© Clare Churcher 2016

Clare Churcher, Beginning SQL Queries, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1955-3_3

3. A First Look at Joins

Clare Churcher

(1)Studio B Productions, Great Neck, New York, USA

In the previous chapter, we looked at how to retrieve subsets of rows and/or columns from a single table. We saw in Chapter 1 that to keep data accurately in a database, different aspects of the information need to be separated into normalized tables. Most queries will require information from two or more tables. We can combine data from two tables in several different ways depending on the nature of the information we are trying to extract. The most often encountered two-table operation is the join. In Chapter 1 we also introduced two different ways to approach a query: the process approach and the outcome approach. The first describes how we will combine the tables to achieve the required data, while the second describes what criteria the retrieved data must satisfy.

The Process Approach to Joins

A join enables us to combine related data from two tables. The example we will start with uses the Member and Type tables in order to find the membership fees for each member of the golf club. The first step in carrying out a join is an operation called a Cartesian product.

Cartesian Product

A Cartesian product is the most versatile operation between two tables because it can be applied to any two tables of any shape. Having said that, it rarely produces particularly useful information on its own, so its main claim to fame is as the first step of a join.

A Cartesian product is a bit like putting two tables side by side. Let’s have a look at the two tables in Figure 3-1: an abbreviated Member table and the Type table.

Figure 3-1. Two permanent tables in the database

The virtual table resulting from the Cartesian product will have a column for each column in the two contributing tables. The rows in the resulting table consist of every combination of rows from the original tables. Figure 3-2 shows the first few rows of the Cartesian product.

Figure 3-2. First few rows of the Cartesian product between Member and Type tables

We have the four columns from the Member table and the two columns from the Type table, which gives us six columns total. Each row from the Member table appears in the resulting table alongside each row from the Type table. We have Melissa McKenzie appearing on four rows once with each of the four rows in the Type table (Associate, Junior, Senior, Social). The total number of rows will be the number of rows in each table multiplied together; in other words, for this cut-down Member table, we have 10 rows times 4 rows (from Type), giving a total of 40 rows. Cartesian products can produce very, very large result tables, which is why they don’t give us much useful information on their own.

A Cartesian product operation is represented in SQL by CROSS JOIN. The SQL to retrieve the data shown in Figure 3-2 is:

FROM Member m CROSS JOIN Type t;

Not all versions of SQL support the same keywords and phrases (e.g., Microsoft Access 2013 does not support the CROSS JOIN key phrase). In 1992, keywords representing some relational algebra operations (such as CROSS JOIN) were added to the SQL standard,1 and there have been a number of updates since then. However, not all vendors incorporate all parts of the standard, and other vendors provide additional functionality. Later in the chapter we will look at the outcome approach to provide equivalent ways of expressing queries that will work when the relational algebra operation keywords are not available.

Inner Join

If you look at the table in Figure 3-2, you can see that most of the rows are quite meaningless. For example, the first, third, and fourth rows have the junior member Melissa McKenzie alongside information about the associate, senior, and social membership types. It is difficult to see how these rows will ever be useful. However, the second row, where the member types from each table match, is useful because it allows us to see what fee Melissa pays. If we take just the subset of rows where the value in the MemberType column matches the value in the Type column, then we have useful information about the fees for each of our members. Figure 3-3 shows the rows we would like to retain.

Figure 3-3. Cartesian product followed by selecting a subset of rows

The operation shown in Figure 3-3 (a Cartesian product followed by selecting a subset of rows) is known as an inner join (often just called a join). The condition we use to select the rows is known as the join condition. The SQL for the inner join in Figure 3-3 is:

FROM Member m INNER JOIN Type t ON m.MemberType = t.Type;

The keyword INNER JOIN is used, and we can see the condition for selecting the rows after the keyword ON. Once again, you may find that some versions of SQL do not support the phrase INNER JOIN; however, we will see other ways to express the query later in this chapter.

The two columns that we are comparing (MemberType and Type) must be join compatible. Formally, this means they must both come from the same domain or set of possible values. In practical terms, join compatibility usually means that the columns in each of the tables have the same data type. For example, both columns will be integers or both dates. Different database products may interpret join compatibility differently. Some might let you join on a float (number with a decimal point) in one table and an integer in another. Some may be fussy about whether text fields are the same length (for example CHAR(10) or CHAR(15)), and others may not. I recommend you don’t try to join on fields with different types unless you are very clear what your particular product does. The best strategy, as always, is to think carefully when you design your tables. Those attributes that are likely to be joined should have the same types.

Outcome Approach to Joins

Let’s take a look at joins with the outcome approach . Rather than look at how we will combine the tables, we will look at what criteria the retrieved rows must meet.

Let’s start with the Cartesian product: we want a set of rows made up of combinations of rows from each of the contributing tables. Figure 3-4 shows how we can envisage this. We are looking at two tables, so we need two fingers to keep track of the rows. Finger m looks at each row of the Member table in turn. Currently it is pointing at row 3. For each row in the Member table, finger t will point to each row in the Type table. For the Cartesian product we retain every combination of the rows. In terms of Figure 3-4 the Cartesian product can be expressed in natural language as:

I’ll write out all the attributes from row m and all the attributes from row t so long as m comes from the Member table and t comes from the Type table.

Figure 3-4. Row variables m and t point to each row in the Member and Types tables, respectively

The SQL for the query represented in Figure 3-4 and that results in the output shown in Figure 3-2 is:

FROM Member m, Type t;

The preceding statement will return the same rows as the expression we had previously used that used the CROSS JOIN phrase.

For a join we have the extra condition that we want to retrieve only those combinations of rows where the membership type from each table is the same. We can express this in natural language as:

I’ll write out all the attributes from row m and all the attributes from row t so long as m comes from the Member table and t comes from the Type table and m.MemberType = t.Type.

The pair of rows depicted in Figure 3-5 satisfies that condition and so will be retrieved. If m stays where it is and t moves down a row, then the condition will no longer be satisfied and the new combination will not be included.

Figure 3-5. Rows will be retrieved where m.MemberType = t.Type

We can translate the query depicted in Figure 3-5 into SQL as follows:

FROM Member m, Type t
WHERE m.MemberType = t.Type;

If we look carefully at the preceding statement we can see that the first two lines represent the Cartesian product, and the WHERE clause in last line is selecting a subset of the rows where the membership types are the same. This was how we defined an inner join in the previous section. The preceding statement will produce the same rows as our previous statement for an inner join, seen again here:

FROM Member m INNER JOIN Type t ON m.MemberType = t.Type;

The first statement says what the rows to be retrieved are like (outcome approach) and the second expresses what operation we should use to retrieve those rows (process approach). Which one you use does not matterit just depends on how you find yourself thinking about the query. Sometimes there is a possibility that the way you express the query may affect the performance, and we will talk about this more in Chapter 9. Actually, most database products are pretty smart at optimizing, or finding the quickest way to perform a query, regardless of how you express it. For example, in SQL Server the two expressions for the join shown are carried out in the same way. In fact, in SQL Server 2013, if you type the code in the first statement into the default interface for creating a view, it will be replaced by the code using the INNER JOIN phrase.

Extending Join Queries

Now that we have added joins to our arsenal of operations, we can perform numerous types of queries. Because the result of a join (as with any operation) is another table, we can then join that result to a third table (and then another) and then select and project rows and columns to achieve the required result.

Let’s look at an example using the tables in Figure 3-6. The Entry table uses two foreign keys (MemberID and TourID) to maintain information about which members have entered the different tournaments. The first line in the Entry table says that member 118 entered tournament 24 in 2014. If we require any additional information (say, the name of a member or name of a tournament), we need to use the foreign keys to find the appropriate rows in the Member and Tournament tables , respectively.

Figure 3-6. Permanent tables in the club database

Let’s find the names of everyone who entered the Leeston tournament in 2014. I’ll describe two different approaches, and you will probably find that one appeals to you more than the other.

A Process Approach

We are starting with three tables, so we need some operation that combines data from more than one table. We can join the Member table to the Entry table and the result to the Tournament table, as shown in Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-7. Joining the Member, Entry, and Tournament tables

The join condition for the first join between the Member and Entry tables is that m.MemberID = e.MemberID as shown by the rectangular boxes in Figure 3-7. For the second join between the result of the first join and the Tournament table, the condition is that e.TourID = t.TourID as shown by the circles. It will not make any difference if we choose to do the join between Entry and Tournament first and then join the result to Member.

The SQL to carry out the two joins is:

FROM (Member m INNER JOIN Entry e ON m.MemberID = e.MemberID)
      INNER JOIN Tournament t ON e.TourID = t.TourID;

The virtual table resulting from the two joins in this query has all the information we require to answer our question. We just need to select the rows satisfying the conditions about the year and tournament name by adding a WHERE clause, and then project the name attributes by specifying them in the SELECT clause. The complete SQL query to return the names of everyone who entered the Leeston tournament in 2014 is:

SELECT LastName, FirstName
FROM (Member m INNER JOIN Entry e ON m.MemberID = e.MemberID)
      INNER JOIN Tournament t ON e.TourID = t.TourID
WHERE TourName = 'Leeston'
AND Year = 2014;

Order of Operations

In the description in the previous section, we joined all the tables first and then selected the appropriate rows and columns. The result of the join is an intermediate table (as in Figure 3-7) that is potentially extremely large if there are lots of members and tournaments. We could have done the operations in a different order. We could have first selected just the Leeston tournament from the Tournament table and the 2014 tournaments from the Entry tables, as shown in Figure 3-8. Joining these two smaller tables with each other and then joining that result with Member would result in a much smaller intermediate table.

Figure 3-8. Selecting rows from the Entry and Tournament tables before joining them

So, should we worry about the order of the operations? The answer is “yes” the order of operations makes a huge difference but if you are using SQL, then it is not your problem to worry about. The SQL statement is always going to be the same, but with the tables possibly in a different order. The SQL statement is sent to the engine of whatever database program you are using, and the query will be optimized. This means the database program figures out the best order to do things. Some products do this extremely well, others not so well. Many products have analyzer tools that will let you see in what order things are being done. For many queries, writing your SQL differently doesn’t make much difference, but you can make things more efficient by providing indexes for your tables. We will look at these issues more closely in Chapter 9.

An Outcome Approach

The reason that the way we write our SQL statements often doesn’t affect the efficiency of a query is that SQL is fundamentally based on relational calculus, which describes the criteria the retrieved rows must meet. The original SQL standards did not even have keywords like INNER JOIN. SQL statements without these keywords describe what the retrieved rows should be like, so they do not have anything to say about how. Let’s look at an outcome approach to finding the names of members who entered Leeston tournaments in 2014.

We want to retrieve just some names from the Member table. Forget joins, and think about how you would know whether a particular name should be retrieved if you were shown the three tables and knew nothing about databases or foreign keys or joins or anything. Imagine a finger m tracing down the table, as in Figure 3-9.

Figure 3-9. Using row variables to describe the rows that satisfy the query conditions

Do we want to write out Barbara Olson, the name to which m is currently pointing? How would we know? Well, first we have to find a row with her ID (235) in the Entry table for the year 2014 such as the one where finger e is pointing. Then we have to find a row with that tournament ID (24) in the Tournament table and check it is a Leeston tournament. Looking at Figure 3-9, we see that the rows where the three fingers are pointing give us enough information to know that Barbara Olson did indeed enter a Leeston tournament in 2014. This set of conditions describes what a row in the result table should be like.

Now let’s write that last paragraph a bit more succinctly. Read the following sentence with reference to the rows denoted in Figure 3-9:

I’ll write out the names from row m , where m comes from the Member table, if there is a row e in the Entry table where m.MemberID is the same as e.MemberID and e.Year is 2014 and there also exists a row t in the Tournament table where e.TourID is the same as t.TourId and t.TourName has the value “Leeston.”

The SQL reflects the preceding paragraph. Look carefully at the following statement with reference to Figure 3-9:

SELECT m.LastName, m.FirstName
FROM Member m, Entry e, Tournament t
WHERE m.MemberID = e.MemberID
      AND e.TourID = t.TourID
      AND t.TourName = 'Leeston' AND e.Year = 2014;

You can see how the SQL statement describes what a retrieved row should be like. If you look carefully at the statement, you can also spot the operations. The second line (the FROM clause) is a big Cartesian product, the next two lines are the join conditions (which would result in a table like the one in Figure 3-7), the final line selects the rows with the appropriate year and tournament name, and the SELECT clause line tells us to project just the names.

The SQL preceding statement is equivalent to the one using the INNER JOIN keywords. They will both return the same set of rows: one reflects the underlying process of how, and the other reflects the underlying outcome of what.

Expressing Joins Through Diagrammatic Interfaces

This book is about queries in SQL, but most database products also provide a diagrammatic interface to express queries. Just for completeness, I’ll show you what a typical diagrammatic interface looks like for retrieving the names of members who entered the Leeston tournament in 2014.

Figure 3-10 shows the Microsoft Access interface, but most products have something very similar. The tables are represented by the rectangles in the top section with the lines showing the joins between them. The columns to be retrieved have a checkmark (√) in the row marked Show, and the conditions for selecting a particular row are shown for the relevant fields in the row marked Criteria.

Figure 3-10. Microsoft Access digrammatic interface for the query to find names of members entering the Leeston tournament in 2014

Other Types of Joins

The joins we have been looking at in this chapter are equi-joins. An equi-join is one where the join condition has an equals operator, as in m.MemberID = e.MemberID. This is the most common type of condition, but you can have different operators. A join is just a Cartesian product followed by selecting a subset of rows, and the select condition can consist of different comparison operators (for example, <> or > ) and also logical operators (for example, AND or NOT). These sorts of joins don’t turn up all that often.

You might also come across a natural join. A natural join assumes that you will be joining on columns that have the same name in both tables. The join condition is that the values in the two columns with the same name are equal, and one of those columns will be removed from the result. For example:

Member NATURAL JOIN Entry;

This would produce almost the same output as:

Member m INNER JOIN Entry m ON m.MemberID = e.MemberID;

In the natural join statement, the join condition is implicitly assumed to be equality between the two attributes with the same name, MemberID. The only difference between the two queries is that for the natural join only one of the MemberID columns will be returned. Oracle supports natural joins but SQL Server and Access do not.

Outer Joins

One type of join that you will use a great deal and that is important to understand is the outer join. The best way to understand an outer join is to see where they are useful. Have a look at the (modified) Member and Type tables in Figure 3-11.

Figure 3-11. Member and Type tables

You might want to produce different lists from the Member table, such as numbers and names, names and membership types, and so on. In these lists you expect to see all the members (for the table in Figure 3-11, that would be nine rows). Then you might think that as well as seeing the numbers and names in your member list, you will also include the membership fee. You join the two tables (with the condition MemberType = Type) and find that you “lose” one of your members Sarah Beck (see Figure 3-12).

Figure 3-12. Inner join between Member and Type, and we “lose” Sarah Beck

The reason is that Sarah has no value for MemberType in the Member table. Let’s look at the Cartesian product, which is the first step for doing a join. Figure 3-13 shows those rows of the Cartesian product that include Sarah.

Figure 3-13. Part of the Cartesian product between the Member and Type tables

Having done the Cartesian product, we now need to do the final part of our join operation, which is to apply the condition (MemberType = Type). As you can see in Figure 3-13, there is no row for Sarah Beck that satisfies this condition because she has a null or empty value in MemberType.

Consider the following two natural-language questions: “Get me the fees for members” and “Get me all member information including fees.” The first one has an implication of “Just get me the members who have fees,” while the second has more of a feel of “Get me all the members and include the fees for those who have them.” One of the biggest difficulties in writing queries is trying to decide exactly what it is you want. It is even more difficult if you are trying to understand what someone else is asking for!

Let’s say that what we actually want is a list of all our members, and where we can find the fee information, we’d like to include that. In this case, we want to see Sarah Beck included in the result, but with no fee displayed. That is what an outer join does. Outer joins can come in three types: left, right , and full outer joins. A left outer join retrieves all the rows from the left table including those with a null value in the join field, as shown in Figure 3-14. We see that as well as all the rows from the inner join (Figure 3-12), we also have a row from the Member table for Sarah, who had a null for the join field MemberType. The fields in that row that would have come from the right-hand table (Type and Fee) have null values.

Figure 3-14. Result of left outer join between Member and Type tables

The SQL for the outer join depicted in Figure 3-14 is similar to an inner join, but the key phrase INNER JOIN is replaced with LEFT OUTER JOIN (or in some applications simply LEFT JOIN):

FROM Member m LEFT OUTER JOIN Type t ON m.MemberType = t.Type;

You might quite reasonably say that we wouldn’t have needed an outer join if all the members had a value for the MemberType field (as they probably should). That may be true for this case but remember my cautions in Chapter 2 about assuming that fields that should have data will have data. In other situations, the data in the join field may be quite legitimately empty. We will see in later chapters queries like “List all members and the names of their coaches if they have one.” “Losing” rows because you have used an inner join when you should have used an outer join is a very common problem and is sometimes quite hard to spot.

What about right and full outer joins? Left and right outer joins are the same and just depend on which order you put the tables in the join statement. The following SQL statement will return the same information as displayed in Figure 3-14, although the columns may be presented in a different order:

FROM Type t RIGHT OUTER JOIN Member m ON m.MemberType = t.Type;

We have simply swapped the order of the tables in the join statement. Any rows with a null in the join field of the right table (Member) will be included.

A full outer join will retain rows with a null in the join field in either table. The SQL for the full outer join is shown here and will result in the table seen in Figure 3-15:

Figure 3-15. Result of a full outer join between Member and Type tables
FROM Member m FULL OUTER JOIN Type t ON m.MemberType = t.Type;

We have a row for Sarah Beck padded with mull values for the missing columns from the Type table. We also have the first row, which shows us the information about the Associate membership type even though there are no rows in the Member table with Associate as a member type. In this row, each missing value from the Member table is replaced with a null.

Not all implementations of SQL have a full outer join implemented explicitly. Access 2013 doesn’t. However, there are always alternative ways in SQL to retrieve the information you require. In Chapter 7 I’ll show you how to get the equivalent of a full outer join by using a union operator between a left and right outer join (which is what I had to do to get the screen shot in Figure 3-15!).


A Cartesian product combines two tables. The resulting table has a column for each column in the two tables, and there is a row for every combination of rows from the contributing tables. The SQL for a Cartesian product reflecting the process approach is:

FROM <table1> CROSS JOIN <table2>;

The SQL for an inner join reflecting the outcome approach is:

FROM <table1>,<table2>;

An inner join starts with a Cartesian product, and then a join condition determines which combinations of rows from the two contributing tables will be retained.

The SQL for an inner join reflecting the process approach is:

FROM <table1> INNER JOIN <table2>
ON <join condition>;

The SQL for an inner join reflecting the outcome approach is:

FROM <table1>, <table2>
WHERE <join condition>;

If one (or both) of the tables has rows with a null in the field involved in the join condition, then that row will not appear in the result for an inner join. If that row is required, you can use outer joins.

The SQL for an outer join, which will retain all the rows in the left-hand table including those with a null in the join field, is:

FROM  <table1> LEFT OUTER JOIN <table2>
ON <join condition>;

Similar expressions exist for right outer joins and full outer joins.


1 International Organization for Standardization. Information technology — Database languages — SQL. ISO, Geneva, Switzerland, 1992. ISO/IEC 9075:1992.

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