Creating the SellerTabSettle.js component

The SellerTabSettle.js component renders a screen for capturing and settling a settlement request from the Seller, as follows:

<InputField onInputChangeUpdateField={props.onInputChangeUpdateField}
fields={props.fields} name="LCNo" placeholder="LC Number"/>

<InputField onInputChangeUpdateField={props.onInputChangeUpdateField}
fields={props.fields} name="Amount" placeholder="Amount" addon="USD"/>

<InputField onInputChangeUpdateField={props.onInputChangeUpdateField}
fields={props.fields} name="DocHash" placeholder="Document Hash"/>

<div className="panel-block is-paddingless is-12 ">
<div className="column has-text-centered ">

<div className="button" onClick={() => props.settleLC()}>

<div className="button" onClick={() => props.SellerSessionView()} >

It renders a screen with the input fields to capture the LC number the seller wants to settle, the settlement amount, and the hash signature of the document submitted by the Seller for the settlement. On clicking the Submit button, the settleLC method is called. More on this method later, when we look at our App.js file.

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