Testing your plugin

As you may recall, the purpose of the first plugin was to discover when a plugin is loaded. Issue a reload command by typing the following command into the console:


You will see that Spigot will automatically disable and re-enable the plugin, as shown in the following screenshot:

Testing your plugin

This time, you will see the Hello World! message once your plugin is enabled. If exactly one player is online, then it will say hello to that player. Let's observe this by logging onto the server and issuing the reload command from in-game. Open your Minecraft client and connect to your server. From in-game, first issue the following command:


You will be given a list of all the plugins that are installed. For now, there is only one plugin, as shown in the following screenshot:

Testing your plugin

Now that there is one player on the server, we can test the plugin by reloading the server. Issue the following in-game command:


Note that in both the game and console, you will see the Hello Codisimus message, as shown in the following screenshot, to indicate that the plugin is working as intended:

Testing your plugin
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