
You now have a useful plugin to play with on your own server. You can build this plugin, as discussed in the previous chapter, and put it on your server to test. Try it with different items and observe how it works. There are many plugins that can be created and which solely function by using commands. With this knowledge, you have the potential to create numerous plugins. You can try a few plugins, like a plugin that teleports you to the spawn location of the world using /spawn, a plugin that plays the Creeper Hiss sound to a specific player using /scare <player>, and a plugin that strikes a player with lightning using /strike <player> by yourself.


There is a strikeLightning method within the World class.

For the plugin, you will have to use arguments. First, you will need to check whether you were given the correct number of arguments. Then, you will have to get the first argument, as explained earlier in this chapter. This argument will be the name of a player. There is a method in the Bukkit class to find a player with a given name.

If you are ever searching for a plugin idea, remember that the API documentation is a great source of inspiration. Also, people are always looking for plugins to be made on the Bukkit, Spigot, and Minecraft forums. In the next chapter, we will expand on the Enchanter plugin by adding permissions to it. This will ensure that only privileged players will be able to enchant items using the enchant command.

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