Downloading the binary and installing IPFS

We will be using IPFS for storing and sharing documents between the two banks. Let's look at the steps to setup the private IPFS network:

  1. To install IPFS, you'll need to ensure that Go is installed in your system and the GOPATH object is set. You can check if Go is installed on your system, with the following command:
go version

If Go is installed, it'll let you know the current version. You can find steps to download and install it at this link:

Make sure the GOPATH variable is set. Otherwise, add the following lines to your .bashrc file in your home directory:

export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/gopath
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
  1. Enter the source ~/.bashrc command in the Terminal, to add the preceding environment variables to your Linux profile.
  2. Now, run the go version command. It should show you the current Go version.
  3. Now, let's install IPFS. Run the following commands on the Terminal, to download the latest version of the IPFS binary, and move it to the Go executable path. At the time of writing, the latest version was 4.22.

My Go executable path is /usr/local/bin/, as shown in the following code block:

$tar xvfz go-ipfs_v0.4.22_Linux-amd64.tar.gz
$sudo mv go ipfs/ipfs /usr/local/bin/ipfs
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