© Luciano Manelli and Giulio Zambon 2020
L. Manelli, G. ZambonBeginning Jakarta EE Web Developmenthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5866-8_5

5. Eshop Application

Luciano Manelli1  and Giulio Zambon2
Taranto, Italy
Harrison, ACT, Australia

In the first three chapters, you learned a large portion of JSP’s components through brief examples, while in the fourth chapter you were introduced to the Eshop application and implemented the database. In this chapter, I will tell you how everything fits together in complex applications.

The insertion of Java code into HTML modules opens up the possibility of building dynamic web pages, but to say that it is possible doesn’t mean you can do it efficiently and effectively. If you start developing complex applications exclusively by means of scripting elements, you’ll rapidly reach the point where the code will become difficult to maintain. The key problem with mixing Java and HTML, as in “Hello World!”, is that the application logic and the way the information is presented in the browser are mixed. Often, the business application designers and the web-page designers are different people with complementary and only partially overlapping skills. While application designers are experts in complex algorithms and databases, web designers focus on page composition and graphics. The architecture of your JSP-based applications should reflect this distinction. The last thing you want to do is blur the roles within the development team and end up with everybody doing what somebody else is better qualified to do. And even if you develop everything yourself, by keeping presentation and application logic separate, you will build more stable and more maintainable applications.

A Better Online Bookshop

The online bookshop you saw in Chapter 3 was a good introduction to the MVC architecture, but in order to explore the use of the database created in Chapter 4, other JSP features, and JSF, we need an example with more substance.

Importing Eshop WAR File into Eclipse

You will find the code of the whole project in the software package for this chapter, and the easiest way to work on the application is to import it into Eclipse.

The first step is to select the menu item Import... in the File menu. When the Select dialog opens, scroll down to the folder named Web, open it, select WAR file, and click Next >, as shown in Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-1

Eclipse—selecting to import a WAR file

When the next dialog comes up, browse to select eshop.war and click Finish. Eclipse will create the eshop project for you.

The Customer Interface

To launch the application, start Tomcat from Eclipse and view on your browser the URL http://localhost:8080/eshop/shop. Figure 5-2 shows eshop’s home page. The top section includes a link to the shopping cart, while the sidebar on the left features a search box and a list of categories. The other pages only differ in the central panel, which in the home page contains a welcome message.
Figure 5-2

E-shop’s home page

Figure 5-3 shows the panel containing the list of books in a category.
Figure 5-3

A book category on E-shop

Figure 5-4 shows the details of a book.
Figure 5-4

A book’s details on E-shop

Figure 5-5 shows the shopping cart with a couple of items.
Figure 5-5

E-shop’s shopping cart

Pretty straightforward, isn’t it?

The E-shop Architecture

E-shop is an MVC application. The data and the business logic (the model) reside in a database and Java classes; the user interface (the view) is implemented in JSP; and the handler of client requests (the controller) is an HTTP Java servlet.

When the servlet receives a client HTTP request, it instantiates the model’s central class and forwards the request to the appropriate JSP page. The JSP page obtains data from the model and generates the HTML response. The model isn’t aware of what the JSP pages do with the data it provides, and the JSP pages aren’t aware of where and how the model keeps the data.

The Model

The central model class is called DataManager. Its purpose is to hide all database operations from the JSP pages. DataManager supports some methods that have to do with initialization and connecting to the database. Table 5-1 lists the methods that implement the business logic of the application.
Table 5-1

DataManager Methods




getCategoryName(int   categoryId)




getSearchResults(String   keyword)


getBooksInCategory(String    categoryId)


getBookDetails(int    bookId)


insertOrder(String  contactName,  String  deliveryAddress, String ccName, String ccNumber, String ccExpiryDate, Hashtable shoppingCart)

Their purpose should be pretty clear. I would just like to make a couple of points concerning insertOrder. First, the value it returns is the order ID to be given back to the client. Second, in a more realistic case, all parameters, with the exception of the shopping cart, would be replaced by a customer ID, typically the customer’s email address. In this simple application, however, as it doesn’t keep track of the customers, there are no permanent customer records and customer IDs.

The Controller

The controller servlet is named ShopServlet and extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet. As I introduced in Chapter 3, the @WebServlet annotation on top of the class declares the servlet under the name of eshop.ShopServlet, where eshop is the package of the servlet and the context of the application, with a URL mapping of http://<server>:<port>/eshop/shop:
@WebServlet(name = "ShopServlet", urlPatterns = {"/shop/*"})

Annotations were introduced in the Servlet API 3.0 (javax.servlet.annotation package) and make your life easier, because everything regarding a servlet is mapped in the servlet class (i.e., configuration and source code in the same place): if you use annotations, the deployment descriptor (web.xml) could be not required. First, when you create a servlet, you want to map it to some URL without going to another file to add the mapping. Moreover, using annotations, you do not need repeating same names in different files making mistakes, or renaming a servlet class forgetting to rename it in the web.xml: in these cases, you only discover the mistake at deployment time.

It is also possible to use annotations to set init parameters, but I suggest you do not, because if you use annotations to set up init parameters, you need to recompile your application every time a parameter is changed. In this case, the use of a deployment descriptor is better. Moreover, these two approaches are not mutually exclusive: for example, you can use annotations on servlet to define URL patterns or others fixed parameters and define database configuration in the web.xml (changing them without having to modify the code).

Servlet Initialization

Tomcat executes the servlet method init immediately after instantiating the servlet (see Listing 5-1).
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
  System.out.println("*** initializing controller servlet.");
  DataManager dataManager = new DataManager();
  ServletContext context = config.getServletContext();
  context.setAttribute("base", config.getInitParameter("base"));
  context.setAttribute("imageUrl", config.getInitParameter("imageUrl"));
  context.setAttribute("dataManager", dataManager);
  try {  // load the database JDBC driver
  catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
Listing 5-1

ShopServlet.java—init Method

As you can see, the initialization consists of three main activities: instantiating and configuring the data manager, saving some parameters for later use by the JSP pages (remember that JSP can access the servlet context via the implicit variable application), and loading the driver necessary to access the database—JDBC stands for Java DataBase Connector.

Notice that all these activities are done by setting servlet context attributes to values obtained through this method:
These values are stored in the WEB-INFweb.xml file, as shown in Listing 5-2.
<web-app ...>
  <web-app ...>
Listing 5-2

Partial web.xml

Table 5-2 shows the initialization parameters defined for this application.
Table 5-2

Servlet Initialization Parameters















The initialization parameter values associated with the database are explained in Chapter 4.

From Chapter 2, you know that Tomcat makes available to JSP the servlet context by defining the implicit object application. Therefore, for example, the value set in ShopServlet.init() with context.setAttribute("imageUrl", ...) is available to JSP as the value returned by application.getAttribute("imageUrl").

Request Handling

Depending on what the user does, the page currently being displayed in the browser sends to the servlet a request with a specific value of the action parameter. The servlet then forwards each request to a JSP page determined by that value. For example, the page that shows the shopping cart also includes a button to check out. If the user clicks it, the page will send to the servlet a request with the action parameter set to "checkOut".

The View

Table 5-3 shows the list of all JSP pages in the application. I will explain them in the next chapters, as we look at the different aspects of the application.
Table 5-3

JSP Pages



Mode of Access


The initial page welcoming a new user



Standard page sidebar

Included in all non-menu pages


Standard page header

Included in all non-menu pages


Lists books of a category



Lists books selected through a search



Shows the details of one book

SelectCatalog.jsp and SearchOutcome.jsp


Displays the shopping cart

TopMenu.jsp and ShoppingCart.jsp


Requests a customer’s payment data



Confirms acceptance of an order


Additionally, you have a style-sheet file named eshop.css.

A typical user session proceeds as follows:
  1. 1.
    The user starts by accessing http://your-web-site/eshop/shop and sees the welcome page with a left-side menu containing a search box and a list of book categories. The user then can
    • Type a word in the search box and hit the Search button, or select a book category.

    • Select one of the books by clicking the corresponding Details link. The application then replaces the list of books with an image of the front cover of the book and all the information available in the database about that book.

    • Add the book to the shopping cart. The application then automatically takes the user to the shopping cart, where it is possible to update the number of copies or delete the book entry.

    • Repeat the previous steps until the user is ready to submit the order. From the shopping cart page, the user can then click the Check Out link.

  2. 2.

    The checkout page asks the user to provide his or her personal and financial data. When the user clicks the Confirm Order button, the page tells the application to memorize the order.


At any time, the user can add books through the left-side menu or go to the shopping cart through the top-side menu to modify the order.

The E-shop Database Access

You operate on databases by executing SQL statements. To do so from within Java/JSP, you need an API consisting of several interfaces, classes, and method definitions included in the class libraries of JDK. Additionally, you also need a driver that implements that API for the specific DBMS (i.e., MySQL) in the native code of your system (i.e., a Windows PC).

Connecting to the Database

The first step to access a database from Java is to load the driver, without which nothing will work. To do so, you execute the method Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") in the init method of the servlet (see Listing 5-1).

To be able to switch from MySQL to other DBMSs without much effort, I stored the driver name in an init parameter defined in WEB-INFweb.xml as follows:
This way, you can load it as follows when initializing the servlet:
Once you load the driver, you also need to connect to the database before you can access its content. In the E-shop application, you do this by executing a data manager (of type DataManager, defined in WEB-INFclasseseshopmodelDataManager.java) method, as shown in the following line of code:
java.sql.Connection connection = dataManager.getConnection();
The data manager’s getConnection method, in turn, obtains the connection from the JDBC driver, as shown in the fragment in Listing 5-3.
public Connection getConnection() {
  Connection conn = null;
  try {
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getDbURL(), getDbUserName(), getDbPassword());
  catch (SQLException e) {
    System.out.println("Could not connect to DB: " + e.getMessage());
  return conn;
Listing 5-3

The DataManager.getConnection Method

To be able to change the database, the user ID, or the password without having to rebuild the application, you define them in servlet initialization parameters as you did for the name of the JDBC driver and as I showed earlier in this chapter:
dbURL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/shop
dbUserName: root
dbPassword: root

Port 3306 is the default for MySQL and can be configured differently. Obviously, in real life, you would use a different user and, most importantly, define a secure password.

Once you finish working with a database, you should always close the connection by executing connection.close(). E-shop does it via another data manager’s method, as shown in Listing 5-4.
public void putConnection(Connection conn) {
  if (conn != null) {
    try { conn.close(); }
    catch (SQLException e) { }
Listing 5-4

The DataManager.putConnection Method

Before you can start hacking at your database, you still need to create an object of type java.sql.Statement, as it is through the methods of that object that you execute SQL statements. Use this code to create a statement:
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();

Once you’re done with one statement, you should release it immediately with stmt.close(), because it takes a non-negligible amount of space, and you want to be sure that it doesn’t hang around while your page does other things.

Accessing Data

The Statement class has many methods, plus some more inherited ones. Nevertheless, two methods are likely to satisfy most of your needs: executeQuery and executeUpdate.

The executeQuery Method

You use this method to execute a select SQL statement, like this:
String sql = "select book_id, title, author from books where category_id=1"
    + " order by author, title";
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);

In the example, the method returns in the variable rs of type java.sql.ResultSet all the books in category 1, sorted by author name and title. The rows in the result set only contain the columns specified in the select statement, which in this example are book_id, title, and author.

At any given time, you can only access the row of the result set pointed to by the so-called cursor, and by default you can only move the cursor forward. The usual way of accessing the rows of the result set is to start from the first one and “go down” in sequence. For example, with the shop database , the following code:
while (rs.next()) {
  out.println(rs.getString(3) + ", " + rs.getString(2) + "<br/>");
would produce the following output:
Jesper Wisborg Krogh, MYSQL 8 Query Performance Tuning
Raju Gandhi, JavaScript Next

The next method moves the cursor down one row. After the cursor goes past the last row, next() returns false, and the while loop terminates. Initially, the cursor is positioned before the first row. Therefore, you have to execute next() once in order to access the very first row.

Besides next(), there are other methods that let you reposition your cursor. Five of them return a boolean such as next(), which returns true if the cursor points to a row. They are absolute(row-position), first(), last(), previous(), and relative(number-of-rows). The beforeFirst() and afterLast() methods also move the cursor but are of type void, because they always succeed. The isBeforeFirst(), isFirst(), isLast(), and isAfterLast() methods check whether the cursor is in the corresponding positions, while getRow() returns the position of the row currently pointed to by the cursor.

Keep in mind that in order to be able to move the cursor around, you have to specify a couple of attributes when you create the statement, that is, before you actually execute the query. This is how you do it:
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(

ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE is what allows you to move the cursor forth and back within the result set. This parameter can only have one of the following two other values: ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY (the default) and ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE. The difference between SENSITIVE and INSENSITIVE is that with INSENSITIVE, you’re not affected by changes made to the result set while you’re working with it (more about this in a moment). This is probably what you want.

ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY states that you don’t want to modify the result set. This is the default, and it makes sense in most cases. The alternative is to specify ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE, which allows you to insert, delete, and modify result rows. Now you can see why you might like to use ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE as the first parameter: it lets you see the modifications made to the result set after you started working with it, rather than showing how it was before those changes. On the other hand, in a complex application with several threads operating on the same result set, you’ll probably prefer to ignore the changes made in other threads. In such a situation, it would have to be 100 percent clear which thread would be allowed to modify which rows; otherwise, you’d end up with a mess.

ResultSet provides several methods for retrieving a column value in different formats, given a column position or its label. For example, the following two methods will return the same value:
long bookID = rs.getLong(1);
long bookID = rs.getLong("book_id");
The column position refers to the columns specified in the select statement. Notice that the column numbering begins with 1, not with 0 as is customary in Java. There are many available types (Array, BigDecimal, Blob, boolean, byte, int, long, ecc.), for most of which exists a corresponding update method, which lets you modify a column. For example, the following code writes “Joe Bloke” in the author column of the current row of the result set:
rs.updateString("author", "Joe Bloke");

Note that there are no update methods for the types InputStream, Reader, and URL. You can also set a column to null with the methods updateNull(column-index) and updateNull(column-label).

ResultSet provides more than two dozen additional methods that let you do things such as transfer changes from an updated result set to the actual database or refresh a row that somebody else might have modified in the actual database after you performed the query. One method that you might find useful returns the column position in your result set given its name:
int findColumn(column-label)

The result set is automatically disposed of when the corresponding statement is closed. Therefore, you don’t really need to execute rs.close(), as long as you immediately close the statement when you no longer need it.

The executeUpdate Method

You can use this method to execute the SQL statements insert, update, and delete. For example, if you want to add a new book category to the E-shop example, you do something like this:
String sql = "insert into categories (category_id, category_name)"
    + " values (4, 'Comic Books')";
You don’t need to define all the columns, because the undefined fields are set automatically to their corresponding default values. That said, as I haven’t specified any default in the definition of the categories table, the following statement would result in the field category_name being set to null:
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into categories (category_id) values (4)");
To avoid this occurrence, I could have defined the category_name column with a default:
category_name varchar(70) default 'Miscellanea'


In E-shop, I have defined two separate tables for data associated with a book order: one for the customer data and one for the individual books ordered. It would be bad if you completely lost an order, but perhaps it would be even worse if you lost some items and only processed a partial order. It would also be a problem if you saved the order details in the database but failed to save the customer data. That would leave some “orphaned” book items with no information concerning the buyer. You don’t need to worry about this if you save the customer data first: then, by the time you start saving the order details, the customer record is already on disk. But how do you ensure that the database only contains complete orders?

Normally, when you execute an SQL insert, the data is immediately stored into the database. To ensure the completion of orders, you could keep track of the updates you’ve already successfully executed and reverse them if you cannot complete the whole order. However, this would be very complicated, and there would be no guarantee of success. Moreover, in a more complex application, there might be several operations proceeding simultaneously and causing the same database records to be accessed concurrently. The solution is a built-in, foolproof mechanism capable of ensuring that some complex transactions are done “in one shot” or not at all.

This mechanism is actually quite simple. It works like this:
  1. 1.

    Immediately after connecting to the DB with conn = DriverManager.getConnection(...), execute conn.setAutoCommit(false). This tells MySQL not to make permanent changes to the database until you confirm them.

  2. 2.

    Perform all the updates that form your complex transaction. Be sure that you place them inside a try block as part of a try/catch construct.

  3. 3.

    In the catch block, include the statement conn.rollback(). If one of the updates fails, an SQLException will be thrown, and when the catch block is executed, the rollback will cause MySQL to “forget” the uncommitted updates.

  4. 4.

    When all the updates have completed without being interrupted by any exception, execute conn.commit() to tell MySQL that it can finalize the updates.


The E-shop Data Model

All database operations are concentrated in the data model of an MVC architecture. JSP modules interact with the database by executing methods of the DataManager class, which accept and/or return data in the form of Java beans. By mediating DB access via the data manager and Java beans, you ensure that the view and the model can be developed independently.

Figure 5-6 shows the structure of the model.
Figure 5-6

The data model structure

The DataManager class sets up and closes connections to the database; however, concerning table access, it only acts as a clearinghouse. Specific classes perform the actual operations on individual tables. In this way, you ensure that changes to individual tables have the minimum impact on the application. This is actually an example of the Java Enterprise Edition pattern called Data Access Object (DAO).

For example, the JSP page that displays the book details obtains the information concerning the requested book by executing the following method of the data manager:
public Book getBookDetails(int bookID) {
  return BookPeer.getBookById(this, bookID);
It is the getBookByID method in BookPeer.java that performs the actual database access, as shown in Listing 5-5.
01: public static Book getBookById(DataManager dataManager, int bookID) {
02:   Book book = null;
03:   Connection connection = dataManager.getConnection();
04:   if (connection != null) {
05:     try {
06:       Statement s = connection.createStatement();
07:       String sql = "select book_id, title, author, price from books"
08:          + " where book_id=" + bookID;
09:       try {
10:         ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql);
11:         if (rs.next()) {
12:           book = new Book();
13:           book.setId(rs.getString(1));
14:           book.setTitle(rs.getString(2));
15:           book.setAuthor(rs.getString(3));
16:           book.setPrice(rs.getDouble(4));
17:           }
18:         }
19:       finally { s.close(); }
20:       }
21:     catch (SQLException e) {
22:       System.out.println("Could not get book: " + e.getMessage());
23:       }
24:     finally {
25:       dataManager.putConnection(connection);
26:       }
27:     }  return book;
28:   }
Listing 5-5

The BookPeer.getBookID Method

In line 03, you open the database connection by invoking a method of the data manager that also reports an error in case of failure. Then you start a try block where you do the actual work. In the corresponding catch block, you display an error message (line 22), and in the finally block (line 25), you close the DB connection. Remember that the finally block is executed whether the try succeeds or not. In this way, you ensure that the connection is closed in case of failure.

Inside the outermost try (lines 05–20), you create a statement and set up the query string before starting a second try block (lines 09–17). Similar to what you did concerning the connection, you use the finally block to close the statement (line 19).

This is a technique of general applicability: every time you do something that needs to be undone, take care of it immediately inside a try block by placing the “undoing” statement in the corresponding finally. In this way, you’ll be sure not to leave any “ghosts” behind you. It’s true that Java’s garbage-collection mechanism should take care of removing unreferenced objects, but it’s good practice to clean up behind yourself as you go, especially when you’re dealing with databases and potentially large objects, such as statements and result sets. At the very least, your application will work more efficiently. And it feels good to write “clean” code.

Line 10 is where you actually execute the query. You know that you’re not going to get more than one row in the result set, because the book_id is a unique key of the book table.

You might be thinking, “Why should I go through the data manager at all? Couldn’t I simply execute the BookPeer method from JSP?” Well, you could, but it wouldn’t be clean, and dirtiness sooner or later causes problems.

Furthermore, consider the more complex case in which you want to save an order. From the JSP point of view, you only want to call a method of the data manager that takes care of both the customer’s data and the shopping cart. Behind the scenes, though, two different tables need to be updated: one for the orders and one for the order details. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to execute the overall transaction in the data manager (see Listing 5-6) while leaving the updates of individual tables to the peer classes.
public long insertOrder(Customer customer, Hashtable shoppingCart) {
  long returnValue = 0L;
  long orderId = System.currentTimeMillis();
  Connection connection = getConnection();
  if (connection != null) {
    Statement stmt = null;
    try {
      stmt = connection.createStatement();
      try {
        OrderPeer.insertOrder(stmt, orderId, customer);
        OrderDetailsPeer.insertOrderDetails(stmt, orderId, shoppingCart);
        try { stmt.close(); }
        finally { stmt = null; }
        returnValue = orderId;
      catch (SQLException e) {
        System.out.println("Could not insert order: " + e.getMessage());
        try { connection.rollback(); }
        catch (SQLException ee) { }
    catch (SQLException e) {
      System.out.println("Could not insert order: " + e.getMessage());
    finally {
      if (stmt != null) {
        try { stmt.close(); }
        catch (SQLException e) { }
  return returnValue;
Listing 5-6

The DataManager.insertOrder Method

The two lines in bold show you how the data manager asks the peer classes of the tables orders and order_details to do the update. Notice that you pass to them the same statement and order ID. Listing 5-7 shows insertOrder, one of the two methods that do the updates.
public static void insertOrder(Statement stmt, long orderId,
    Customer customer) throws SQLException {
  String sql = "insert into orders (order_id, delivery_name,"
      + " delivery_address, cc_name, cc_number, cc_expiry) values ('"
      + orderId + "','" + customer.getContactName() + "','"
      + customer.getDeliveryAddress() + "','"
      + customer.getCcName() + "','" + customer.getCcNumber()
      + "','" + customer.getCcExpiryDate() + "')"
Listing 5-7

The OrderPeer.insertOrder Method

Listing 5-8 shows the other method, insertOrderDetails.
public static void insertOrderDetails(Statement stmt, long orderId,
    Hashtable shoppingCart) throws SQLException {
  String sql ;
  Enumeration enumList = shoppingCart.elements();
  while (enumList.hasMoreElements()) {
    CartItem item = (CartItem)enumList.nextElement();
    sql = "insert into order_details (order_id, book_id, quantity,"
        + " price, title, author) values ('" + orderId + "','"
        + item.getBookID() + "','" + item.getQuantity() + "','"
        + item.getPrice() + "','" + item.getTitle() + "','"
        + item.getAuthor() + "')"
Listing 5-8

The OrderDetailsPeer.insertOrderDetails Method

The methods throw the SQL exception rather than catch it locally, so that the data manager’s method catches it.


In this chapter, I described the E-shop project, which, in different versions, I will use to complete the description of JSP and to explain JSF. I showed you how to establish a connection, insert data, and perform queries. To complete the summary of essential DB operations, I also described how to group elementary updates into transactions.

In the next two chapters, I’ll take you through the remaining functionality of JSP. In particular, the next chapter will be dedicated to the action elements. To do that, I will use simple dedicated examples and the relevant aspects of the eshop application.

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