResponse.

The HttpServletResponse interface includes the definition of 41 status codes (of type public static final int) to be returned to the client as part of the response. The HTTP status codes are all between 100 and 599. The range 100199 is reserved to provide information, 200299 to report successful completion of the requested operation, 300399 to report warnings, 400499 to report client errors, and 500599 to report server errors.

The normal status code is SC_OK (200), and the most common error is SC_NOT_FOUND (404), which occurs when the client requests a page that doesn’t exist. Working with Tomcat, the most common server error is SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR (500). You get it when there is an error in a JSP. You can use these constants as arguments of the sendError and setStatus methods.

The session Object

The term session refers to all the interactions a client has with a server from the moment the user views the first page of an application to the moment they quit the browser (or the session expires because too much time has elapsed since the last request).

When Tomcat receives an HTTP request from a client, it checks whether the request contains a cookie that by default is named JSESSIONID. If it doesn’t find it, it creates the cookie with a unique value and attaches it to the response. This establishes the beginning of a session. If the client’s browser accepts cookies, it attaches that cookie to all subsequent requests it sends to the same server.

The session variable lets your JSP pages store information associated with each individual user. For example, following a user login, you can set a session attribute to the access level of that user, so that all the pages of your application can check it before performing their function. In its simplest form, you could set up such a mechanism like this:
session.setAttribute("MyAppOperator", "");
Then, you can use the following code to check it:
boolean isOperator = (session.getAttribute("MyAppOperator")  != null);
if (isOperator) { ...
You can save in a session-scoped attribute much more than a simple access level. You only need to define a class to hold the preferences (e.g., UserPrefs), fill in an object of that type (named, say, preferences) when the user logs in, and save it as a session’s attribute, like in the following example:
session.setAttribute("upref", preferences);
In all the pages of your application, you can then retrieve that information with something like this:
UserPrefs preferences = (UserPrefs)session.getAttribute("upref");

By doing so, as long as the user keeps his or her browser running and the session doesn’t timeout, you don’t need to reload the user’s preferences from a database.

The variable session is an instance of the org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSessionFacade class, which Tomcat defines to implement the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession interface.

The session object supports a dozen methods, including setMaxInactiveInterval, which lets you specify the timeout in seconds (the default is 1800 s = 30 minutes). You can also set the timeout for your application to a given number of minutes by inserting a <session-config> element in your application’s WEB-INFweb.xml file. To do so, you need to place the following code inside the <web-app> element:
  <session-timeout>write here the timeout in minutes</session-timeout>

Alternatively, you can also change Tomcat’s default timeout by inserting the <session-config> element in the confweb.xml file you find inside the Tomcat home directory.

Directive Elements

JSP pages use directive elements to pass to Tomcat data about themselves. This data influences the translation process from a script file to a Java servlet class. As directives only play a role when a JSP page is recompiled after you modify it, they have no specific effect on the individual HTML responses.

There are three directives that you can use in JSP pages: page, include, and taglib. Their syntax is as follows:
<%@directive-name attr1="value1" [attr2="value2"...] %>

The page Directive

The page directive defines several page-dependent properties expressed through attributes. These properties should appear only once in a JSP page (unless the multiple instances all have the same value, but why should you do that?). You can write more than one page directive in a JSP page, and they will all apply. Their order or position within the page is generally irrelevant.

This directive is used in all JSP pages. Typically, a JSP page starts with a page directive to tell Tomcat that the scripting language is Java and that the output is to be HTML:
<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
This is almost always followed by one or more further page directives to tell Tomcat which external class definitions your code needs, for example:
<%@page import="java.util.ArrayList"%>
<%@page import="java.util.Iterator"%>
<%@page import="myBeans.OneOfMyBeans"%>
It is not good coding practice to import whole class libraries, as in
<%@page import="java.util.*"%>
because any relaxation of control, sooner or later, creates problems. In any case, as you can see in the following example, you don’t need to write a separate directive for each class you need to include:
<%@page import="java.util.ArrayList, java.util.Iterator"%>

In addition to language, contentType, and import, the page directive also supports autoFlush, buffer, errorPage, extends, info, isELIgnored, isErrorPage, isScriptingEnabled, isThreadSafe, pageEncoding, session, and trimDirectiveWhitespaces.

Listing 2-8 shows you a simple program that utilizes the isThreadSafe attribute to test concurrency. Create new jsps in the same test Project folder created in Chapter 1 and copy the code or place them in the WebContent folder. At last, start Tomcat in Eclipse and type in a browser the URL

<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page isThreadSafe="false"%>
<%! int k = 0;%>
  int j = k + 1;
  k = j;
  out.println(" -> " + k);
Listing 2-8


The program declares the instance variable k, copies it to the variable j, increments j, waits for five seconds, and copies the incremented j back to k. It also displays k at the beginning and at the end.

If you reload the page several times, you’ll see that k is increased every time the page refreshes. Now view the page in another browser (not just another browser window, because caching plays funny tricks); for example, view it in Chrome if you normally use Firefox. If you keep reloading the page in the two browsers, you’ll see the k keeps increasing regardless of which browser you’re looking at. This is because k is an instance variable.

Now reload the page in the first browser and then immediately in the second browser. Do you notice how the second browser takes longer to refresh? This is because you’ve set isThreadSafe="false", and Tomcat doesn’t execute the servlet code for the two requests at the same time. However, k keeps increasing across the browsers with each page refresh.

Now remove the page directive that sets isThreadSafe to false and repeat the test. When you reload the page on both browsers almost simultaneously, they refresh the page at the same time but with the same value of k! This is because the second execution of the servlet starts while the first one is “holding” for five seconds.

I introduced the five-second delay to be sure that you would see the problem. Without the delay, the time interval between incrementing j and saving it back to k would be vanishingly small. Therefore, you might keep trying for years and never see the problem. Nevertheless, to rely on “it will never happen” when developing code, especially when concurrency plays a role, is a very bad practice. Other factors might influence the timing, and suddenly you might start seeing a problem once a day or even more rarely. It could have a damaging effect on how users consider your website.

The price paid for playing it safe with isThreadSafe is that it can slow down execution significantly. Fortunately, there’s a better way to make the threads safe than relying on Tomcat. Look at Listing 2-9 that you can configure as Listing 2-8 and then type in a browser the URL

<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
  int k = 0;
  Object syncK = new Object();
  synchronized(syncK) {
    int j = k + 1;
    k = j;
    out.println(" -> " + k);
Listing 2-9


You protect the critical part of the code by enclosing it in a synchronized block. The syncK variable , being defined in a declaration element, is an instance variable shared like k among all the requests. I haven’t used k because synchronized requires an object. In this simple case, instead of creating a new object specifically to protect the code, I could have used this, representing the servlet itself. But in general, if there were more than one block of code to protect, it wouldn’t be a good idea. The best strategy to maximize efficiency, besides staying locked as little as possible, is to use specific locks.


I spent a bit of time on the attribute isThreadSafe because concurrency often is not well understood or implemented and causes intermittent bugs that are devilish to eliminate. Therefore, avoid implementing concurrency in the UI layer and delegate as much as possible its handling to the container running the web application. In fact, Tomcat automatically manages scheduling and synchronization of jobs and it is also possible to configure Tomcat concurrency, but it is over the scope of this book.

Earlier in this chapter, you have already seen how to use errorPage and isErrorPage (in “The Exception Object”) and trimDirectiveWhitespaces, autoFlush, and buffer (in “The Out Object”). Here is a brief description of the remaining attributes of the page directive :
  • extends tells Tomcat which class the servlet should extend.

  • info defines a string that the servlet can access with its getServletInfo() method .

  • isELIgnored tells Tomcat whether to ignore EL expressions.

  • isScriptingEnabled tells Tomcat whether to ignore scripting elements.

  • pageEncoding specifies the character set used in the JSP page itself.

  • session tells Tomcat to include or exclude the page from HTTP sessions.

The bottom line is that, in most occasions, you can leave these additional attribute sets to their default values.

The include Directive

The include directive lets you insert into a JSP page the unprocessed content of another text file. For example, the following line of code includes a file named some_jsp_code with the extension jspf:
<%@include file="some_jsp_code.jspf"%>

JSPF stands for JSP Fragment, although, more recently, chunks of JSP code have been called JSP Segments, rather than Fragments. In fact, any text file with any extension will do.

As Tomcat does the merging before any translation, the raw content of the included file is pasted into the page without any check. All the HTML tags and JSP variables defined before the line containing the directive are available to the included code. This directive can be very useful, but use it sparingly, because it can easily lead to unmaintainable code, with bits and pieces spread all over the place.

The taglib Directive

You can extend the number of available JSP tags by directing Tomcat to use external self-contained tag libraries. The taglib directory identifies a tag library and specifies what prefix you use to identify its tags. For example, this code
<%@taglib uri="http://mysite.com/mytags" prefix=”my”%>
makes it possible for you to write the following line as part of your JSP page:
<my:oneOfMyTags> ... </my:oneOfMyTags>
The following code includes the core JSP Standard Tag Library:
<%@taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>

You will find the description of JSTL and how to use it in the next chapters. In section “JSP’s Tag Extension Mechanism” of the same chapter, I’ll explain the possible advantages of creating your own libraries of tags and how to do it. For the time being, simply remember that the taglib directive tells Tomcat what libraries to load and where they are.


In this chapter, you learned all scripting and directive JSP elements.

I started by explaining the Java syntax used in scriptlets and the implicit objects defined by Tomcat, with several examples showing how to use them.

After that, I described the JSP directives.

In the next chapter, you will learn how to build complex JSP applications.

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