
Note: Page numbers followed by “f.” and “t.” indicate figures and tables, respectively.


Absorption charging, 357

Accelerated depreciation, 198–199

Accessory wind turbines, 223–224

Accuweather, 153t.

Acts of God insurance coverage, 212

Adult Safety Hazard label, 293

Advanced active controls, 422

Advanced Power Inc. wind turbines, 324t., 326t.

AEO (annual energy output), 89, 94–95, 285, 286t., 294–301

Aeolos wind turbines, 327t.

Aermotor, 4, 243f., 243–244

Aerodynamic drag, 239–241

Aerodynamic noise, 46–47

Aerovanes, 161f.

AeroVironment wind turbines, 31f., 322t., 396–399, 397f., 412–413


rotor blade, 246t.

of VAWTs versus HAWTs, 266–267

AGM (absorbed gas mat) batteries, 342–343

Aims modified sine-wave inverters, 338

Air brakes, 312f., 313

AirBreeze wind turbines, 321t.

Aircon International wind turbines, 325t.

Air density (rho), 83, 93, 289–290

AirDolphin wind turbines (Zephyr Corporation), 170, 318t., 322t.

Airline wind turbines, 6

Air-X turbines, 295f.

Albaek, Morten, 254–255, 331, 407–408, 424

Albers, John and Gerhard, 313

Allstate Insurance, 211, 214t.

Altamont Pass Wind Farm (California), 9, 11, 12f., 18t., 60–65, 61f., 64f.

Alternating current (AC)

backup generators, 371

breaker panels, 24, 360–361

controllers, 355

conversion of direct current to, 23–24

energy conversion efficiencies, 97t., 98t.

inverters, 332–338

wild AC, 247–248, 333, 363

Alternating current (AC) disconnect, 23

Alternative Energy magazine, 421

Alternative turbine designs, 411–417

Alternators. See Generators (alternators)

Aluminum wire, 22, 361–362

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009), 127

American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), 16, 30, 44–45, 134, 185, 210, 227–228, 233t., 235–236, 279, 314–315, 328

American Wire Gauge (AWG), 364–366

Ammeters, 370

Ampacity, 363

Ampair wind turbines, 14f., 170, 192, 226f., 321t., 322t.

Ampere-hours (amp-hours), 74, 344–345

Amperes (amps), 72–75, 78

Android calculators, 93t., 114t., 122, 144


cup, 188f., 240

propeller, 161f.

in pyramid of wind assessment, 160f., 160–162, 161f.

Animals. See also Bats; Birds

biomimicry, 401–404

Annoyance, caused by wind turbines, 49, 50

Annual energy output (AEO), 89, 94–95, 285, 286t., 294–301

Annual energy production (AEP), 328

ANSI C84.1 Grid Power Standard, 278t.

Antarctica, 82, 82f., 263

Antonich, Brian, 219t.

Appa, Kari, 421

Appalachian State University, 307f.


average U.S. energy consumption, 109f., 109t.

energy-efficiency rating labels, 110, 111f., 126

energy savings improvements, 120–127

home energy audits, 113–117, 120t.

measuring energy use, 114t., 179–180, 180t.

nameplates, 110–112, 112f.

Appurtentant structure, 211–212, 223

Architectural wind, 396–399


Northern Arizona Wind & Sun, 346–347

School of Sustainability, Arizona State University, 397–398

small wind turbine installation, 351–353, 352f., 353f.

Armstrong, Lance, 396

Arnett, Ed, 67

Audubon Society, 62

Australia, 192, 199

University of Technology (Sydney), 404–405

wind energy roses, 157, 158t.

Average wind speed, 81, 85t. See also Wind speed

assessing average annual wind

speed, 142–146

Beaufort Scale, 143–144, 144t.

in cost of wind turbines, 182

determining, 131, 132

Griggs-Putnam Index, 145f., 145–146

wind energy roses, 133f., 155–158, 156f.

AVX 1000 architectural wind project (Bronx), 398–399


Babylonian empire, 2


battery, 338, 339f.

generators, 24, 371–372

Backwoods Home Magazine, 349–350

Bahrain World Trade Center (Bahrain), 18t., 399, 400f.

Balance of system (BOS), 22, 301, 328, 331–372, 383

Bangladesh, 198

Bartmann, Dan, 244, 288f., 289f., 291f.

Bats, 65–67, 68f., 69t.

echolocation by, 67

impact of VAWTs versus HAWTs, 266

near-contact barotrauma, 66f., 67

Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories, 259

Batteries, 42–43, 338–360

amp-hours, 344–345

basic chemistry, 343–344

battery banks, 22–23, 347–351

charge controllers, 353–360

cost of, 345

energy loss from internal resistance, 345

grid-tied inverters with battery backup, 338, 339f.

key points, 339–340

longevity, 345–347

maintenance checklist, 390

safety concerns, 383

types of, 340–343

voltages of, 301

Battery banks, 22–23, 372f.

defined, 347

organization of, 350–351

sizing, 347–350, 348f.

Battery-based inverters, 24

Battery gassing, 341

Batteryless inverters, 24

Beaty, William, 71–73, 74–75

Beaufort Scale, 143–144, 144t.

Begley, Ed, Jr., 177

Belgium, standards for wind turbines, 278t.

Bennett, Steve, 221

Bergey, Mick, 171, 204

Bergey Excel wind turbines, 174f., 218t., 222f., 263, 286–287t., 299t., 313, 318t., 325t., 423f. See also Bergey wind turbines

Bergey Windpower Co., 171

Bergey Windpower Small Turbine Project Calculator, 218t.

Bergey wind turbines, 74f., 91f., 118f., 174, 178f., 204, 205f., 318t., 323t. See also Bergey Excel wind turbines

Betz, Albert, 96, 420

Betz coefficient/limit, 95–98, 297

Big Star Vertical wind turbines, 326t.

Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 404

Biomimicry, 401–404

Birds, 60–65, 66f., 69t., 187

causes of death in U.S., 63t.

fatalities involving wind turbines, 62–65

impact of VAWTs versus HAWTs, 266

raptor fatalities, 63–65

Blackberry, 122

Black & Decker, 117t.

Blade noise, 46

Blades, 21

Blade size ratio, 52–53

Blade thump, 46

Bloomberg, 407

Blue Sea Development, 398

Bluestone, Les, 398

Blyth, James, 5

BMP, 326t.

Boats, small wind turbines on, 8f.

Boeing, 9, 10f.

Bollée, Ernest Sylvain, 414

Bonneville Power Administration (Washington state), 43

Bornay wind turbines, 322t.

Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, The (Kamkwamba), 7, 19–20


air, 312f., 313

dynamic braking, 47–48

regenerative, 329

Brazil, 192

Breaker panels, 24, 360–361

Breezy wind turbine, 166f., 184f., 384–386, 385f.

Brooklyn Navy Yard, 31f., 397f., 397–398

Brown, Chris, 350

Brush, Charles F., 5, 6f., 8, 96, 244–245

Bucket trucks, 386f., 389–390

Building codes, 221–222, 223–224


architectural wind, 396–399

as barriers, 133, 140–141

building-integrated wind turbines, 399–401

wind velocity at site with several, 140–141

buildOn, 20

Bulk charging, 357

Byers Auto, 302f.


C/4 charging rate, 358

C/8 charging rate, 358

C/20 charging rate, 358

Cable clamps, 380


Altamont Pass Wind Farm, 9, 11, 12f., 18t., 60–65, 61f., 64f.

California Energy Commission (CEC), 335, 417–420

Manzanita Indian Reservation, 351f.

small wind turbines in, 107f.

tax rebates for wind power, 9

3rd St Hydroponics (Oakland), 255

University of California, Irvine, 417–420

California Institute of Technology, 404

Canada, 13, 18t., 192, 193–194

Cap-Chat, 258

certification of wind turbines, 279

Hydro-Québec Research, 258–259

National Research Council Canada (NRC), 258–259, 269–270

net metering in, 195

Office of Energy Efficiency, 126t.

Ontario, Wind Rose, 158t.

OntarioWindMaps, 151t.

Project Eole (Quebec), 258f., 258–259

standards for wind turbines, 278t.

wind energy roses, 157, 158t.

wind maps, 151t.

wind power research and development, 258–259

Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA), 13, 29–30, 35, 44–45, 192, 195, 198, 259

Capacity factor, 297–300

Capital subsidies, 190–195

feed-in tariffs, 13, 106, 183, 190, 191–192

grants, 190

net metering, 28–29, 183, 194–195, 369

production incentives, 190–191

rebates, 190

renewable energy credits (RECs), 193f., 193–194, 195f.

Carbon taxes, 199–200

Carr, Thomas, 281

Carter, Jimmy, 10f., 121

Cascade Engineering, 316

Cassee, Jason, 211

Caulking, 120t., 123

CaWindMaps, 151t.

CEC weighted efficiency, 335

Ceiling fans, 120t., 123, 123t.

Cell phone chargers, 408–409, 409f.

Center for Resource Solutions, 194, 195f.

Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), 277t.

Certification, 279, 407–408

CE Safety Standards, 277t.

Charge controllers, 22, 353–360, 372f.

AC controllers, 355

battery charging and equalization, 356–358

building from scratch, 358–359

connecting, 359

DC controllers, 355

disconnects, 359–360

solar, 355

temperature changes and, 355–356

unhooking, 359

voltage clamps, 359

China, 15–16, 29, 198

Inner Mongolian Wind Farm (Bailingmiao), 18t.

Renewable Energy Law, 29

Xiao Qing Dao Island wind project, 368f.

Choose Renewables, 131, 131t.

Circuit breakers, 24, 360–361

Clarian Power, 272f., 272–273

Climatic data, 152–155, 153f., 154f., 155f.

Coal, 29, 30, 41

Cold water, 121

College of the Atlantic (COA; Bar Harbor, Maine), 141–142


Burlington High School wind turbine, 377f.

Colorado State University, 298

hybrid solar-wind installations, 346f., 354f.

National Wind Technology Center (NWTC; Golden), 16, 47, 62, 84f., 89f, 96f., 303f., 306f., 344f., 356f.

Winco wind turbines (Douglas County), 182f.

wind turbines in, 167f., 182f., 209f., 298

Commercial-scale wind energy, 8–10

Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), 120t., 123–124, 180

Comprehensive Air Density Calculator, 290t.

Comprehensive Power Calculator, 290t.

Compressed air, 43

Concorde, 340, 347

Conditional (special use) permits, 225

Conductors, 72

Consumer choice, small wind in, 32

Conventional fuels taxes, 199–200

Cook, Bernie, 412

Copper wire, 22, 361–362, 364, 366–367

Corbus, Dave, 303f., 344f.

Corporate investment tax incentives, 197

Cost of wind turbines, 179–188

average turbine cost, 283

cost calculators, 93, 114t., 218–220t.

factors affecting cost, 182–188. See also Financial analysis; Tax incentives

financial resource checklist, 217–218

insurance, 186, 210–214

lifetime costs, 179–180

personal values and, 180–181, 181t.

price ranges for small wind turbines, 179

rotor blade, 247t.

in selection process, 283, 286–287t., 301–302, 328

VAWTs versus HAWTs, 263

warranties, 214–217, 285, 292–293, 302

Coulombs, 73–74

Counter-rotating dual turbines, 420–421

Countryside magazine, 338

Cour, Poul la, 6

Cranes, 380

Critical peak pricing, 121–123

Crosher, Stephen, 171–172, 262–263, 266, 269–271

Cryan, Paul, 66f.

Cup anemometers, 188f., 240

Current (amperes), 72–75, 78

Cut-out speed, 292

Cycles, battery, 345

Cycloturbines, 256

Czech Republic, 198


The Daily Green, 114, 121, 126, 397

Danish Wind Industry Association, 52

Wind Energy Economics Calculator, 220t.

Darrieus, Georges Jean Marie, 9, 256–259

Darrieus wind turbine, 9, 256–262, 257f., 258f., 261f., 274

Davis, Michael, 351–353, 352f., 355, 358f., 358–359, 359, 377

DAWTs (diffuser-augmented wind turbines), 417

Dean, Jimmy, 1

Decibels (dB), 45

Dee, Robert Nance, 293

Deep-cycle batteries, 23, 340, 345–346

Deikel, Beverly, 200–202

Delaware, 193–194

Demeo, Anna, 141–142

Denmark, 6, 9, 13

Danish Wind Industry Association, 52, 220t.

Middelgrunden offshore wind farm, 56

Radsand II wind farm, 64

Wind Energy Division (Risø DTU, Roskilde), 150, 422

Wind Energy Economics Calculator, 220t.

Depreciation, 198–199

Depth of discharge (DOD), 346

Design Specialties, 293

Development tax credits, 197–198, 198f.

Dewar, Danielle, 403

DiCaprio, Leonardo, 232

Diesel generators, 24, 371, 371f.

Diffraction, 57

Diffuser-augmented wind turbines (DAWTs), 417

Dimmer switches, 124

Direct current (DC), 247–248

controllers, 355

conversion to alternating current, 23–24

disconnect, 23

inverters, 332–338

Direct drivers, 25–26, 46, 248–249

Direct payments, 190

Disconnects, 23, 359–360

Discover the Charge, 78t.

Dispatchability, 41

Distributed generators, 43–44

Diversion load, 23

Diversion loads, 353–354

Diversion mode, 355


of electricity supply, 34

of wind power applications, 35

Do-it-yourself (DIY) projects

charge controllers, 358f., 358–359

energy audits, 113–117

installation costs, 185, 186t., 351–353

wind systems, 20, 21f., 32–33, 185, 186t., 351–353

Dome Home, 56–57, 228f.

Domestic Roof-Mounted Wind Turbines Study, 172t.

Dominica, Rosalie Bay Resort, 53f., 168f., 200–202, 201f., 202f., 287, 374f., 382f.

Doucette, Dale and Michelle, 118–120

Downwind turbines, 249, 251, 251f.

Drag-based turbines, 239–241

Drake, Peter, 58

Drive-train noise, 46

Ducted rotors, 417

Duct sealing, 120t.

Dump loads, 23, 353–354

Dunlite Corporation, 7

Durability. See also Maintenance

cut-out speed, 292

in selecting wind turbines, 286t., 290–294

start-up speed, 291–292

survival (maximum design) wind

speed, 292

turbine weight, 291

warranties, 214–217, 285, 292–293

Dylan, Bob, 71

Dynamic braking, 47–48

Dynamic pricing, 121–123


e2, 116, 116t., 117, 117t.

Earth, 126

EarthTronics, 413

East Africa, 194

Eclectic Stealthgen, 170

Eclipse, 4

Ecological issues, 59–68

bats and, 65–67, 68f., 69t.

birds and, 60–65, 66f., 69t.

embodied energy, 60

site preparation, 60, 61f., 69t.

Economic development, 29–30

EddyGT wind turbines, 320t.

Edison, Thomas, 332

Efergy Technologies, 116, 116t., 117t.

Efficiency. See Energy efficiency

8/20 arrestor rating, 368–369

Electrical grid. See also Public utilities

determining personal relationship to, 105–107, 118–120

energy storage methods, 42–44

going off grid, 118–120, 229–230, 230f., 231f.

net metering, 28–29, 183, 194–195, 369

relationships with public utilities, 106–107

reliability of supply, 34, 41

vehicle-to-grid (V2G), 42–43

Electrical potential, 72–73

Electric cars, vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and, 42–43

Electricity, 71–80

ampere-hours (amp-hours), 74, 344–345

current (amperes), 72–75, 78

electrical charge (voltage), 72–73, 75, 335–336

energy (watt-hours), 76–78

lifetime costs, 179–180

power (watts), 72, 75–76, 83, 85t., 335

price increases, 183–184

resistance (ohms), 72, 74–75, 165, 345

Electromagnetic interference (EMI), 57

Electromagnetic transmissions, 57–58

Electromotor force (emf), 72–73

Electronic Educational Devices, 116

Embodied energy, 60

Encraft, 170

Endurance Wind Power wind turbines, 308t., 318t., 324t., 327t.

Energy (watt-hours), 76–78

Energy audits, 113–117, 120t.

do-it-yourself, 113–117

professional, 113

tools for conducting, 113–117

Energy Costs Calculator, 93, 114t.

Energy curve calculator, 297t.

Energy curves, 94–95, 296, 296f.

Energy Detective, 117, 117t.

Energy efficiency, 107–127

Betz coefficient/limit, 95–98, 297

calculating annual consumption, 108–112

energy audits, 113–117, 120t.

energy-efficiency rating labels, 110, 111f., 126

energy use by region, 108t.

incentives, 9, 127, 183, 184, 188–204

inverter, 335

methods of improving, 120t., 120–127

nameplates, 110–112, 112f.

overall turbine, 297

relationship to electrical grid, 105–107, 118–120

rotor blade, 246t.

of VAWTs versus HAWTs, 260, 261f.

Energy-efficiency rating labels, 110, 111f.

Energy Star program (U.S.), 111f., 117, 126t.

appliances, 126

ceiling fans, 123, 123t.

windows, 126

Energy usage taxes, 187

Enertech wind turbines, 319t., 327t.

Engineering verifications and inspections, 234–235


The Green Building (Manchester), 18t.

Strata SE1 (London), 400–401, 401f.

Environmental issues, 44–59

benefits of small wind, 30–31

electromagnetic transmissions, 57–58

flicker effect, 49–52, 69t., 265–266

ice throwing, 58–59, 69t.

noise. See Noise

perception and annoyance, 49, 50

property value, 54–56

radar interference, 58, 69t.

visual influence, 52–54, 69t.

Éoliennes Bollée wind turbines, 414

Eoltec Scirocco wind turbines, 286–287t., 308t., 324t., 325t.

Equalizing charges, 357

European Union (EU), 13, 192

energy-efficiency label, 111f.

Renewable Energy Directive, 29

standards for wind turbines, 277t.

European Union Energy, 126t.

Evance wind turbines, 318t.

Eveready Diversified Products Ltd., 308t., 318t., 322t., 324t.

Evoco wind turbines, 319t.

Ewing, Rex A., 338

Excise (sales) tax reductions, 196

Explore 3-D Electrostatic Activity, 78t.


Fairbanks-Morse, 4

Falcon wind turbines, 323t.

Fans, 120t., 123, 123t.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 131, 228, 405

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 213

Feed-in tariffs (FITs), 13, 106, 183, 190, 191–192

Filters, 127

Financial analysis, 204–210. See also Cost of wind turbines; Tax incentives

farm and business economics, 209–210

financial resource checklist, 217–218

payback analysis, 206, 207–208

residential economics, 208–209

return on investment (ROI), 27–28, 204–208

Fink, Dan, 28f., 163, 244, 250f., 275, 288f., 289f., 291f., 298f., 415, 424

Fire insurance coverage, 212

Fireman’s Fund Insurance, 211, 212, 214t.

Fixed-guyed towers, 22, 163, 163f., 165, 166f., 376t., 378

Fixed uniter power factor, 337

Flash frequency, 51–52

Flicker effect, 49–52, 69t., 265–266

Float charging, 357

Float voltage, 353–354

Flooded batteries, 341f., 341–342

Flood insurance coverage, 213

FloWind, 259

Flying wind turbines, 404–408

Forsyth, Trudy, 16

Fortis Energy wind turbines, 313

Foundations, 377f., 377–379


standards for wind turbines, 278t.

wind maps, 155

Frayne, Shawn, 410, 410f.

Freedom Tower/Ground Zero (New York City), 399

Free fuel, 26–27

Freestanding towers, 22, 163, 163f., 166–167, 167f., 376t., 378

Freewheeling noise, 47

Frequency, 46, 49–50

Fuel-cell cars, 43, 43f.

Full World Interactive Map, 149t.

Furling, 308t., 309t., 310f., 310–313, 311f., 312f.

flexible/coning, 310–311, 311f.

furling tail, 311–313

side furling, 311–313

tilt-back designs, 310, 310f.

Fuses, 361

Future developments, 395–424

alternative turbine designs, 411–417

architectural wind, 396–399

biomimicry, 401–404

building-integrated wind, 399–401

flying wind turbines, 404–408

optimizing existing designs, 417–422

ultra-micro wind turbines, 408–410, 411f.

Future Energy wind turbines, 325t.


Gaia Wind turbines, 306f., 319t., 326t.

Gas discharge tubes (GDTs), 367

Gasoline, 10f., 29, 199–200, 258–259

Gearbox, 248–249

Gel (gelled) batteries, 342

General Electric wind turbines, 9, 299t.

General Motors, 396

Generators (alternators), 242f., 247–248, 248f.

backup, 24, 371–372

maintenance checklist, 389–390

Germany, 13, 29

German Antarctic Survey, 263

wind maps, 155

Gin poles, 380–381

Gipe, Paul, 28, 68, 86, 190, 192, 196, 206–207, 210, 213, 219t., 262, 274, 283, 290–291, 397–398, 415, 424

Giromills, 256, 257f.

Gitlin, Steve, 396–398

Global Wind Energy Council, 16, 407

Global wind maps, 147f., 147–148, 148t.

Google Earth, 211, 227t.

GoSolar website, 335

Gossamer Albatross (human-powered airplane), 396

Gossamer Condor (human-powered aircraft), 396

Governing mechanisms, 307–313

air brakes, 312f., 313

furling, 308t., 309t., 310f., 310–313, 311f., 312f.

governing wind speed, 308

importance of, 307

stalling, 309t.

variable blade pitch, 308t., 309t.

Grants, 190

Graphical Forecasts (NOAA), 153, 153t.

Grass, as barrier or obstacle, 137

The Green Building (Manchester, England), 18t.

Greenland, 13

Green Lighting, 124

Green loans, 204

Green tag, 193–194, 415

Grid reliability, 41

Grid-tied inverters, 24, 336f., 336–337, 338, 339f.

Griggs-Putnam Index, 145f., 145–146

Ground drag, 90–91

Grounding, 366–367

Guardian Library House CleanTech 100, 271

Guy grips, 380

Guy radius, 378

Guy strand, 380

Guy wires, 366–367, 379–380


Halogen bulbs, 124

Hammurabi, 2, 221

Hammurabi’s Code, 2

Handheld chargers, 408–409, 409f.

Hanning, Christopher, 49–50

Harmonic distortion, 334

Harvard University, 402

Hawaii, 9

HAWTs. See Horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs)

H-bridge, 333

Hearings, zoning, 230–233

Hearst Tower (New York City), 397

Hedging, wind energy in, 28–29

Height of wind turbine towers, 90–94, 94f., 131

Helix Wind, 256–258, 273–274, 274f.

Heron (Hero) of Alexandria, 2–3

Hertz (Hz), 46

H&H Utility Contractors, Inc., 381f.

History of wind energy, 1–18

commercial-scale wind energy, 8–10

early wind turbines, 5–8, 243–245, 256–259

growth in global wind market, 10–18, 36–37f.

horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs), 243–245

vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs), 256–259

windmills, 2–4, 243

Home fuel cells, 43–44

Home Power magazine, 119–120, 128, 284, 376

Wind Generator Buyer’s Guide, 329t.

Honda, 43f.

Honeywell wind turbines, 15f., 44, 413f., 413–417, 416f.

Honneff, Hans, 420–421

Hoover Dam, 43

Horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs), 4, 5f., 241–253

downwind turbines, 251

gearbox, 248–249

generator (alternator), 242f., 247–248

history of, 243–245

noise created by, 48

pros and cons, 259–263

rotors, 241–247, 242f.

slip rings, 252

tail, 242f., 249, 250f.

tower, 242f., 252–253

upwind turbines, 250, 251f.

vertical axis wind turbines versus, 253–254, 254f., 255–256, 259–263, 274–276

yaw system, 251, 252f.

Hot water heaters

tankless, 120t., 125

water temperature use, 121

How Are Watts, Ohms, Amps, and Volts Related?, 78t.

Huaying Wind Power, 326t.

Hubs, 21

Hummer wind turbines, 324t.

Hummingbird wind turbines (Potencia Industrial), 319t.

HVAC systems, 120t, 126–127

Hydrogen fuel cells, 43, 43f.

Hydrometers, 341–342

HYmini, 408–409, 409f.


Ice throwing, 58–59, 69t.


College of Southern Idaho, 79–80

Idaho National Laboratory, 158t.

wind farms in, 79f., 79–80, 80f., 193f.

Wind for Schools program, 381f.

wind turbines in, 7f.

IEC-61400-2-B Small Wind Turbine Standards, 278t.

IEEE 1547 Electric Standards, 278t.

IKEA, 33

Illinois, DeKalb County, 55

Image enhancement, small wind in, 31–32

Import duty reductions, 199

Incentives. See Tax incentives

Independence, of small wind, 31

India, 15, 198, 199

Bureau of Energy Efficiency, 126t.

Infrasound, 49–50

In-house warranties, 215, 216t.

Inner Mongolian Wind Farm (Bailingmiao, China), 18t.

Input voltage, 335

Installation, 185, 186t., 373–386

connections, 383

rotor blade, 246t.

safety guidelines, 375t., 382–383

small wind systems, 376–384

towers, 374–375, 376t., 378, 379–381

Instantaneous wind speed, 81

Insulation, 120t., 125, 125f.

Insurance, 186, 210–214

Interference with signals, 58

Internal resistance, 345

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 277t.

Inverters, 23–24, 332–338, 372f.

selecting, 335–336

types of, 336–338

Investment tax credits (ITCs), 196–197


Alternate Energy Revolving Loan Program, 203

Waverly wind turbine, 130f.

iPad, 93t., 122

iPhone, 93t., 122

iPod Touch, 93t., 122

Ippolito, Massimo, 405

Iran, 192

Ireland, 17

ISO-9001 Quality Management, 277t.

Israel, 192

Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, 240f.

Savonius VAWT, 173f.

Italy, 13, 155


Jacobs Wind turbines, 6, 7, 218t., 326t.

Jamaica, 198

James, William, 39

Japan, 192, 199, 278t.

Jimp wind turbines, 326t.

John H. Glenn Research Center (Sandusky, Ohio), 8

Johnson, Jim, 89f.

Jones, Jim, 377f.

Joules (J), 76–77

Juul, Johannes, 6


Kamkwamba, William, 7, 19–20, 23, 243


Bergey wind turbines in, 74f., 174

Breezy wind turbines in, 166f., 384–386, 385f.

Prairie Turbines wind turbine business, 384–386, 385f.

Wind for Schools program, 225f.

Kaufman, Maynard, 229f., 229–230, 230f., 231f.

Kellums grips, 383

Kenya, 192

Kestrel wind turbines (Eveready Diversified Products Ltd.), 308t., 318t., 322t., 324t.

Kettle Foods, 397–398

Kill A Watt, 115f., 115–116, 116t.

Kilowatt-hour meters (kWH meters), 24

Kilowatt-hours (kWH), 108–109, 182

Kintrex, 117t.

Kite Gen, 405, 405f.

Knots, 80–81

Kruse, Andy, 171



energy-efficiency rating, 110, 126

safety hazard, 293

Laser-guided turbines, 421–422

Lead-acid batteries, 23, 342, 343, 345

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), 212

Lego, 407

Levine, Brian, 44, 414–416

Lewandowski, Bob, 79f., 79–80, 80f.

Lewis Research Center (Sandusky, Ohio), 8

Lexington Insurance, 214t.

Liability insurance, 213

LIDAR, 422

Lift-based turbines, 239–241

Light bulbs (CFLs), 120t., 123–124, 180

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs), 124, 179–180, 180t.


insurance coverage for lightning strikes, 212

lightning arrestors, 368–369

Lithion-ion batteries, 340

Load resisters, 23

Loads, defined, 23

Loans, 202–204

green loans, 204

revolving loan funds, 203–204


battery, 345–347

rotor blade, 246t.

Low-frequency sound, 49–50


MacCready, Paul B., 396

Magenn Air Rotor System (MARS), 405, 406f., 406–407

Mahawili, Imad, 413–414

Maine, College of the Atlantic (COA; Bar Harbor), 141–142

Maintenance, 167, 168f., 182f., 185, 386–390

guidelines, 387

tower and turbine checklist, 388–390

troubleshooting, 390–392

Maintenance charges, 357

Makani Power, 406f., 406–407

Makler, Howard, 260, 264–266, 268f., 268–269

Malaker, Colin, 48, 48f., 264f., 264–265, 269

Malawi, 19–20, 243, 293

Maneuverability, 41

Manufacturing tax credits, 197–198, 198f.

Manzanita Indian Reservation (California), 351f.

Mariah Power wind turbines, 320t.

Marine batteries, 340

Marlec wind turbines, 321t., 322t.


Jiminy Peak wind turbine, 59f.

Logan Airport (Boston), 397–398

Nantucket Sound wind farm, 55

MasterCool, 117t.

Maximum probable loss (MPL), 216

McCall, Timothy D., 384–386

Mechanical turbulence, 136–137

Memory effect, 356

Metal oxide varistors (MOVs), 368, 368f.

Meteorological data, 152–155, 153f., 154f., 155f.


individual, 24, 110, 115–117

system, 23, 369–370

Michigan, going off grid, 229–230, 230f., 231f.

Micon wind turbines, 61f.

MicroGeneration Certification Scheme (MCS), 279, 317t., 412

Micro-hydropower, 103

Micro-turbines, 15, 167–173, 283, 284f.

on boats, 8f.

roof-mounted, 167–173, 169f., 170f., 172t., 271

ultra-micro wind turbines, 408–410, 411f.

Midwest Power Solutions, 264–265

Mikkelson, Torben, 422

Miller Airlite wind turbines, 6

MINIWIZ Sustainable Energy Dev, 408


Malaker wind turbine (Columbia), 48, 48f., 264f., 264–265, 269

New Life Evangelistic Center (New Bloomfield), 118f.

Rockport as first town powered by wind energy, 53

Mod-5B wind turbines, 9

Modified sine wave inverters, 333, 334

Mojave Desert, 68

Molly, Jens-Peter, 138

Montana, Bergey wind turbines in, 178f.

Montana Fortis Wind turbines, 324t.

Monthly energy output (MEO), 296, 328

Moorhouse, Emilie, 13, 29–30, 35, 192, 195, 198

Morningstar, 356

Motivation, 103–105

Mount Washington (New Hampshire), 10–11, 296

Moving Windmills Project (Malawi), 20

Multirotor turbines, 417–419, 419f.

My Energy, 114t.

MyWindquestions, 285t.


Nacelle (housing), 247

Nameplates, 110–112, 112f.

Nantucket Sound wind farm (Massachusetts), 55

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 8, 10f., 259, 396

Global Wind Map, 148t.

Langley Research Center (LaRC), 147

National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), 336

National Electric Codes (NEC), 212, 278t., 337

National Energy Code, 212

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 62

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 152f., 153–154, 398

current and historic data, 153t.

Graphical Forecasts, 153, 153t.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), 91f., 134, 270, 276, 332f., 381f.

National Wind Technology Center (Golden, Colorado), 16, 47, 62, 84f., 89f., 96f., 303f., 306f., 344f., 356f.

Wind Energy Finance Application, 219t.

wind maps, 149–150

National Renewable Energy Tour (U.S.), 56

National Research Council Canada (NRC), 258–259, 269–270

National Science Foundation (NSF), 8–9

National Wind Technology Center (NWTC; Golden, Colorado), 16, 47, 62, 84f., 89f, 96f., 303f., 306f., 344f., 356f.

Nature News, 409–410

Navajo Tribal Utility Authority, 379f.

Near-contact barotrauma, 66f., 67

Near-field effects, 57

NEMA rating, 336

Netherlands, 4

certification of wind turbines, 279

early windmills, 54

Zeeland Wind Test Site, 13, 14f., 18t.

Net metering, 28–29, 183, 194–195, 369

Neurosciences Institute (Birmingham, United Kingdom), 52

New Hampshire, Mount Washington, 10–11, 296

New Jersey, 193–194

Liberty Science Center wind turbine, 423f.

New Mexico, Lee Ranch wind study, 87f., 87–88

New Roots Energy, 218t.

New York state

AVX 1000 architectural wind project (Bronx), 398–399

Brooklyn Navy Yard, 31f., 397f., 397–398

collapse of wind turbines (Madison County), 379

first wind turbine on Long Island, 215

Freedom Tower/Ground Zero (New York City), 399

Half-Hollow Nursery (Laurel), 18t.

Hearst Tower (New York City), 397

LaGuardia Airport (New York City), 133f.

property tax assessments, 196

Solarium (Queens), 15f., 32, 56, 414, 416f.

Times Square signs (New York City), 267–268, 408

Windy Acres Farm (Calverton), 2f.

New Zealand, 199

NiCad batteries, 340, 345

Nicaragua, 25, 227

Breezy wind turbine (Managua), 184f.

Lake Nicaragua, 88

Noise, 44–50, 69t., 187

aerodynamic, 46–47

AWEA rated sound level, 328

blade thump, 46

decibel-based measures, 45

dynamic braking, 47–48

freewheeling, 47

frequency-based measures, 46, 49–50

infrasound, 49–50

low-frequency sound, 49–50

overvoltage in line, 47

property values and, 55

rotor blade, 246t.

in selection process, 287t., 314–316

sources of, 45f., 46

turbulence-based, 47

of VAWTs versus HAWTs, 265–266, 267f.

North Carolina, 9

Northern Arizona Wind & Sun, 346–347

Northern Power wind turbines, 298, 299t., 327t.

Northwind turbine, 167f., 191f.

Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY) policy, 173–174, 419

Nova-Wind turbines, 325t.


Ockels, Wubbo, 405

Off-grid inverters, 337–338

Off-grid wind power applications, 35

Ofgem (Office of the Gas and Electricity Markets) Wind Turbine Certification, 279, 279t.

Ohio, 6f., 8, 9

Green Energy Ohio, 5

John H. Glenn Research Center (Sandusky), 8

Ohms, 72, 74–75, 345, 365

Ohm’s Law, 75

Oh! The Places You’ll Go (Dr. Seuss), 183

Oil embargo (1973), 10f., 258–259

Oklahoma, Bergey wind turbines in, 205f.

Online Fractional Exponent Calculator, 92–93t.

Online Shadow Calculator, 52t.

OpenStreets, 211

Operation and maintenance (O&M). See Maintenance

Orcas Power & Light Cooperative Green Energy Program (Washington state), 191

Original equipment manager (OEM) warranties, 215, 216t.

Orrell, Alice, 219t.

Oscar, Patrick, 200–202

Output voltage, 335

Overcurrent protection, 23

Overvoltage noise, 47


P3 International, 115–116

P56 rating, 336

Pacific Gas & Electric, 42–43

Paris-Dunn wind turbines, 6

Paul Gipe’s Cash Flow Modeling for Community Wind Projects, 219t.

Payback analysis, 206, 207–208

Peak efficiency, 97t., 335

Peak power tracking voltage, 335

Peak wind speed, 81


Penn State University, 219t.

research on bat fatalities, 65


aesthetics of VAWTs versus HAWTs, 266–267

of impact of wind turbines, 49, 50

Perez, Richard, 128

Permanent electrostatic filters, 127

Permanent magnet alternators, 247

Permits, 187, 221–237

checklist, 235–236

completing applications, 224–230

contacting municipality, 223

engineering verifications and specifications, 234–235

fees, 224

hearings, 230–233

reading building code, 223–224

Persia, 2, 4f.

Personal assessment, 101–128

average annual consumption, 108–112

calculating energy efficiency of home or business, 107–120

energy audits of consumption, 113–117, 120t.

improving energy efficiency, 120–127

motivation, 103–105

relationship to grid, 105–107, 118–120

Peru, WindAid service project, 393f.

Photosensitive epilepsy, 51

Pierpont, Nina, 49–50

Piezoelectric effect, 409–410

Piggott, Hugh, 21f., 26, 27, 30f., 33, 282f., 362–364, 424

Plasma television, 179–180, 180t.

Plug-in hybrid cars, vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and, 42–43

Plunkett, Alan E., 384–386

Polaris America wind turbines, 319t.

Political security, of electricity supply, 34

Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Awards, 410, 413

Postcode Lottery Green Challenge, 411–412

Potencia Industrial, 319t.

Power (watts), 72, 75–76, 83, 85t.

annual energy output (AEO), 89, 94–95, 285, 286t., 294–301

applying, 90–94

Power Collective, 411–412

PowerCost Monitor, 117t.

Power curves, 94–95, 295f., 295–297

Power Guard Insurance, 217t.

Power law equation, 140

Power Pro, 116t.

Power Stoplight Mobile (Smart Power Devices), 122, 122t.

PowerWorks Wind turbines, 327t.

Practicality, of small wind, 33–36

Prairie Turbines, 166f., 184f., 384–386, 385f.

Preus, Robert, 307f.

Prevailing wind directions

in site assessment, 132, 133f., 155–158

for VAWTs versus HAWTs, 262–263

Prevailing winds, 132, 133f., 155–158

Production incentives, 190–191

Production tax incentives (PTCs), 197

Programmable thermostats, 121

Propeller-type wind turbines. See Horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs)

Property insurance, 210–213

Property tax reductions, 196

Property value, 54–56

Proven Energy wind turbines, 249, 308t., 311, 311f., 323t., 325t., 326t.

Public utilities. See also Electrical grid

approval for wind turbine projects, 233

battery banks and, 340, 360

Bonneville Power Administration (Washington state), 43

Chelan County Public Utility District Sustainable Natural Alternative Power program (SNAP), 191

dynamic pricing, 121–123

feed-in tariffs, 13, 106, 183, 190, 191–192

net metering, 28–29, 183, 194–195, 369

Orcas Power & Light Cooperative Green Energy Program (Washington state), 191

Pacific Gas & Electric, 42–43

utility interconnection equipment, 24–25, 369

Pulse width modulation (PWM), 357

Pure sine wave inverters, 333

Purple wind turbine blades, 64, 67

Putnam, Palmer Cosslett, 8

Pyramid of wind assessment, 146–163

anemometers, 160f., 160–162, 161f.

climatic and meteorological data, 152–155, 153f., 154f., 155f.

global wind maps, 147f., 147–148, 148t.

overview, 146f.

professional wind analysis services, 158–162, 159f.

regional wind maps, 148–152, 149f., 150f., 151f., 152f.

wind energy roses, 133f., 155–158, 156f.


QR3 method (Question, Rush, Read, Review), 130

Quietrevolution, 171–172, 256–258, 262–263, 266, 269–271, 270f., 276


Radar, 58, 69t.

Rated capacity, 297–298

Rated power, 94–95, 328

Rated wattage, 75

Raw materials, 187–188

Rayleigh distribution model, 87, 87f., 328

Raytek MT6, 117t.

Raytheon, 58

Rebates, 9, 127, 190

Recombinant batteries, 342

ReDriven Power, Inc., 327t.

Refrigerators, 120t., 126

Regenerative brakes, 329

Regional wind maps, 148–152, 149f., 149t., 150f., 151f., 152f.


of electricity supply, 34, 41

of VAWTs versus HAWTs, 261–262

Remote wind power applications, 35

Renewable Devices Ltd., 315, 322t.

Renewable energy credits (RECs), 193f., 193–194, 195f.

Renewable Energy Policy Project (REPP), 55, 194

Renewable portfolio standards (RPS), 29, 189f., 193–194

Renewable UK, 152t.

Renewegy wind turbines, 319t.

Republic of Korea, 192

Rescue lines, 382, 382f.

Research tax credits, 197–198, 198f.

Resiliency, of wind power applications, 36

Resistance (ohms), 72, 74–75, 345, 365

Return on investment (ROI), 27–28, 204–208

appreciation and, 206

initial cost, 207

payback analysis, 206, 207–208

Revolving loan funds, 203–204

RidgeBlade design, 411–413

Ring diffusers, 315, 315f.

Risø DTU, Roskilde, Denmark, 422

Wind Energy Division, 150

Roberts, Bryan, 404–405

Robinson, John Thomas Tomney, 160

RoHS Less-Toxic Electronics, 277t.

Rolls-Surrette, 340

Roof-mount micro-turbines, 167–173, 169f., 170f., 271

Ropatec, 326t.

Rosa, Rick, 32, 56

Rosalie Bay Resort (Dominica), 53f., 168f., 200–202, 201f., 202f., 287, 374f., 382f.

Rotors, 21, 241–247, 242f.

defined, 241

ducted, 417

metal, 243–244

molded plastic, 244

multirotor turbines, 417–419, 418f.

number of blades, 244–247, 304, 304f.

swept area, 84–85, 93, 95, 286t., 287–290

wooden, 243

RPM (revolutions per minute), 302–303

Rural electrification programs, 7, 7f.

Rushlight Wind Power Award, 271

Russia, 199

Rutland wind turbines, 321t., 322t.


S. Morgan Smith Company, 8

Sagrillo, Mick, 27, 208, 210–212, 230–233, 397–398

Sagrillo Power & Light Co., 210

Sales (excise) tax reductions, 196

Sandia National Laboratories (New Mexico), 87f., 87–88

Savonius, Sigurd J., 256

Savonius VAWTs, 173f., 256, 257f., 273–274

Scattering (reflection), 58

Schienbein, Lawrence A., 259

Scoraig Wind Electric, 26

Scotland, 5, 56, 315

Seaforth Energy wind turbines, 29–30, 218t., 319t., 327t.

Sealed batteries, 342–343

Selecting wind turbines, 281–329

annual energy output (AEO), 286t., 294–301

comparisons, 286–287t., 299t., 317–327t.

cost, 283, 286–287t., 301–302, 328

durability, 286t., 290–294

governing mechanisms, 307–313

questions to ask, 284–285

shut-down mechanisms, 287t., 313, 314t.

size classes, 317–327t.

sound, 287t., 314–316

speed, 287t., 302–307

swept area (rotor diameter), 286t., 287–290

Self-discharge, 356

Self-reliance, small wind in, 32

Selsam, Doug, 417–420, 418f., 419f.

Semiconductors, 368

Series-parallel batteries, 349

Set points, 353

Set price, 191

Shadow flicker, 49–52, 69t., 265–266

Shafts, 21

Sharman, David, 192

Shower length, 121

Shunting, 47

Shunt loads, 353–354

Shunt mode, 355

Shut-down mechanisms, 287t., 313

electrical, 314t.

mechanical, 314t.

Side furling, 311–313

Simple Air Density Calculator, 290t.

Simple Power Calculator, 290t.

Sinclair, Karen, 47, 62, 64, 65, 67, 68

Sine wave inverters, 333

Sistan, 3

Site assessment, 129–176

air turbulence, 131, 132

barriers, 133

climatic and meteorological data, 152–155

design approaches, 175–176t.

height, 131

prevailing wind directions, 132, 133f., 155–158

principles of wind resource

evaluation, 134–141

professional wind analysis services, 158–162, 159f.

pyramid of wind assessment, 146–163

roof-mount micro-turbines, 167–173

site location guidelines, 132–133

social friction factor, 173–175

steps in, 130–132

surface roughness, 133

topography, 133

tower types, 163–167

wind maps, 135–136, 147–152

wind power classes, 134–135, 135t.

wind shear, 136–140

wind speed, 131, 132, 134, 140–141, 142–146, 155–158

Site preparation, environmental impact of, 60, 61f., 69t.

Sketch-up, 227t.

Skysteam wind turbines (Southwest Windpower), 24–25, 47, 141–142, 142f., 171, 179, 180, 218t., 229–230, 230f., 231f., 249, 284f., 286–287t., 299t., 301, 311, 318t., 321t., 322t., 323t., 324t., 369f., 369–371, 370f., 377f., 381f., 415

Slip rings, 252, 253f.

Sloan, Michael, 101

Small Wind Certification Council (SWCC), 234, 279, 279t., 285, 314–315

Small Wind Policy Manager (CanWEA), 198

Small wind systems

components, 20–26

costs. See Cost of wind turbines

direct drivers for wind energy, 25–26, 46, 248–249

ecological impacts of, 59–68, 69t.

economic benefits of, 26–30

environmental impacts of, 30–31, 44–59, 69t.

financial analysis. See Financial analysis

growth of industry, 10–18, 36–37f.

practicality of, 33–36

storage challenge, 41–44, 69t.

transmission challenge, 41, 44, 69t.

troubleshooting, 390–392

values and, 30–33

wind farms versus, 26

Small Wind Turbine Certification, 279t.

SmartBox, 272f., 272–273

Smart meters, 110

Smart Power Devices, 122, 122t.

Social friction, 173–175, 227–228

Social media, 231–232

Solacity, 368

Solarium (Queens, New York), 15f., 32, 56, 414, 416f.

Solar technology

HYmini, 408–409, 409f.

solar charge controllers for wind systems, 355

synergy with wind power, 34, 35f., 103, 229f., 339f., 346f.

Sound power level, 314–315

South Africa, 192

Southwest Windpower wind turbines (Skystream), 24–25, 47, 141–142, 142f., 171, 179, 180, 218t., 229–230, 230f., 231f., 249, 284f., 299t., 301, 311, 318t., 321t., 322t., 323t., 324t., 369–371, 370f., 415

Spain, 13, 29

surveys on wind turbines, 53

wind maps, 155

Square wave inverters, 333

Stalling, 309t.

Standards, 276–279

Star, 4

Start-up speed, 291–292

Start voltage, 336

State Farm Insurance, 211

Stators, 21, 247

Storage, 41–44, 69t.

batteries in, 42–43. See also Batteries

compressed air, 43

hydrogen cells, 43, 43f.

vehicle-to-grid (V2G), 42–43

Storm windows, 120t., 126

Strata SE1 (London), 400–401, 401f.

Stub towers, 381

Suelflow wind turbines, 320t.

Sulfation, 341, 356

Superwind turbines, 321t.

Surface roughness, 133

Surge arrestors, 367–369

Survival (maximum design) wind speed, 292

Swaged ends, 380

Swept area, 84–85, 93, 95, 286t., 287–290

Swift wind turbines, 170, 315f., 315–316, 322t.


of electricity supply, 34, 35f.

of wind and solar power, 34, 35f., 103, 229f., 339f., 346f.

System meters, 23, 369–370


Tails, 242f., 249, 250f.

Taisei Techno Co. wind turbines, 320t.

Taiwan, 192

Talk, Inc. wind turbines, 320t.

Tang, Andrew, 42–43

Tankless water heaters, 120t., 125

Tax holidays, 200

Tax incentives, 9, 127, 195f., 195–200. See also Cost of wind turbines; Financial analysis

accelerated depreciation, 198–199

corporate investment tax, 197

energy usage tax, 187

excise (sales) tax reductions, 196

home mortgage financing deductions, 184

import duty reductions, 199

investment tax credits (ITC), 196–197

production tax, 197

property tax reductions, 196

research, development, and manufacturing tax credits, 197–198, 198f.

tax deductions, 184, 198–199

taxes on conventional fuels, 199–200

tax holidays, 200

value-added tax reductions, 199

Taylor, Mary, 255

Taylor, Sean, 255–256

TechnoSpin Inc., 324t.

Telescopic blades, 421

Television power use, 179–180, 180t.

Temperature changes, charge controllers and, 355–356

10/350 arrestor rating, 368–369

Terrain, 133


off-grid wind turbines in, 105f.

USDA Research Station (Amarillo), 259

wind art, 3f.

Thailand, 192

Theft insurance coverage, 212

Theoretical maximum distance (TMD), 64

Thermal heat loss detector, 116–117

Thermostats, 121

Thimbles, 380

Third-party warranties, 215–216, 216t.

3TIER, 159, 159f., 159t.

Tibet, 3

Tilt-up towers, 22, 163, 163f., 164f., 164–165, 376t., 378

Time-of-use pricing, 121–123

Tip speed ratio (TSR), 46, 303–307, 305f.

Topography, 133

Tower clearance, 328

Towers, 213, 252–253

costs of, 301–302

fixed-guyed, 22, 163, 163f., 165, 166f., 376t., 378

foundation and anchors, 377f., 377–379

freestanding, 22, 163, 163f., 166–167, 167f., 376t., 378

guy radius, 378

height of, 90–94, 94f., 131

installing, 374–375, 376t., 378, 379–381

lifting, 379–381

maintenance checklist, 388–390

safety concerns, 375t., 379, 382–383, 391f.

tilt-up, 22, 163, 163f., 164f., 164–165, 376t., 378

Trace inverter, 332f.

Traction batteries, 340

Tradable renewable certificate (TRC), 193–194

Traffic turbines, 410, 411f.

Transformers, 334–335

Transmission wires, 41, 44, 69t., 361–367, 383

AWG naming convention, 364–365

grounding, 366–367

resistance, 365

safety issues, 362

sizing, 364–365, 365t.

types, 22, 361–362


as barriers or obstacles, 133, 137, 138f.

Griggs-Putnam Index and, 145f., 145–146

Trickle charging, 357

Trimble Windmills, 421

Trojan deep-cycle batteries, 339f., 344f., 347

TSR (tip speed ratio), 46, 303–307, 305f.

TSW wind turbines, 324t.

Tubercles, 402f., 402–404

Tulane University, Climate Committee, 414

Turbine blade speed, 302–313

number of blades, 304, 304f., 306f.

RPM (revolutions per minute), 302–303

TSR (tip speed ratio), 46, 303–307, 305f.

Turbine Power and AEO Online Worksheet, 301t.

Turbines, 20–21

Turbulence, 47, 131, 132–133

mechanical, 136–137

roof-mount micro-turbines and, 169f., 169–170, 170f.

for VAWTs versus HAWTs, 262–263

Turkey, 192

Twind Technology, 405


Ufer, Herbert, 367

Ufer grounds, 367

Ukraine, 192

UL-1741 Safety Standards, 278t.

UL 6140-1 Safety Standards for Wind Turbine, 278t.

Ultra-micro wind turbines, 408–410, 411f.

Underwriter–s Laboratories (UL), 212, 234–235

United Arab Emirates, wind maps, 150, 151f.

United Kingdom, 13, 14f., 29, 186–187, 192

certification of wind turbines, 279, 279t.

early windmills (Yorkshire), 4

early wind turbines, 5

The Green Building (Manchester, England), 18t.

Neurosciences Institute (Birmingham), 52

Pilkington Energy Efficiency Trust, 170–171

renewables obligation certificate (ROC), 193–194

research on radar technology and wind turbines, 58

RidgeBlade design, 411–413

Scotland, 5, 56, 315

standards for wind turbines, 278t.

Strata SE1 (London), 400–401, 401f.

surveys on wind turbines, 53

Warwick Microwind Trial, 170–171, 271

wind maps, 152t., 155

United Nations Environment Programme, 149–150

United Nations Global Compact, 407

United States. See also names of specific states

average energy consumption, 109f., 109t.

bird deaths in, 63t.

certification of wind turbines, 279, 279t.

National Renewable Energy Tour, 56

production tax incentives (PTCs), 197

renewable energy credits (RECs), 193–194, 194

standards for wind turbines, 278t.

wind energy roses, 157–158

wind power research and

development, 258–259

U.S. 50-Meter Wind Map, 149t.

U.S. Battery, 347

U.S. Department of Agriculture, 265

USDA Research Station (Amarillo, Texas), 259

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), 8–9, 10f., 30, 54–55, 123, 259

Home Energy Saver calculator, 113–114

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 121

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 62–63, 67

U.S. Geographical Information System (GIS), 149–150

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 66f.

U.S. Regional and State Map, 149t.

U.S. Wind History, 153t.

U.S. Wind Rose, 158t.

United Technologies, 9

Universal Aeroelectric wind turbines, 6

Upwind turbines, 249, 250, 251f.

Urban Green Energy wind turbines, 320t.

Urban Micro Turbine Article, 172t.

Urban wind turbines (UWT), 15

UrWind wind turbines, 320t.

USA Today, 118–120, 229–230

Use variance, 225–226

Utah, Whisper wind turbine (Spanish Fork), 40f.

Utility interconnection equipment, 24–25


Value-added taxes (VATs), 199

Vandalism insurance coverage, 212

Variable blade pitch, 308t., 309t.

VAWTs. See Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs)

VBINE energy wind turbines, 320t.

Vehicle-to-grid (V2G), 42–43

Ventera Energy, 308t., 318t.


going off the grid in, 118–120

Grandpa’s Knob Summit (Castleton), 8, 9f.

Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs), 2–3, 9, 241, 253–276

alternative, 271–274

history of, 256–259

horizontal axis wind turbines versus, 253–254, 254f., 255–256, 259–263, 274–276

micro-VAWT, 11f.

noise created by, 48

pros and cons, 259–263

roof-mounted, 172, 173f.

swept area, 84f., 84–85

typical pitch, 255–256

Vestas wind turbines, 299t., 407–408

Vibration, of VAWTs versus HAWTs, 265–266, 267f.

Viewshed lines, 52–54

Virginia, Jamestown windmills, 4

Visibility, of small wind, 33

Visual influence, of wind turbines, 52–54, 69t.

Voltage, 72–73, 75, 335–336

Voltage clamps, 359

Voltmeters, 370


Warranties, 214–217, 285, 292–293, 302

Warwick Microwind Trial, 170–171, 271

Washington state, 9, 10f.

Bickelton wind farm, 68f.

Bonneville Power Administration, 43

Chelan County Public Utility District Sustainable Natural Alternative Power program (SNAP), 191

Orcas Power & Light Cooperative Green Energy Program, 191

Water temperature, 121

Water turbines, 43

Watt-hour meters, 115–116

Watt-hours, 76–78

Watts, 72, 75–76, 83, 85t., 335

Wattson, 117, 117t.

Watts up? (Electronic Educational Devices), 116t.

Wattulator, 114t.

Weather data, 152–155, 153f., 154f., 155f.

Weather stripping, 120t., 123

Weather Underground, 153t., 154, 154f.

Weibull distribution model, 87

WePOWER wind turbines, 48, 48f., 255, 256, 260, 264f., 264–269, 268f., 275f., 323t., 408

Westinghouse, 9

West Virginia, research on bat fatalities, 65

Westwind wind turbines, 323t.

WhalePower, 402f., 402–404, 403f.

Whisper wind turbines, 40f., 105f., 229–230, 230f., 231f., 286–287t., 299t., 310f., 322t., 323t., 324t.

White, Lynn, Jr., 4

Whittlesey, Robert W., 404

Who Killed the Electric Car? (film), 396

Whole-house meters, 117

Wild AC, 247–248, 333, 363

Williams, Robin, 239

Wilson, Alex, 401

WIME-3D wind turbines, 8

Wincharger wind turbines, 6, 308t., 312f., 313

Winco wind turbines, 182f.


conversion into energy, 2, 97t., 98t.

defined, 2

WindAid, 393f.

Wind Atlas and Application Program, 159t.

Windbelt, 410, 410f.

Wind distribution, 81, 87–88

Windenergie (Molly), 138

Wind energy. See also Wind turbines

applying basic formula, 89–98

basic formula, 82–89

direct drivers of, 25–26, 46, 248–249

economic benefits of, 26–30

electricity basics and, 71–80

history of. See History of wind energy

principles of, 80–98

principles of resource evaluation, 134–141

as public good, 2, 26–27

synergy with solar energy, 34, 35f., 103, 229f., 339f., 346f.

wind speed terminology, 80–82

Wind Energy Data (NOAA), 153t.

Wind Energy Division (Risø DTU, Roskilde, Denmark), 150, 422

Wind energy roses, 133f., 155–158, 156f.

Wind Energy Solutions Canada wind turbines, 327t.

Wind farms, 11–13

property values and, 55

small wind versus, 26

Wind for Schools program, 225f., 381f.

Wind gradient, 91

WindMade, 407–408

Wind maps, 135–136, 147–152

global, 147f., 147–148, 148t.

regional, 148–152, 149f., 149t., 150f., 151f., 152f.

Windmills, 2–4, 243

WindNavigator, 159t.


plastic over, 127

storm, 120t., 126

Wind power classes, 134–135, 135t.

Wind power density, 134, 139–141

Wind-powered cars, 42

Wind Power for Dummies (Woofenden), 274

Wind Powering America, 149t., 150

Windpowering America Wind Energy Payback Period Workbook, 218t.

Wind Powering Maps, 149t.

Wind shear, 91, 137–140, 139f.

Wind shear exponent, 91–93, 92t., 138–139, 139t.

Wind speed, 80–82. See also Average wind speed

applying, 90–94

available energy and, 134

cubed, 85–86, 88

in knots, 80–81

at site with several buildings, 140–141

stratified, 136

types of, 81

for VAWTs versus HAWTs, 262–263

Wind speed calculators, 144t.

Windspire wind turbines, 84f., 320t.

WindStream, 159t., 293, 294

WindTide, 17

WindTronics wind turbines, 32, 44, 413f., 413–417, 416f.

Wind Turbine Economic Feasibility Calculator, 219t.

Wind turbine power, 300–301

Wind turbines

anatomy and parts, 241–253

on boats, 8f.

components, 20–26

cost of. See Cost of wind turbines

defined, 5

drag vs. lift, 239–241

ecological issues. See Ecological issues

environmental issues. See Environmental issues

flying, 404–408

future developments in. See Future developments

history of. See History of wind energy

horizontal axis. See Horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs)

installation of. See Installation

in rural electrification programs, 7, 7f.

selecting. See Selecting wind turbines

site assessment. See Site assessment

standards and certifications, 276–279

vertical axis. See Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs)

Wind turbine syndrome, 49–50

Wind Turbine Technology (Spera), 139t.

Windustry, 208

Windustry Wind Project Calculator, 219t., 192t.

Winpower wind turbines, 6

Winsave, 170

Wire. See also Transmission wires

guy wires, 366–367, 379–380

Woofenden, Ian, 26, 27–28, 47, 60, 86, 171, 254, 261, 263, 274, 333–334, 346, 380, 415, 424

World Future Council, 194

World of Wind Atlases, 149t., 150

World Wildlife Fund, 407

WunderMap (Weather Underground), 154, 154f.


Xantrex sine-wave inverters, 338

Xantrex SW Plus Inverter/Charger, 334f.

XCWeather, 153t., 155, 155f.

Xzeres wind turbines, 319t., 323t., 325t.


Yago, Jeffrey, 349–350

Yaw chatter, 245, 246t.

Yaw systems, 251, 252f.

YouTube, 282


Zeeland Wind Test Site (Netherlands), 13, 14f., 18t.

Zephyr Corporation, 170, 318t., 322t.

Zond wind turbines, 130f.

Zoning, 187, 223, 224

hearings, 230–233

use variance, 225–226

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