
So, we come to the end of our second chapter. If this is your first time building a blockchain application, this chapter should have helped you to identify the different components of a blockchain application. If you are new to creating and issuing tokens on blockchains, this should have helped you to grasp the concept and give you some ideas on how you can implement them as part of your projects.

We started this chapter by looking at the concept of fungible and non-fungible tokens and the business cases you can implement using these tokens. We also looked at the smart contract standards for these tokens and how they can be implemented using Solidity and OpenZeppelin. We created a mintable fungible token called MoolahCoin and a non-fungible token called Condos using these resources. Finally, we built a wallet app to manage the tokens we issued on the blockchain using ReactJS. The wallet allowed us to send tokens, approve requests from secondary addresses, and mint new tokens. Lastly, we looked at running our application and connecting our application to the main Ethereum network. 

The main takeaway from this chapter is understanding the concept of tokens and how you can implement them as part of your business use cases. I also hope you were able to understand how to leverage openzeppelin to quickly write smart contracts. I hope you now have a clear understanding of creating a React app that can interact with your local Ganache blockchain or the main Ethereum network by leveraging MetaMask.

In the next chapter, we will learn to create a merchant solution for online retailers. The solution would enable users to accept payments on a blockchain network akin to the leading fiat payment networks of the day.

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