Writing a method to set the current user balance

The setBalance() method is called to set the current user balance. It is always invoked after a new transaction is submitted to the server. It calls the /customerinfo endpoint and updates the new balance to the app state, as follows:

  1. We call the /customerinfo endpoint with the customer's userID from the app state, like this:
setBalance = () => {
let app = this;
var url = 'http://'+ this.state.server +'/customerinfo';
fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
},body: JSON.stringify({
userId : app.state.userId

  1. On receiving a response from the /customerinfo endpoint, we fetch the balance variable and update it to the app state, like this:
return response.json();

balance: data.balance

That brings us to the end of our frontend and all of the components we need to develop for our project. In the next section, let's try out an end-to-end remittance transaction and see how the project works.

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